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If Exes Were 100% Honest | Split Decision

Apr 17, 2024
I changed my mind today, really, yeah, you know, it's like going out here. with my own intentions and just realizing that I'm pretty stupid for thinking that she and I would have a chance again and just seeing that the way we both interact together throughout this whole trip just makes me not want to be with her anymore how? do you feel about it? I agree, we just don't get along anymore, yeah, what, what. You came here today expecting what I came for on this whole trip with Luna just to make her happy, hopefully, she would realize that I care enough to spend time with her and do the things she wants to do so maybe you can come back. together, yes, but there's nothing that can happen with that, so I just accept it now and stay at no, yes, you say yes, you want to get back together.
if exes were 100 honest split decision
If there was a maybe, I'd say maybe maybe, but there's a lot to work on. I can relate a little bit to each and every story, um, a lot of it is about communication. I do something for her, she doesn't recognize it, so I feel like everything I'm doing has no value, right? For what you do? I, however, do not recognize it. I feel like I always recognize everything. I should have finished it, but I didn't know any better, so we dragged it further than we should have and if you could get the love languages. right, do you think you could be together, uh, yeah, and the infidelity, yeah, I do because I feel like everyone here the reason we're not together is because everyone's communication is so different, it's so prominent that you loved me.
if exes were 100 honest split decision

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if exes were 100 honest split decision...

He just loved me in a way I couldn't even realize and then I loved you, but then you didn't care about everything I did verbally for you, like me, wanting to know where you were, he thought I was bothering him all the time. This time I say no, I just want to know where you are, just let me know so I can feel safe, so they are both trying to change that to get back together. I mean, I want to, but I don't know. I feel like you're not really ready for that conversation or something, but she was my best friend, she was my girlfriend, my best friend and practically my family, but that tore it apart, so it's a little hard to rebuild, but you said yes. , so yes.
if exes were 100 honest split decision
I mean, there's always room, you know, there's always room, but it's not going to happen overnight, kind of I still need to work on myself, the next message is that I believed we would spend the rest of our lives together , we would make


s divided into three 2 1 okay, go ahead and turn around H, so Victor, you thought you would spend the rest of your life with Priscilla, yes, at the beginning, yes, yes, it's like I said before. I learned along the way that we were not entirely compatible. but at first it was like Head Over Heels she was completely in love, she said so herself.
if exes were 100 honest split decision
I chased her, so I don't know, I couldn't get over it. I guess I think it's from the moment I saw it. like it literally took my breath away and then when we started a relationship I was like, oh my gosh, this is what I always wanted, this is the exact relationship I always dreamed of having and we always had that


communication and he kept it until the end because I told him, "Always be


with me" and he was when he said this was something he wanted to do or be in, so he's still one of my best friends and I always will.
I have love for him. I'm not in love with him anymore, but that love I have for him will never end. Mia, so you thought you two were going to spend the rest of your lives together. Yeah, I mean, I was like young. like 19 I was a baby um wild like I hope to spend the rest of my life with you you know like I hope that friends yes I hope that we will be friends for a long time like I hope to become friends at your wedding and you can be at mine and like I don't know, I really appreciate you in my life, so Luna you never felt like Dane was the person I would spend the rest of my life with.
I feel like we may have ended up together for a long time, but I couldn't really see myself with anyone forever, I don't know, and then once we got closer to the end of our relationship, it became clearer that we weren't compatible living together. . so it was obvious at the time, I mean, yeah, of course, I thought we were going to spend the rest of our lives together. I don't really spend enough time with people unless that's my goal. I think relationships can still be important. and not having to do it and in marriage or you know, companionship for life yes, sure, yes, sure, the next message is that my ex has a quality that will be very difficult to find in another person, make your



in 3 2 1, okay, go ahead and turn. around H well you know Luna only has her own qualities that you know like every other human so I'm not looking for qualities that Luna had in other people anyway so I say no yeah Mia what qualities did Ray have that you?
I don't feel like you can find anyone else, you're a really dumb person. I'm glad I found you and have you in my life and I don't think anyone would like to occupy the specific place you occupy. My life is not like a like oh, I could just put another friend in your place. I hate that I stepped on you, no, it's the truth, no, it's what I feel. I don't want you to think you're not special or anything. So because you definitely like him, you are a good person and someone who came into my life and changed it and honestly in a net positive way, even though we went through a lot, but I thought that when we broke up I would never find anyone. who I got along with very well and then I liked it, yes, so, just, yes, it was, they proceeded with it, it's great that you're here, but if you like it, right?
I don't think so. It would be fine, which I'm sure you would be fine too. It's not something romantic that I like. I appreciate you supporting me a lot. I think with Victor he just created this quality of making me feel so safe and comfortable. he was like I felt so comfortable whenever he did something really calming when we were walking through a crowd, he would always place his hand on the back of my neck to guide me in some way and it was so subtle that I don't even know if you remember it, but I think about that when I'm in big crowds and it's like I haven't found that feeling of being with someone and I think oh, I might just like it, it's amazing, uh.
I think Priscilla is probably the kindest person I've ever met. She's incredibly kind, even people who are mean to her, which is probably not a good thing, but she's super kind, she's incredibly hardworking. I've seen it personally, like the things she does. done everything she can to take care of her family, she takes amazing care of our dog, like that dog eats better than me um, yeah, yeah, she's someone you can lean on, trust, yeah, no, she's never told you this . You think I'm cool, that's amazing. I didn't say great. Well, maybe not great. You think I'm nice.
The next message is: I'm ready to ask you in this study right now. Will you take me back? Okay, everyone. make your decisions divided into three, two, one, okay, everyone, go ahead and turn around. I tried. Some people are relieved, like, oh thank God, not on camera, oh my God, during this whole journey I learned that we have both become two completely different people. in the last few months N9 definitely on a different path, neither of us are negative, just making it clear why we broke up. I think it was kind of eye-opening because I feel like everyone wants our


here because they don't see eye to eye. everything and that was really the downfall of everything with us it's also interesting to see how solid our friendship is all this time later it's great to have all these questions kind of reaffirm it well that's all we had time for today thanks for watching On This episode of Split Decision, we will next dive into the lives of the Ageg Gap couples.
See you then.

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