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IF YOU LEAVE THE CIRCLE, YOU DIE - 3 Days Survival in Minecraft

Jun 12, 2024
Well, then let's get started for the next three


. We have to stay within this red


. We can't go out for three full


. Yes, but if we can do it, then we will get the treasure inside that chest over there. Wow, very good. case I'm ready to go that's the spirit these guys will enforce the rules let's take a look around the


it's pretty small it doesn't have much inside even this little farm has been cut in half at least there's a whole house inside this circle come on Let's look at it, it's horrible cobwebs, it's a little worn out, but there's a chest open here, there's no rotten meat, but why, yuck, the next three days are going to be difficult?
if you leave the circle you die   3 days survival in minecraft
We really live here like this, at least we have to. try hard oh yeah mikey we should start with the basic needs and get some wood so we can start crafting at least we have access to some wood you're right ok we can even use the wood from houses come on to tear it down hmm, no Do you think this house is too small? It's red. Oh, that's the edge of the circle. Be careful. Okay, that should be enough for now. We have a lot. Oh, right on the edge. Well, we've stocked up on wood. That's good.
if you leave the circle you die   3 days survival in minecraft

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if you leave the circle you die 3 days survival in minecraft...

The first is the first. I'm putting the workbench here, okay hmm, we'll need some sticks, yes, now we have pickaxes, how about the shaft, yes, now, oh, shovels? Alright, thanks JJ, so it looks good, yes, we have all our basic needs. Great, we can use them to collect stone. I hope there's enough for me too, there's something here, yeah, this house is waste material for us, destroy it, okay, I'm just thinking, oh, what's wrong? I hope we can achieve it. I hope so too. How about we go through the trash a little? I think we'll find something, okay.
if you leave the circle you die   3 days survival in minecraft
Take a look around, okay, this house, I wonder what's inside, let's take a look, oh, there's a red line that runs right through the middle. There's nothing here, at least nothing we can get to. What a pity, there is a work table. Hmm, oh, look, what do you see? There's up there. nothing the house is empty it looks like this but the shelves have a button sticking out oh wait let's see what it does I'm going to press the button without crossing the line click oh I saw something what is it there's a secret chest that's cool Wow, I'll loot it, look, It has five iron ingots.
if you leave the circle you die   3 days survival in minecraft
Awesome, we're lucky. Wow, now that we have iron. There is something I want to do. What is something vital? A cube. Why wait and see so far we only have rotten meat. Okay, I'll harvest some potatoes, we have food, yes, let's gather more, good idea, okay, I have 31 potatoes. Well, now comes the bucket. There's some lava here. Okay, I'll pick it up with the bucket and put it in the oven. Oh what! Then the potatoes are working this way, we can cook all the potatoes at once using the lava, oh wow, very clever, huh, yeah, now we have enough food for three days, that was easy, yeah, three days, I'll be very easy, here's some food.
It looks delicious, it's cute, things are going well so far, but these wooden tools won't last forever. No, let's improve them. Oh yeah. How about stone tools? But we don't have any stones. What do we do to destroy our house? I don't think so. We still have to resort to that because I have a plan, what is it? Just look, this goes here. I'll break this block to clear some space, something like this there, oh, I'll open a hole here, sure, I'll dig here and then cover. What are you doing? Maybe I'll turn it around. Oh yes, much better now to use the bucket.
Okay, get some water. I'm very confused. Throw it here and, well, here it goes. I'm breaking the block. Look what it is. happening, it's a cobblestone generator, really, yeah, cool fish, it goes on, yeah, it goes on forever, so now we can create a bunch of stone tools, yeah, wow, that's the idea. Now I have a stone pickaxe, oh look, that's awesome, JJ, yeah, sweet, let's build. Increasing our supply of cobblestones is that easy, it's definitely okay, we have more than enough stone to upgrade our tools, oh let's get started. I'll make a stone pickaxe, then an ax and a shovel, here's yours Mikey, thanks, yes awesome, now we have our stone tools.
Hooray, everything's going great, looks like our potatoes are already cooked, sounds like we're stocked up too, let's call it a night, okay, we're tired, yeah, same thing, let's go to sleep, what's up, uh, Mikey, what we forgot? Something, oh yeah, we forgot to make the beds. Do it now, I'm sorry Mikey, but we're going to have to stay up all night. Look, the sun will finally rise. If the sun rises, that means we get to the second day first. Let's make our beds. Yes, it can be difficult to find the. Correct materials Do you see wool anywhere?
Oh look, there's a sheepfold over there. We could get a wolf out of them. Good idea, but we can't reach them. We cannot


the red circle. It is impossible. Oh, that's true. They are very close. Outside. From Reach For Us in this circle we can make scissors, but why did we have enough iron to make them well? Actually, I think I had an idea, let's see, we really could have done this from the beginning, follow me behind you, okay. start here we'll need some of this and I'll make you one too Sweet stone swords here's yours thanks we have swords now we use some from the house but it's empty don't remember the cobwebs huh why are you doing that?
I don't understand, if you break them with a sword you get the rope, what are we doing with the ropes? Just look first. I need some more sticks. What are you doing? You'll see, uh, rope here and yeah, there's a fishing rod here. Ah, thanks, now we can use these fishing rods to grab the case. What's the plan? It will work. I'm going to activate the pressure plate first. Let's catch those sheep. Okay, you have a reel. Excellent capture. Keep pulling. Yes, we're almost there. You did it, I have three blocks, I know, it's amazing, put them in, let me get the wool, we can still get it even if it's on the other side of the red line, look, we did it, Mikey, what a nice six blocks of wool, that means that we can make two beds, oh yes.
That was a great plan, thanks, now let's make our beds. I'll put these here and then this, oh, like this, yeah, oh sweet, we did it, we made two beds, here's yours, Mikey, let's sleep tonight, yeah, cool, let's clear up some space we can. Leave them right here, okay, okay, I'm going to sleep very well tonight, the problem is solved, now, be careful, there are problems, what vines, oh GG, we have to fight seriously, be careful, DJ who was nearby, stay in the circle. I will be. watch out, let's fight, let's do it, do it, oh man, Mikey, seriously, it was close, at least we stayed in a circle, but our house exploded, it's ruined.
Come on, we can't sleep like this, so let's try to fix it. Our house really took a hit. Let's see what we can do, okay, everything will be fine, Mikey, don't worry, these can replace the windows now, let's fill all this in, just carefully, the edge of the circle, okay, cover it, yeah, okay, this already It looks better, totally, here it is. the last piece oh okay it's already night I'm glad everything is settled I'm tired too the beds are inside let's call it a night let's get some sleep yes we made it through the second day there's only one day left yes let's do it our best, okay, it's morning, it's our third morning and our last day in the circle.
At first this sounded really hard, but it's definitely been fun, all we have to do is wait for today. What's that? Hmm, I see something, let's see better, yes. Ok, let's take a look, what is it? What could it be? It looks like a crowd, really wait, it's a crowd of angry zombies. Well, let's do, what can we do? We're just trying to stay within the circle, Mikey, we have to fight them, yeah, wait, don. Don't let yourself be taken out of the circle Mikey, there is no end to them, there are too many, it's crazy, my health is low.
We have to get in the house first, come on Mikey, hurry up, okay, dig this up, I'm on God, dig it up. the floor Mikey go try it we need to spread the lava get up yeah it's working it's so scary it's safety lava good job let's see how it looks these zombies are serious we'll have to wait in here with our kit of lava, it is a life or death. right situation I need to try the lava on some more zombies I'll come back be careful a little better now I'll attract whoa there's a ton how many groups where they come from oh man yeah thanks Mikey nice watch out I'm going to fix our lava trap so more zombies fall.
More are coming. I'll be quick. I put trap doors down here and then I do this right. How does it work? Yes, this is perfect. Wow, this is amazing. You should put up with the zombies keep it up Mikey you got it we're almost done now I can crush this part how's it going? It's the last one really come on zombie I'll hit it hey that was the last zombie yeah we did it we took it Take care of all those zombies with lava seriously the coast is clear in that case let's get some sleep good night it's the last night of our challenge oh it's morning yes oh wow we did it we finally did it we stayed inside the red circle without dying for Three full days we did it, we can finally get the treasure inside the chest.
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