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Illegal Amazon Jungle Meat!! Peru’s SHOCKING Belen Market!!

Mar 26, 2024
that's how it is. good, very good, I love them, the chorizo ​​is tasty, it's a little gritty compared to normal chorizo. I think it's more expressive, that is, the frame that dances, so it's pigskin. I like that it's almost like bacon, it's very chewy and then. It is full of juice and delicious flavor, yes, this


is all from the


here, so is it farmed or from the


? It's like 100 of the


. You say that local people prefer to eat wild food because the flavor is better. What are some of the rarest


s found in this


and beef, so is beef rarer than monkey meat?
illegal amazon jungle meat peru s shocking belen market
Yes, why aren't there people here who are raising cows? They don't have big farms here to raise cows. I'm very curious about the community here, this is a place like no other place I've ever been before, I'm told. There's no way to drive to where we are. You have to take a boat or a plane. This is a small suburb of Berlin known as San Francisco, where Adelaide and her family spend their time away from the chaos of the market. It is now the dry season and the water is low, but during the rainy season, flooding can cause the water to rise another 15 feet, which would explain why some of the houses are so high.
illegal amazon jungle meat peru s shocking belen market

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illegal amazon jungle meat peru s shocking belen market...

Yes, would it be okay if we took a look at your house Despite the challenges this presents, people here have learned to adapt to get around, they use boats or canoes instead of a four-door sedan, while their houses are built high to avoid flooding or are built on giant logs that will then float when the waters rise. I come delighted to meet you, you know Hazer Adelaide's husband, he has just returned from the market with treasures in hand. I would love it if you could explain to me what we have here. This fish. What is it?.
illegal amazon jungle meat peru s shocking belen market
A prehistoric creature that took its own evolutionary path. You definitely know it. They're catfish because they're still alive and kicking and have been out of the water maybe at least a day now instead of scales, their skin is protected by bony plates known as slants, so feel this front end, buddy, it's like a fingernail. completely. It's very difficult, true, they say it's very ugly, but the face is tasty. I thought I was going to say he has a good personality and then here we have the alligator, two different types of tails between these two. Is there something different about the taste? she said. that this one is harder and has more fiber and this one is a little softer which one do you prefer he prefers this one great, let's try the black one yes, a super predator with a strong jaw and sharp teeth, the black caiman is the largest Alligator species of the Amazon basin capable of growing up to 20 feet long and weighing over 1000 pounds as the kitchen heats up.
illegal amazon jungle meat peru s shocking belen market
Adelit will turn this wild protein into a domesticated stew. Add tomato sauce to the hot oil and then garlic, pepper, cumin and bay leaves. MSG powder seasoning and homemade sauce are now high in protein. Crocodile tail meat beans pieces. When was the last time you cooked a crocodile this way and you say it's still a crocodile like two months ago, but cooked in a different way? Have you ever eaten crocodile oil? No, well, I have a crocodile, they all have a U-shaped mouth, one has a V-shaped mouth. I try not to get too close to the mouth, so I don't know what it's shaped like.
Now they say black is a little. tougher than the other one it smells really good it looks great let's try it oh that's really good it reminds me of a chicken breast but juicier and has a slight fishy flavor actually the flavor is close to that of a large fish but the texture it's more like a nailed chicken breast, it's wild, you can go to this market, it's so close to your house and you can buy an alligator here, have you ever caught these animals, what is the process of catching an alligator so that do not die?
So what they do, they go in a canoe and they use a harpoon tied to a floating log because when they hit the alligator, it tends to go very fast, so with that log they can identify where it goes and then collect it. Wow, when you see! Are you afraid of these animals? He is saying no. He gets happy because, like food in general, it seems like this isn't really an agricultural or pastoral society. There are not many crops. There are not many people raising pigs and cows. So people go to the jungle, they bring animals from there and they eat them, so that creates problems with animal populations for certain species, so people who watch this video will say: "Oh, that's terrible, no. "They should eat all those animals and it's great, we don't have any problems." one solution we will just cut down the forest we will grow wheat we will grow corn we will make room for the cows and then they will leave no, but you can't cut down the forest either, so what do you do? do it if you live here, I mean is there any solution to stop people from depending on jungle meat and move people to you know, pork, chicken, no, because local people kill to eat all the days?
People have to eat. Yes, is there any? The solution proposed by the government or by external organizations is that there are some organizations when you find some animals in the markets, policies that take and go to the rescue center, that is great for the animals, but what about the people who breathe ice? The Bible in the jungle is kind of like, yes, you can have hands and other animals, but how will those animals survive so young when the water goes away or be older in Animal City, so it's a constant fire to find what we can eat in the conditions they have.
Here, compared to alligator, preparing armored catfish is very simple, simply grill the whole fish until the heat finally penetrates its outer shell and cooks the meat from the inside. We eat? I'm glad it's almost ready. Yes, those are the eggs. It seems only my fish has it. a bag of eggs um well, mine came with a pear, it smells very fishy, ​​Gold, regards, very neutral taste, feels like balls of wax, it's like gummy corn, I'm still chewing it, you can feel each individual egg, even the eggs are armored and protected. I have to say there's not a lot of meat in the fish, right, no God, there's actually only maybe a couple of bites, a few bites, there's not much, I say it's not a lot of meat, but It's a delight because it's really delicious, it's pretty good.
How long have you lived in this community? He has lived here for 15 years. Today we were with his wife. I can see that she is cooking food as her job and what her main job is right now: transporting people from one place to another. it's interesting because you know, talking to different suppliers, people who work here, I ask you if you're closed on Sundays, do you ever have a day off and they say no, no, that idea is so strange and when you come to someone's house like that , certainly? You can see the challenges here for people and it makes sense, what are you going to do with the day off?
Yeah, if you had one thing in your life right now that could make your life easier, what would it be? He said, it's just a good job, it's a working man, what kind of job would be ideal for you, so you'll wait. may I be a cook or chef in the future and do more culinary work sir thank you very much it is a pleasure to meet you and your family and drawing this food with you too so thank you I will finish my cheese yes chicken fish , okay, the best of all. The Food Review Show is a small team of independent creators and everything we do here is powered by you, click the link in our description to join. our patreon and receive exclusive benefits a well of peace is literally dripping with fish oil, so do you take fish oil sometime, you know, for your health, vitamin D, I get it from the sun, oh, okay, can you see it over there?
Can you see the ship's cross? They got a pig in a boat the pig it's like it's never been in a boat music I'm having the time of my life oh okay you want that angle wait wait what do you know chickens don't have a hole separated to lay eggs strange for you, do you know where chicken eggs come from? Oh like uh um like us, that's right, have you ever been the one to do that? Yes, like 10, 12 or more times and do you put Vaseline on it? first you need your help I'm opening this is my way of opening it bam I thought it would be easier but um let's add that you don't have eggs in Cuba we do what I can't get over is that I'm here in South America and there are turtles but when I was in Tanzania or South Africa also turtles, how do you explain?
Is it Pangea? Is it Joe Rogan? Did he do something? Man, it's crazy because I'm always shopping on Amazon, but I never thought I'd end up here in the real Amazon, keep it there buddy, your lips are our magnet for random foods, there's two more, where they come from. I don't know the wildest meat market and I have never seen anything like it, I hope. You enjoyed it and we are fascinated like me and maybe it will get even wilder, which will happen in the next episode. Otherwise, I want to say a big thank you to my man Gold.
You can find him right here on Instagram and follow his fun adventures. In Miami and beyond, guys, that's it. Thanks so much for looking. See you next time. Where we go? Normally I'll stay away from the camera, but uh.

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