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IELTS Speaking Band 9 Great Answers India with Subtitles

Mar 06, 2024
welcome to the oral section of the IELTS exam my name is adrian I will be your examiner for this part of the exam and I am recording this for administrative purposes it is 11 in the morning we are in madira pradesh bhopal and this is candidate number 73891-5762 and examiner number eight nine five two the conversation section has three parts. I will give you instructions for each one. Can I see your ID? Yes, sure, here is my passport that I used to register for this exam. Please look which one it is. your full name my first name is tarana and my last name is bai please just call me tarana okay tarana for the first part I will ask you a couple more questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic where do you live?
ielts speaking band 9 great answers india with subtitles
I live in a three-bedroom independent house in Bhopal in the capital of Madhya Pradesh. I have lived in my house all my life. What do you do in your free time? In my free time I love taking photographs and uploading short videos to Instagram. I baked cupcakes, photographed them and uploaded them to my social media profile just yesterday, let's talk about newspapers and magazines, how often do you read a newspaper? How about a magazine? I haven't bought a paper magazine or newspaper for as long as I can remember, I may have flipped through one in a hypermarket but that's about it, but I follow your subscriptions on my mobile phone.
ielts speaking band 9 great answers india with subtitles

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ielts speaking band 9 great answers india with subtitles...

I read a magazine called femina on the Internet every week. What articles do you like to read? I love reading about healthy fashion and recent trends. These are also related to my hobbies. The cupcake I baked yesterday was vegan, healthy and delicious. When was the last time you bought a magazine or newspaper like I mentioned before? I don't remember buying a newspaper or magazine in a long time, however, I have a digital subscription to femina. What I read every week is not much, just a few rupees every month and they have very good information. Have you ever written an article for a magazine or newspaper?
ielts speaking band 9 great answers india with subtitles
Let me think about it. I wrote an article for my school newsletter when I was in high school, I wrote an article for a school newsletter club stating the importance of planting trees and caring for the environment. If you were to subscribe to a monthly magazine what would it be and why apart from femina I would love to subscribe to Verve and era de la mujer all these publications not only originated from India but also have good up to date information. This is the end of the first part. Now we will continue with the second part.
ielts speaking band 9 great answers india with subtitles
For this part, I will show you some questions. You will have one minute to read. These questions think about your


and then you will have a minute or two to speak in the one minute preparation time. You can take notes if you want, have paper and pencil and of course I will tell you when to start and stop, please do not touch the questionnaire. There you are talking about a pleasant experience you had in a restaurant. Your one-minute preparation time starts now, right before we look at the rest of this interview and lesson. I want to give you the opportunity to speak English.
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exam now let's go back to the tarana interview your one minute preparation time is over please start talking. I had a really lovely dining experience at under the mango tree restaurant which is located in the western part of bhopal not far from the national park and the lake. I was there with my parents and one of my close friends Sammy, we didn't really have any chance to go out and enjoy a restaurant due to the pandemic shutdown and my dad splurged a little and took us to a fancy restaurant.
I did some research online under the mango tree and found that the reviews were excellent, 4.5 out of five and the atmosphere is really amazing. The restaurant is located inside the Jahanamar palace and there is rooftop seating overlooking the pool. There are flashlights. around and it's outdoors and we literally sat around a big, beautiful mango tree. This is a barbecue restaurant and they serve us dishes that have been served to royal families over the centuries. I had the opportunity to try a variety of dishes such as curries and kebabs as well as some rice dishes and a delicious lassi, much of the experience was excellent, the service, the food, the ambiance was splendid, it's really hard to say how under Mango tree could be even better with all the services they provide, but I guess the service.
It could be faster personally, I think there is no rush for a person when they are sitting under such a beautiful place, of course it could be cheaper, but with the quality of service they provide, they couldn't make it cheaper at all I think what is it. a perfect experience, okay, I will stop you there, your time is up and please turn over your note paper and put it aside along with your pencil, I will remove the questions and now we will continue with the third part of this part. I will ask you some questions related to your answer and related to this topic.
Let's talk about successful restaurants. What are the most popular types of restaurants today? It's sad to say, but the most popular restaurants today are fast food chains like McDonald's. and kfc because they offer fast food at a cheaper cost and they are also addictive because of all the messages and sugar. However, I must say that restaurants like under the mango tree are also popular for their quality and why are they as popular as I am? I mentioned before that these places offer fast food and cheap food and people nowadays are busy in their life and don't have much money so they prefer fast food and especially many young people go to these places to have a quick bite. it is necessary for a restaurant to be successful for a restaurant to be successful I think like under the mango tree the quality of the food is the first important thing apart from that service is important and it should have a unique selling point , like a beautiful view, how do you do the negative?
Experiences affect a restaurant. Oh, bad restaurant experience. A safe way to close the deal. I've heard that the average customer tells at least five people when she has a good experience eating out, but tells at least 12 people when he does. a very bad experience eating out the customer is always right politics is very important in a hospitality industry how has technology affected the success or failure of a restaurant modern technologies used to prepare food, order and serve have helped a lot Help Restaurants Succeed Today, many restaurants use digital menus. They have a QR code on the table to order food.
Plus, online reviews can make or break a restaurant, as I mentioned above. The reason I chose to go under the mango tree was because of the online reviews. it got 4.5 from almost 400 guests. Let's talk about how to improve business. What are the best ways to improve business operations? I believe that the right way to optimize a business is through regular reviews and feedback on activities and results, as this can help the company. Identify errors and make improvements, therefore customer feedback is very important. Who is responsible for improving a business? It is the owner, management and frontline workers who are responsible for a business providing quality products and services.
Problems can arise at any level of staff. In a negative impact, what resources are available to help businesses operate well? I believe there are many resources available for businesses to function, especially in capitalist society where small and medium-sized businesses are the backbone of the economy. There are different types of business loans, training and taxes. benefits available for businesses to try during the pandemic the government provided relief funds for businesses to survive hardships how entrepreneurs can find resources to improve their businesses the best way to support startups or growing businesses is to search online or network with others in the industry It is advisable to obtain more information from experienced companies that have already gone through growth difficulties.
This is the end of the third part that concludes the oral section of the IELTS exam. You will have your score available online in approximately two days and your official certificate in the mail. In about 10 days, bye, thank you, bye, so why does Tarana deserve this solid


9 for her performance in the speech section? His way of speaking is not perfect, it means he makes some mistakes, but they are very few, so what does it take? To be qualified as an expert user in the IELTS exam simply express a clear, coherent, detailed and original conversation. What do I mean by conversation?
I mean this 12-15 minute interview should feel like a connected piece of information. Let's take a look at the first part, where tarana is talking about newspapers and magazines in this part, tarana gives visual, detailed and clear communication for each of the questions when you are asked when you have read a newspaper or magazine, he explains to the examiner who has not actually read a copy of the newspaper. or magazine, as long as she can remember, unless it's an issue he bought at a supermarket while waiting at the checkout, this creates a visual image and clear communication.
Tarana uses a lot of detailed vocabulary. He names a few different types of digital publications. magazines in India and connects them as femina between several


, it is clear that she is nervous and sometimes mixes up her words, but overall she is an excellent communicator, she uses natural expressions and collocations in all her answers in the second part, the cue card or the long part of tarana. Nine Level Forbidden Communication really shines when she explains her experience at the Under the Mango Tree restaurant. It's clear that Tirana knows when she's talking about a place like Under the Mango Tree restaurant.
It's important to talk about where she is. It is important to talk about the people who go. there, the activities that happen there and then her experiences, she clearly explains that under the mango tree there is near a national park in a specific area of โ€‹โ€‹Bhopal, then she explains what the restaurant is like, the atmosphere of the restaurant with the lanterns and the big and beautiful handle. tree, she talks about her parents, her friend, and that she was there to enjoy an excellent dining experience. She explains that there is a barbecue-style menu there, the foods she tried, the conversations she had.
It's this type of structure when you talk about a location that gives that. Level nine idea for the examiner, it is important to practice this type of structured communication for the second part, whether it is about a location, a person, an object, an event or an idea. Each of these categories, like a location, has a specific set of information that it must present clearly. Tarana has practiced this and that is why she can get that bad nine, let's take a look at the third part, as in the first part, Tarana continues a conversation style communication where information is connected when asked about popular restaurants, she answers fast food places.
She with examples like KFC and McDonald's, but then she also reflects on the second part saying that fine dining restaurants like Under the Mango Tree are also popular. She uses a wide range of grammar accurately, not only the present perfect and conditional, but even direct quotation. She says that in the hotel industry the saying that the customer is always right is very important. This is natural, it is not forced, although Tarana sometimes hesitates and even makes a little mistake with her words. These are not unnatural mistakes. She is original. She stays true. the topic and offers enough content for the examiner to score it a bad nine, you too can do this by practicing, good luck next time you take your IELTS exam, more video lessons like this, original practice tests, a fully interactive course and an app for your phone, visit and join our premium IELTS package at it's a one-time payment for lifetime access start learning for success today subscribe to our channel click here watch another video click here above and Click on our


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