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INCREDIBLE Builds and Farms: SciCraft Survival Tour #2

May 03, 2020
Last week I released a witch


video on the Side Craft server and you guys seemed to really enjoy it. They loved hearing all the technical information and just seeing what a ridiculous spectacle some of the


on the Side Craft server are. I mean, I apologize, little witch, I took you quite a while on that video, but I mean, you look a little pathetic that being said, the secondary crafting survey isn't just witch


, there are tons and tons of buildings in there. In fact, we were playing for about eight hours in total and apparently I'd only seen about 25% of it, so I'm barely scratching the surface at this point, but I thought it would be a good idea to post some of the other stuff I'd seen and to just so you know in this first clip, I had already talked a lot because I wanted to let you explain everything in full, okay guys, so we're at the passive mole farm location here. the second one on the server and this is one of the first projects I think I did here and this was done in 1.8 this hole dug sorry this hole was done by Holmwood this whole hole was dug with TNT from dispensers before the was possible cheating I think or the or figure it out because the thing is if you lower the spawn shards, sorry if you lower the sub shards, we all know that, then we can get a much denser spawn so this is a mob farm passive and if you know the passive mode. companies tend to be very slow, so you have to maximize the number of generation platforms and the area, so we have here generation platforms within the first sub chunk and then when you turn on the clock, we will be able to flash periodically. the mobs towards the chasm, so every twenty seconds we should be able to see a group of mobs spawning and falling on this side or the other side of the portal, so that one side is covered with fire and a mining cart with a hopper to be cook. most of them and on the other side we have magma blocks that kill them, but don't burn the drops early, you also have cooked and raw things.
incredible builds and farms scicraft survival tour 2
Pink sheep are very rare. I think one in millions is really rare, so this, this. It's all the pink wool that we got from running this farm so you can see it was quite a bit and in fact while we were filming a pink sheep came through the system which is not something I expected, I don't know if I've seen any. once a naturally generated pink sheep, so this might be a first for me. Anyway, one of the mobs that come out of these passive mob farms are of course horses, so they built a system to be able to rank their horses, unfortunately this place.
incredible builds and farms scicraft survival tour 2

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It doesn't work anymore either, but I'm just going to explain what we did here so that the horses were classified by translocation to remember that they had to behave like a piston, they were able to attract entities through themselves and first we separated the horses from the other animals. I will separate the baby horses from the horses and then check the attributes of those horses, speed type, jump height elf is clear through a difference translocation system here, so basically this little camera here, Aurra handed us exactly one horse, so if it had the storage on the side a little sugar didn't hold the horse and once the horse was mounted we checked the speed, so here in the back, a hundred meters away, you can see a 7 segment stopwatch that is accurate to one twentieth of a second, so I'm just going to get a horse, then you just need to ride in a straight line 400 meters and then we'll show the time it took to write exactly those hundred meters.
incredible builds and farms scicraft survival tour 2
Okay, I'll get 180 exactly. I can feel the pressures in mm. -hmm, when you arrived and it took about three seconds and then you got the final result, then this horse has a speed of 7.25 400 feet, it is that fast, it is actually a very fast horse, these are all the jumping tests too, yes, so four different heights, check how. the tall horse can jump seeds. I mean, this horse is pretty bad anyway, enough of the nonsense, let's move on to the next farm, which is a stuffed guardian farm, so this is the first garden farm I built here on the server and it was essentially the design where I essentially optimized the spawn conditions trying to get the most out of the Guardians single player mob farm, essentially what I did here is just clear the monument.
incredible builds and farms scicraft survival tour 2
I left the monument. I simply replaced all the blocks in one. pallet to another pallet I think it looks really nice, so this is kind of a little garden farm, really yes, but then we realized that we needed a little more sea lanterns because sometimes we need a lot of them to make the basket cover a parameter or something like that. Yes, so we have a larger garden farm. I guess that might offer a little more. This is a real map of all real Minecraft terrain. This is nothing of what happened to him. You'll see it in a moment.
Don't worry about that, then the thing was that the clownfish is up to a point twelve. The clownfish was one of the rarest items in the game on the right and essentially issued a challenge to get a double chest of each item, but not a double chest, but a double chest. chest of chakra boxes of each element, yes, so I needed a hundred thousand clownfish, which is a lot of clownfish, so the thing is that if this farm runs with two or three more cups that you can get, you can still kill up to a hundred guardians per second, right? you with us with a sword and this way you can get about 250 clownfish per hour, which means that the whole group, this means that the whole project, although mental, turned out to be feasible, so I have Kate here for two weeks and I guess.
We will be able to see in Leske in the general part how it turned out What the hell did you do here? What is this? I covered it with blocks, okay, so you can explain to me, maybe the perimeter part, yeah, okay. So we didn't want to flood this perimeter again to make it spawn proof, we thought about placing blocks there and not just on the floor, we would need to place eight hundred thousand blocks that were on hand, but we thought maybe we could do it. By automating that process in the end we got a machine that could do that, but unfortunately the effort to build a machine is almost greater than doing it all by hand, so we decided that maybe we can add a system or component to the machine that makes it worth the effort. pity and yes, randomizing the blocks is about two different machines because it is quite simple, but it would be very tedious to do this by hand, yes, so in the end we made a machine that did a random flop pattern and also for the balls to place the blocks, so it's completely random from the blocks console, but also the gradient changes, so we had two color palettes if you flew from the north and the south.
Yes, notice that yes, the color palette. it gets a little bit darker, so we actually added an extra gradient to it so that, yeah, at the end it gets quite complicated just because I had noticed that it had become a little bit more primary color tool theater, since this side it's like a whiter border and then I'm not one hundred percent satisfied after the assault, but it definitely looks interesting, there's too many colors. The request was for a 16 color palette. 16 ready, it will fade away. It would have looked much better. Do you think going from black to black? the white was a step too hard, well, I mean, I have to say, I mean, I think this looks like it's never done before, this looks so cool and it's great to see once again this kind of thing newly built in all modes is totally I was crazy so basically I was if you had an afk player standing on a box yeah oh my god he was given blocks and you just placed the blocks one after another to fill a full line the singer pushed there twelve times in a row and then flying machines were launched.
Did you fly over the blocks and deposit them in twelve rows at a time and in the end just enjoy FK here? I mean, okay, you know, I know I keep asking how long it takes to do certain things, but how much time did anyone have? to ask here to complete the simulus around 40 hours per layer, right, mm-hmm, yes, I mean, potentially, I guess there is also a lot of effort to build this, yes, in the end, I mean, I already said not really It's worth it if you just need it. a simple floor to cover it with blocks, but the randomization made it worth it, yeah I know, totally ridiculous, just ridiculous, and we haven't even looked at the farm yet, so getting 1 million to basically process 1 million items. per hour you need quite a few soldiers, so the good thing about them is that they are all open, so you can access each hopper and you can basically reconfigure them and if you want, for example, more fragments, you can collect more.
Fragments, if you want more like prisms and crystals or other drops, you can also collect them, yes, and the whole system is closed, so we have a storage for the chakra boxes and then those tilt boxes, basically those items are packed into the chakra boxes, those rockets. the boxes go into storage, there is a crafting station where you can craft the items on the blocks and then the empty chakra boxes go back into the chakra box storage, this is the most ridiculous thing I think I've ever seen. so, and yes, yes, yes, this is not rng manipulation, this farm actually produces more than more than the RNG farms produced, like with 100k, you can, okay, you can orange as many backers as you want, for one , it's crazy, I mean, I believe this and I like it and this is totally legit, there's nothing that goes against the rules of Minecraft, yeah, regarding this farm, so it's just a brilliant sigh.
Crafting made my hermit crab season 6 cycle with that shot and now they've created my keeper farm Home during season 5 looks pathetic, sure, let's move on to spawn. I would care and maybe we should start with one of the first big projects. It doesn't seem like a big deal, but many hours of effort went into it, it's the mops we use. i have spawning so this is a huge purple green tower yeah yeah you can get really close and maybe take a look inside oh that looks like a bunch of chokers on the mine cars necklace how did you do it?
I mean, there are so many chokers here, how? How long did it take you to get all these guys in my cars? In reality, there was a much quieter process. Yes, we got to a trend where numerous entities gathered for the hikers, brought them to decipher the words and put them here and In total, probably 50 to 60 hours were spent on this project, so yes, this is not just brave, as it serves a very, very useful purpose. The sheikhness is a special trait that counts toward staying with the mafia, but it doesn't go away. He is right. from a couple of other mobs, for example Whizzer or the Greater Guardian, and the use is basically to make a mop switch so we can switch between off spawn mode and absurd or peaceful mode, so as you can see here, We align these generation areas.
If the white glass blocks this is the corner of the spawn chunks, yeah, so if we press this button, these hikers move to respond again. These ball chunks are always loaded, that means we have 600 mobs counting towards the mob limit, so if we go to another area of ​​the server, now mob spawning is basically disabled, yes, because the mop cap is full , if you don't hit us, we could definitely do one of those on the hermit crafting server anyway, then they took me to the control room and explained it to me. something that doesn't seem like it should be possible, but clearly it's because they've done it, so here we have a lever that charges the instant line and at the end of the instant line there are basically just two thousand chests in chunk edges, it might sound like a lot, but it's actually quick to set up yeah and those chests load these shards because they check if they can be a double chest so once you start loading them they check if I can be a double chest and load the next shard correctly and that location . is specifically chosen because we can basically reset parts of the Minecraft code so that you get a definite result if you use a fortune pickaxe on the minerals, let's activate it, set something at the end of the topic and yes, activate the toggle with the sewage, which is here and then it goes up I guess ready yes yes it doesn't seem and you say no that seems ridiculous and yes I have I have three I have full batteries exactly yes exactly it's eight times 20 Oh look, you too I mean, that's really, that's really strange, so yes, with this setup you can guarantee that I will certainly get diamonds from each of my diamonds or for example, if you want to mine the diamonds as well, this is not fair.
It's ridiculous there you have thirty two diamonds out of eight there is not the same for a red stone for example you get eight and for the lower quartz I also think we got the maximum for all of them, this is the best there is. and and it isjust the same color scheme everywhere, but it also looks really yeah. I'm worried that we might move towards their mobs, which should be turned off. There's someone in the abyss, you know someone should go there because I'm older on the farm or I'm on another farm of theirs, another collection tells, yes, Skyress collection.
I guess you move the lever, you're at the bottom, yeah, and then how? how many modules how many farms does it have 24 slam shapes this is chosen specifically for the model light chunks it has I think 33 are lamb legs here those farms don't look much like the standard blind farm layout that you normally build yeah. the Sun gasoline program for making bases we can place it in four layers within the first option, yes, because in the first option the support is condensed and so on, then attracted iron column slabs at this time, this is quite a strange thing , but at the time this was not revolutionary but new, I guess so, so instead of lava sheets or catalysts, we just sent them to a portal.
The portal itself is also a little special because if you look at the portal, there is a crawler in one of the corners. portal always oh yeah why okay then why the dragon egg? Yeah, I have to ask how it basically means that if you break one of the obsidian blocks, it means the slimes on the other side when they go through the portal. they actually appear under the portal, not inside the capsule, which is really useful, that makes sense, I mean, it doesn't make sense, it makes sense, it's useful for a scientist, once you see them all in one place, that's when you really get an impression. how many slimes are being generated by this thing that just jumped, I mean, it jumped at half speed right now yeah, that's how I stayed at half speed no, I know what's on earth for it, okay, okay , that's it this is this once again this could be on my screensaver Definitely what's my screensaver this is another one by the way yes oh yes just with the network with the lower group to be able to exit but noYes, there are no blocks in the bottom, so the same situation is actually a little different and the redneck has to fall, so you can't just let us drag MacFarland into these two update-suppressed obsidian web shows.
Basically you cause so many block updates that the block breaking one is lost, they get smaller, yes it happens and it actually took about five hours just to take those two blocks to break them. Wow, so you had to just constantly cause huge amounts of block updates or updates in the world and place in and out of cells and banners in the row, yes, attached to that Obsidian block, then we broke the upper city and the block and because of the update order for all of us from those Broken Arrow panels until we got to point nafse was at a little less than it stopped, it couldn't process anymore when it didn't update the portal block, that's the trick , that's really cool, I mean just the two and a half thousand blocks have been aligned for a long time towards the negative x direction still works.
One thing I can recommend is to go as a spectator, stand in the middle of the black mop head and listen to the sound, the good kind of sound, this is a good sound. The sound man also looks up and sees all these gunshots everywhere is also cool yeah green server so I don't know if I asked what the rates are for this I have to ask about. 333 and where do all those articles go? Is everyone downstairs? Basically, we have an item pickup system here that basically packs all the items first, yes, my cards, and then unloads them into football box loaders.
Yeah, those shovel loaders and then they pack them up. in football boxes and then they go through another quality control system like we saw in the widgets, so basically we only detect if the signal strength is 15 and then if it's not 15, they break because sometimes we get feathers or chicken. Yeah, or gold nuggets from the zombie pigs that hatch in the bottles, yeah, and that would ruin the crafting system because the rest of the slime blocks. The slime balls are sent to the crafting system to the small hut. Do you see that enemy standing? Yes and them. place themselves like a jack-in-the-box is there, then you take them out to turn them into a slime box and put them in this jack-in-the-box and from there they had actually made it to the first two with an item lift to duplicate right here and I think someone who designed, the computer should explain to you then, what are sixteen point two five percent and zero point nine seven M?
The story is that we have tamed 970,000 slime rock stars and that means sixteen point two five percent of the storage capacity is full. Wow, but Yeah, how do we automatically figure out that it's the system here next to the rival piston pin hole? Yes, we store the forward boxes manually in those double chests. Yeah, and then you have to go around and check the computer in the back, this is fine. So this is a fun one, basically this whole first part until somewhere around here, just all the signal strength is counted, so all the so-called pull letters and basically everything that is the U-turn is the converting eggs to decimal. until yes, somewhere here in the front and from here on until the screen multiplies by a fixed number which is the number of slime blocks per chain on the right and then on the back of that, look behind of those lines here, that's the 2% conversion as well.
Yeah, easy, I mean, you know I'm not going to pretend that I'm completely with you and I could never build it. I understand what it does, but the way you've done it is yes, this is my brain. this is really mind blowing, I don't even know what to say about this because I mean, yeah, I guess I hadn't even thought about how hard it's going to be to calculate a percentage of your story on how full your storage is, but it's just cool to see and It's so amazing that they created this in


mode and that seems like a good place to end today's video as I say it was a very small part of what's going on. on the server side, but I just want to say a huge thank you once again for inviting me to the server and allowing me to look around, it's very interesting and I'm just saying, yeah, it's great to see these kinds of projects still happening.
I worked on Minecraft even after 10 years of its release as a game. I just love it. This people. I'm very glad they exist. Show them. Support links to all your YouTube channels can be found in the description. to let you know what you're doing is fantastic but anyway I hope you enjoyed this little video if you did please how's that you loved it and make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this It's nonsense and me. I'm out, I'll see you later.

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