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... if Mega Pokemon are BAD? ...

Apr 30, 2024
I also tweeted glasses because it's Ox casual in time, specifically with the return of Mega Evolution in next year's Pokémon Legends Arcus Za. I asked my followers. I wondered if Mega Evolution wasn't the first big Pokemon gimmick that came and went, like if we had zoves and gigantamax before


s would they still be as popular today? I honestly don't understand its popularity beyond timing being a factor, what are your thoughts and putting that string of words into more characters than an X? You have realized? how popular and how big the demand is for Mega's return among the Pokémon fandom, don't get me wrong I think they're cool too, I'm not the one who hates even though Mega Evolution physically and emotionally hurts the Pokémon and that makes me kind. sadly, I think the idea is great from a world building point of view, going beyond your physical limitations to become even better in battle, it's very similar to how real world athletes and top artists level they do a lot of damage to their bodies in the long run by pushing themselves too hard and pushing human limits in the now oh yeah it's an exaggeration and they get the gold because of it but it really shows determination but I think the


evolution trick had its uses. moment in the spotlight and that moment is already passed and that is good, we have moved on to better things in my opinion, but coming back to us by returning to the region where it originated is also very good and welcome, you know that It makes sense since every time we return to Alola there should be moves because it's an inherent part of the region, but I really don't see why with every new generation and every new game announcement we get swarms of people asking to bring back the Mega Evolution and new Mega evos when Pokémon specifically haven't been good since they came out. they stopped adding new Mega Evolutions, which they only did once.
if mega pokemon are bad
Pokémon was only good once, but honestly, they were randomly stuck in the sun and moon in the Let's Go games just to appease these vocal fans. The plan from the beginning may have been to keep it in the 6th generation, originally each generation from then on has had their unique zms gigantamax terizing gimmick and stick to their introductory gens, which was probably the plan for Gen 6, plus, they just didn't expect it to be as popular as it became and now that we're finally back in the region they were introduced to in megas they're back just this once this isn't the return of a now permanent hack people you won't believe the number of comments and tweets I have seen.
if mega pokemon are bad

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if mega pokemon are bad...

That, especially since this is a Legends game, why would that change the core formula? But back on topic, here's a little thought experiment. Imagine if X and Y didn't introduce mega evolution and instead had Z moves which would be quite appropriate because which also fits thematically in a strange way, Pokémon grow and get stat changes and some of their megas-like physical attributes are changed with gigantamax specifically, but megas don't exist yet, so this is the first time this kind of thing has happened of things besides that. The regional variants we first saw in Sun and Moon are now here.
if mega pokemon are bad
Pokémon that are too old can come back in a regional variant form and people love that it's something new and cool and now in this hypothetical world we come to sword and shield and they introduce mega evolution as we see it today, the same number of Pokémon and the The same Pokémon get mega evolutions like the ones there are now. Would Mega Evolution be as popular and in-demand today if it weren't the first major game-changing cheat added to Pokémon or perhaps it would be considered a proven idea. Oh, they just took giant Maxes and made them small. it only applies to some Pokémon rather than all, like with the Dynamax and Z moves, huh, and there were certainly plenty of tweets that agreed with me here on that point, but I guess the core of my question here is that megas They are so loved because of nostalgia. and mega Evo Mega fans are kind of members of Today's Generation or there is so much love for Mega Evolution because it really is the best gimmick idea a fan of the game has ever had and everyone had something else to say: At first I hated Mega Evolution.
if mega pokemon are bad
It felt like Pokémon was trying to add aspects of Digimon throughout the evolution and then the evolution at the end of the battle portion. I started to love them because it gave life to a lot of monsters that needed it and it was also a great aspect for the battle mechanics. I swear I remember people hating megas when they were first announced or at least not being all that excited about the concept. I remember when megabytes were first revealed, that was the general consensus. Pokémon has finally run out of ideas and is now becoming full Digimon if not I don't know, Digimon has always had a mega level digivolution and then they devolve, but where my opinion differs from these tweets is that it gave life to Pokémon that it they needed.
I saw that in a lot of your answers, actually Charizard and Mewtwo clearly. they needed so much relevance that they got two Mega each and then you have Pokémon that are already fan favorites galade and gardivoir Lop honey Lucario like Lucario really needed the relevance also already popular legendary Pokémon pseudo legendary Pokémon Absol saberli Aggron and a large number of Pokémon first generation that are always relevant under Kanto rule, but I want to say that he helped medam and Eros, aino glay and a couple more who needed it. I guess I feel like the Pokémon chosen to get megas because they're already popular far outweigh the ones they needed. helps in that department, but maybe they're referring to competitive meta relevance rather than popularity, so sure, yeah, but since legendaries clearly needed the buff and Blazekin was already broken at top tier in The Meta and then They gave a mega evolution.
Besides that, Swamper Venusaur and Charizard too, but on a minor extreme, he said he helped a lot of them, in this case Aino was nothing and then Mega came out and became the Champion's main card in the card game and in the video games like Mal, while Kangaskhan Meacham Pinsir helped enormously with good megas for those like six Pokémon, but mega evolution arguably hurt the competitive scene a lot more than it helped just because of how small the option pool was, especially in knee before a hurdle race and that would explain why I saw a lot of answers saying that although they are less flashy and cool, they prefer Dynamax and Z movements and terization from a competitive point of view since they apply to everyone Pokémon instead of literally 6% of them?
I've always preferred mechanics that any Pokémon can use. Especially in I think people would be angry about a trick that not all Pokémon can use and as I hinted I really needed it, it's such a strong set of words that I just can't agree with, not all Pokémon should be relevant or capable in the competitive meta. Arguably most shouldn't, there's nothing wrong with Pokémon designed for world-building rather than battling small, fun, or scary top-tier Pokémon, because the weak formula monster the anime uses clearly needs a wide variety of monsters with different purposes, not all of them can be a powerful competitive meta, they hit you in the face you know, and while we're talking, Kos sees that faru is not competitive in the slightest, he's not even good at the single player game, this Pokémon sucks and yet they gave it the thing. 10 different shapes, that takes a lot of work, so why?
Because Kos is based on France and what animal is more French than the French poodle, which is famous for having many different trees and is a perfect piece to build the world in a region that is all about fashion and beauty, yes, furu. it needs a mega evolution to be relevant, but no, no, it's not, it's a set piece, let's objectify this dog, but speaking in many ways, that's another way to make old Pokémon relevant again, you don't need a megaevolution specifically, are we considering regional variation as? One factor that is a great attraction of Megas is that they give new life to older Pokémon, if we say that the variants also appeared first.
I think megas would still be popular, but not as popular. Old Pokémon need to be made stronger and given a new design. I'd like to think of Pokémon Paradox as people's reaction to Megas if they came out in Generation 9. People love Pokémon Paradox. They really love it, so there's a new self-promoting t-shirt design. Look at this. I love it. There is a problem, although it is not there. well, because suddenly shirts became very expensive to make and even if I emptied both my business bank account and my personal bank account, I couldn't afford half the stock, so what's on Teespring?
I'll call it the other Noggin store and it also has many of our older designs. I thought I'd also like to spruce it up a bit now. Personally, to be honest, I would always prefer you to visit because the t-shirts we make there are very soft, very pretty and durable. This is like a nice thick material. In my opinion it's an S level t-shirt where we print a super cool design and then teesprings like yeah okay you know the print quality is good but the t-shirt itself definitely feels cheaper so go a Teespring link in the description, add it to your cart and wait for an offer.
Spring sale. This design is clearly inspired by the Pokémon Paradox which features our little noggy skull right in the middle of the future, surrounded by silhouettes of various monsters. Parts link below your support is always welcome and fantastic, thanks for checking it out, but back on topic, do you have an old Pokémon that you want to make relevant in battles and popularity again? Give it a stronger regional variant or something like a paradoxical Pokémon or convergent evolution, right? they are now relevant again and not attached to some possibly silly gimmick that is tied to a generation only visible in some battles and extremely limited in scope, which is inherent to their entire design, they can now always exist almost anywhere. wants because it's true, including me, people love the new forms of Pokémon, whose megas were the first to bring us back to the whole, is it just a nostalgia thing?
Before Gen 6, there was a very standard Pokémon formula and every Pokémon game did something small to change it from adding double spawn battles, normal special triple split battles, but at its core the game and the entire Pokémon formula was the same Gen 4 and five added many Pokémon with forms, but in essence, each Pokémon only evolved up to two times breaking that precedent after 17 years was unheard of, even if it was only a temporary thing in battle, the idea of ​​an additional Evolution was revolutionary by Pokémon standards. How many times have we, as children, imagined a stage four of some of our favorite Pokémon?
I know, I think that's what Mega Evolution boils down to, it feels like the next logical step in the Pokémon evolution formula, since I remember talking about fourth evos on the playground in the 2000s, yeah , was an idea that a lot of kids thought would be cool. Cool, personally, I remember so many Mew 3s and this is the Chariz Zoom fan art among my third grade class. I wonder if I could find that picture of Chariz Zoom and when they announced the existence of the Mega Evolution the fans went crazy, it's almost like making a childhood dream come true of course although this was before we knew that they would only give it to 20-something Pokémon, most of them from the first generation, but still the idea of ​​mega evolutions was extremely popular, not just because it broke the Pokémon-only rule. evolved twice, but also gave new forms to Pokémon, which we now know is their most popular aspect given the popularity of regional variants and the like, and this idea exploded, possibly ushering in the Golden Age of poke tubing between the 10 important words that I can add mythumbnail because the thumbnail should have the full title and a giant bold colorful font.
My backgrounds are too busy and lively. It was an era of poke tubing. I don't miss it, but I also have to think about my own growth and possibly the hype surrounding it. The idea of ​​Mega Evolutions made Meas much bigger and much more popular than the real ones alone or they would have done otherwise, like don't get me wrong, Game Freak did it smartly besides adding new Evolutions that they added. The Megas in the story had their own Dex entries and the Callos region was almost built around the existence of Megas ho and also in the remakes it was cool, deep and well thought out, but it was never as cool or over the top as the idea of them for me.
It's pure flavor the idea of ​​seeing something resembling a fourth form of a favorite Pokémon after all these years is too good, it's the coolest trick, yes, but Arlo realizes, even you say that the idea of ​​seeing something similar to a fourth way it was like a potato chip the taste was there it was good but something was missing like yes it's good maybe the next one but the craving increases you need more more you need more more more potato that's all good more won't do it so the ghost will please you F this poker please yes I am comparing Mega Evolution to junk food because it is designed to be good but not to satisfy because they want you to crave more to buy more and no I am not saying Game Freak did that by the way.
Of course, I think that's how it ended. I'm pretty sure if the other cheats were treated as megas they would have the same effect because megas went all the way while Zov stayed in gen 7 at the time no one thought they would. disappears at that point I don't think we expected it to be temporary either it's like giving us another bag of chips oh thanks at the time there was no indication that Mega Evolution was intended as something temporary in the same way as Zoves Dynamax and Talization. came about at a time when every new big change to the Pokémon formula was carried over for future games with the sole exception of triple battles, but they had a good excuse: it was all over the game journalism sites at the time Game Freak was removing triple battles because the 3DS simply couldn't handle that many Pokémon models on screen at once and triple battles weren't used that much anyway, so no one bothered, so the general consensus was that the Mega Evolution is here to stay as a key new aspect of Pokémon. fighting ESP, especially after it was added to the Gen 3 remakes, which almost doubled the amount of Megas and remade the game to have a story surrounding them as well and that definitely contributed to the hype of the idea, even the detractors at the time they weren't probably mechanics fans still thought he was here to stay, he's clearly destined to stay forever.
Fans of the idea said it's too good an idea not to do it and we just yearn for more, they're just saving Flygon's mega Evo for the next game clearly you know it has to happen, it's too good an idea not to do it while So much so, even though I'm going to see 400 Pok tubers, everyone's talking about Mega Flygon. I would even say that they longed for each other a lot. more because they never gave us a good amount of them, we wanted that extra chip, the number they gave us was so unsatisfying and all that just made people fall more in love with the idea of ​​them because these YouTubers are having so many. great ideas the kids on the playground are having so many great ideas but oh oh how naive we were they kept them in the next games but didn't add any which only increased the hype or anti-explosion even more why keep the G?
Make a detour if new megas aren't going to be added oh oh because they're going to add new ones in the next game, they just didn't want to make more megas and regional variants at the same time, but that's already done. there are no more regional variants which was a unique thing to alola plus the next generation of Mega they have to do it, we want them, there is no mega flag there still has to be one, but now we have zoves, are we going to stack Z moves on top of Megas and what happens? the next trick Z moves may go away, but megas are here to stay.
New megas win honestly after Z terizing and gigantamaxing moves. It is clear that tricks like this included megas stick or should stick to the generation in which they were introduced and along with the regional and convergent variants. Pokémon evolution cross generation new Evolutions Paradox because things like we no longer need mega evolution to give us new forms of Pokémon, we have all these other much more permanent, much more attractive and well thought out options to bring in old Pokémon. relevance again, so I guess I thought the big fuss would have died down by now and then, oh man, it's like giving up junk food for the sake of your health and staying away from it for years and years, but then you're like, oh I could have just one chip as a prop in a video, it's for work and then you clearly eat two whole bags.
There's something about this trick that people love that I don't really see, so I maintain that it's mainly nostalgia for a time back when it was like the only way for a Pokémon to get a new form even though these forms are mostly like ooh, you put spikes on it, wow and hair, look how Metagross pointed his feet forward, guys, look, I mega evolved, mega slow though bro. I'll give you, I'll give you that one that's a triple S level design right there. Mega Evolutions are inherently cool. Children long for digivolution. I think it's loved because people love power-ups and shapeshifting.
It's like the closest thing to a Pokémon's full Super Saiyan Mega evos always felt like a Super Saiyan version of the Pokémon, it's over the top and cool, and it's also not permanent. Mega Evolution is still my favorite game trick simply because it felt fun to put the Pokémon in the bond cocoon. Pokémon has with its trainer that allows it to transform a magical girl into something more powerful, yeah yeah, that makes sense. Pokémon is an anime and it references a lot of anime tropes and what's cooler than the iconic trope of a big transformation sequence to become the ultimate hero and finally take out the bad guy, there's a pretty strong correlation between people who love Mega's flashiest gimmick, worst balance, and they despise Tera, the least flashy and best balanced, so that's definitely the cool factor.
I can definitely see that and in the anime it certainly was. Mega Evolution certainly worked wonders there, it lives up to the anime's cool factor, but for games I simply can't get behind a cheat that only benefits certain carefully selected Pokémon. We want you to use these Pokémon, at least the other tricks can benefit. all the Pokémon, here you have Timbo, play with this Pokémon, oh, but I wanted to play with this one, oh, well, that's very good, but you have to play with this one if you want a strong team, uhoh, and we also created the most of products and cards but I don't play with it or leave it until they are perfect.
The Mega Evolutions feel like they have the most potential to be fixed, even introduced later. Mega Evolution would have been a hit, I think besides its nostalgia-induced timing. One factor is that it's definitely still the flashiest and coolest gimmick we've had yet, although in a 6th grade fan art playground, it's like "I'm going to beat you with my super kameha mayamaya attack" Oh no no you will do it. because I just transformed into my final form, I grew spikes, ornaments, hair and wings everywhere. I have sharp edges and cuts. Now I'm super cool and unbeatable and I just ruined the online meta because I'm so strong now.
What is a meta? Don't get me wrong, it's great, but not to the extent that a lot of people seem to understand it in my opinion and I think its timing has a lot to do with that. I'm very glad to have learned the There are many different opinions on the subject, although through all this Tweety, I somehow never made the connection of children drawing evolutions of large, fully evolved Pokémon and Mega Evolutions, almost until the end, even their own designs, being like children through them and the chosen ones. Pokémon also like you have the super popular ones that have a billion fan arts too, but there's always that weird kid that's like oo shaped now he breathes with his teeth, but despite having learned all those opinions, I still think it's better to leave the megas in Kos and in That chicken version of a universe also bringing them to Al Lola was a mistake in my opinion and in Let's go and Masters it's really just fan service, but I asked the xers and now I'll ask them what they think about Mega po on.
I think my opinion on its abundant popularity is at least partially based on time and nostalgia is reasonable, let me know in the comments and never stop using your Noggin. I have a vacuum cleaner.

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