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Inside Benny Blanco’s Fun-Filled L.A. Home | Open Door | Architectural Digest

May 16, 2024
everyone always tries to act cool when I'm so excited that you're here hello announcement I've been wanting to do this forever come in my name is Benny Blanco I don't know what else to say bye bye no bye hello we're in I guess this is called the living room. I don't know. I call this a listening room. I love this room because you simply melt into this sofa. We made this sofa. You can actually fall back into this thing and completely immerse yourself. and dive into the moment you can comfortably seat 15 people on this couch in various positions and in this position um and these speakers are these really old speakers that they had at a club called The Loft in the '70s and my friends bought them. .
inside benny blanco s fun filled l a home open door architectural digest
For me, as a treat, I play really loud music here and I like to just melt at the beginning and end of the day. I had a dream and I dreamed of some kind of big onx box that I was walking towards and that was like lit up. I remember asking a friend who likes to make a lot of things for me. I said: Hey, can this be done? and apparently it can be done and it was done, and my ideal time is when it rains. I have this little balloon and I have like a beautiful record and large amounts of marijuana.
inside benny blanco s fun filled l a home open door architectural digest

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inside benny blanco s fun filled l a home open door architectural digest...

I'm so embarrassed to listen to my own music. I also have another thing where the moment I write something, I'll never be able to touch it again. I sit there and make everything happen in the venue when no one's around, so no, I won't play for myself. This room has so many powerful works of art. This is Picasso and then that is Martin Wong. I feel like there is so much energy in this room, oh my god. He sounds like one of those people, oh my God, that's crazy. I'm not one of those people. I'm not like there isn't a glass in my butt right now.
inside benny blanco s fun filled l a home open door architectural digest
I really believe in the energy of artwork, music, places and I don't know, it makes me feel good when I'm in this room and I can forget about the outside world for a second and then feel flooded with anxiety the moment I leave this room. , but for now, everyone, everyone. right guys we are in my dining room I felt like I wanted to be like an adult here I wanted to be like Regal I wanted it to be like gold and to be opulent the truth of the matter is that no one ever comes into this room, the only time I go in is to grab bottles and take them out, you know, when you're a kid and you go to your grandma's house and she has a couch with a laminate on it, that's what this room is.
inside benny blanco s fun filled l a home open door architectural digest
I have never entered this room, you have to check this out. It's amazing, so my friend made this sculpture and everyone thinks it's real. It looks like it's just a money bag, but it's actually made of wood. This is a chair. friend made of bread and you can sit on it. I'm afraid to sit on it, but you can sit on it, so this is from a guy named George Condo. The painting is actually called The Musician. I think it shows. Like me, I just like having art all over the house because I don't know what emotion the person had when they were doing it, but I see certain things when I walk by and it might inspire me and I might look at it differently. day and be holy like I never noticed that stroke there like that imperfection right there I don't know it makes me happy I really care about the whole bar setup I'm a people come kind of person I want to entertain my my girlfriend actually just have a drink, it doesn't matter what it is, it's just vodka, ginger beer and lime now I have different how to love you this is crazy this tastes like chocolate this is a man does this in La you want to take a sip it tastes great I'm the kind of person that when a friend comes to my house and says oh I really love this tomorrow, next time they come I try to make sure there's like a cold bottle waiting for them and honestly I want to be like a gentleman or be like If I was in a frat house and taking like jello shots out of someone's stomach there's a little thing in this room the moment you sit down on this couch it's impossible to get up there's a lot of people with kids who bring their kids


. nephews and nieces and we have a lot of play dates and I like stuffed animals so everyone does.
Everyone likes a stuffed animal. I hate it when you walk in on someone who has a nice house and doesn't like it. I don't feel inhabited. I remember when I first got this house thinking I wanted every room to be a place where it was someone's favorite room. I wanted it to be so convenient that if something spills or gets lost, it won't. I don't care, I just want people to be able to come in and feel at peace and feel like they can be their younger selves here and just let go. I have this whole wall of Chach keis that was basically designed for a child to use. grab something and throw it against the wall and break it into a million pieces and then I'll be disappointed oh my god wait you know what one of my favorite things is okay you know who it is.
It's Junior Soprano, my friend made this. of clay, it looks like it's going to be wet, but it's not like this thing is like 6 years old, but I love it, this is one of my favorite things here, my friend will make this, kid, good night Uncle Junor, this is my kitchen, guys. Honestly, this is where everything takes place, this is the room we spend the most time in and I'm cooking, there are 50 people in here, sometimes people sit and we eat on top of this, while people are here, I find They cook and share these experiences with friends, oh look at this little place right here.
In fact, I have a cookbook coming out. This book is about how to throw the best dinner party by getting all your friends together and I like bringing people together from all walks of life. like a 75 year old man sitting next to a young man who is taking toad poison for the first time and it's like trying to find himself next to my mom tonight dressed like a bedazzled shirt that says "bada bing" or something and then like scissors, like singing a song in the other room and I find that just bringing all the different people together to have an amazing time with food, food is like the best lubricant for talking to someone and then my friend, uh, Jonas.
Your kids made these meat dishes they look crazy I look I look crazy I look so crazy these actually look exactly like me I have this thing I mean if this falls I could cut your arm in half I have like a grocery store here i have everything here you guys probably shouldn't come see you don't fit in here um it's amazing there's all kinds of things you ever want uh one of my friends fell down from this and was on the injured reserve list for about 3 to 6 weeks, come down at your own discretion, this is my room, usually this room is all like a white and cream base, if you look around there are no paintings in this main part of the room because I need everything. distractions when I'm sleeping, don't most people say this is where magic and stupid things happen?
That's what they say in Crips. Nobody says that in the ad. The ad has class. We would never talk about magic happening here. This is one of my favorite little benches, you know, sometimes I sit here and I'd like to put my feet up and now look, look at me, I'm under this chandelier, this feels like an important moment in history right now, just sitting here. You and I are in the room. Something could happen, wouldn't it be magic. Okay guys, now we're in my closet. Many of you may not know this, but depending on what I'm wearing, they actually change the color. the carpet and the whole cabin are everyday so today I am dressed in pink so we choose the pink room.
Honestly, I spend a lot of time here, people come here and we just like to drink and hang out. because it is the softest carpet, put your feet on it, you feel it, yes, it is a soft carpet. My stylist has been my friend since she was 13, so her name is Chloe, she actually made all this stuff that I'm wearing right now. as if they were old sheets from France. I'm not afraid to wear heels. This is a beautiful heel. Sometimes I want to be delicate and I could use the extra inches. I am very small.
I like these. Look these. Are you kidding? I, small and pleasant, almost don't want to touch them. You could lick the bottom. I love this room. It's also one of my favorite rooms in the house. This shower is actually a steam shower. Is so big. My friend Dave, we, probably will. Kill me for this, but every time he comes over and we think we have to go to something together and we're in a hurry, we just shower together because there are two separate showers, you can take care of your PEs and the questions in there you can turn on. a steam is hot who doesn't want to talk when they're in the shower you want a friend by your side you want to be able to talk and have fun we're outside I feel like I've said it hundreds of times I think I like my house because most areas are my favorite areas .
This is one of my favorite areas. I stay at this pool for a minimum of 6 hours straight on the weekend. You know, when you went to a baby pool, where it was. just full of urine that's exactly the temperature I like to keep this at we always have parties we're having barbecues we're grilling we're constantly in a flow of like pool jacuzzi sauna cold plunge if you're not afraid I'm very afraid everyone is soaking in the cold now that you're not a professional athlete like soaking in the cold for like 6 minutes a day isn't going to help you write like 12 emails faster like relaxing it's really cold nobody likes it I get it Once in a while, if I'm really hungover it's like my personal Oasis, that's where I like to eat, even if there aren't enough seats and we have like 15 people, we're all crammed in there.
I'm eating my favorite place, although other than that for eating, I usually feed everyone while they're at the pool and everyone likes to line up in this area, but we're trying to be a little civilized, let's go there, this is where goes. guys we have a pizza oven we love making pizza we love making Middle Eastern nights we make raisins and also Indian nights without any and everyone will gather around here and we will all put the pizzas together put them out honestly it's just different places in my house for people to gather and eat, isn't that what life is basically about?
A few years ago my friend Scott and I started putting together a garden that I wanted to eat as it grew and in the time we did it, we are always giving back and finding ways to do cool things with cool charities and my friend Maggie Be has a charity called Support and Feed, we got together and basically delivered all the vegetables from my gardens to different food deserts in Los Angeles. In the area we do it every week and we are able to feed people who are less fortunate and do not have access to fresh, amazing, healthy vegetables.
We're in my guest house that I converted into a movie theater. I did this with my friend. Keef and this is, oh, it's


, it's the best. This room where we watch movies here is a black hole. One could stay here from 2 to seven business days. Everything is made of velvet. It feels like you're in a 70's porn movie. I love it. and then when I was little I always wanted a candy room and now I have one, now we have every kind of candy you can imagine, you know, we have the M&Ms, we have the Reese's, we have the peanut butter M&Ms that we have. the Skittles wait, I think they took the Skittles because they like to kill you or something, that makes me like them even more, oh my god, we have so many sweets from different countries here, you know, I collect these, this is the flavor of Blowfish , this ping. pong table My brother and I have had a fight over pingpong for 30 years, unfortunately, I have never beaten him in my entire life, it doesn't even mean he's necessarily better than me, it's just in my head, he owns my head , rentriano and me.
I can't get out of this and we've had almost fist fights over playing pingpong. Okay, ad, who's ready to play a pingpong ad? Thank you all for coming. I know I'm supposed to kick them out, but I really don't. I have nothing to do right now, so no, I probably don't love you, bye.

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