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Improve your balance when walking with *THIS* one trick

Jul 01, 2024
Do you feel unsafe


you walk? Does it prevent you from going certain places or prevent you from doing simple errands? In


video I will explain to you the one simple


you should do to




. because as a physical therapist who has helped thousands of people regain their


, there are many people who make


mistake and sometimes they may not even know they are making it, even if you go to physical therapy or if you have been scrubbing the internet can take you down this path towards this error. Now the good news is that there is a quick fix and I'll show you right now,


it comes to balance and balance exercises, how many times have you tried this exercise?
improve your balance when walking with this one trick
Right here, standing on one leg, is one of the most commonly prescribed exercises, one of the most common ones found when searching on the Internet, but here's a problem, simply standing on one leg does not translate into balance when


and this is the reason. while you walk you move you are constantly distracted by things maybe you encounter obstacles you didn't see or you encounter a sudden change in movement balance is the way


body reacts and the more efficient your balance the better your balance, The faster your reaction time will be, meaning you won't lose your balance as quickly.
improve your balance when walking with this one trick

More Interesting Facts About,

improve your balance when walking with this one trick...

Simply standing on one leg and concentrating too hard on something doesn't train the reaction like we need it, this can certainly be a starting point, but if you are looking to unlock confidence when


and open the doors to certain adventures you have to add movement you have to add another variable to your balance training to help


that reaction time to be able to improve it you have to challenge it I'm going to show you three of my favorite ways to maximize your balance training, but first, when it comes to balance, safety is key. I always like to try balance moves, especially new ones, on the corner of a wall, this way you have support on both sides and behind.
improve your balance when walking with this one trick
You, in case you lose your balance, the first way to add challenges to your balance is by adding arm movements. If I were to stand on one leg, one way to do it is to raise my arms forward and back, take it to the next level by extending them. Your body notices that I'm not turning, I'm just reaching out diagonally. If you are not proficient at standing on one leg, you can also do what is called a tandem stance where you place one foot in front of the other and you can widen your feet. If you need more support, take them narrower to make it much harder.
improve your balance when walking with this one trick
Adding these arm movements can help challenge the reaction time your body now has to react to arm movements. This way you can start training that reaction time for all of these movements. Setting a timer for 15 to maybe 60 seconds per side can be very helpful to start retraining that balance. Another way to add more challenge to your balance training is to take away your vision and by that I mean close your eyes now. I recommend it. Everyone starts with just their feet together, no matter how good your balance is, this can be incredibly challenging, especially if you've never done it before, and if you have altered sensation in your feet, maybe you have some neuropathy, this is will worsen even more. challenging, so start with your feet together and close your eyes without your vision.
Your body has to rely on other systems to give you information. Now closing your eyes can translate into walking at night or walking at dusk. Walking with limited visibility. This is very important to allow that reaction time that your body now has to test how efficient those other systems are. This third way is extremely beneficial if you are looking to improve your confidence on uneven surfaces, in my personal opinion I think this balance foam pad is one of the best ways to emulate an unpredictable surface, all you need to do is place it on the floor and you can do all kinds of exercises on this first.
I would start by trying certain positions, try just with your feet together, first, get familiar and then you can. place one foot in front of the other and feel it again if you are not losing your balance that means your body is quite efficient in this position at keeping you upright which is what we want so if you want to take the challenge a one stance stance leg. I want to warn you that this pad adds a significant degree of difficulty so be careful once you can master these positions you can then add the arm movements we discussed above for an extra challenge again we are constantly challenging that reaction time balance the better you do it.
The more efficient your body will be at staying upright, imagine how good it would be to finally feel stable on your feet again. Well, now you have the tools to do it. So the next step is to simply be consistent, choose one or two of the variations we discuss in this video and commit to doing it at least every other day. This way you can begin to catapult your progress if you are looking for more direction. More follows along with workouts and more exercise ideas Adventures for life is for you, that's my membership program and the link is below.
If you love this video, please share it with anyone who is looking to regain their balance so they can take this journey and have adventures. with you thanks for watching

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