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May 31, 2021
Hey guys, welcome back to my channel, if you saw the title then you know this is my




and let's jump right into it. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel and let's go ahead and get started. so the first thing I like to do is just trace my


s. I need to know a structure and where I am going to place them. We all know the saying that our eye


are sisters, but not twins. The first thing I'm going to do is This is a Wiz Brow Wizard and I'm in the medium brown shade when I do it, my eye


aren't and I'm so used to it that I can go ahead and draw on my own and I'm ready to go, but I will show it. how to do it at home and make them look more uniform, it may take a little time at first, but once you get the hang of it, it will be like second nature and you can do it in about five seconds, so the first one.
in depth eyebrow tutorial for sparse brows for beginners updated
What we want to do is figure out where our eyebrow should start. The general rule of thumb is to start at the curve of the nose right here and draw a little line up, okay, and then do that on each side, this is where I like to do mine, however, everyone's eyes are different, some of them are closer together and some of them are further apart, so if you want, take it here and start from here so they're a little further apart. okay, wherever you place your pencil on this side, make sure you do the exact same thing on the other side, next to it to get the arch.
in depth eyebrow tutorial for sparse brows for beginners updated

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in depth eyebrow tutorial for sparse brows for beginners updated...

I'm going to place my pencil right on the corner of my nose. I'll look forward. in my mirror and I'll make the pencil go straight through the pupil of my eye and then up and that's where my art should be and then the last thing is the corner of your nose to the corner of your eye and then that's for you. It will indicate where the tail of your eyebrow should be. Now what I'm going to do is take this same pencil and I'm going to draw a straight line from this line to the arch line and I'm going to make sure to try to keep it in the path where my hair grows, my eyebrows are


so sometimes It's kind of hard to tell, but this is where I grow my eyebrows and then I just go.
in depth eyebrow tutorial for sparse brows for beginners updated
To curve a little bit here and then I'm going to connect this to the Kill, the next thing I'm going to do is brush my eyebrow hairs down and then I'm going to do the same thing on top, so I'm going to connect this line to the line of the arch and then I'm going to curve it a little bit here and then I'm going to bring it down to do this now if your lines aren't perfect that's okay you'll learn as you go and I'll refine it as you go and then you can also clean it up with concealer if you make some mistake and then I should also mention that the one I drew here is inside, it's like right on the edge of where my hairs are.
in depth eyebrow tutorial for sparse brows for beginners updated
Naturally, when I go back and brush them, they extend a little bit above this line. Now, if you want to draw yours a little higher, that's fine. I like to do this because I want some of the hairs to show through naturally. above that because it will make it look featherier and more natural once we're done. Now for my eyebrows because they are very


and very light. I need a base before I do anything else and what I want to use it for. That's this Wonder brow and I'm in the shade brunette. Now there are a couple of ways you can apply it.
It has its own wand and you can go in there and use it and that's what they recommend. pretty thick and it covers a little better with this but I feel like I can't get the precision I need for this product so I like to apply a little bit on the actual small brush but I like to take a small angled brush like a small one angled eyeliner brush and this is just one for the Macaulay Cosmetics eyeliner, I said I have it so I like to take it and put a little bit on the VAT in there because when I use it just as a base, I don't I don't want it to be very thick on my brows and I reached out to Wonder Brow and they gave me a discount code to use so I will link it below with the discount code.
I don't think it's an affiliate code. so you don't have to worry about me doing anything with it, but I did what you guys do to have something and you save some money if you use the code, so with that product on my brush I'm just going to lightly fill in that space that we drew and this can stick more to the hairs than the skin, so I tried putting a little more on the skin where the hair is lighter or sparser. Like Make sure you go over the line we made just to make it a little bolder and look, you can already see the difference between this eyebrow and this one.
You can stop here if you want or you can use the wand and make it thicker and you can stop there if that's the look you want, but I want mine to look a little bushier and a little more realistic, so I'm going to use the P , more products, this is where my routine starts to change from the


of my life. In my last tutorial I used this Anastasi brow pencil at Universal in the shade blocked, however I must have bought the last one they booked because right after I posted that video, not even a month later.
I started getting comments on that video saying they couldn't find this pen and you know what the deal was so after digging I found out they stopped selling it in the US which literally broke my heart because I loved this so much how he loved. and I really want them to get it back so if you watch this video go to Nastasia is Instagram Twitter whatever you have to do and beg for them to get it back. I promise it will make your life much easier. I've really tried desperately to find something to replace this pin and I can't find anything that comes close, but I'm going to try using this brow pomade from a Beverly Hills associate in the shade taupe and I'm using a number. 7 is really thin and precise and I'm going to use it exactly how she herself recommends that you use it, which is to say just take a little bit on your brush, you really won't need much and then you close this again so it doesn't dry out, you just want to put it in there and solve it like this and then I'm going to cover my brush on both sides and Anastacio recommends that. you don't put it on like a wrap you don't dip it like the tip there so I'm just saturating the brush on both sides and then I'm going to lay the brush flat against my skin and I'm going to stroke it to do now I'm going to go out of the way a little bit. lines I did just because I want it to look more natural and I wanted my eyebrows to look very feathery, that's the look I'm going for.
Right now I'm just focusing on doing some hair strokes there and then I can go and build it up to make it look how I want, it's okay if we go a little crazy because we can always clean this up with concealer. I'd really like to make sure I go outside the lines here because I want that to be where I can clean it up more and I just want it to look really nice and feathery, so the next thing I'm going to do is go in with that. Lime Crime Full Brow Precision Pin and put it in the baby brown shade and I'm just going to add a little bit, not a ton, just a few strokes to make it look a little bit more natural and then also to add a little bit more


. because I feel like you know that eyebrows, unlike our hair, are different shades, but not strictly one shade of brown, so I feel like this is really important for my eyebrow routine and then I'll start with my favorite eyebrow product that I don't I can live without it and this is where you put it all together and make it look so good before we even clean them and this is called Brow Gal Instant Shop and I have a discount code for you on this one. and this is an affiliate code, I think that code is angel eight and if you want to use it, you get a discount when you buy this product and the way I like to use it is it has little microfibers to hook onto. to your natural hairs to make them look fuller and I like to take it from the edge of my eyebrow to the tail and I like it.
I don't really want to touch my skin with it, but I brush all the hairs towards the center of my face and the reason I do this is because it gives volume to the eyebrows and makes them look fluffier than they would before, so I just like to brush in the opposite way to how my hair grows. even here I'm going to brush it down and then I'm going to take it again and I'm going to brush the eyebrows until they go back to the way they grow, but like in the front, I'm I'm going to brush them up and here I'm going to brush them.
I'm going to brush them but upwards at the same time because I want the real hairs to look so full and natural, so that's the effect it gives and you can see. that step right there made a huge difference, it comes colored in all the eyebrow hairs that I have, especially the long ones that you can't really see, and then added like little microfibers to those eyebrows so that it looks like your eyebrows are much fuller and I literally cannot live without that product. Now I'm going to clean up my eyebrows and if you stayed inside the lines, follow right where you drew those lines.
I got out of line. lines that I drew so I'm going to know where I like my eyebrows to be so I'm going to go ahead and clean this up and my favorite thing to clean up my eyebrows is the POV space and the reason. What I love so much is because I swear it's like a magic eraser more than any other concealer. Anything else you've used. The second best option is the tart concealer, so if you have it, use it, it's really good. I like it. To take just a very thin flat liner brush and I just take a little bit of the product and put it on there and then I like to carve it in now, like I said, if you stayed inside your lawn or if you can see. your lines, then go ahead and follow them and you can already see this comes together so beautifully like you carve the bottom of that and it's already like oh wow and then I just like to take my brush and blend those views according to my eyelid because I also prime the eyes with that so it will blend perfectly.
Hi, a tip for the top is this like the bottom, if you can still see your lines then stay in. I'm going to start at the edge here. and I'm just going to draw to clean up this part here first and again I'm just going to mix the Feliz base because it's just going to leave the base on our base and then for this part here I didn't come out of the ones that are very bad, not in a so I don't really care because I want this to look bushy, so I go and clean up a little bit in the places where I feel like I got a little bit like that too. a lot, I feel like the front is fine, but do you need to clean up a little?
I know it may seem like a very long process, but once you get the hang of it, once you know where the black lines should go and fill you in. You can draw them in about five seconds and you can complete them very quickly, which literally takes like five seconds. I mean, you can do this real quick, listen for probably five minutes or maybe five minutes. I don't know, but eyebrows are the most important thing. on your face, I think because they are literally the center of your face. I hope you enjoy this tutorial and if you do, don't forget to subscribe to my channel, visit me on Instagram, visit me on Snapchat, visit me on Twitter, visit me.
I think that's all. Go ahead and like this video and leave me a comment below. I can't wait to see them in my next tutorial.

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