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Influencer Gets TAKEN ADVANTAGE Of, What Happens Is Shocking (FULL VIDEO) | Dhar Mann

Apr 15, 2024
delays, ah, that should do it, we got it, just smash it, hey, I need to talk to you, um, okay, I'm not, I was in the plaza, I just don't even know how to explain


exactly slowdown is, de


are you talking about, okay, you know how some dates with Kevin have gone, yes, I am. I'm not exactly sure you're the only girl he's dating. You will have to give more details. Okay, so I was in the square and I saw him there with another person. You are kidding, right? Oh look, what am I looking at here?
influencer gets taken advantage of what happens is shocking full video dhar mann
That's Kevin. and another girl who is on the back of two people's heads. This could be anyone. Don't look, she looks at the jacket. That's exactly the one he uses. I'm sure a lot of people have the same jacket this is definitely Kevin oh okay look I saw they were holding hands and he kissed her they walked into a donut shop together are you sure I saw it? Kevin said he was going out with his mom today uh no this this girl was definitely not his mom look eric it's definitely possible that you thought you saw kevin it was probably someone else oh I know what I saw why do you think I would make this up right?
influencer gets taken advantage of what happens is shocking full video dhar mann

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influencer gets taken advantage of what happens is shocking full video dhar mann...

It's just that I know you're super protective of me and you didn't want me to see Kevin because I'm your best friend and I only want the best for you. Are you sure you're not trying to be more than just my friend? Wait, what does that mean? I mean, why do you say I just want to make sure you're not trying to ruin things with Kevin because you want to have me all to yourself? Wow, tell me I'm wrong and I'll quit, you know what it means. It doesn't even matter, you clearly don't believe me, so he keeps doing what you're doing.
influencer gets taken advantage of what happens is shocking full video dhar mann
I'm sure you'll figure things out eventually. Wait, where are you going? You're right about one thing I'm super protective about. here and maybe it's time for me to leave you alone because you're obviously not that shy girl from high school anymore so I'm sure you're more than capable of taking care of yourself hmm, something's bothering Eric and me. I have a fight, oh honey, we've literally never fought before so I don't know if you don't mind me asking you why you're fighting. He thinks Kevin is using me. Well, he came back into your life at a convenient time.
influencer gets taken advantage of what happens is shocking full video dhar mann
It's not like that, but I really don't want to start thinking that way. I know, but you're on TV, you have millions of fans and now he decides to give you the time of day, baby, you were obsessed with him for years and he did it. I don't care, you deserve to be with someone who notices you for you, um, not your fame, someone like Eric, okay, I'm done talking about this, mom, Eric, and we'll always just be friends, hey, I gotta accept this, oh don't worry, it's me. I'm going to bed anyway I love you good night feel better well good night hey superstar are you excited for Valentine's Day tomorrow yeah I'm great is it okay if we push dinner until 11 p.m. . m. just because my grandma is still in town so I thought I had done some overtime I thought you said it was your mom who came to visit uh right yeah sorry that's what I meant my mom uh , she's so old that sometimes I still call her grandma, uh, I mean, it's a little late, but I guess it's okay, cool, oh, I was trying to tell you, can you believe I already got a hundred thousand followers in two days , that's like ten times the amount of followers I had when I met you?
That's crazy, I'm happy. for you, hey, I'm actually going to call early tonight, but I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay, wait, wait, grandparents are so Kevin, Kevin, can we talk about you and Allison Day? Hey, can't we do this right now, please? give me a minute um sure make your queen what's it like dating one of the biggest tick tockers in the world well you know she's amazing um she has so many followers and now it's like they're my followers it's really overwhelming you know my networks Social issues have been exploding since we started dating. It's amazing and exactly how long they've been together.
Not much, but we are super obsessed with each other, I mean, she's been obsessed with me since high school. Should you see this selection? Oh wow, so it's safe to say you two are official. Oh well, can we call you Allison's boyfriend? Don't do that, I'm sorry, I really have to go, but it was lovely talking to you in the park. It was lovely talking to you. I appreciate the interview. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram, right? Hey, I'm sorry for not listening to you sooner. You were right. I was thinking: can you find us right now?
I have a plan. wait, are you sure you want to do this? Oh yeah, she told everyone that he's my boyfriend. Now everyone is going to see what kind of guy he really is. How do you know she's there? I heard the shower while we were. facetiming i definitely don't think it was his mom he's okay recording Hi everyone so i have reason to believe my boyfriend is cheating on me let's see if he's actually with his mom or with another girl hello kevin is in the bathroom right? What's going on here? Hello, I assume you are not Kevin's mother.
No, I'm his girlfriend. You don't watch tick tock, or do you read the news? I do and I know who you are. You're Alice in Day and apparently I am. Also Kevin's girlfriend, I know he told me everything he did, yeah, about how this is all just a big publicity stunt and how you guys don't really like each other, which was hard for me to believe at first, but he told me that would do it. You wouldn't spend Valentine's Day with me if you guys were really together. He will spend Valentine's Day with you. Well, until I have to go to his mother's house later.
Do you want to tell me what this is? I'm trying to keep an eye on your bedroom and Allison. What are you doing here hanging out with your mom? I see, uh, Stacy, no, she's, she, she, she's just my cousin, your cousin, okay, hey, I already told you, it's just that they came over, yeah, well, uh, you can say goodbye to all those followers because I want my fans to block Kevin, if you really care about me, don't do it. Hey, get out of here man, you're trash and stay away from Allison, come on, Eric, come on.
I'll post it when we get home and by the way, red roses. You're my least favorite flower, I'm glad it's over right now, we have more time to go to our date tomorrow, right, you're kidding, right, what we've done, please, hey, no, where are you going? ? Well, the only mistake I can think of. he's hiring you so I guess you're right, come clean like nothing ever happened, unfortunately what is this? I thought you were going out for Valentine's Day cupcakes, no big deal, I've got my ice cream, I'm going to watch a romantic comedy. perfect you should go see him mom i broke up with kevin he wasn't even my real boyfriend no i'm not talking about kevin i'm talking about eric um for the last time you know what not just stop okay i can't leave you stay blind to this, Open your eyes forever and see that Eric has always been the one for you from day one and if you don't see his value one day someone else will, so go see him and it will make you feel better.
I'm going mom, hey, hi, have you seen Kevin's Instagram? No, no, why does he have even fewer followers than he did before he started dating. People don't really like him. Great, wait, you came all this way to tell me? I don't know I was alone, you're alone, it's Valentine's Day so I thought maybe we could go out and not just as friends this time, like a real date, really, where is all this coming from? Well, I guess I finally realized that he should do it. Being with someone who treats me like a star, even if he wasn't a famous man, that really makes me happy to hear, but really, why are you so dressed up?
Oh my gosh, Alice, and I should be here too, Randy, hello, oh, I heard what happened. with kevin I'm so sorry oh no, it's okay, it was the best, really, so um, are you two randy, it's my valentine, it's really great, you can join us if you want, oh no, that's well, really, I was in Anyway, on the way home I just stopped by to say hello, you two are so cute together oh, I better get going, it was so nice to see you, happy Valentine's Day, happy Valentine's Day , it's all good no eric has moved on girl he has a valentine that was a really bad idea oh hi i'm so sorry this is my fault i took it for granted for so long i didn't tell eric what are you doing here ?
Well, I came to ask you: will you be my Valentine? Are you serious, but what? about brandy brandy is great but she's not you I'd rather be with you than anyone else in an instant that's the sweetest thing any guy has ever said to me so yeah one hundred percent I can't express how happy this makes me but I I have to take a photo of you before you leave. I think it's okay. I think I'd prefer this not be all over social media. It's a relief, but my mom is right. We definitely need at least one photo to replace it. horrible prom photo oh you're so cute okay i'm going to take a quick


so make something cute got it we'll be you in a rock and roll?
Yes, I love the raw and picturesque, I'm playing in a thousand I would love it for you. to come we have here we already have plans they got us four tickets in the front row for the big hip hop concert because I know how much my baby loves it otherwise some of them don't want to be rocking

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