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If You Build It, I'll Pay For It! (Lego VS Minecraft)

Apr 29, 2024
We're inside the sporting goods store and here we have Ben's item that he built. This could be many things. At first I thought it was a carrot, but I don't think sporting goods stores sell carrots, so I think the best option is a baseball bat. Let's go there and check it out. I found a baseball bat. in the same color as Lego, look at these identical colors, they are both orange, but the only problem I have is that there is a little Lego man standing on top of it I don't think Ben would stand on top of a baseball bat let's keep looking there are so many orange things inside the sporting goods store it could be a cone it could be a street cone it's the same exact orange thing, but if you look, the Lego man is standing on top of it.
if you build it i ll pay for it lego vs minecraft
I don't think you would stand on top of a traffic cone. Let's keep looking. Well, I was looking around and I'm in the subway area and lo and behold. I found that he looks so identical that he even has the little person inside the boat. He also has the same shape. Look, it's a boat. This is definitely it. Let's get it done, so this is what I did. Yes, what are you buying me? It looks like a carrot. I was really confused because the sports store doesn't sell carrots. It's not a carrot, brother. I mean, I tried looking for a carrot and none were sold there, but I'll show you what I bought you.
if you build it i ll pay for it lego vs minecraft

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if you build it i ll pay for it lego vs minecraft...

So I really hope Cam bought what I built. I want the well. That's exactly what I built. Wait. I did it well. This is what I built. Yeah, that's another point for me, baby. I broke my kayak a long time ago and never got it back. a new one, so thanks, yes, you're welcome. It's 3 to 1. Now you better hope the camera bought the next thing you built. I really hope so. It's not looking good to me right now. Okay, now I'm looking. Julian's article, this could be a lot of things but I know exactly what it is: It's binoculars that look like two little holes for your eyes and then a little handle for it, mate you can see through it, maybe I need some binoculars to go see something good. old nature I'm going to go get some binoculars right now, okay, I found the binoculars, they look pretty identical to me, look, they've got the eye holes and everything, the little handle, wait, oh, I had the picture upside down all this time.
if you build it i ll pay for it lego vs minecraft
It's not binoculars it's a bike it's a damn bike I'm so dumb let's go to the bike section okay we're in the bike section right now and if you take a look at this bike it's blue and you know what further? It's blue that bike up there wow look how cool it looks it looks identical they're both blue bikes this is definitely a blue bike and then specifically it's that blue bike Julian is going to love his new bike I'm so excited let's go Alright , Julian, welcome back, check this out here, this is what you built, my amazing


if you build it i ll pay for it lego vs minecraft
I thought they were a lot of things like binoculars. I literally thought they were binoculars for a long time, but decided they weren't because I found something. a little better camera don't disappoint me please okay I'm going to go get it I'll be back oh here it comes here it comes here it comes okay oh yeah Cam that's right And no so uh I got it you binoculars those are some pretty big binoculars , camera, yes, no, they go like this, this is what it looks like outside of it. I'm all, he's right, dude, he's right, yeah, oh my gosh, look at it all, camera, this is basically the same thing. exact color also I mean, look at this, you can also look here, okay listen, it's 3 to two, now you're still losing, so don't get too confident, let's keep


ing for the next round, let's do it, it's time to build for another store camera. your helmet, oh, okay, yeah, choose.
So many choose, we have one more store left. I have it, it's the ice cream parlor or my favorite. I'm very hungry, yes, I'm very hungry, brother. You already ate all the Legos, how are you still going crazy? Hungry friend I can eat anything we know like literally anything I will eat anything I will eat a cricket right now eat this don't spin the wheel I will spin I need a high number because I want a lot of ice cream me too 65 oh I'm going to make the ice cream highest that you have ever seen, well I hope I can go higher than this, the chances are slim, but I hope 20 blocks, okay, I think I can do something with those 20 blocks.
You'll only be able to get one or two flavors, even with just one or two flavors, it will still look better than what you're going to make. Ben has 65 bricks and Julian has 20 blocks, let's all build them. right, okay, an ice cream shop and 20 blocks. I don't have that many blocks, so I probably won't be able to create as many flavors, but let's see what we're working with. 65 pieces, what is my first taste. I know which one it is. Look at this little pink one here, bubblegum. I like bubblegum ice cream. I'm going to get some gum.
Well, that's the first layer. Guys, we have a ton of different colors of yarn right here that I can use for ice cream. Let's see, I think. The white would probably be vanilla. The brown is definitely chocolate. The green could be mint, but what if I made a combination of two? Hey, hey man, how's it going here? No, no, no, no, you again, no, I'm not going to do anything. bad, okay, why are you so afraid? Don't eat my Lego, you know why I came to surprise you, I brought you a gift, what is it? It's a self-portrait, it's you and a Lego, it's you, identical, true, yes, it can be seen.
More like you wait, no, no, bye, oh I have a good idea, let's try to make a rainbow sorbet, it will require a lot of different colors, but I think we'll be able to pull it off and this is the cone that I'm going to build my flavors on top of of 17 pieces in the first layer, but I have 65 pieces, let's move on to the next flavor it's yellow, well that's not a flavor, but it's lemon, come on, let's see what I can do here. I start with the red side and then I'll mix in a little bit of orange, a little bit of yellow, a little bit of green.
Oh, this looks so good. I'm so hungry just looking at this. This is a strange combination. Okay, don't judge me. Okay, bubblegum and lemon. Alright. It's going to be good, don't worry, how do you build ice cream in Minecraft? Like it's easy in Lego, but it's probably not easy in Minecraft. What is that guy doing over there? We just have a few more colors to add here. How does it look? I think it looks good and we'll do something like this I think it looks decent 4 pieces and I have 65 we have more to make okay next we're going to go blue there's a flavor called Cookie Monster and it's blue come on but let's make We are sure that we use the correct number of blocks.
Okay, I'm done a little bit, so I think we should just cut the edges like this and that still looks good. We are now at exactly 20 blocks. Listen guys, someone is about to be approached. a pool full of Legos and it can't be me because that would hurt a lot, so I'm sorry Julian, I know it's your first video, but it'll probably be you three flavors down. I have enough for one more flavor, let's go to the last mint flavor. We're getting green at the top I hope Cam can guess I built Rainbow Sugar because I'm really hungry and I need this point one more piece We're back We're back We're back I've got it We're done I'm going to put a cherry on top because why not a cherry on top to top it off?
So let's show you that my ice cream is ready. Wow, wow, that looks good. Time is up bringing invoices. C cam Steve, oh, Steve, yes, Steve the Builder, yes. hello oh cute cute Psy it's actually C the Builder surprise surprise I fooled you huh I bet you thought it was Steve yeah totally fine what are you guys doing to me with ice cream? Ooh, okay, I like ice cream, which one looks more delicious like me? I could eat this paper right now and we'll probably eat the Legos um let's not do that okay thank you okay I'm going to go to the ice cream shop yeah I'm going okay is it just me or is it?
He likes horror, he's crazy, okay, I really hope he made my ice cream correctly. I'm at Bas Robbins too and Ben and Julian joined me because the ice cream would have melted. Come on guys, it's time to buy you ice cream. It all comes down to this, what are you doing? Oh, nothing, you're going to start with me. Actually, I want to start with Julian. Okay, look at this photo here. This is what Julian did. This is going to be fun. Okay, let's do our hair. There are many flavors that Julian made in this picture but I think there is one flavor that completes it all and that is rainbow sorbet, check this out, it literally says rainbow in its name and there is literally a rainbow of ice cream flavors, I could be the cotton candy flavor, but I think I'll go for the rainbow sorbet.
Wow, look at that, it's pretty identical to me. You have all the colors there and it looks delicious too. He's just looking at me. Yes, that's definitely very good. Okay, come on, let's see. with Julian, make sure you did it right, Julian. I have your ice cream cone. There are many flavors and colors in your ice cream cone, so I made sure to get them all. That's what I like to hear. 3 2 1 yo Rainbow Sherber Cam I Hate to break it to you but you're right yeah come on that doesn't look the same maybe having less blocks was better because it looks pretty good okay it doesn't exactly match but hey it's rainbow . all colors and I definitely didn't lick or taste your ice cream.
Is this a bite mark right here? No, not okay, let's make Ben's blocks next, let's make Benz Lego next, I think he licked your ice cream, bro, what? Hey, hey, okay Ben, this is what you built, some delicious flavors, you know, let's build this cone, are you sure buddy, okay, I'm the build cam because I need this point, The green flavor is puzzling me, is it like the pickle flavor? so I'm seeing a pink layer as the first layer ooh, okay, we'll do cherries for the first flavor. I want to make sure I get that red layer first right, it literally looks like the same color, look at that, okay. m I'm definitely off to a great start and then the yellow yellow is going to be a little bit tricky.
Do you see that the yellow flavored triple mango has a perfect flavor for this layer here? Oh wow, that looks delicious, now we have everything blue. Well, my next choice will be cotton candy. I'm going to get the blue side of the cotton candy because the cotton candy is blue and pink and we already have the pink layer so I'm going to make sure I get that blue ball. oh yeah, cute, that's very blue and we have one more layer left and it's green, you guys have pickle flavor here uh no, there's no pickle flavor, okay damn, it could be mint chip.
I don't think so, so it's not green enough or pistachio definitely is. the right flavor for this Lego ice cream is perfect, they don't have a pickle flavor but I think the pistachio flavor will be great and finally to complete this Lego ice cream, a little cherry on top because I see Ben put a little red block. there with a leaf oh my goodness oh my goodness this is so big okay this definitely looks like this this is great okay let's give it Benin and see how I did it oh my goodness enjoy your ice cream I got it all right oh they are sure so, all right, wait, this looks great, but I have to do a taste test because I need to make sure I have created specific flavors, let's see if you got the specific flavors.
The pink was cotton candy, the yellow was lemon, the blue was Cookie Monster and the green. It was mint chip, you misunderstood all the flavors, they didn't, they didn't have some of those flavors, they have, they have those flavors, yes, they do, oh, I mean, it seems like you missed the point, so now it's 3 to three . that means we are IT, it is IT who will go to the pool full of Legos. Good thing, I have a good idea for the jump-off to the warehouse, oh, what, what, what, what, let's go to the warehouse, let's go well, since you guys. tied up there's only one way to solve this you guys stay here and I'll be back in the chamber where you're going oh no this is bad are you scared? because I am afraid, very afraid.
See this pool full of Legos that looks so? painful and it's attacking us, it's attacking you, no, it's going to attack you, oh no, okay, I'm going to attack one of the blindfolded brothers and we'll see who we catch. I can't see anything, okay, now, damn, oh. Oh my god, here it comes, oh no, oh my god, I'm so glad it wasn't me, look at my back, I can't see, oh why do I look good, honey, see you next time, subscribe to m channel my brother and us. See you next week, peace here.

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