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Imprinting Leaves in Air-Dry Clay Plates DIY ~ ✂️ Maremi's Small Art

Mar 05, 2024
I want the lines to be there, that's why the experiment happens and there's probably too much pigment there, let's move it oh, that was my belly, did you have dinner? No, yeah, that's kind of interesting, I have to say, oh, I love the colors, Emily. I don't know why I'm tempted to go red and brown. Oh look, it'll be like a rusty look. Don't know. Two seconds. Let's go back. Let's rewind that, but I love the color. Now that it's autumn. Well, actually, this is pretty interesting, I have to say, Emily, do you enjoy that Emmy?
imprinting leaves in air dry clay plates diy maremi s small art
Yes, yes, you're fine, yes, maybe try to remove the water if you have to. Will I give you your handkerchief? Do you need a tissue? because what I did was like I dropped drugs that's what I was doing first maybe I'll give you that tissue okay go three if you need some tissue I think we can definitely improve our uh what's the word, our skills, yeah, for next time or something, because I think there is a lot to learn from this technique and oh wow, I love it, I like that color, it looks quite natural. I'm tempted to do even a little bit more of some of the darker ones and let's see now, wow, Emily, that's so beautiful. work quickly because it creates green off camera yeah, I think I'm going to go back to my first sheet and do the second color, which will be black.
imprinting leaves in air dry clay plates diy maremi s small art

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imprinting leaves in air dry clay plates diy maremi s small art...

I'm tempted to do black too. Now I love this, oh Emily, this is beautiful. Because it's amazing how the color is, I just bring the paint and I slide it into it and it goes down the hall and then I put it to the side, yeah, super well done, just being the camera, yeah, so everyone. you can enjoy this beauty with your own eyes beautiful how you chase those rhythms I heard a Christmas melody there not in my Aragon bell the bells jingle until the end no, I heard it was like it wasn't Christmas, no, it's early, although it is .
imprinting leaves in air dry clay plates diy maremi s small art
Don't do it, I love how, what a crochet, I love it, how you can control it and you can't control it, so you think you could. Emily's coloring is awesome. I think she should leave it, please. I also believe it. It's perfect, it's beautiful, so. I feel like I should also go back to my second life, possibly if you absolutely feel like it after that, I'm going to be different, okay, now I feel like going back to that with the black was a good choice, well, uh, because it was necessary. It's a great time, so why not?
imprinting leaves in air dry clay plates diy maremi s small art
Although it may need a little water, I'm going to be so in love with these Emily totally like what I am and I'm totally in love with our brands today, how I've managed to color them and how amazing they really look is wow emmy wow I'm speechless right now, you've done a good job with that mm-hmm, I'm leaning the same as you oh wow, that's a lot. it's easier to put it in front of me ok I'm still thinking about increasing the splashes you're really real yeah I know how it sounds but think about it they could actually be black splashes I was thinking gold splashes then we do another one and No.
Worry about it, it's happening, it's happening, I love that I sprayed it and there's more dirt and I'm going to leave this now, ah, I moved the thing and turned it over there, okay, it's better, sorry for the noises, I should wait, Wow. emily this is beautiful thank you I'm totally in love with it I think it will match my room well done thank you I think I should dry it out a little I feel like this one isn't dark enough I don't know I think it's beautiful it matches both of them they match each other If you think about it, do they combine with each other?
Are we making good splashes? Are we making sides? Do you have the baby weight if you want to clean it or something is not working? Be careful, that's dirty, will it work? You mean I don't know somehow, yeah, it kind of worked, I think they look sensational, literally, oh we have one more, why don't I finish this one quickly, yeah, we'll see, I know. I'm just going to do the look, I'm just going to do the dirty water and that's it, I'll leave it. I think, wow, I know what to do next time, oh, sorry, I wouldn't steal this sooner.
So that? next time, next time, yeah, I should press harder on the leaf so the grooves are bigger and deeper, yeah, okay, you know, next time, oh, you need to eat something. Would you like to do it again? Yes, we have other projects to do. clean mind I know yeah I love this one yeah dirty water and look how spectacular it gets just with dirty water would you believe it? I think this sheet was good, it was a different sheet. I did it another time and I think the grooves were too hard on the edges. I think this one can work well because the grooves are not.
Yeah, I think there's something special about those grooves. I know they might have special grooves, right? But even then it looks like this, I like it, like this, knackered, thank you, good night, orange, I prayed a little, it circled the leaf, but it's okay, I was afraid. that this will cover the entire sheet until it rises like the edge oh, it's still recording, we get a little scared every time we check that we're recording, but the one time we don't check the recording, yes, it's true. It's true, I'm changing the technique a little bit now, just if there's a new technique involved, just a little bit different, um, like playing around, if I can say I'm adding layer number two to this one, super work on it.
If you absolutely feel like it, I'm also very interested in doing it again. I love this one. I think it turned out better. It looks like a real leaf. I think I know now. Dirty water type. That is the case. Dirty water. leave this water for the next projects and I can make some dishes like this with this exact color because it's beautiful oh wow I love it I almost destroyed it do you think hannah is asleep? Possibly calm wow emily amazing color now every time you do it. doing a little bit more is just doing it better and better and better amazing yeah okay what do you think about that?
Doing things around


, will we bother or is it good as is? In fact, I think I'd like to add it because it's a little bare. Okay, good choice, so which one will we choose for the gold one? Is this? I think I should have this silver one, if there is one, and I don't know, I don't know what we're going to use, the thin brushes, yeah, well. yeah, no, a little bit bigger, I think the one we've painted so far just click on it, oh, it's pretty, but I think I'll leave this one because it's perfect and it goes together beautifully.
I think I'll leave mine. the same way as the other two and this one will have the advantage, so whatever you like guys, whatever says what you think, what you say, it's not even a sentence, it speaks in your soul, yeah, whatever Let it play in your soul, it is a bit of a precise job. Don't you think he stopped recording? It stopped recording We don't know when so I asked you again Do you think it's a good idea for a gift? I think it's a good idea because for every age for every age because it's pottery and pottery is amazing, nice decoration, I feel like doing gold touches, yeah, I don't know why I feel like doing black touches here even more because They're pretty like that, but on the other hand, I'm happy in the way that it needs to be. things are and I think I want to leave them as they are and maybe experiment with the second set if you know what I mean because I'm afraid of doing too much in one video without leaving the first real experience, that's how I see it because we're going to send to Dad to


tomorrow and I hope he gains 5 kg.
Is it 5k? Is it a kg? I think he gets the most important thing. This is. I think it's 5 kg. If you're wondering which one we're using, we're using this dry red


, I don't know how big it is, how big it is anyway, it's very heavy, like it's at least a kilo, if not two, although it's very heavy, so, yes, I am. I'm very proud of your plate, sami, I'm very proud of you, honestly, you did very well, guys, of course, you can dry all this and then you can varnish it or spray a little fixative, whatever feels good to you, because, You know, if I want to add things like jewelry and stuff, it would probably be really good um, you know, what's the word that was pierce, protect, protect, yeah, so I'm really proud of you, Emmy, I'm really looking forward to make splatters, but we can do it on another one, but if you want to make splatters, make sure everything is dry, yeah, because it will be ruined, okay, let's wait, no, you want to make splatters, well, let's dry that and splatter when it's dry, yeah, let's try it this quickly, okay, ready to splash. let's move our, yeah, let's move our


away, yeah, just in case, I just have to check this color, actually because I forgot that we have this, we have, we have this beautiful, beautiful, beautiful color that makes some gold acrylic paint with water, so it's oh how pretty we could have used it yeah I'm thinking although for this here it's a much better fit yeah so I can do both oh the splashes are a great idea amy could you Believe it, mom, don't you? doing something today at least not for this project no, I decided not to do it for a change, well I also have some accidental splashes there, so on the sheet I don't know if I should make some darker ones too, I don't know.
I'm afraid to say anything because recently someone said I encroached too much on your artwork. No, you're just helping me understand better. You're sure? Yes, I appreciate it very much. Oh, thank you for telling me that, because then, when I'm gone. By doing it on my own, I have a better idea of ​​what to do. Yes, I have already learned a lot. Thank you for saying it this way. Oh wow, look at these guys. I didn't want to suggest the dark splashes, but I thought it was a nice addition, which is why when you said gold at first I thought you were doing black accents, so a mix of both is beautiful and I love that they are


and fit very well on the


Well, oh, so no, okay, they're not flat on the bottom anymore, okay, let's put them together carefully because this one is still wet. Where is yours? Oh yes, it's here. Okay, who's your favorite Emmy? This is definitely my least favorite of all. Of them, I don't really love the colors. I think the color combination is fabulous and I like the shape because it is very real. You know, it's okay. My favorite is between these two. I think really yes. I love yours. I love it, it's different, I love it, I think the color came out here by accident and it's the prettiest and that's because of the hydraulic planner leaves in the garden, um, but I think it's the little gold touches and the splashes, I think they do.
Very, very nice, okay guys, I think we'll end it here. Thank you so much for watching us for being here with us tonight and we really hope you try it for yourselves. They will make some, yes. They will make some dishes, maybe for yourself, your friends, for your family as a gift or just a cute little Christmas project idea, not necessarily Christmas, it could be for any type of occasion, for you too to store your jewelry or Whatever you want, guys, thank you very much. We love you but we have to go until the next happy elaboration and we will talk to you very soon, bye.

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