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If chat makes me laugh I reset the speedrun

Jun 02, 2021
Today we will share means so you can submit your own videos to the stream. I'm going to do a quick run and if you ever make me


, I have to


the run. Today's goal is to finish a race if I finish. One race, the transmission is over. Sometimes I


pretty quietly, even if it's like a snort or a loud exhale or something like that. Even here we go, the first race of the day, you guys will have to tell me if that's the case. today is going to be pretty easy because I really don't think this is going to make me laugh, that's cool, well, that was fun, what a start, just a song, okay, no, it's not anything explicitly funny, you're just taking the opportunity to play streaming videos I see how it wasn't even for the video I didn't realize how hard it was going to be until you played a video that wasn't funny in any way I can laugh in the middle restart everything once I've found a foolproof solution , here we go, that's hard, that's hard.
if chat makes me laugh i reset the speedrun
I didn't laugh. I'll break too easily. I'll be dead by the end of the day. I will achieve it. resist just play this all day I won't laugh I don't like my singing it's no good and I don't want to listen to it I'll never sing again you're right I'll never sing again I mean, it's okay I can handle this, it sure almost got me, I'm embarrassed Say he almost got me, let me come, Remy, sit down, talk, good boy, I knew what was coming with that one, I knew it, damn, on the prowl for a man, he robbed the store, well, we. i made it to cascade so that's something remember you can have a great day if you make it a great day bye bye you can have a great day if you make it a great day someone paid 11 for this okay it's not here bad, not bad, that was basically a laugh I need to restart how did that get me?
if chat makes me laugh i reset the speedrun

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if chat makes me laugh i reset the speedrun...

I'm in a good mood I feel like I'm laughing a lot I made it through a realm I actually made it through another realm It's cute It's really cute It's who you want to laugh with You know you want to laugh at it But we're fine We're fine Everything's fine Oh God is this like eight levels deep now how many levels levels deep it has seven levels deep now not this time it's seven that's seven now it's like five levels it's not seven five levels it's six now it's not at seven we've gone deeper we're fine I stuck it out this is it what do people do some people in the world find this funny is this humor this is humor zoomer this the video kills you zoomers these days we are fine we are safe I kept it in my sense of humor it is strange champion I agree it is very strange champion someone I should put you in a box floating down the river grandma I don't know why I would have gone that would have caught me that would have caught me anyway we are good I laugh at the torture just chicken torture give me orange give me eat orange I eat orange give me eat orange give me a yourself I love it wooper come on yeah hell yeah corn yeah yeah just keep going, gross, gross, I'm locked in, we're fine, we're fine, we're fine, no, I don't know if I can take it, I don't know if it can last another one I don't think there is another one we are good we are not bad easy I can do this spongebob thing it's not funny I never see spongebob grow up I have no attachment to that we are totally good the music is good but it's not funny this is so stupid don't you laughs don't laugh at this this is so stupid if I'm going to laugh at one it will be that good the ending didn't make it that bad I just realized I haven't seen the game in 30 seconds.
if chat makes me laugh i reset the speedrun
How did I get here? My autopilot is too strong. No, you lose concentration for a second. Hello, I'm restarting again what scientists were able to imitate. Nessie. No, no, not this one. Oh. I just started running, allowed them to produce a single sound. I held on, I held on, we're fine, oh, he's a cute dog, come on, I'll take this. Your stress hormones are reduced and the supply of oxygen to your blood increases. I try to laugh several times a day and it


you feel good too so let's try that no, aha, I can't do it, but I can't do it.
if chat makes me laugh i reset the speedrun
Sorry, no, bye for now, bye, easy, easy, what's in a can of Del Monte? green beans it's a crow this one would make me laugh this one just


me smile I love refrigerators too if that was more he would have done it he would have caught me is his laughs are too contagious stop laughing no, I got it Oh, it's too good, It's too good, guys, aim closer. Do you ever have collector's anxiety? Do they ever get caught? I'm really sorry, just give me a moment before we start the race. People will say: Can I take a bow?
The water people get angry and say, "You stupid people are getting stabbed" and they say, "I'm there buddy, but ready to put that knife in my chest." Okay, we're okay, we're okay, he's drawing something, what could he be drawing? I do not do it. I don't know why stikbot makes me laugh. Stick Bug is champion rare. Sorry, he catches me every time. Oh, you laughed at the worst meme. Stick Bug is a good meme. They are the legs. They are the legs. They look so uncomfortable. Let's do another smash. that cat, all you need to know is to squish that cap and then just squish it gently, that's not comfortable for the cat or not safe, to be honest, just throw a towel on the cat again, squish it with a towel, squish it your super. a little soccer ball, carry it like that butt in your hand and just squish it or tie it to your body, just squish it really hard against your body, squishy, ​​you don't have to worry about hurting a cat, you know, just squeeze against your bodies and there we go.
I just made friends with this wonderful kitty look at that face smash that cat nowhere that hasn't been corrupted by capitalism he's trying not to laugh spanx god that's so hard you can see him holding on like they did it in one take, it's very hard not to leave him no please don't be what i think he will be hmm dick gekko god he was dead i laughed i didn't pay attention all the stardust crusaders checkpoints we have the internet checkpoint , it feels good, thanks for the 30 seconds of calm. I appreciate it nice litter thanks peter tell me to call me alive it's scary pataki peace red times v it just feels like I'm losing brain cells someone did that a human being did that that one almost got me I didn't expect that I know how I got these skulls well, I'm the joker baby, it hurts knowing that person was probably trying their hardest, they slipped, I love cats falling, we're fine, we're fine, we're fine, it was the person in the video.
It's okay, I swear to God, I didn't laugh, no, he laughs so good, it's so good, it's the most contagious laugh in the world, no, we're okay, it's okay, anime start, I can't concentrate on anything what to laugh in my hair. academic introduction I get it because it's a slow moving thing on top of another slow moving thing, yeah, and they put them on a plane to throw you off track and then they put it on the green giant's butt to make it even more fun, what what. a good one, don't you know platy? I don't know what platycorn is oh platicorn, yes, I know who platicorn is, hey, the speedster, what did platicorn send to the corn one?
I laughed, oh that was true, I lose concentration for a moment, say my name again. we're okay we're safe we're safe it's a bear oh right there we're okay we're okay it's so hard to hold it I never realize how much I laugh when I talk it feels so awkward there's just I've been to Scotland. That's so weird. It's almost as if Scotland isn't funny. It took you so long to realize it's so strange. What an old video. I haven't heard this in a long time. You almost caught me. You almost caught me. Alright. We'll just smile this one is really good, just smile though, we're fine, just breathe, just breathe, I saw his damn face, uh, he triumphs, a guy takes so little effort, that's what makes him great, a little stronger than what I expected.
I admit it's not funny, but I like it. I thought I knew what was going to happen, so I let my guard down. I am a dancer, that is, a conduit. I don't define the movement. Movement defines me. Each dance tells a story. A human being. Just let me start the race. I'm starting to think I might not make it to the end of this race today. Well, I'm not a gamer, so maybe they'll respect me. That makes you a beta cuckold. That's the difference between you. and i'm still the ones where you're laughing at someone else it feels like you're laughing with other people where's the money lebowski?
I haven't started running yet it's his face it's the face of the kid who can 'He's not breathing, his face is too squashed, just let me start running, my God, and let me kick his ass. Let me show you what I learned in my lunar jiu-jitsu class. I thought it was going to be another, fly me to the moon, damn it. okay, that's professor lee, i don't think it's professor leighton, that's an armadillo, that's the nintendo club, that's the right, that's what dreamworks animations are, the shrek character, yeah, that's doug doug bowser, there's no wrong brother, I don't have brothers, that's epic, eddie, yeah, that's what I call my pokemon that dances with the stars that's that big fish that's not really a fish okay that's 6,000 gamestop employees that's a snail that almost got me a snail what it's not at all this is just fine it's just that my heart feels the beat time i never ate i was about to say it's just another anime intro, they have a really good microphone like i know they're yelling but it's very clear 38 times which is funny to me everything is apparently the dough knight villain that is fortnite damn this is unfortunate.
I mean what he does is pretty cool, the guy keeps making videos because he's been doing that for a long time and keeps doing it, that's awesome, no, cool guys, very illegal, so it's not allowed, is what we're saying , yeah, well, there it is, it was great. is gone, take me to the moon, let me play among the stars, let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars, in other words, oh my hand, we're done, make it easy for me, yes, woodland kingdom, this is the third time we do it. I ever got to Woody Kingdom today we're good we don't laugh okay we get to Cloud I forgot about the cat you want to see some real speed and isn't that how it is in America?
It's so true, oh, I felt myself laugh and I was just like you. you know whatever is so tragic two dolphins I have an idea I can finish a race we will do the percentage of nipples eight minutes I can last eight minutes I don't have to feed the whole game I just need to look at Mario's nipples not us I'm just going to do the percentage of nipples. All I need to do is see Mario's nipples. It's unexpected. I don't know what's up with head hits that come out of nowhere. They are incredibly fun to me.
Mom always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them. them even better one more let's go let's go we finished the race it's not my birthday but it's a reason to celebrate I knew I was never going to finish a full race today I just can't do it thank you for watching everyone I thank you all well, we finished the percentage of Participation in nipple media is always fun, I think you guys liked it. I'll be back, make sure you follow the stream, follow Twitter, see you, yeah, let's go.

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