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If You Lie, You Die!

Apr 02, 2024
same? It's kind of funny, okay, do you want me to tell you what it is, I'd love to, I'd love to, okay, our friend over there is struggling, oh yeah, okay, I'll probably tell you, okay, he's a banana, he's got googly eyes, okay, with a sticky note on it that's really funny do you want to know what the sticky note says what the sticky note says says Derek the chef H okay how ripe is that banana pretty ripe Actually, I would love to eat this right now no It's a brown banana, don't worry H mhm, so how big are they?
if you lie you die
They're like a dime smaller, a little bit less than the size of a dime. Yeah, you guys aren't listening to me here. I can hear you, you need to shut your mouth. I was wondering what Chatters were. I'm trying to investigate. I'm trying to see his facial expressions and his eyebrows. and his eyes go left or right to see if he's lying, so I'm going to need you to go over there and suck some. I can take a bite of this banana if you want, no, okay? I won't do that I will I'm just kidding I can't give that away oh you can't I can't why because I'll give it away would you see the yellow you know why Derek because you're a liar, you're lying, you sure want to go with that straight through your teeth, I know When you're lying, yeah, you're gonna smile, liar, what's that?
if you lie you die

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if you lie you die...

What is an avocado? Mr. Potato Head, it's a dark fish that you can't see. like me seriously it looks like it's serious you think you think it looks like me you think this give it to me don't come back here I want it oh wait where did you hit it on what ' You nailed it, you think this looks like me, that doesn't looks nothing like me, get on the ice, well you look like a pumpkin right now, actually, okay, no, I didn't lay down my chair the first time I went in there, so right now.
if you lie you die
It's 10 times colder why are you giving me this. I'm going to go there and win there win the challenge oh oh that's become more different yeah enjoy it oh liar brother it looks like you're serious right now I mean those are dereck's eyes it's Derrick's smile, the shape of his face From Derrick, brother, I'm back, we have two boxes left. I'm going to go with four, match your shirt, no matter what box you go with, honestly, because I'm the best lie detector ever. be gentle with this, it's okay, it feels extremely heavy, why did you already give me hints?
if you lie you die
It's heavy, bro, is there a whole gym here? Okay, now I know it's lightweight. I can, I really want you to go back to that ice bath. I want one. of you come to this ice bath, okay, ready 3 2 1 oh, is it so heavy, so heavy? Wow, stop trying to convince me it's heavy, hey Ben, you should tell them what it is, guess what, when is your birthday, August 15, cool, cousin. I have a gift for you, if you like birthday cakes, I'm actually a big fan of vanilla, although vanilla, I don't like chocolate, I have something else for you, okay, cheese balls, so wait, you have cake and cheese balls, I don't see, the color of your shirt reminded me. something true cheese balls I don't know where you're going okay I'm just going to tell you what it is okay okay okay I'm going to tell you what it is here I'm looking it's a cake it's a cheese ball cake cheese ball cake guess what the one is frosting what is the frosting not normal frosting is mustard mustard mustard frosting wow yeah what color is mustard mustard color buddy why do you have to look down Mustard yellow why do you have to look down to see what color it was mustard don't matter buddy yeah hey guys cream because I took a lying class you're literally lying you took a lying class you didn't maybe that's not true it seemed like you were I'm not telling the truth for a second, what do you think brother?
Your birthday will come one day. I'm going to get you a nice gift. This could be the reason you're trying to talk about my birthday. It's my birthday? What's on your plate early birthday present bro I told you it's a birthday cake I think you're lying I think you're lying to me right now there's really no way there's a birthday cake in front of you with cheese balls of the same color that my shirt you call me a liar I'm not calling you right this is a damn birthday cake with cheese balls no that's not it yes it is there is no cake there but there are candles in the cheese balls wao, damn it, whole The damn room just shook, wait, does that mean I have to take the damn ice bath?
Yeah, come on, absolutely, come on, come on, honestly, cam, come out, okay, I want to try it. I left it cold for you Derek, oh, I bet you did, extra. Cal, you want to say it, yeah, actually, go get it yourself, no, I thought you'd say that, let's put it on a bit, dude, no, are they fighting again, really, hey, I don't want it, that's bad, okay let's pick another box D you're supposed to go in I can't get another box oh my back okay here we go 3 two one okay now it's not there D I'm glad I'm not him okay let's take the last box last , but not least, we have box number three I need help Joe Rogan please let's open this box let's see what we have here what number is it I'm cold is number three are you lying is the number is number three oh do you really think I would lie about the number?
I thought let's start or maybe it's an M why that's not really an M what's okay let's see what's in this thing 3 2 1 who's okay what's what's what's okay Ben this is what I have in my box okay , you know we use them in videos, okay, sure, we have mouse traps, that's right, no, no, no, no, no, no, you know, we have a couple of mouse traps in the warehouse, right, oh my God Come on, we have a lot of mouse straps, yes, yes. and then I have your favorite person we have mouse straps on a picture of your favorite person Derek no he's lying then because I'm his favorite he's lying no your other favorite person your ex girlfriend Lexi brother uh what the hell did it? these, I think he's making it up, whoever sets up these videos would never do that to me, let's say my favorite video is Ben's breakup video, we should watch it, is it hot in here or am I turning red?
In that video, almost every day you say that there is a photo of my ex-girlfriend Lexi there, yes, in that photo she is smiling or making a serious face, she makes a serious face, serious face, yes, so she is not happy to be there, probably not because she's next. for you then she's next to you well you're not in the photo then it's just a photo of Lexi it's a photo of Lexi held by a mouse strap and that's it that's that's that's not oh my god it's too random that the What they would get would be that, guys, I'm about to pee here, do you think Lexi is a cool person please, you know, the only time I really see her is in her breakup video?
It happened, bro, I was having a damn moment with Cam, yeah, dude, I was that close to getting to the bottom of my investigation. I was so cold I farted. What color are her eyes? I don't know, look at the photo and then if she's there, I don't know. I don't want to see the photo, hey, hey, hey, Derek, can you be a little calmer? Try to get to the bottom. I did a full investigation with my friend's camera just now and all I heard is just bodily function, yeah how incredibly rude Derek. right, you're trying to figure out if I'm lying or not bro, I'm hypothermic, you guys are here debating about Lexi Rivera's hair color, why are you laughing, you're lying to me.
I don't know, they dated her, you know? we're supposed to know what color eyes she has it doesn't matter it doesn't matter what color eyes she has am I lying or am I telling the truth are you telling the truth are you sure? is your final answer are you sure you don't want to change can you change tell me it's true if you turn around Lexi will be right behind you turn your head Lex turns around with the mouse trap with a photo of Lexi Lexi is right behind you actually turned around I made a joke on you, show me the photo of Lexi with the mouse up brother, don't let go, no, and the best Li of the voice is D, peace doesn't really lie in real life, subscribe.

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