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Insane 2HYPE Trampoline Park Battle Royale!

May 30, 2021
The cash is hurt, ladies and gentlemen. I've never seen cash hurt like this before, ladies and gentlemen. The cash is off the label. James has no idea what. to know who to go to for 30 seconds it all comes down to these 22 seconds 20. that has to be it mitchell jesse is good james goes for the last attack on mitchell five four three two dave is catching one that's the moment wow I've never seen James moving with that quick money that hyperextended his knee, it's just not safe for him out there, so James is really going to move forward in the



royal, here's the next challenge.
insane 2hype trampoline park battle royale
Alright ladies and gentlemen, this round is going to be a 2 on 2 losing team, best two out of three, then it will be a 1 on 1 match, best two out of three, and the loser will be eliminated from the




. from today. Are the teams ready? Let's go: jesse and mitchell vs. zach and james. All right, you're going to get the balls, you have to retreat, hit the top of the green and then the game will begin. Are you ready? Three, two, one, start. Oh, we only have two balls, now it's a 1 on 1, which is a game for. team zack and james let's start on three two one be good oh james is out of there off the wall and he's out oh he's still in the game zach is still in oh good jesse dodge total annihilation of team jack that's pretty embarrassed now it's going to be a 1 on 1 mitchell versus jesse better two out of three the loser here will be eliminated are you guys ready three two one alright start oh man I'm falling hey that's out it's out yeah drop the ball, is it out? mitchell has a game one zero okay game two three two one starts the same thing three two one starts jesse moves forward mitchell is eliminated come sit next to us mitchell we have a seat here for you and we're going to move on to the next challenge okay stop This challenge the contestants will play an old game of pig, whoever loses will be eliminated orders zach james jesse okay zach you are on top first you will go between the touch crystals and then you will jump oh god.
insane 2hype trampoline park battle royale

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insane 2hype trampoline park battle royale...

God that's a myth it was too far from everyone's room you know all the people you have to call that a mess guys oh my god that looks painful he made a honey bath , ladies and gentlemen, armpit, one arm, armpit. I'll have to lower your arm, oh I didn't reach high enough, that's a lyric. Every time you do a dunk like that, it leaves a bruise on you for a week, that's why three, two, one, three, two, oh man, I was wrong. part of the arm yeah, I don't know if I can do what I'm going to try, but we'll see, I tried 180, I didn't go all the way, oh, I'm scared, I'm going to screw this up anyway. degree yes, that wasn't quite honestly, I think it's a fee that could be a p yeah, it wasn't the land is that a p we're giving peace I don't think it was that, we have to give you a p man, it's not a video Too high if they ain't against me, man I ain't reversed it, I been trying the last two times we came here, okay, okay, okay, a clutch, uh, thing, put the clutch in the back, take it , James with the pei, okay, I got it. do something better yeah no good hi clean dont know if i can do it robert just try it here we go wait for redemption well now it's sudden death between james and jesse they go rock paper scissors to see who gets on. the tone is not the best two out of three rock, paper, scissors throw and james will go first oh and jesse goes to the end come on okay guys this is the final challenge zach first jesse best of five joust joust to the depth turn off the phone death You're going to do the best of five, okay guys, are you ready?
insane 2hype trampoline park battle royale
Yeah, three, two, one, almost because one, zero, Zack, Jesse, I think this might be Jesse's best strategy, although there would be no cash if you went against Jesse, what do you do? Do you want me not to go for your base? Yes, he is not going to own the top. Yes, you know he came in through that basement. You have to aim for the cart. He is good. It's not about hitting the body first, it's about hitting the thing on it and throwing it. out of balance then hit the champ today ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for watching as always subscribe to our channel check out our product line it's coming on screen right now thank you all so much for watching I hope you guys enjoyed this.
insane 2hype trampoline park battle royale
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