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Injured Aussie shares graphic details of horror Singapore Airlines flight | Today Show Australia

May 26, 2024
Well, an Australian man, Keith Davis, is this morning seeking a medical evacuation for himself and his wife. The couple are currently trapped in a Bangkok hospital after suffering serious injuries aboard the Singapore Airlines


hit by severe turbulence. Now Keith joins us live, oh how you. Come on Carl, oh friend, how are you? Yeah, look to be honest Carl, I look a lot worse than I am, it's pretty superficial lacerations and a lot of swelling and bruising. The extent of the injuries is quite large. well you know I'm fine moving uh the care here in the hospital I'm in the stive through Narin uh it's been exceptional absolutely amazing hospital um unfortunately my wife is way worse than what I am um she's had a severe back injury oh no and no feeling from the waist down oh mate, yeah, it's pretty radical for us, how do you handle that, Keith, well, you know, it's just a shock, an absolute shock.
injured aussie shares graphic details of horror singapore airlines flight today show australia
Don't expect this, we've had a fantastic holiday in the UK, where you know you're just a


away, close to home, and this is coming. I mean, these things happen, but who expects this? You know, you hear about these things, it's the typical, you know, you hear about it and you think, oh, that's not it, you know it and it happens to you, how is she? So yeah, look, she's strong, yeah, she had emergency surgery, and the goal now is just to get her to a stable enough stable. condition that she is fit enough to fly, look we have some news, like I said, the people here have been just amazing, the staff have been amazing, but Singapore Airlines contacted us yesterday, they assigned us a gentleman. who's just working with us, the customer support guy, uh James, um, he's a keyway, we don't have it against him, um, uh, you know, he's on board, it's great to know that someone really is here and we had a meeting with the uh, CEO, who's who.
injured aussie shares graphic details of horror singapore airlines flight today show australia

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injured aussie shares graphic details of horror singapore airlines flight today show australia...

I flew uh and that was really positive and it was great to hear the level of their commitment, you know, in terms of our care, you know, because obviously you worry about the insurance and the cost, yeah, and the medications, so as I understand it. , it's the only one. The real option for us was uh medivac with Singapore um, so it's great that Singapore Airlines came to the party and helped, boy, oh boy, you have a lot on your plate, man, um, and I can feel all the excitement, all the pain in your express what happened on that flight, you know, you go through these things over and over again, it was absolute carnage instantly, it was absolutely surreal, uh, you know, there's no warning, it wasn't like you came, you know, you know the turbulence, it's like, well, we.
injured aussie shares graphic details of horror singapore airlines flight today show australia
We're going into something, this was like we just fell into a free fall zone, you know, and before we knew it, we were on the roof and then bang, we were on the floor and you know you don't know what what's going on. and you literally fell 6,000 feet, yeah, it was pretty, pretty serial, what was the aftermath like for your wife, uh, she fell in the hallway, um, she hasn't moved since in the car, oh man, she hit the ground so hard. strength and you know. I walked up to her and said, hey, honey, are you okay?
injured aussie shares graphic details of horror singapore airlines flight today show australia
I could see she was breathing, she could talk, but you know there was nothing, you see someone fall to the ground, they're going to try to get up, that wasn't happening. and then I realized he was, you know, spilling blood on her and I thought, wow, we're in a lot of serious trouble here, yeah, oh Keith, it's a heavy load to carry my heavy man, yeah, you know, car, It's day by day, just stabilize Carrie. You know she's been conscious the whole time, which is a blessing, she's never lost consciousness, you know she doesn't have a brain injury or you know she has all the wits about her, you know she's strong, we just want get home.
Hey, that's when the work starts, when does that look like it's going to happen, man? Before we go, look, the night before last I had a meeting with one of the surgeons there and, um, you know, potentially we're talking more like it's not a week um, but again it's day to day, there's improvements on Carrie's part um, but yeah, let's just take it easy oh well, um, please send all our love and you take some of that love too, buddy. I appreciate you coming, thank you. look, the outpouring has been incredible, you know, through our social media and all that and then as a result of all the media and all that, everyone gathered around us, but you know, as fantastic as the car is here, there's nothing like, yeah, you know, surrounded by friends. so that's the next one thanks Keith, well done buddy, I'm the safest ride.
I'll talk to you soon, thanks friend Sarah, oh that's horrible, aren't Carl Keith and his poor wife


passengers overnight on Singapore Airlines? flight they are urgently looking for many flights back home from Bangkok with nine of them in hospital three in ICU with major injuries if your question is permanent paralysis I I I I can say it is too early to say it is permanent or not, it is bad, It's not


's Sarah Stewart has more for us Good morning Sarah, some may have been paralyzed, yes that's right Sarah, we are told that if the 55 people who are still in hospital, 22 of them are being treated for spinal cord or spinal cord injuries, we have also been told that nine Australians remain in hospital, three of them are in intensive care at this time.
It is not clear if any of those Australians have suffered those serious spinal injuries, but what we do know is that all of those


Australians are very desperate to get home. They say that although they have been receiving good treatment there, they prefer to return home and continue their treatment here in Australia. It's better news for other passengers who were injured. Some of them have already been discharged from the hospital and have spoken of the terrible experience they suffered on their trip. To get out, a lot of people have some spinal problems, um, you know, they hit their head and then it connects down, they've had quite a few scans and a lot of people can barely move that.
We now know that some Australians have also returned home those are the ones who fortunately were not injured in this incident those who stayed there are trying to get home they want to catch a flight to bring them home so they can continue their treatment this has been run by husband and wife we ​​know the wife remains in intensive care and needs some pretty serious treatment it's not clear exactly what her injuries are but they want to go home they say they've spoken to the airline they've spoken to their insurance they just want it fixed they want get on a plane and get home as quickly as possible Sarah, thank you hello


's fans Sarah and what's my name again oh Carl, oh thanks for watching our YouTube channel, although subscribe now for more news, special reports and surprising.
Australian stories and Kyle misbehaving, of course, that never happens, it always happens, what she talks about always happens.

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