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Identical Twins Get Wisdom Teeth Removed! *FUNNY*

May 27, 2024
What's wrong, my toy mom? They're your girls. My toy


. I am Maya and I am afraid. I'm Micah. Today we are going to have our




. There are no promises. How good this footage turns out because mom and dad are filming. Well, I'm professional, it is currently 9:41 in the morning on August 3rd. They are going to surgically extract all four of our


and they are going to subject us. I've never been subdued, so I'm a little nervous, but Maya is. I've had surgery before and it's the best sleep I've ever had, so Micah is going to have a good time.
identical twins get wisdom teeth removed funny
We haven't eaten or drank anything in eight hours. Eight hours. I love you. You got lost. Could you keep your teeth? No, no, look, look, are those your teeth? here is yours maya your nose is clean baby yes my butt yes there are your teeth baby you felt everywhere you wanted them at home they broke me they hurt me they hurt you yes they probably hurt me she said she felt everything what's wrong? why are you what's the matter, you forget what happened you feel unpleasant no, you're beautiful, don't leave them there no, it's cotton, leave it, it's cotton, leave it, leave it, leave it, it's gauze, no, that's not your lip, I promise. checked you didn't get anything you didn't get a countdown nothing it's gauze mom leave it you have to rub this one that's your lips and leave that one too because she can do everything first it sounds like you're mad, you didn't get a countdown, or are you okay, I love you, I do, why wasn't that fun? people, thank you, you always make me laugh, oh okay, they are


, you'll never know, do you try the ass she made?
identical twins get wisdom teeth removed funny

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identical twins get wisdom teeth removed funny...

You want me to take these tiny teeth out of your ass I know they broke them oh my god why is she gone so much she's good with that I've never felt it before now I like that yes yes I did you just don't remember what you said I'll feel the wind, that was your warning, I thought you guys were counting now we did a countdown that you just don't remember and after I asked you if you were feeling weird, you could see how you were 21. Oh, one, you got 21. Now yeah, seventeen, you arrived At twenty-one, oh yeah, I started earlier, maybe you showed up and I was, are you doing it?
identical twins get wisdom teeth removed funny
I know I'm terrible. Remember to put that in the comments, how long does this last? Another 15. 20 minutes this is what you call post-op dysphoria I really can't explain it it turns into I love you man you know that guy at the bar drinks too much and then wants to hug that's exactly what they are experiencing right now 15 20 minutes she doesn't give us speak in 10 minutes she will be she yes, I think she was surprised when I left her surgery and entered her surgery, I said, how did you get in? here, yes, everyone has candy, everyone has


, these two, the two of us, oh, it's not necessary that there are two of me, is it prettier?
identical twins get wisdom teeth removed funny
That's the only thing that matters to me. I have four eyes. I really like the concentration of oxygen near the ground. this is how it feels this is not what it looks like it's not big this is normal thank you, yes, thank you, okay, I appreciate that it's your thin belly, your blanket, no, I think it's his blinking mom. I'm fine, oh yeah, I'm not saying anything crazy. don't believe it okay it's okay she's okay you can later mom I love you right now it's probably not a good idea tell her maya I know you're looking at me please I don't know you're a veterinarian remember you're from me I knew it was going to be more emotional, the more emotional.
I still have four eyes, ten, ten eyes. She said, "You're just worried about Micah. No, I'm just trying to open it. She's, oh please, she's faking it. She didn't even pull her teeth out." you're like 10 minutes ahead of you yeah she's like 10 minutes ahead of you mom yeah I wouldn't even put under here and they said she was already done. It seemed like oh, enjoy it, oh, do you feel weird? and I said yes. you play drugs with me, oh, you did good, mom, let me change your gods real quick, okay, just open it right there, oh, wait, don't stain your shirt, okay, I tried the pineapple juice, you did, yeah, no , it was for the swelling, yes.
I heard that everyone thought it was very unpleasant and I don't do that to think what's going on. I'm sorry, can you see now? We wait a second, well, don't bite it, you just bite like you're helping me bite it. Are you hungry? You are usually the one who makes the most noise. You're usually louder than her. Take a photo of it. Baby. Is she still there? She's right there. Did you hear what she said? Because I didn't get a countdown. They just said peace. Wait, whose phone is it? Where is yours? That's really cool. Ok moms, we need to listen to your aftercare instructions.
Ok, listen to one of us. So all four


teeth are out. All good. They don't have points or anything, so don't do it. I don't have to worry because they're both sitting, forward, so they both got more, that localized thing that's going to go on those sides during surgery will make you numb for about 96 hours. I've been on acid for 33 days, tomorrow is whatever. They will start with the antibiotic and the mouthwash, do what you did last time, mom, be patient here, you are doing much better. There are no longer four people back at the hotel.
Be careful with the water that is inside. Yes, I promise, I will start taking these. We'll get them out of everything, you can help them both out of surgery here, I know it's the worst part, oh you know what happens next month, yeah, she'll take your angel, here we go, this would be the fun part. from work, okay, let me watch this here, the first part is the tape, okay, I have to do that, do it, it would sound better that way, you keep rapping, she doesn't, we got here just before ten years, oh, okay, Are you ready, wait, wait, okay. whatever your body slowly gets up your sister just jumped wait that's not your blanket that's her blanket your sister got much faster I have a lot of blankets I want small medium orange medium medium well be careful there's a step here give me Micah, That's wrong, thanks for taking care of yours, yeah, well, it's too late.
Thank you very much and he already received the medicine from him. Welcome. If you need anything, call us. Thank you so much. Do you want this camera very quickly? I'm already recording, uh, there's no pain right now. I feel like, oh my God, it's one. You're going to be a little bloated right now. She picked me like 80 times, yeah, whatever, like you might have been dehydrated. She always died before they connected me. why was i confused because they said maya went out, she is emotional, she goes, she came back first, so now michael came back first.
He was asking me why maya finished first. She said I just felt good and then I started talking about how I had never had my first test, you guys were talking about it, yeah, but I, oh, she's going to give it, what are you doing? Oh my God, she's They're going to choke with the gauze instead, we're back to that, no, it's okay, I can see it, it's okay. So I love you guys, you look so pretty, thank you, stop, stop, stop, oh you.

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