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Inside Ashley Tisdale's Self-Designed Family Home | Open Door | Architectural Digest

May 25, 2024
Hi, I'm Ashley Tisdale. Come on, the inside of this house was very different because everything else before this house that I completely worked on in my first house was built from scratch for my dad and we continued that process through many houses. I just made the decision. that you know how I feel, we should find something that's moving and ready, and my husband keeps saying we're going to stay here for a while and I'm like, yeah, and I actually say, do you want to move? like, oh my gosh, so this time we just made a specific list.
inside ashley tisdale s self designed family home open door architectural digest
I'm always a big believer in manifestation and we came across this amazing space and for the first time I didn't have to do anything to it except the furniture. This is the living room. I had a lot of fun designing this room. I started with the sofa, it's a Mario Bellini sofa from 1971 and from there I just built the living room. The hardest part about this room was that there are like three different rooms. And I just try to make everything work together and look very aesthetically pleasing, but this was the first time I've actually done this my


inside ashley tisdale s self designed family home open door architectural digest

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inside ashley tisdale s self designed family home open door architectural digest...

I'm really happy with how it turned out here, these really cool chairs from Sabin, him too. there are dressers that are pretty amazing, the coffee table is a gadget and I was definitely hesitant because knowing I was having a baby I thought okay, this is probably not the best coffee table for this because it has sharp edges, but I thought, did you know? This room is going to be kind of a baby-free zone, but she definitely comes here, but we really watch her. These wicker chairs are from this amazing antique store called JF Chen. The rugs are from Mayra Band, which are basically my favorites.
inside ashley tisdale s self designed family home open door architectural digest
In this room I turned off this light that was already here and I liked how there was yellow in it, so I saw this chair in a store called Guard that I shop at a lot and I thought I had to get this. This tree just arrived. I'm always afraid to bring trees into the house because I'm not very good at keeping them alive so I'm really scared, but I think we'll do well with this one that I never liked. As much as I did color, I always liked neutrals and there's something about being pregnant and seeing little dots that I'd like to add color to that made me feel like, oh, this is going to be a fun house, like I wanted to do something neutral and chic. . but also quirky and fun because they're obviously bringing a baby into this house and she loves it.
inside ashley tisdale s self designed family home open door architectural digest
I have this amazing Hans Wagner collector's chair and I got it from JF Chen. I've definitely taken a nap here. It's my little moment for my


. I'm fine, it only takes a five minute update. This house is very bright, it's very zen, that's what we loved. These bookshelves, I have to be honest, didn't actually have books on them like a couple of days ago. Um, I had my My husband went to a bookstore and I said you need to get 400 books, obviously, my husband said we should collect books over time and put them on the shelves and I said no, no, no, when an ad comes , so this is the dining room.
The first piece I started with was this spider apparatus. I thought it was very quirky and fun. I bought this table from Guard and I also bought these custom made chairs from Stall and Band, which I love the green because we're in the trees and I just felt like it really captured that but very fun story about this table, so the table is custom made measure and it came and it only fit six chairs and I was like, "Oh my gosh, luckily the guys on duty were so nice and If you know what we're going to get back, that was my first interior design mistake, it was this table, but everything ended up great thank goodness this is a Savin dresser I keep everything I can in here the good thing is it doesn't have a lot of closet space and I have a candle lighting session so there it is. where a lot of our candles are You know one thing about being at


for the last couple of years, like working from


and staying inside like I've created these rituals that really help my mental health and a lot of it is so. easy as


ing a window and lighting a candle and I'm telling you completely, it changes all your energy from that space.
It's something that I love and I've burned a lot of candles in the last two years this is the kitchen this is a very minimalist kitchen there is definitely almost no space but Chris and I are not big cooks so when we saw it we thought oh, this is incredible, However, having a baby you cook a lot more so for me it's all about organization and there's really no pantry which is crazy, it's something we loved but it's something we thought oh what are we going to do? So this is like our pantry drawer, don't judge because it's not very organized right now, but we really tried to make it as organized as possible so there are little things here and there, basically, I threw everything there was into this. here, so I'm not going to show you anything else because it's all hidden, it's all hidden in the drawers, these stools are by Thomas Hayes and what I loved about these is that, like leather, they age, one of the things about This kitchen specifically and about the house was when we saw that there was a boy living here and that's why it is very masculine and I always look for the feminine and masculine balance and I love that this warms the room a little strangely.
I've become known for my kitchens because I renovated the last house I was in, I renovated that kitchen with my dad and the house you guys actually came in last my friend, in fact, she bought it and hired me for the pandemic to completely renovate and design her kitchen, so I did that kitchen in that house and then my girlfriend Vanessa said, Hey, I need help and obviously she knew all the sellers and I would really be completely interested in the kitchens even though I didn't. I use very often, so this is this television. room, you know, I was really excited because I wanted this to be a more casual space and I knew that obviously my daughter Jupiter would be here normally, there's a lot of her toys in here, it's just very clean because you guys Today here, first I chose this couch.
I found it at a cool store called Beautiful Mess Home. I knew it could take a real beating with any food stains and all because it's so durable. I love this light. by annie lee and this house i like, i said i chose a lot of quirky shapes so anything that caught my eye i felt was pretty impressive and then this is our photo of our maui that was in the last ad. video, but she passed away a couple of years ago, so we love that she's a part of something that we're constantly in this room every morning, so she's always here with us, so this is Jupiter's room when We were getting ready. a Jupiter would come, the walls were white like the rest of the house.
I had this Kailyn Studios crib, which is like the best non-toxic crib on the market, so I was really excited to get it, and of course, the Leanne Ford chair, which unfortunately didn't come until she was like two months old because it was backordered. , but when we got it I was so excited to finally have a place to obviously rock her to sleep and then yeah, I basically saw this little swing, of course. My dad, being the guy he is, put it on for us and I think you might like it, I don't know, you can put like 500 quid on this because he's crazy like that, he says, don't worry, this will definitely hold her up and I tell him, Thanks dad, welcome to our room.
I took a lot of inspiration from designers I admire, like I mentioned Kelly Wersler, but I also stayed at a friend's house who had Bridget Romanek, who did the interior design for her. and I was really inspired by the bedroom and how she used wood and textures and tones, that really inspired me for this. Basically, this chair that I honestly like, I was really excited just because I love the texture of it and I was like, oh my gosh, this is it. The furniture will look so amazing that it can be made and placed in other rooms and fit into other rooms, so that was something that was really important to me, knowing wherever we go next, if we do, these things can come with us. and then I got This Cool Dresser, of course, from Sabin, who has done a lot of things around the house, he made the dining room dresser, but it has a really cool pattern and I liked how modern and quirky it was.
I also bought these burlwood nightstands. rose yanaki I didn't realize they were in euros when I looked at the price so I had no idea I just liked it didn't I just thought oh yeah those are cool that's what will finish the room and Then I saw my bill, obviously something that was a lot more than I thought. I loved the bathroom because I think it's cool. One thing I wanted to do and couldn't do was change these


s to steel


s. but my husband thinks it's crazy because then you go straight to the bathroom, so I thought, "Okay, maybe later, but it will definitely happen eventually." As a mother, I love spending time here.
I have this amazing bathroom, I don't. I know if you guys are bath people, but I'm a big bath person and whenever I feel stressed, I mean, honestly, it's the most relaxing place for me. Netflix when I take a bath, sometimes I love it. using this as a detox like i really like detox and sometimes i would just like to have some rose and watch netflix like that its a perfect night in for me so this is actually my office i just don't need much except a computer, this moon art was here, this is actually what sold us the house because the previous owner had a huge art collection and obviously Chris and I knew we were naming our baby Jupiter and seeing this moon , it was like something I thought this is the house and Chris felt the same and then this light from the Noguchi museum was something I had wanted for a long time and I was exhausted and I was having a colonoscopy and I had my husband set a timer to order . it's because they literally sell out so fast and I was like honey whatever you do while I'm under order don't continue this is how we get the light and this is our kind of movie entertainment room that I wanted I built from these built-ins which were already here and therefore black so I felt like something that you know could warm it up a little bit was making more of a neutral sofa.
I found this couch for six cents, it's the most comfortable. In the room it's really a place where we watch TV, but then there's a screen that pulls down and we can watch movies. Jurassic World is my all-time rainy day movie and by far I will watch that movie over and over again and one of my friends is in it, Lauren Lapkus, but I'm obsessed with that movie. Anything that's a dinosaur is so good. Look, Jurassic Parks are so good. This is our pool area. Basically, we didn't have to do much because it takes up a lot. room in this pool and what was really amazing was that I have collected these hearts for years at my favorite hotel in Cabo and I gave them to Jessica and she said she knew exactly where to put them so she sprinkled them everywhere and it's so great because they used to be in a container at my house, we don't use the pool and often the only thing about our house is that the best part is that we are covered in trees and the worst part is that our pool is covered in trees, so it looks very good today.
Obviously, with the baby we don't have those moments where you're like pool day, but she does like the pool, so you know. We'll spend quite a bit of that time, especially in the summer, one of the things we loved about this property was how zen and relaxing it was and the gardens, and obviously it doesn't get more zen than this amazing sauna that came. She was so excited that she was pregnant so she couldn't wait to have the baby so she could use the sauna. I was really excited to be able to take my daughter to a space that felt very relaxing at a time in the world where there was a lot of anxiety around her, so here's what I actually did here: I hired a landscape designer, Jessica Biola, and I felt like, oh my God, I just had this vision of a fountain and some kind of earthy zen. space to add to the beautiful garden.
I think interior design is not just about the inside, it's about the outside, and you know, presenting your house and how it looks is the first thing people see and I have to show you this little guy. I found him at this place called Big Daddys and I can actually see him through our kitchen window and it reminds me not to take life so seriously. Thanks for stopping by here. I had a lot of Fun. I always have fun with you, but until next time see you later

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