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Inside a Secret Underground Society

Jun 15, 2024
I don't think we really know what we're getting into. I more or less know what we're getting into and it's a lot, it's a lot. The diamond is the spiritual god. Society is very normal people, even if we do crazy things together. we can travel in time talk to exotic species now i really like to know what's going on here melodious chimes welcome the visitor and citizen of dan manhoor in the foothills of the italian alps a strange complex is not a religious center but represents a new way of living an alternative lifestyle based on meditation and the study of magic and the paranormal, we are about to take you with us to a strange and extraordinary experience that even months after it happened we still have a hard time explaining, hidden in the Alps Italians in which we are immersing ourselves. with an organization of 500 people who, among many other things, all believe they can travel in time oh that's them hello I'm Thomas nice to meet you I need you to sign because we're going


and uh hello thank you thank you the diamond The horror people claim that They are creating a new model for the future of humanity with temples built




for decades.
inside a secret underground society
They are mainly an eco-commune of people living together in houses containing more than 15 people with families, single people, couples and elderly people, all mixed. Together, everyday life in Diamonds is based on trust, kindness, and sharing, but what makes this place strange are its supernatural beliefs and claims to mastery of magic. They claim to have invented their own forms of hypnosis, meditation, constructed tools that allow plants to play music, and devised healing methods. tools that seem more from science fiction than from this earth and so with endless questions and trying to enter this experience with an open mind with our time traveling meditation scheduled at the end of our trip let's see what dimension these strange three send us days.
inside a secret underground society

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inside a secret underground society...

We just arrived and are currently doing a walking tour of one of the outer temples and there is quirky art and statues everywhere. I don't know what much of this means so far, it's definitely very unusual, so the governor was born with the idea of ​​creating the seed of a new civilization if you wanted to be central to the amazing world the spiritual plane what would that place need some center of strong energy exactly when the founders arrived here they came here after traveling for several years around the world exactly looking for what where are the main energy places on the planet where ancient civilizations thrive, this valley is at the meeting point of four of these lines of energy that we call synchronous lines, so it is a very special energy point in the world.
inside a secret underground society
I didn't understand a single word. one just said i'm like the energy paths eh i know what that means dumunhor was founded in 1975 by alberto erodi with 24 followers the


was created with its own constitution, monetary system and a coded language that only they understand the inspiration for Many of the Dhammahorian practices supposedly come from the study of ancient civilizations and practices invented by their founder, who passed away in 2013. So you are taking the best of the practices and techniques of ancient civilizations and then creating new disciplines where we can achieve the results we those disciplines were meant to reach having grown up in a very non spiritual family, this is far outside anything I have experienced before but I try to keep an open mind and see where this experience will take me, we believe the earth was colonized. by people who came from the stars, so we are not originally from here, billions and billions of stars in the universe, how can we be so presumptuous?
inside a secret underground society
I think we're the only ones busy, it just doesn't make any sense even in terms of probabilities. We're being thrown right into I'm completely ready. I'm always ready before we finish. I don't understand half of the things you said. I'm just excited to explore. Yes, what are they doing here and how? you decide how to build the rocks, so this is an interesting question and it's an interesting puzzle for us too because we don't really know, so the founder, who was not an ordinary man, was one of the extraordinary things that made him I saw it done because I was there. when he started and he took a cane and started walking and with this cane he started to trace on the ground and then he had told us to follow him with the limestone so that we could trace the lines and he walked for weeks without ever stopping and he drew this amazing complex of labyrinths and labyrinths so complex that they go up and down mountains and surroundings and are perfect.
We measure them then take aerial photographs, all the angles, the distances, everything is perfect. I asked him how you could do this. when you saw this drawing on the ground, you were following how you did this. He never responded so we don't know, the more we ask questions the more confusing things seem to get, not only were we struggling to understand some of the conceptual explanations, but we were also feeling a level of discomfort at how elusive and mysterious the guy had been. founder about his methods, at the same time that people described him as someone who operated on an equal footing with everyone else.
He too didn't seem to crumble before anyone as far as he was concerned. This was because to this day they didn't explain the core parts of his practices, why do you think he wouldn't share the things he was seeing or the reasoning behind it? I feel like that would have given a lot more. Based on these explanations of that, I think he didn't share that moment because it wouldn't have made any sense when you said he has more memory, what do you mean by that, he literally wasn't remembering just this life, much more from the past? and he also remembered the future he remembers the future but it's not just him many of us alive in these times remember the future do you remember yes yes I have many memories of the future and I think that's why I'm here because if he remembers we can think about it and we can create it maybe you also remember the future that's why you have this he knew things can be different now we're heading towards the temples I'm being pretty clear that I have no idea what's going on or what they're talking about, but oh well , traveling in time sounds great.
Obviously I'm skeptical about certain elements, but I'll remain open the entire time. I'm just planning on giving up and you know, forming another group. full opinion after a trip back in time hoping to put this initial conversation on hold, we were finally getting closer to what we were most looking forward to: the temples of humanity, a multi-level temple buried thirty meters underground that has been Called the eighth wonder of the world hidden in


until 1991, the Italian police found out about the temple and threatened to demolish it when they were shown the temple. However, the police were completely stunned and gave permission for its continued existence.
This is the entrance. This is the lowest entrance of the temples, entering deeply. the underground whoa wow ok so they cut all this off yeah yeah and that's it, how long did that take? 15 years of excavation 8,500 square meters more or less, are you ready? Here we go I guess so I'm not sure the vividness is uh overwhelming in a big way you feel a sense of life with the amount of colors in here it's really interesting because usually when you see rooms that have this type of art, it is a representation of something ancient in history, but here to see people wearing a polo shirt is that you, yes, that is me playing risk, that is our table, look at that up there, it is 3d, this It's, uh, this is a lot, yeah, I don't think I've ever seen anything like this, really.
I can't say I can compare it to anything else I've seen. What is this room? These are the holospheres that are dedicated to personal meditation but also to the connection with the energetic network of the planet. Is it normal that I can? I don't know if it's just lack of sleep or I really feel like I'm very sensitive to energy and everything down here I felt a sense of distortion from an energetic perspective, this is one of the key points of the whole complex so it makes sense that here you feel a little like that people probably think I'm crazy, it's almost exhausting being there I don't know if that's good or whatever, but being there is like now one of the most interesting, for sure wow Oh my God, no I expected this.
It gets more and more amazing the more you look at it, the more crazy details you start to make out an Egyptian painting that, as I said, was used at the beginning of the temple to cover the secret passages definitely one of the most interesting things in my life. You know, this is the newest part of the temples. This is not open to the public yet it is not really dedicated to the diversity of peoples on the planet. I really like the fact that, you know, it's constantly evolving and there are new people coming to put new art and new knowledge that you know represents more of who we are on this planet.
I mean, I've never seen anything like this, one of the craziest things I've ever seen. seen in every sense of the word like crazy in terms of spectacularity and amount of detail and then also like I don't even know how to describe it, this is one of the strangest places on the entire planet and after traveling to every country, I think I have a pretty strong opinion on that, so you never know what's around every corner and, wow, we're like that, we're out there. Wow, so casual. Yeah, I didn't expect this. We were like in a gallery of nowhere.
This looks like a time traveling machine. This specific device can perceive and monitor the aura which is the energy field around our body and then direct this energy to where it sees it is missing, so it is a bit of a healing horse in that sense. I'm sorry, what is it, what is this, so this is a dimensional portal, okay, some research into the structure of time and how time works, it works, it's real, that's the practical approach we have when experiencing things, it is It gets stranger every hour that passes. I don't know, man, I don't know what we're doing now.
Respite? Do I think of something? I guess we'll leave them alone. I'm a little bit worried. Leaving it there, the only section I felt was. something like um no, not only is my breathing expanding and contracting, but everything around me feels like that, I don't know how to explain it and honestly, I'm more confused than when I came in, so what are the things? It's very difficult to say, there are so many variables, there are so many stimuli, but to me I think that if it makes you happy and productive and if it makes you love each other and the planet, who are we to judge where we are?
Our journey to one of the four Damahurian communities has been a very difficult situation to figure out how to experience without blatant disbelief or mockery of it. It's a little exhausting being here, honestly, I keep asking questions to try to get tangible answers and eventually you get to a place where they say, "Well, we actually have no idea about taking a break from the magic talk. We wanted to take a look at how Some of the locals actually live there, although most live in large communal buildings with 10 to 20 people, some of them have built alternative living huts which a local who has been living here for over two decades was happy to show us so everyone in damanhur they have an animal his name is the name of an animal this is how it works well each damanurian can choose if they want when they want the name of an animal this is our house we live here with gorilla okay, I'm aunt he is a gorilla we are both black but different sizes of course the gorilla is my husband ok welcome wow this is pretty amazing wow this was the first room and this is our new side of the house so there's a vibe here I love this yes, actually we are inside three oak trees when it rains not completely, it is all white if someone has a dream in dominoes, it can, it can happen, but this is very important to give space to individual dreams because the path is to become dreamers.
It sounds strangely familiar. I really like the emphasis on dreams here in my mind. I thought they were talking in a very metaphorical sense, but they are actually talking. about what literally people's dreams are and the space that is available for them to make those dreams come true, so she wanted to live in a tree house, this guy wanted to live in a house that follows the sun and here they have space available for all that is moving very slowly, bye, in our final experiment we were going to try a form of meditation called past life regression that supposedly allows you to connect with your past life spirits, so today we could try experimenting with you and see if can open a different dimension which is the dimension of time time is an illusion but very persistent if time is like a territory such as we know we are here but the parents still exist, we can also imagine that there are points in time in which They still exist, so their time is simultaneous.
Is there a versionme that was alive a month ago and that also exists right now in some way because I am experiencing this exact moment, but there is a future self that is also experiencing the future at this moment? moment which is very good, not many people come to that conclusion as soon as you start talking about time, there are infinite amounts of paradoxes that are difficult to address, but since this particular exercise requires us to keep a completely open mind, we decided to give up completely and Let's see if something meaningful could emerge, here we go, we take a deep breath to dive to the other side of the second door, taking you to a different place, at a different time, different sensations, different memories, how different is this face and what?
It's a young face or an older face, they feel the body in its position, they are proud that there is something special in this person's life and they want to show you an object that was there for them, maybe it's a book, maybe it's a stone, so focus on your ear after completing the meditation, we had time. To reflect on our experience, I was swimming with crocodiles, it wasn't a scary danger, but it was my friends and the other mom and it was like dust in the air. Mine started out as a smell like a sandy place.
I felt like it could be Egypt, potentially there was a ship I was on and it looked like a jungle and some kind of indigenous tribe and I saw like a goat like golden face, oh and I also definitely felt like a man. That's what I told you, yes, the difference, yes, I definitely saw a trail of people wearing fur. I moved towards the body of the person in front who was trying to find the path over the mountains. My mission was to try to find out. Where so we are going to get above these mountains, we were able to find a small safe cave area and they were there and I looked up and I still saw the eagle and in a strange way at that moment it felt. like the eagle is me now telling this older version of myself that we'll be safe wow wow well we just finished the time travel workshop you know the pragmatic part of me wants to explain it away as part of my imagination but I do not do it.
Be man, I don't know what's going on here, but maybe they just traveled back in time. Our interpretation of a place has never felt more disconcerting and confusing, at the same time that we were impressed by the temples and appreciated the intentionality and their systems of coexistence. and I clearly experienced something during some of the meditations we were guided through. There were too many things that required leaps of faith for us not to be suspicious of much of what they said. The community has clearly survived almost 10 years without the presence of its founder, but many of its practices are still based on some of his pseudoscientific inventions, as we met people who were once part of this community, then left, and finally returned , it seems that people are free to make their own decisions and therefore, Since these people are certainly not the only ones on this planet with supernatural beliefs, who are we to judge?
At the end of the day, we will never answer for something we don't understand and honestly, to this day we are unsure about what we experienced in these. Three days and we could live the rest of our lives without having a completely clear answer, but isn't that also true about our understanding of life's most complicated questions? See you in two weeks. Well, we'll come back to this video in a second, but I'm here at yes house because I want to tell you a secret, hey, what are you filming? Just a video about math, yes math, hello good luck, I don't want to have any part of that again anyway. to my secret, which I'm obviously trying to keep from everyone in this house because as a gift buyer and giver, I want to make sure I have the upper hand, so I've been using Honey, which is the online shopping tool that's sponsoring the event from today.
The video, honey, is great because it automatically looks for a promo code so you don't have to do it this way. I can buy gifts for our team and still have some money left for Tristan. Oh, he'll love it. This sweetheart works on your favorite sites with things you're already buying and it's fun to see how much money you can save. Wait, we don't make videos about math, so make sure you add them to your browser and register at, yes, theory and square root of four is two

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