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Internet Trash Talker Gets OWNED For $21,000

Jun 03, 2021
What's up guys, this is Doug Polk? If on the day we go to take a look at a hand that I played against a hand-to-hand enemy that you may be familiar with, suddenly Denver and we draw a dress and we're looking for food. Shopping, good boy Dantzler, hey, I'm Dan, but sorry Dan, the man, no, you're great, that's right, this game is against Dan Murr. Now you're probably sitting at home wondering what a Dan Murr is. I've never heard of a Dan Murr. Am I supposed to meet Denver? The answer is of course no, no, but that is our opponent today and we fought many times on the broadcast.
internet trash talker gets owned for 21 000
There may or may not have been a soul rolling around. I'm not going to point fingers. who was who Oh guys, good, very good, you know, nice, nice, nice, nice, oh no, it's not good, it's not good, my friend throws those idiots away. What's happening? Damn, we could lose a lot to juggle today, but at least we gave Denver the business now, you might remember. Dan Murphy jumped into some soft zoom groups where we would be playing and he told me that he is the best player of all time that he has known at that time.
internet trash talker gets owned for 21 000

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internet trash talker gets owned for 21 000...

I said, "Okay, come on, man, let's play one-on-one." not to be cold on his back she won't leave him, but one day he will because he is absolutely the best, he is definitely the best. You can't play now because he doesn't have the money, but one day she will have it for good. He's, you know what a real clash of the titans is like, anyway, he took it to the streets face to face live, he thought I was weak, so he came at me, but it had nothing to do with the hand episode poker of the day, yes, the blinking idiot. set flashing, not a good hand, fortunately, fortunately, you had some backup, that's true.
internet trash talker gets owned for 21 000
Oh Mike, pocket kings for the supreme leader, it's not even possible, we haven't seen a four bet in this match so far either mm-hmm, it's not impossible. damage the shelves but it's impossible to close those four beds thanks Gary pick it up, do it 5,300 Doug for the bets $5,300 here Dan looks more at his hand Queen Jack of Clubs always pays here Ryan you think he pushes sometimes maybe but probably a mer dedicates the hand that kiss the pot to me seal our hand starts one hundred two hundred dollar blinds with approximately twenty one twenty two thousand dollar stacks this is just a little over a hundred big blinds which is certainly the standard if you're coming from an online environment now, if you're familiar with heads up no limit, this will be a pretty standard preflop hand.
internet trash talker gets owned for 21 000
I open the button to five hundred dollars for pocket kings and Damned or look down the Queen Jack of the suit now that you have Queen. Jack pretending that the big came in deep stag, you basically always want to bet three, the reason is that this hand plays extremely well after the flop and although you could be behind and have wrong Equity against the random ace or king, you just get such great playability, you can hit good straight draws on the flop, you can hit flush draws on the flop, you can hit solid pairs on the flop, and if you completely break the board, you can use it as a bluff hand in a lot of different places. , so I definitely like this play and it's certainly standard in Denver now.
Come back to me with kings in general, you want to go ahead and bet here from time to time saying that cheating may be okay, but if you're going to do that, I prefer to use my favorite hand, aces in hand, the problem with kings against versus . aces when it comes to trapping is that there are more hands that have decent value against kings than with aces when you have aces you can basically continue on any flop, that's not always true for kings, I suppose you could continue on any flop, but not on turnses and rivers. that includes an ace so I'm not so keen on flattening this hand, maybe a SS and I decide to make it up to $5,300 pre-thought with Queen Jack suited, your hands are pretty much tied even though you're not very excited about the situation . you get pretty good odds with a hat, it's got a lot of equity against a betting range of four, five a hand, like the tens are flipping, if I have a hand like the ace, three offsuit, I'm winning, but my hand plays worse after the flop, so it's certainly a place where you can look to fly suited Queen Jack.
Yes, sometimes you will face the worst case scenario, Queens, Kings, Aces, but that is less likely than facing Ace, King, a bluff or a lower pair, whichever way he decides to do. the call, so let's take a flop here with some pretty deep stacks, let's see what it is and Murr shouts good luck, that's a pull with top pair Denver, all the money I'm really going to get here. on Douglas running better here and since Malby is going to bet 3k 15800 behind on Daniel Bryan there's no chance you can fold here, you flop the top pair for the betting pot, yeah, damaged, don't go anywhere Sammy signaled, it's a ask, don't pay, go up, think. a little of both seems to be counting on a call is the flock coming?
Jack seven two almost take a look at some things I could buy for 21,000 oh I can get a 2018 Honda Civic which is good or I could buy a speed boat I know three Bitcoin it's actually pretty boring 691 bottles of Crown whiskey which doesn't I was able to drink until February 15. The challenge is still on, by the way, serious or a lifetime supply of hair dye for Justin Bonham. Oh, no, wait, it's only twenty-three thousand, wait a minute, wait. A jack or queen could still come. We're out of danger, but now I have pocket kings and Amber passes it to me.
Now in this place I have seen many different strategies, but one thing is for sure and it is a bet. In pots you want to be seen betting a lot in these places, the reason is that you will always have Jack through Aces and your stroke will rarely have those hands. So I occasionally have Aces if they trap Prix, but Kings, Queens and Jack usually Jam preflop, so you're usually facing a much weaker range. Now in this place you want to bet with a very small bet size, the reason is so that you can get a great price and all your bluffs, well, you have good hands like Queens through Aces or, really, Jacks through Aces, you can work in some value bets when they're not very likely to have something, this is a SuperDrive flop and if they have a hand like ten nine suited or ten eight suited or 98 suited. you want to make it a little bit of a tough spot for them out of position if they have air, you want to force a fold, but you also want them to maybe get a little fancy at times and you have value bets this small bet size really sets the how your preflop range is organized in regards to post flop bet size.
Now, one problem with this bet if you think about it is that if you always bet ace king you are in a bit of a difficult situation for your opponent.


our check by raising all in with a lot of hands and there's not much you can do if you were betting a lot of bluffs as well as hands like tens, Andy's King, so I would recommend it if you have a hand like ace king. or ace Queen of the same suit and decide to bet on some bets, but also split on these checks, you can balance this strategy by checking a hand like Jack Jack or maybe occasionally a Hamrlik ace and overall it will improve your strategy a lot. more balanced, but generally you want to bet this flop seventy eighty eighty five percent of the time with a combination of good hands and bluffs and there's not much everyone can do about this size.
Now back to Dan Murray with his top pair. I'm going to have to match now realistically. It's worth saying here that on a board with some flush draws I would occasionally like to check-raise all top pairs. Let's say this board had two hearts and I had a flush draw if I simply called my opponent. jamming the turn would force me to lose my equity, where if I check with a raise in one on the flop, I will surely try to get my flush right. I might also force my opponent to fold with a hand like ace king or ace Still, I would mostly call because I like that line better, but then I have some top pairs if I want. to continue with a flush draw, I can balance it with some top pairs anyway, this table is much drier so I don't mind having a range call.
You might want to do some check-raises, especially with some of those. Gutters as a bluff as well as maybe a hand like aces if you catch preflop, but again I think I generally like to just play my range out of a call when I'm in the big blind anyway Danver decides to call, let's take a turn 16200 In the pot here, for the most part, Tammer can have a seven at times, but you might even see Doug check, Deter is a seven, so yeah, at this point we look extremely good with our pocket kings , but a new question arises.
I'll be trying to catch sometimes here with hands like over pairs or should we bet mostly now. I don't really hate it in any way, by betting small you take away the ability to hands like bluff shots, but you also make it like that. that you have to have a jack or a seven to continue if we check the broken gutshot bluff or if you decided to float the fog with something like ace queen because the price was so good that you could have a chance to improve the river. Now, I don't think that's very likely.
I think if I had a hand like his queen, I would try to get to the showdown, but again we give more chances to make money with those hands by checking than by betting, so I would do it. In general, I like to improvise here from time to time with some top pairs and then also check them again and again, like I'm inclined to check the aces a little more pre-flop or fight the aces pre-flop. I'm a little more inclined to bet hands like Queens, Kings, I can. go in any direction and aces. I like a check now you're probably wondering Doug, why is it important for us to split all our pairs / on all these different lines?
I'm glad you asked that because that way if our opponent tries to Punk. We can close them by having good hands everywhere. If we always put our good hands on an exact line, that makes us predictable and our opponent can bluff us in other situations, so you should always try to put good hands. hands on all these different lines to protect you and that way you give yourself more opportunity to play a balanced and good strategy against an opponent, they might be looking for some holes in your strategy anyway, let's check again on the turn and take a river. check out the Kings just trying to fade a jack or all the money coming in here we go, Dan Murr the one who took the bet or Doug the one who bet good chances of damage stores here in reality the straight draws lost and don't take advantage of them would be bets Yes, look if we have an African boat change something interesting, if Dan was a Texan on the river, he comes with a different suit and now Dan Mraz's decision with this is Jack, she improvises or shows you the check and I have to say that I am very more fan of checking if you have East Jack.
I like playing with King Jack a little more. I like to play a little more in the left hand and I end up having a hand like Jack ten down or Queen Jack out, but it's not like that. It doesn't really matter too much. He's also a little more likely to cheat when you have a queen's jack because you don't block aces or kings with your hands. He's more likely to look to check on the turn, so from that perspective. like checking a little more to Queen Jack, plus if you're going to block all your jacks here when he checks again on the turn, then what do you have when you check on the river with an ace high, maybe a hand like nines, really you can't have very many good hands, let's say I had a hand that was a bluff like a hand like nine five of hearts, well if you check on the river I might be forced to bluff there because I don't have any showdown value, I can get you . some weekends having a flashback right now fold fold ah bluff salsa is so bad oh GG in the 25k guys mmm but we got platinum star now the reason I mentioned that 95 suit hand is even though the board is quite different and we are guys, a very different opponent, the concept is the same when you take these lines, you do it with good hands and bluffs and you may not take that line again for months or years or however long it takes to be in the same. point again, but the core element is that you are balanced with your approach, sometimes you bluff and stack, sometimes you value the fact that you stack, sometimes you bluff and get it, you don't really know what's going to happen check in each individual situation, but if I bet I bet the flop and check on the board's pairing turn.
I can absolutely have both good and bad hands in the river to bet if you check to me, so I think I really like to cross the river in Danvers shoes, well, maybe I can do that. hero call with one hand like ace king I would probably never hear an ahem call like tens because I've walked in Sony Bluffs, but I could hear a call with one hand like ace king at the same time I couldbluffing with a bunch of other hands that you simply can't get any value betting on, plus you strengthen that check range, so I can't pressure you when you check on the river because if you're not going to call with a jack because you're betting all of them then your checking range on the river will end up being very weak last a couple of times he's done this he's in african chip shuffling what's it like, what's it like, just count your chips forever yeah africans , when you count them a lot, the English tile shuffling was: why do they count? why do they care?
They count a lot in Africa. Oh, call Doug, that's a win for the $42,000 pot with kings first. Queen Jackie Doug crushes this heads-up match. He is still one of the best local noble heads-up players in the world Doug Polka, ladies and gentlemen, win another hand Danver takes out his backpack, will he reload? Thanks for joining me for today's poker hands episode and if you like learning poker for Make sure you visit my sling poker calm training site.

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