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Indian Scout Bobber LONG-TERM Review | 2 years+ and 15k miles Later

May 28, 2021
What's wrong with everyone? My name is ricky and this is my 2018 Indian Scout Bobber. Today I want to give you my




of this bike. I've had it for about two


and ridden it for just over 15,000


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use of the Indian Scout Bobber. We'll be right back. We purchased the Indian Scout Bobber on May 26th. 2018. It's happening, Eric is walking us to our bike, it was a Saturday memorial weekend, there weren't many people at the dealership, I couldn't ring the bell, there was no celebration, but I didn't care, she was finally mine and Now let's go.
indian scout bobber long term review 2 years and 15k miles later
One thing is clear, I love the Indian Scout Bobber, but after almost two


on the bike and 14,000


, I definitely have some opinions on the good and bad of the Indian Scout Barber when I was shopping for a motorcycle, I didn't know what . I was looking, all I knew was that I didn't want to score with very limited motorcycle experience. I had no idea where to start, so I went to YouTube. I spent hours and hours watching videos trying to figure out what kind of motorcycle I once wanted. I decided on a cruiser. I narrowed it down to a few options in terms of price and then watched this video where they compared one of the most famous cruisers, the harley davidson iron 883 and the


indian scout bobber long term review 2 years and 15k miles later

More Interesting Facts About,

indian scout bobber long term review 2 years and 15k miles later...

I will include a link in the description. To be honest, I was rooting for 883 growing up. I wasn't a fan of Harvey. Yeah, that's exactly how I imagined them, but watching people here on YouTube like John Maxwell, Vikingbird Blackhead, etc., I realized that not all Harley guys were idiots, just some of them. i really liked the straight out of the showroom look of the harley, on the other hand if i was going to buy the


60 i knew i had to do a few things to make it look the way i want after watching the video i was convinced I was buying the scout 60 and then they modified it, it was reasonably priced and I fell in love with the low and flat look taken from the scout 101, its beautiful lines inspired by the scout of the 20s and 30s and of course that beautiful engine, but then


I saw the scout


, oh my gosh it had everything I loved on the scout but they removed it, chopped fenders, track bars with mirrors on the ends of the bar, a dropped rear suspension, which resulted in a inch less travel than the regular scout and fat tires that give it that more aggressive look, oh ann did I mention it's been blacked out for as long as I can remember?
indian scout bobber long term review 2 years and 15k miles later
I am fascinated by custom


or bob job motorcycles, but there is a problem. I am not mechanically inclined. I barely had any experience with motorcycles and it's not that tough, I wear purple pants for crying out loud a bobber fresh off the showroom it was perfect for me look I've heard it before it's not a real bobber most of the fun is customizing it and make it yours and yes I agree and after seeing some custom explorer bobbers I knew this was the perfect platform for me. The Explorer comes with a liquid-cooled V-twin engine, electronic fuel injection, six-speed transmission with wet clutch, electronic throttle, very responsive. 3.3 gallon fuel tank my version is single disc brake abs on the front and a single frame design the engine is actually a very important part of the frame this bike is fast it is a fairly light motorcycle considering it is a heavy cruiser about 550 pounds wet and it says 100 horsepower I never felt like I needed more power, even on the highway or when traveling with my friends, most of them don't cruise, it's not until you hit 5000 rpm when you really start to feel the fullness.
indian scout bobber long term review 2 years and 15k miles later
The potential of this engine is very different from other cruisers where you find that torque at low revs. I added a two into one exhaust and feel like the power is more linear now that the bike has a 25.6 seat height. I'm five seven five eight. my best day and this is what it looks like my wife is five and she can get through it with flat feet. She has a ground clearance of 4.8 inches. The tilt angle of 29 degrees is not the best, but we will talk about that a little


. It has a two inch rear. travel, which is an inch less than the normal scout stiff shocks, which helps with cornering handling, blacked out instruments, some of them look a little cheap, to be honest the tilt cancellation indicator is pretty impressive when it works with the cuffs, you know, I still have the original ones, I definitely want to change them, but you know they have done their job, I sure love scalp bobbers, they mean a low stance and their minimalist look, but it comes at a cost.
Comfort, I feel like an absolute badass riding this bike. but after a few hours reality sets in again and I feel like a beat up old man again in the scout bomber, you lean forward because of the track bars so you're bent in half like a cue stick, the bobber does come . with center controls that are 1.5 inches closer than the regular explorer, but again, this bike is not made for long distance riding, not that you would buy a motorcycle with the name bobber expecting otherwise, right now I say I have ridden this bike for a long time. distance trips with my wife these are some of the things I do to help I stretch out my legs and put them on the pegs I also put my legs on the back pegs when my wife is not traveling with me I do this little thing where I rest my chin on my hand to even though I stopped doing this because I saw this crazy video on Instagram that scared the shit out of me.
The center of gravity on the explorer is super low, making it very agile and mobile even though it is a cruiser. and it has that fat front tire, it handles very well, that says you are limited by that 29 degree lean angle, in my case it is even less because of the exhaust I chose, it is a very stiff ride again, no surprises and a lot of the people who have it I improved the shot. I claim a difference between day and night. The problem for me is that all the ones I've seen lift the rear end substantially, which again I personally don't like.
This is a case where you sacrifice comfort for looks and I'm totally fine. It's okay with that offset and going along that line, I really like how the original seat looks, I'm not going to criticize it for being uncomfortable, which don't get me wrong, it's my problem is that it doesn't have that little lip, so when I press the accelerator, I feel like I'm falling and have to hold on for dear life on the road, it's not as bad as you think, the fact that you're leaning forward actually helps with that wind hitting you head on. but I repeat, I'm not saying it's comfortable, it's not made for long distances.
I think it's pretty obvious that I'm in love with this bike and if you don't believe me check out my Instagram anyway, there's a few things. I don't like this bike but to be completely honest with you I'm just being nitpicky but it's a review so I wanted to give you the whole experience anyway let me show you what I'm talking about. This is one of the things with the original seat that leaves these little marks here. I don't know if you could see it, but I'll give you a little close up, not a big fan.
I wish they had added some springs. to the pegs that would be nice and another thing I don't like is that you could come off with the kickstand still down, although I liked the look of the original tires, they didn't last too long and in my opinion the real one was too thin for the look of this bike. I went ahead and added this Avon 180 to the original tire. I've ridden it for over 10,000 miles and haven't had any problems. Another thing is the limited amount of replacement parts you have for this bike have improved a lot since 2018 when I first bought the bike, but it's definitely something to keep in mind, especially when you compare it to other brands like Harley.
Davidson, so let's go ahead and talk about the things that I absolutely love this bike, the first thing I have to mention is its looks, it's the first thing that caught my eye when I was looking for a bike and to this day I can't get enough of it look at it and if we are going to talk about it. Things I love about this bike. I must mention the beautiful American V-Twin engine. Not only does it look good but it has more than enough power in my opinion, especially when you move up to a stage one.
I also love the fact that you can add a from the passenger seat to the super easy bobber scout, it only has four bolts on each side and that's it, what I like most about this bike is the way it makes me feel, for That's what I feel is so important to you. To go to an Indian motorcycle dealer, put your leg on one, take it for a test ride just to make sure this is the motorcycle you are looking for. Many of the things we mention in these reviews are subjective, so this is your best bet.
Would go check it out for yourself in conclusion, I love this bike. There is something special about riding a motorcycle without all the bells and whistles, you feel connected to the machine connected to the road and that was something I was looking for when buying a bike. I will definitely consider comfort for my second bike, but I don't regret getting it. I think that has to do with all the research I did. I knew exactly what I was getting into and that is why I am doing this review to give you an inside look at a long term review of this bike to make sure it is the bike you are looking for anyway.
If you like this video, be sure to click the like button. I would appreciate it and, if you wish. see more be sure to click the subscribe button. I know it's been a while since I uploaded it. I actually only uploaded one video, but I'll be more consistent from now on, so stay tuned anyway. Thanks for tuning in and we'll see you. Guys, in the next one, peace.

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