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Inside Justin Baldoni's 'Feng Shui-ed' L.A. Farmhouse — With A Climbing Wall For His Kids | PeopleTV

Jun 05, 2021
welcome, come on, come on, can you say hello, come on, I want you in the house, do you want to give them a dinosaur roar, welcome, yes, do you want to make a dinosaur roar, ready, come on, this is our kitchen, we actually built this house , so, uh, we tore it down and built our dream house. Don't you like cooking? And dad is the best chef in the world. In fact, he uses all of this and it has been a dream. I think this is probably his favorite place. There are certain things here we go, I think every man dreams of having in his house one of them is a barbecue in the house in a way that does not burn, how do you make a barbecue in the house without risking your house?
inside justin baldoni s feng shui ed l a farmhouse with a climbing wall for his kids peopletv
You do it on a wolf ranch, that's how you do it. I think another of your favorites is this steam oven. Ah, he made the Easter bread from his nanny. You even tried making it gluten free for maya and it was so good I didn't even do it. I know what a steam oven was and it's really cool that bakers use steam when they make bread. I didn't know that and it's actually steamed which is amazing and then of course non-stop caffeine for parenting which was important to us. When we were building this house there is light, the world, yes the world can feel very dark and heavy and we wanted it to feel like a resort, like we were coming home on vacation, so we chose like rose gold, Emily actually chose all. the accessories are rose gold which brightens everything up but as you know it feels really nice and beautiful.
inside justin baldoni s feng shui ed l a farmhouse with a climbing wall for his kids peopletv

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inside justin baldoni s feng shui ed l a farmhouse with a climbing wall for his kids peopletv...

Don't know. I never took a tour of the house. I didn't even have a house. Come on, let's go back. Come on, so we live in the middle. Since these houses are small lots, something important to me was how to maximize every inch of their space. I love optimization, so when we designed the house I thought about every corner and thought, well, what can we do with that space, how can we turn it into a living area and make it work? Normally you don't like to have a pool on a small lot like this, but we found one.
inside justin baldoni s feng shui ed l a farmhouse with a climbing wall for his kids peopletv
This is an endless pool which is really cool, I'm a bit of a health freak and what's really cool about this pool is that there is a current and you can swim against the current and you can see that there is a treadmill in the pool which is just an incredible exercise, yes, yes, a sigh, pleasant. Justin's mom is a



master and she said it's really good to have fire in this area of ​​the house, so here it is. I haven't figured out how to turn it on yet, it'll probably be cool. easy but just a button here I don't know there's a button right there it never works for me anyway it's super cozy and this is one of our favorite places um this is where we sit and hang out pre-covered um we hang out here and read sometimes We come here with the


when it's dark and we sit around the fire and it's a very, very cozy corner while we were designing the house.
inside justin baldoni s feng shui ed l a farmhouse with a climbing wall for his kids peopletv
One thing we wanted was to make everything feel cohesive again so we can actually get to our room from the back patio which is fun there's about a 15 foot walk so join us come into our room, again for



reasons because this is the relationship corner, pinks and purples are really good, we're not crazy. about those colors, but we solved it by literally wearing a pink shirt right now and she's wearing pink overalls, we matched our own bedroom just for you guys, but we found this dusty pink, um, and we're just going with those warmer tones again, plant.
It has a little bit of pink and you can see what books we are reading, yes these are all the books that we don't have time to read but really want to read desperately now that each one reads like pages of each other. book I have 40 books right here and these are old love notes mostly from Justin to me that I have saved over the years and I just attached them to our little tree of life here it was so sweet when our


started writing us love notes oh i love you so we have maya's first love note to mom which is so sweet neither emily nor i had ever had money.
Let's be real, so we always wanted a walk-in closet, so it was the first thing we did when we thought okay, we're actually going to build a house, we can have a real closet, so we built a walk-in closet that actually goes into the bathroom, it's a dressing room and this is called juve light and there are actually two forms of red light therapy emerging: it's really good for collagen production, it's anti-inflammatory, it helps your muscles recover faster after a workout and it also gives you It helps you sleep a little more soundly and the kids say it's like lava.
So this is what we do: you just stand here naked and stare at this red light. Turn on this is our beautiful master bathroom and we have a transformer toilet and that's the truth. He will play music for you. It will warm you up. I'll wash everything for you. It has a light show for you in case you want to make bathroom visits a little more interesting. Know? The funny thing is that she made fun of me a lot when I bought this bathroom because it was the one thing I wanted more than anything in this house.
There's something about I'm sorry, look, I'm all for undefining the traditional rules of masculinity but there's something about a man on his on his throne this is your throne this is my throne come come see his throne you walk up and it opens for you and the best part don't make fun of me for every guy at two in the morning you have to get up to pee you don't even have to lift the lid, you just don't Sorry, I'm a big geek, so this is called a Kohler DTV system and it allows you to choose the temperature of the shower you want to take.
Now for me I only take cold showers so I press cold and that's it. but if you want to take a hotter shower, let's say you like it at 103, it will heat up just for you and tell you the temperature, there you go, it's getting hot, of course you don't need all this stuff, but they're also a lot of fun because we have magic mirrors and you can ask them questions like Hi Alexa, what's the weather like right now in Culver City? It's 78 degrees Fahrenheit with mostly cloudy skies. Tonight's forecast has Hayes with the logo. Okay, that's enough, Alexa. lots of information ok alexa ok alexa please shut up thank you this is our little room our little entertainment area another thing I always dreamed of is having a theater although we don't have space for a theater.
That? What we did was we set up the projector and then we have this cool little screen that turns off. It also has the slowest screen in the world, so let's stop that and move on, but that's really cool, but I think this. It's actually cool because I'm a book nerd. I love, love, love reading and I always dreamed of having a little reading nook, a bay window to read in and here it is and it's amazing. This is actually my favorite part of the whole house, oh welcome to the sanctuary, this is where we don't spend enough time, but we should spend more time before the greed hits.
I didn't have time to go to the gym and it was something I had always wanted. It was the gym and my house, so we converted the garage and turned it into our little personal sanctuary so that it has everything you would find in a big gym, minus the germs and all the selfie-taking social media influencers, although he takes selfies. here I have like I've done it once or twice okay god she criticizes me for everything uh but our new addition is uh this is this baby furo hyoga cold jump and it's freezing so which is currently set to 48, but it feels. like it's 30. it weirdly feels like 38 in this one so sometimes we have to force ourselves to do it because it's here um yeah but it's cool because right here we have the light light sauna which is nice too so It's infrared.
This is the clear light infrared sauna that goes great with extreme cold and has tons of detox benefits. It's so nice to sweat and then cool down coming and going so again this place is really a sanctuary for Emily and I but one thing that was important to me and why I have these things uh part of my work on the


was because I like to focus on the hustle and it's also important to celebrate the wins, so it's not an exhibitionism type thing, it's literally a reminder to me that I like it. life is full of obstacles and you can't give up, you know we all have to make the decision to climb the mountain, keep going, that's why I put it in the gym, because the gym is the reminder that we are breaking through.
In our bodies we are like we are suffering, we are pushing ourselves beyond our comfort zones, but we do it for a reason, for a good reason, for something that we love, okay, thanks for hanging out with us, but we have two kids who need their mom and dad, so this is that awkward moment where you leave, but everyone knows you're not because you have a team here and stuff, so we're going to close the door anyway. 'Cause that's what we're supposed to do, goodbye

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