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If you STOP Jumping = Trampoline Explodes

May 22, 2024
spy ninjas the hooded guy put a


in our garden it seems like there's a bomb if you



this thing is going to explode what look what's happening let me


wait wait wait wait listen whoa I can't stop


oh my god I challenge you to a challenge of 24 hour jump on a


, succeed and you'll get the next clue, fail and you'll suffer the consequences, oh my god, it says we have to jump for 24 hours or Bob will explode. I'm going to be tired. in about three seconds why the cover up would do this this has to be unknown the cover up justin would never do this to us at least if a bomb is going to explode at least you can stop it by having fun jumping on a trampoline right no I don't I want my last moments here on earth be on a trampoline oh can you do something about it while we jump? oh yeah, oh yeah, tired guys, we jump non-stop, I feel burnt out, you can't jump for 24 hours.
if you stop jumping trampoline explodes
Sure, they're going to get tired and the bombs are going to explode oh my god, we should investigate the bomb, but carefully we have to figure out how to defuse this. We've done it before. Yes, your brother Casey helped us. Chad. Alright. Yes, all I have to do is call. My brother, pick him up and bring him here, but he's in Minnesota, he can't get out on time. That will take a long time to get out. We're in Vegas, maybe I'll just call him. Okay, okay, oh. He didn't answer I'm going to leave a voicemail hey casey we're coming back we need a bomb okay so come back just casey we need your help defusing a bomb oh my god oh my god okay okay okay We don't need two. bombs oh, we should find out what's stopping it from exploding.
if you stop jumping trampoline explodes

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if you stop jumping trampoline explodes...

What do we know so far? There's a speaker down there and when they stopped jumping it started counting down from ten, how do we know we need two people there? Should we try it? maybe one of them will stop jumping, okay, good idea, try it, try it, okay, keep jumping, daniel, you have to jump, melvin, it's on countdown, so we know two people have to keep jumping, so Otherwise, the timer counts down, yeah, so let's find something that weighs just like Daniel or Melvin so one of them can rest. Yeah, I'll find something that weighs like Daniel, I bet I know who he's thinking about.
if you stop jumping trampoline explodes
Who do you know her other man, oh who is that? My legs are like on fire, why not? Don't we play some games to distract them or something? You know you should start by breaking the egg. That sounds dangerous. He wants to break the egg. It is made into a ball and then I bounce them and if they break or crack. You lose, what does that mean? I break or I break, it's not the time we're going to burst if I stop jumping, well, you're not going to no, you'll be jumping and bouncing, oh God, teeth, let me tighten my belt.
if you stop jumping trampoline explodes
This is why I don't want to show another crack, boy, Bob, is it heavy? Oh wow, it's heavy. It's like Daniel. This is how I carry Daniel. Don't let it break you. Oh, don't watch the replay. I don't. crack that means I have to stay here you have to keep jumping what's up with regina's partner? I'm here to save the day. Okay, we're testing this theory. If Bob weighs the same as Melvin, then only one person needs to jump at the same time. There you go, okay, try it good, daniel, you need to jump too, jump, jump, it's counting down, it's counting down, jumper bob, come on bob, what does that mean, oh oh, I gotta take a break , oh my leg, yes, you need to take a break, oh, thank goodness? oh my god, oh my god, let's see, I can do this in three bounces on your neck, girl, okay, I won, take me out, okay, okay, b you gotta break my oh shit, you can never break Melvin, the weight difference It's too tall, I'm hard It's an expert tilt technique You're like an ostrich egg Are you moving so tired it looks like Melvin is taking a nice nap He looks pretty comfortable This god wasn't heavy enough No, but I think I have another idea?
I know something that weighs as much as me, oh his name is Roy Buckley, oh man you got Roy Buckley here, yeah man that guy weighs at least 170. Wait I didn't bring him here, his bowling ball is here, I'm sorry to get your hopes up, I know. He is his hero. Can we stop using the precious Roy Buckley bowling ball for this kind of thing? Is beautiful. It should be on my mantelpiece. This is the life of death. This thing is going to blow Daniel away. Okay, let's get to the Buckster. Keep going, guys. You are doing very well, I have no control, we have, this is a rolling bowling ball, okay, this is how it rolls well, also, melvin should be enough, it should be enough, okay, ready, it's dangerous.
Okay, I tried this at home? It doesn't break, it's okay, you can stop jumping now, it's okay, here we go, the timer is ringing, it's ringing, it's not working, come back, come back, my baby, yeah, it's okay, putting extra weight on the trampoline is not the solution you really need to feel. the jump, whatever put the cover up here, it's advanced and you know if we're not jumping, it's that torque jump, quite, I'm quite tired, can someone please tag me, it's actually on fire, just It's been a few minutes, actually, how are we going to stay? here for 24 hours we need to do another game or something we only have 23 hours and 50 minutes left just do tricks so you don't think about tiredness we should do the best trick win the best workout yeah I feel like you have some good moves want to see my moves ally you should be the judges ok we will judge ok wait 10 seconds ew no that was like that it was like two melvins you should match regina's move and make it as good or better split.
Touch your toe now Melvin make a move for Regina to match. I'll make it easy for Regina. How about a jump on your leg? Ready, she keeps jumping on your leg. You have this. I can not do this. It seems painful from the touch of the toe. Melvin touched his toes better though, he didn't scream, that's hard, this broadcast yeah, it wasn't so cute when Melvin did it and then Regina on the jump through the leg, I think I heard a snap in her ankle like I think she. I broke it, negative point for that, okay, so first round Melvin wins, this is my next trick, oh cool, it's called the corpse, always take, take allie, try the valley, you can start what the challenger does Sparks, okay, let's do your trick, ally, wow, okay, okay, what happened? what happened what happened knees to butt okay melvin you have to challenge an ally okay rotation 540 that's a spin and a half yeah so I'm looking at you okay yeah wow yeah start looking at the camera let's do a spin complete and when you land you should be facing the wall okay v relevant challenge for a trick oh no okay here's your challenge melvin very clean very clean good luck on that wow even cleaner melvin challenged me to something that was really good the stopwatch the stopwatch Melvin clearly won that, no one can beat Melbourne, okay, Melvin, you had a party, what can you do? a seven, twenty seven, twenty oh oh what and a quarter, seven, twenty quarter, oh wait, that was a much cooler move than me, you got out of the whole trap, oh wow, okay, this one's name is Daniel. my leg went through and then it went back through wow Chad come on man you know I got a weak lake sorry man you got this what the hell jump across it?
I can't even go straight okay, you got it, maybe try the other leg, I can Don't do it without falling Chad Daniel, you're embarrassing me in front of millions of spiders, but you do it in every video, it's okay, we have than to spread this bomb again, I won, I put out the velvet, oh man, keep jumping, guys, Gina, we should play dodge. the ball is fine, fine, throw it at them, fine, clearly putting extra weight there didn't work with the bowling ball with Bob, what else do you have for me? I mean, I've seen a lot of movies and I've seen Casey detonate bombs before there was always wires to cut.
I feel like we should try cutting one of these wires. We should probably cut the wires that connect to the trampoline mat. I think that's the sensor that detects the jump from him, so we just have to go up under this blue one. Thank goodness we weren't cutting the cable at the time, yes, my God, this is dangerous, but we have to lift this blue mat. Okay, my God, this is a dangerous job. He's fine, yeah, he's fine, the blue mask doesn't lift me up. I'm going to have to get on the trampoline, go to the other side, lift up the blue mat on the other side and cut the cable, okay, I'm going to get on the trampoline with some scissors, don't try this at home guys, yeah, yeah. don't do this I'm trying to defuse the bomb oh my god with scissors you can do this I oh my god okay you're going the wrong way just come here I yeah yeah but you guys have to keep jumping oh my god I feel like If I were a broken egg again.
Okay, I'll stay below. Daniel, keep twerking. The butt is too small. There are so many cables. Chad. Which one should I cut the red? It's always red. Actually, I'm going to cut red three. back together, okay, it stopped, okay, stopped, okay, oh, okay, I guess they won't cut the red wire. Sorry guys, I can't do this for much longer. Hey, don't worry, new game, catch, catch, ally, come on, we have to turn this off. bomb, okay, karaoke, no, it's jump rope karaoke, it's a jump rope, it's a trampoline, you jump, you use the jump rope, what is this, daniel, yeah, what are we doing for the eighteenth time, It's jumping here, stop jumping so much, just keep your shirt on, can you? do this one is so weird wow i can do this oh wow oh wow oh wow one two wow it's hot i'm pretty good at these physical beats daniel is good at beats here we go double green oh oh shoot where is it?
Wow, I don't know how this happened, how did you do this? Thank you for lending me your jump rope. It is dangerous. Okay, somehow we have to figure out how to short circuit this bomb. Regina. You always have very good ideas. Really, Chad. I'm a Genius, I guess that's true, so you think a little sometimes, you just have to think, what happens if you just press some buttons? Would that be bad? Are you serious? Chad, well, it'll be in my hands if this thing blows up. Yes, it's okay, Regina, we have nothing. yeah, I don't think I want to mess with this too much, let's get back together with the group, yeah, yeah, there you go, wow, okay regina, and I couldn't figure anything out with the bomb guys, do you guys have any ideas?
I understood how far can everyone run in 10 seconds? We don't know how big the explosion of this bomb is in the shock wave that will follow it. Our neighbors are also in danger. Yes, but we are all very tired right now. I mean, no. I don't know how much longer I can jump guys, what are we going to do? I have an idea, yes, one of the things I fear the most is water, yes, I think I can use that to my advantage, you guys should come in. the house and I'll take care of it, it's okay, we won't leave you here alone, oh, I didn't hear you right, you want to sacrifice yourself and get in the water, yeah, what's your biggest fear, girl, can you?
Not even swimming, I think this is the quickest and easiest way to get out, what things to get out, get out, the water will just disable all the electricity and all the wires, oh my goodness, that's the best way and the quickest way to deactivate it. the bomb no b, you can't do that too dangerous yes, that's not smart, I think it's the only way, although no, there has to be another one as a team, you don't just sacrifice yourself exactly, here we are a team, oh my god, we. They ain't even helping out there now they're just being dumb guys oh my god dude wait the tape ripped off it's falling off oh my god wait that's how it did it didn't go off I'm cutting you off I shorted it's totally dead, look.
Dude, that was directed directly at you Melvin there's a note on it this is the cover up cane the melvin you know he's going to die why the cover up is trying to take your life the cover up is trying to take your life what's up clunker where are you what's the meaning of this he left us the mask and it is a step also i think he is trying to kill you melvin no way no way is it the cover up and/or justin justin what is the meaning of that show yourself

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