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If You Say “NO” You Have To REMOVE A LAYER OF CLOTHING Challenge

Jun 28, 2024
fast we're not moving fast enough okay, okay, should we take off all our clothes right now? Rebecca no, oh, I don't want to be put on the wrong foot, that's what most people say. I cried the first time I was put on athletes, but after a while you get used to it and there are medications, how do we know when we


completed this


? Well I'm sure rz twin will give me twin telepathy and let us know when it's done, but we


to keep playing the


and lose an article of


until I can work with all of you and try to figure out what's going on.
if you say no you have to remove a layer of clothing challenge
Hi Rebecca, it's you, me on this last one, that means you and me, Maddie, let's go. cool, okay Rebecca, this is a super weird challenge that the game master has to prepare for us, are you kidding me? This is the YouTube trending challenge. If you say blank, then you have to take off one item of


. It's very normal, of course, the game master would make us do a trending challenge. He wants us to take off our clothes. Yes, unless you don't want to. I don't want to wait, what did you say? I don't want to take it off, oh, take it all off.
if you say no you have to remove a layer of clothing challenge

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if you say no you have to remove a layer of clothing challenge...

Matt just said the word he's not supposed to say, so now he's only left with a t-shirt, yeah, and something. pants, what is that, nothing, rebecca, it's my shirt, you've never worn anything like that before, okay, cool, I guess it's just the two of us, okay, maddie, I'm going to start with this do you think it should be part of the gmat?, okay, rick. noah i see how it will be, i personally don't think you should do it, it's up to the game master anyway so my opinion doesn't matter, ask for yourself, rick noah aren't buzz and woody just the worst disney characters, are you joking?
if you say no you have to remove a layer of clothing challenge
They are amazing, they are my favorite Buzz and Woody are the best and everyone knows it is called flying with style. In fact, Belle is the best Disney character. I agree that Bill is amazing, but here's my next question, Maddie, is it true that you were the third best hacker on gmat, I'm not, I think we are all equally amazing hackers, no one is specifically better than him. another, although daniel could be the best of the best. Hi Rebecca, you had fun, but hey, it's just you and me. Right now we have to go back, we can't say anything about 213, we said it, right, no, I'm not saying it, why are you mentioning 213?
if you say no you have to remove a layer of clothing challenge
The game master might have known, but no one knows, you know. what are we going to say now do you want to say 213 right now yes, we should say it right now no wait what matt what to say no no it's not okay matt take it off take off an item of clothing rebecca can't do that okay rick noah right? It's true that you are still hypnotized. I don't really know, but by k I know what you mean. You don't know, you're either hypnotized or you're not. I don't know how Hitler's home works. I have no idea, let me.
Get this, Maddie, is it true that you and everyone say you're super boy crazy? I'm not crazy about boys. I don't know why people say that. I mean, yeah, I've been on a lot of dates with different guys, but that doesn't mean Yo, guy, crazy, okay, you know what, Rick Noah? Are you jealous that you're not part of the Game Master Network and will never be a part of it? Do not be part of Gamemaster Network. I'm jealous of that game. master's degree, damn it, I'll be there, did you just say no? Wow Matt seriously that's my gym shark talk wait this is from Gymshark yeah Matt Jim Shark sent it to me and Matt we both got gym clothes from Gymshark you're not supposed to be wearing this I lost the challenge I lost the challenge and then I'm taking my socks off without joining this athlete's foot party I thought they were going to reveal our faces okay I took my socks off but everyone knows you always will be third best tiger daniel zoe and then down the line you're fine that's not true and anyway who cares a hacker he's way better than a puzzle master what's even a puzzle master you know what you're going to be single for the rest of your life no I'm going to be single for the rest of my life, that's simple and you know green isn't even your color, that's the worst color in the rainbow, geniuses don't wear green because why would you be wearing it? green and you know the others tic tac no one looks at them everyone looks at my tech dogs they love them especially the renegade and you're just jealous that you'll never be best friends with matt and daniel will always be his best friend the school of your fitness channel rebecca naughty fitness no maddie rebecca fitness so think about it if you were a real fan you know it's rebecca maddie challenges now okay wait let me check something let's challenge rebecca I missed the chat oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no there's something I should maybe I should tell you right now um Gymshark isn't going to send me any clothes no it's not that end and you can't keep wearing my tops guys maddie maddie matt you shouldn't have looked at the back of this document There was another note from the game master, what did he say?
Congratulations on finding the next piece of the device. I've hidden the final piece in Maddie's apartment. Do not bring the other parts of the device. Keep them here so they are safe. Game master. It doesn't make sense, although the game master said that after this challenge we would get the last and final piece of the device. Yeah, I don't even know when this challenge will end. Oh, to find where the next piece of the game's master device is. Do they need to scan one of the tattoos on their necks with the Game Master Network app? I'm rz twin.
There is something I have to tell you. I know where the final piece of the device is, but I need all your help. order me to actually tell you where Rebecca is, she's talking crazy right now, I'm not and I can show her, uh, red, no, can you grab the camera real quick? Okay, you rz twin actually told me I just had to open it. Game Master Network app and wait, I'm trying to get it, sir, and oh oh, I have service, the device is on that pop, the pot right next to the front door, oh, there's something there, it's another piece of the device, Now we only need one. more wait wait there's something else here guys ah this is Mr. got or rz twin or something but regardless that means mr x doesn't have it okay wait really oh okay thanks guys this is the perfect time.
The last piece of the device is in my apartment and guess what my apartment is? Everything is ready. We can go take a tour of the house. Now, do you want to go? Well, I'm going to put these pieces in the black bag because the game master said that we have to keep them here so they are safe. Does everyone want to dress up so my neighbors don't? I don't think we're weird oh yeah yeah Maddie you should definitely try to put on some clothes you should put on some pants Matt Maddie I can't wait to see your apartment right now oh no I forgot my bag with all my stuff in your home. but daniel won't meet us there, maybe she can come by and grab him, oh right, i'll call him, okay, hi daniel, hi maddie, what's up?
Would you mind stopping by Matt and Rebecca's house to grab my black backpack? It's right in front. cool door yeah black bag got it good thanks black bag but there's a backpack black backpack black bag what I think he said black bag back ok guys so this is the tour of my new house. I'm very excited to show it to you. Look at this buddy, I can't wait to see what you've decorated with, okay let's get into it Maddie, I didn't know you liked pink so much, huh, I love the way you decorated the walls, nice place Maddie, I don't know why .
It's decorated like this maddie this is cool but I didn't know you liked doll houses I thought you didn't like doll houses I hate doll houses wait a second these are the cups you borrow from my house these are my cups I don't know how they got here. We saw you take them, but no, I just left them outside the front door. I never actually took them to my apartment. Okay, but why did you bring them here in the first place? What was that? Who was that? Oh, Daniel, nice place. maddie good design daniel it's terrible daniel thanks for bringing my bag there you go that's not my bag oh no exam family this is the bag with the game master's devices and you know the game master said we can't bring them here they are not sure they were supposed to stay at the house okay we could leave them here the black bag the black backpack not the black bag matty good job on the decor this would look better if it was green but I love it santa maddie said there were renovations going on here in your apartment, but renovations don't mean decorating the apartment.
I think the only person who decorated this apartment like a dollhouse is Maddie. Is she lying? She could be working for HR. I found that mask and that picture of a dollhouse is a little weird, she's never liked dollhouses. Okay, the game master said that the last piece of the device was here in Maddie's apartment, so we have to start looking for it. Well, I'm so weirded out it seems. a dollhouse maddie those are things you took from my house I saw you grab them I didn't do this they said they were doing renovations and great it's a dollar wait wait see what closed the door or something let me go check, let me go to check, let me go check, guys, the door is locked, unlock it, I can't open it, daniel, maybe there's another way to escape through my room, okay, go check it out, okay guys, make sure you're subscribed to Rebecca. small channel because it looks like we might be stuck here guys, did you find a way out?
Oh, everything is blocked. Okay, I appreciate you guys getting our merch on Instagram. Make sure you register for the VIP program because the game master said that. He'll put some clues in there, okay, let's find a way out, we have some news, guys, on the count of three, one, two, three, we're trapped.

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