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In This World Lying Is Impossible, Until Just 1 Man Learns How

Jun 19, 2024
In an alternate universe, everyone tells the truth all the time, without exceptions, people say exactly what they think and feel, which often leads to awkward or uncomfortable situations. Mark Bellison, a chubby screenwriter in his 40s, is on his way to pick up his date. He goes around and around trying to find his units inside a luxury apartment building, he finally finds his apartment and knocks on the door and a beautiful woman opens it, since humans have no reservations about telling the truth, no matter how absurd and direct that the woman tells Mark. early and she started masturbating.
in this world lying is impossible until just 1 man learns how
Mark immediately responds that now it makes him think about her private parts and continues to introduce himself and ask her how she is. She tells him that she's a little frustrated right now and also equally depressed and pessimistic about her day tonight, before telling him her name Anna, then invites Mark up to recovery and tells Mark to wait for her at the sofa as she needs to finish getting ready and while she is doing so she may realize that she is still horny and try to finish masturbating. without him hearing Marcus left alone as he looks around her and sits on the couch to wait for her.
in this world lying is impossible until just 1 man learns how

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in this world lying is impossible until just 1 man learns how...

Mark tries to make conversation and says that he is embarrassed because he thinks the restaurant she made reservations at may not be expensive enough for her because everything was what she could afford in a situation, he further explains that he knows she is 40 years old but she doesn't have real financial assets to talk about and his boss told him he's going to be fired


week as Anna walks down the stairs smiling. Mark gets up from the couch while Anna tells him that she


masturbated, to which he immediately responds that it makes him horny and hopes the date ends in sex.
in this world lying is impossible until just 1 man learns how
Anna tells him directly that she doesn't find him attractive and quickly asks if they can go with Mark Grace and stands up as Anna. she grabs her bag as they continue leaving the apartment at the rest restaurant and her phone rings and she answers her mom, on the other end of the line she continues talking to her and blatantly tells him in front of Mark's face that he is not attractive . She doesn't make a lot of money, she's a little fat and has a funny snub nose, but she's kind of funny and nice. She goes on to tell him that she won't sleep with him tonight or even give him a kiss before ending the phone call.
in this world lying is impossible until just 1 man learns how
She ends her dinner date. she with three empty margarita glasses in front of Anna while the waiter hands him her bill and asks if she would call him if she gives him her number, to which Anna says no. The next scene shows the two passing by Anna's apartment building as Mark thanks Anna. for going on a date with him, he reiterates that he knows she is out of his league and went out with him only as a favor to his friend Greg and that he will most likely never hear from her again and his response telling her that he actually met her.
She had a better time than she thought, but she won't know for sure how she feels about him until she's less drunk. Mark cheerfully tells her to call him tomorrow if he still likes her when she's sober, to which Anna replies that she could. Mark leans in to kiss her, but Anna kisses him on the cheek and walks in. Mark happily thanks her for her kiss as Anna waves goodbye to her. The next morning, Mark wakes up and goes to work. He finally reaches the office building and as he leaves. A group of people are being led by a tour guide and sees Mark passing by and introduces him as one of his own scriptwriters.
The entire tour turns toward Mark and he turns and waves dejectedly, but the tour guide adds that Mark is one of the least successful writers before saying that he also heard that he's most likely going to be fired today after a long and awkward exchange of hurtful truths and cheeky jokes with his receptionist Shelley Mark. Shelley Mark's worst and most anticipated fear finally happens: he was fired from his job by his reluctant boss who was afraid. of confrontations they fired him because his 14th century films were boring and had minimal audience appeal before leaving with his work.
He is humbled by Brad Kessler, a very attractive man and one of the most successful screenwriters of lecture films. He insults Mark even more. telling him that he's always hated him and explains that Mark was a shitty writer assigned to a shitty century, but also says that Mark always threatened him because he knew there was something about him that he didn't understand instead of getting angry after telling him. so that he can enjoy his loser's life. Mark leaves deliberately embarrassed the next morning. Mark wakes up to his usual 7.30am alarm. and his landlord knocks loudly on his door asking for the rent.
He then tries to reason with the landlord that he was fired. from work and only has three hundred dollars left in his bank account, but the owner still insisted that he pay the full 800 or move out in shame and Desperation Mark goes to the bank to close his account and take the remaining money from the teller. tells him that his system is not working right now and asks him the amount of money he wants to withdraw at the peak of his desperation, something suddenly comes over him, his face turns a light shade of red as the wheels begin to turn in his brain , suddenly he looks at the cashier intently in his eyes the cashier asks him again sir to which he immediately answers eight hundred dollars the system works again and the cashier tells him that he only has three hundred dollars in his account Mark doesn't know what to say he tries to talk but nothing comes of it in a sudden twist of fate the cashier apologizes to Mark and tells him that it seems their system had made a mistake and proceeds to give him eight hundred dollars in large bills as Mark asked.
Mark nervously exits the bench and smiles happily when he realizes what he


did. Mark finally discovered a lie and got his way. He then proceeds to give the rent to his confused landlord, who asks him where he got the money from and he lies telling her that he just found the money. Lying on the street the next day, Marcus at the bar having drinks with his friend Greg while he tries to explain to her what he just discovered or, in his own words, invented. Mark is having a hard time finding the right word to explain exactly what he meant that he simply told Greg that he said something he wasn't.
Greg shrugs because he obviously doesn't know what a lie it is. Mark, still frustrated by his inability to explain, decides to experiment by making up a lie to Greg and the waiter by telling them his name is Doug, which the two believe without hesitation. An even more frustrated Mark then proceeds to tell more lies, including telling them that he is black, that he is an Eskimo, that he is a pirate, a lion tamer with a wig, that he invented the bicycle, and lastly, a one-armed German explorer. Reagan, the bartender, believed and justified all those lies which disappointed Mark even more.
Mark then asks the bartender and Greg what they would do if they could make the


the way they wanted, including the ability to do anything. Greg and The Bartender unanimously respond that they would like to touch women's tits and have sex with them. Mark hesitantly agrees as he gets up and leaves the bar. Mark walks down the street like a hunter looking for his prey. In a few seconds he sees a beautiful blonde walking to the right. Towards him, the blonde walks past him, but after a long pause, Mark yells at her to wait and proceeds to blurt out that the


is going to end if they don't have sex right now.
The terrified woman helplessly agrees and they head to the nearest store. motel which isn't even necessary if the world is really going to end, but before anything happens, Mark's conscience bothers him and he finally fakes a phone call to NASA and tells the woman that the world isn't going to end. end and everyone is safe. I once heard of Art of Lying being marked at the beginning of Mark's career as a liar using it to take advantage of every situation he finds himself in. He stopped a police officer from arresting his friend Greg for drunk driving while they were on their way to the casino. to make money by cheating, he did it by basically telling the officer that Greg was not drunk and the officer immediately believed him inside the casino.
Mark continues his devious scheme to get rich and begins cheating at the roulette table by replacing his bets on the winning number which the dealer automatically accepts, then heads to the slot machines and informs the casino manager that he won a jackpot but no money came out, the manager instantly apologizes to him and congratulates him on his winnings. Mark and Greg each carry four giants. Buckets overflowing with chips and money move around the casino as Greg comments that


was the most incredible night of his life, to which Mark later agrees. Mark has an enlightening conversation with his neighbor Frank, who told him that he could end his life that night.
Mark finally saves him by telling him not to do it and that everything will be fine, he will soon meet someone and be happy. Mark soon discovers that


could be used for good. Mark then begins to do good deeds during the day he helped a homeless man take money out of the bank outside the lecture movies Mark talks to the woman who was adamant about not wanting to go to work he whispers some words to her. heard she smiles takes the briefcase and walks happily to work he helps an arguing couple make up in the cafeteria, Mark is in the nursing home walking the halls and whispering to his grandmother and every elderly person he passes, leaving each of them with smiles on their faces and some with tears running down their cheeks and finally, later that night, Mark hangs up.
She went out with Frank to his apartment having a few beers and having a great time watching TV one night after convincing Anna to go out with him again over the phone. Mark came across a conference documentary in which the narrator openly says that no one writes better. documentary that Brad Kessler, this gave Mark the inspiration to write a new script about the 14th century alien invasion, which ended with the claim that everyone's memories had been erased. He finishes the script and presents it to his former boss and everyone at the conference. movies that everyone loved including Brad Kessler Mark and his movie became a huge box office hit.
He is now rich and famous beyond his wildest dreams despite all of this and, furthermore, after having convinced Anna to go on a date with him again, she still rejects him as she was still not attracted to him. due to his genetics and appearance and during their date, Mark receives a phone call: his mother has just suffered a fatal heart attack at another turning point in her life. Mark runs to the hospital room to find her mother Martha, who is looking tired and scared as she is hooked up to dozens of machines, she tells Mark that she is afraid of dying and the eternal nothingness that brings. .
With teary eyes and not knowing what to do. Mark tells her that she is wrong about the eternity of nothingness and then proceeds to tell her about all the good things after death including mansions for everyone to be with all the people she loved and he also tells her that she will be again. young and there will be no sadness or pain only love laughter and happiness Martha soon passes away with a bright tear of hope rolling down her face after a time of mourning. Mark's supposed knowledge of the death made him famous around the world, as it turns out that the nurses at the hospital when Martha died found out about the things he told her and the news.
It spreads quickly like wildfire, people begin to gather around him in search of answers about the afterlife and he becomes a kind of prophet or religious figure and, with the support of Ana Marcos, makes 10 rules or commandments to live a good life and secure a place in the world. good afterlife, he claims to speak to a man in heaven who controls everything and promises great rewards in the afterlife as long as you don't do more than three bad things. This televised event turned Mark into a global phenomenon and started a kind of religion among his followers.
Despite all the fame and success he has gained, Mark is still conflicted with his own happiness and his gift for


during a date in the park with Anna, she asked him if being rich and famous would make his children more attractive. physically despite his impulse. lying Mark didn't do it because of his love for Anna and told her that she wouldn't do it, as a result Anna continued dating Mark's rival, Brad Kessler, who was jealous of Mark's success. Brad's selfish and cruel behavior, including restricting his diet, made Anna uncomfortable, but she still agreed to marry him after a long time, we see Mark waking up one morning in his mansion with some kind of hair and beard. biblical lengths.
Anna enters and tells him that she is busy with work and adds that she came to tell him that she is getting married and hands him her invitation. Mark rejects her and begs her not to do it. Anna tells him that the wedding is tomorrow and she would like him to come. Mark asks her why and she says that she would make her happy and that being around him makes her happy. Mark quickly. He then asks her why you are marrying him. Anna tells him that she only has a few years to go.marry someone with good genes and financial stability so she can have children and the family she has always wanted and also adds that one day she will be old and Mark, wrinkled and ugly, quickly tells her that she will not be that for him and that she will never be ugly. .
Anna is teary-eyed and doesn't know how to respond to what he just said. She tells him that he is confusing her after a few moments. Anna. she asks him to accept the invitation, which Mark accepts and asks her to have a good life as she begins to cry and leaves the mansion later that day in the park. Anna sees a chubby boy enjoying ice cream that reminded her of what she and Mark's children thought. It would seem that half of the boy's genetics would come from Mark, the boy was later bullied by the other children for being fat, so that Anna interfered, then consults the boy and tells him that there is much more to it than being short and fat even though they call him short.
Fat Pickle, she simply calls him Brian with a gray smile the morning before the wedding. Greg convinced Mark that he still had a chance with Anna. Mark attended Anna and Brad's wedding, where he opposed the marriage, but was told that only the man in heaven could stop it. Brad and Anna asked Mark to ask the man in the sky. what Anna should do, but he refused to want Anna to make the decision herself. Anna left and Mark confessed his ability to lie. Anna struggled to understand the concept, but eventually professed her love for him. In the end, Anna and Mark are shown having dinner as a happily married couple with a son who seemed to have inherited his father's ability to lie.
Chubby's noseless boy clearly exhibits this gift by telling Anna that his food is good, even though he and her father know it's not Mark, and then taunts his son to finish. his food and tells Anna that her son loves it and that's it for this movie summary, thanks for watching.

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