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Introduction to AWS Services

May 19, 2020
application of   these attacks and you will typically deploy it to CloudFront or load balancers or in front of   your API gateways that we saw in the previous slide so that you are safe and other ways are to secure the VPC (the public and private subnets that you refer to in the session detailed VPC - the networking lectures on AWS, but we're talking about application-level firewalls here, so that's WAF.   And if you're looking for some kind of compliance, for example, PCI DSS, or you say you're looking for HIPAA compliance , so your machines need proper patches, they should be free of vulnerabilities, right? or CVEs as you already know and for that there is a service called AWS Inspector.   What does it do? it looks for known vulnerabilities and then it will give you reports that say you know all these machines, from these machines we found these vulnerabilities, go and fix them So, Inspector can provide information about what is inside our machines.  Well, these are mainly used security


and there are more, but I think we will restrict our discussions to just these


from now on.
introduction to aws services
Next, we want to look at some development and DevOps services. Now, as you see this architecture, you have many AWS services and they are all connected.  So when you want to implement everything by hand, maybe manually, I would say it will take you maybe a couple of days to do it, without making any mistakes or catching the errors and fixing them, all this has to be done manually and then it will take two or probably three days, but AWS gives you the ability to code your infrastructure, called infrastructure as code. Then you can have a service like CloudFormation.
introduction to aws services

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What are you doing?   It takes some sort of template of yours which is in JSON or YAML format and it will just create this infrastructure from scratch for you and that too in about 30 minutes depending on what size it is, but I have typically seen it in about 30 minutes at most. will create all these resources   for you. It is a very powerful service that can provision your infrastructure from scratch.   Good? And now this CloudFormation template will be written by some DevOps people and at the same time you will have your developers and a QA, where the developers will write code for your product and maybe the QAs will write QA test cases, automation test cases, now everyone needs it. some kind of code repository, like a GIT code repository, for which AWS has a Codecommit service where they can check in the code.
introduction to aws services
So even this CloudFormation template is nothing more than JSON or YAML code, so these guys, their DevOps guys, will write it as a template, the CloudFormation service will take that template and create this infrastructure. Now, once you have this infrastructure up and running, you will need your actual product to be built, and to do that you will need the CodeBuild service. So Amazon code build will take the source code in whatever language you have written in Java or whatever and build it using some kind of build tool like ant or maven and also while building it it will do some unit testing and will eventually produce some artifacts.
introduction to aws services
Now artifacts are like your ex files or binaries, actually basically the executables of your application. So CodeBuild will do that, test it, and then you'll have to deploy it. That means that whatever you produce, you need to put these EXEs and binaries on the EC2 machines where your application actually runs. Therefore, you will need a deployment and for this you have a CodeDeploy service. Alright? So if you know DevOps, you heard about the term CI and CDs, so this is your continuous integration pipeline or a continuous delivery pipeline, you can say and if you want to have this automated like you know the developers are writing the code , when you register it, it is automatically compiled, automatically tested, and automatically deployed to the corresponding application servers running on EC2, then you can have a Codepipeline service.
Good? So you can completely build your CI platform here using these three services. Now if you want to further integrate all these things with project management tools, like maybe JIRA or some bug tracking tool, what is the speed of your development and all the management tools, now it's called Codestar service that integrates very good with Atlassian JIRA. and other tools so you have complete control of SDLC now if you use these development and devops services. Okay, I think it's now clear where these development and deployment services are used. Well, if you have reached this, you already know most of the core AWS services now for compute, analytics, storage, security, applications, and deployment services, thank you.

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