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Idaho Day 2: Jackstand's Jet Boat Sustained MAJOR DAMAGE and Nearly Got Swallowed By This HUGE Rapid

May 30, 2024
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idaho day 2 jackstand s jet boat sustained major damage and nearly got swallowed by this huge rapid
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is the guy who took us to the gnarly


s and today we're going to get to something interesting or I just think we have a plan for the whole day, we're going to North Fork and Clearwater, okay, then we'll go back to Lewiston, we'll have some Jimmy John's, yeah, and let's head up and do the Maha and after that we'll come back and you'll be the only one to run the slide because we're all going to watch, there's a really big place.
idaho day 2 jackstand s jet boat sustained major damage and nearly got swallowed by this huge rapid

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idaho day 2 jackstand s jet boat sustained major damage and nearly got swallowed by this huge rapid...

I told them no. a really big problem, a


broke a


in half, broke a


in half. I guess if you don't make it there's a 100 chance the boat will sink, we just have a big net that we'll have underneath, we'll bring your big net. speedboat too, right, yeah, we're going to have some backup if something happens, but we've got Ryan's new speedboat here, this is River of science jumbo, this must be good, yeah, this thing is sick, yeah, everything it's moving, they just moved the dash like 10 inches, yeah, so we have a lot more room here, what are those two levers, so that's four in reverse, yeah, and then it trims, oh, that actually trims it, yeah, wow, and then oh yeah, wipers, wipers and windshield this year, damn, are we?
idaho day 2 jackstand s jet boat sustained major damage and nearly got swallowed by this huge rapid
Nice round bar uptown so you don't break your skin wow that's bad yeah George's knees are already bleeding and he's getting up buddy we're on day two we got we got a handlebars here, what is that? That was the hotel last night. It was ok? Someone smoked a carton of cigarettes in my room last night. I think the night before we got there and the guards just sprayed the fire signature inside, yeah, so my lungs hurt a little like in a war zone and they painted the room next to mine literally hard. It smelled like stuff while we checked in, there were rooms to paint on our floor, so our lungs took a beating last night, but we're ready to vote.
idaho day 2 jackstand s jet boat sustained major damage and nearly got swallowed by this huge rapid
We have fresh air now. It's freshly made right next to the Marlboro Man's room, yes, starting the morning. right I just tore my shirt awesome yeah foreigner we're 10 miles from e and 15 miles from the next town but I know my truck we're fine look at those zero miles to e and we made it. Brother, come on, I saved our lives last time. the time we were here, you know, oh cool, ready, you want me to cut those shorts off, it's hot, okay, we got a lot of boats here, wow, those boats right now, man, you know, I feel like they told us that boat broken 24 foot half sunken yeah well good news about my boat it's not actually unsinkable so not really worried about it being all ready to go yeah we hit it with an excavator bucket and now it's fine , so it's definitely yeah, yeah, well, when you got views like this, you know, you're approaching a nice fast spot on the river.
I had the sniff, here we go, oh come on George, you got this one-time boat ramp, buddy, it'll be fine, it's a certified boat ramp, it looks good. boat ramp, sure, there's no way Zach's backing that thing up this ramp, good job Georgie, dude, this is gnarly, this is sick, this is a place and a half here no way they lost the boat, dude, classic Zach and James, idiots, man, dude. Are you kidding me? They couldn't even get into the water. They both fell off the trailer. Oh, we had a big delay here. Easy buddy, this was a free video.
Oh, you eat that thing over there. a little stone over here there's the back massage for this side of the basement James's trailers are so tattered and sagging and his boat just outside the chair no, I didn't even know what happened a long time ago and the games are going to throw this boat successfully our boat is on the ground to the boat ramp where we stop to prepare the boats. I can choose the back straps. I'll put the accessories. In fact, I can even unclip the front. Said. I usually leave it hooked until it's in the water.
You know I'm going down the ramp, wow, it's very easy on the brakes too. I knew I was disengaged. We have the double descent with the old boat in motion. Chad always drives the good boats. How are you ready? For this bud surf today I have a smile on my face because I know I'm going to ride with Jared, a little safer ride today. I like my shot, oh man, look at this Lee, this is nothing, nothing, just some fast moving water, but I have to do it. I love the little comparison of the Idaho trailer, the Bose trailer, I mean, nicer than ours, built for this, a little better, but hey, you know, we're still taking the hit, even though we're here, bro, we're back, it feels good, it feels, although the dubo is like oh.
We're in Idaho, it's time to break some rocks, the water is moving, oh yeah, yeah, we're done, oh man, I see, oh my god, this is a great place, it looks cloudy up here, bro, oh OMG I love Idaho, I forgot how amazing this is. It was God, there is nothing better than this brother, how is the boat? I mean, it's perfect, it's a ripper. Garza, what do you think of a guy who can't swim? How do you feel being in rabbits like this? It's not crazy how violent the water is, you pass by, you end up like yeah, you're going for a walk, get the whistle out, you know what dogs shake their pants, buddy, he's so fast, he wasn't any less smart than me.
Okay, okay, okay, thank you oh butter, we're not moving, I'm playing, I'm not moving. The foreign side looks pretty smooth, I think so, they're good, this actually looks pretty sporty coming back down, I just do it, that was another one all good now we gotta go good mate do I have the right side? It looks a little loud, holy shit, that big roller behind him, yeah I know, a little sketchy, there's some twisted and twisted rollers going on here, holy shit, oh we're getting sucked in. okay, okay, let's go okay, baby, new ship, live action, ready, yeah, I'm ready, buddy, thanks, 360, right, we only have 10.
Well, okay, the left one looks pretty good, probably We could go right, brother, brother, go straight. I guess not around here and it's getting pretty serious here. Pretty loud up here foreigner, you're telling me you're telling me granny, granny, okay, radio one 100 for the day definitely not, I'm ready brother foreigner, let's go Chad, okay, come on, yeah, be fantastic, didn't hit any stone if we had hit so many rocks and the chat went to zero oh Jackson here we go James oh oh brother oh oh you let's put the gas down oh my gosh keep going the bottom is intact she hit the side oh just one little dent, oh, a little scratched, you guys hit pretty hard.
I saw them both go, they nailed the rock, oh I see it. We're using the backwards method to go down, that's what we're going to do, we're going to have the Upstream pointier, it's going to push them down and then we're going to get to the entry point and we're just going to go into it. new technique we're learning right this very moment, yeah, Big Rock right there, what do they call it there, what's that mullet like first, I mean, I got a back feeling, that's how I feel, we'll talk about it later, in mind, it's going to push the attempt to Push the front oh yeah you're right keep going bro oh let's not take any of the iron out and put it on the bottom yeah that was tough we're at half power right now kind of weird , oh, fuck, oh, what the hell is going on? awesome here, our filter is so yeah, it probably sucked in a ton of water like that, yeah, okay, that's cool, dude, that's straight up blues, dude, hey, we just need a little screwdriver.
I thought we were in trouble. I thought we were a long way from Right Now Home, well so we've got this roll-up Box Hill, that's right mate, we're dialed in. Wow, passing by there. I thought I was going to the end. Some extra water in there. Without air filter. Good power. Ready to start. Alright. Can. Don't think about it, quick, check Dent here we go clean, buddy, the sides are clean, let's not even go look at the bush, let's go to the bush building, hey, look, look at this, Bob, what do we have here? We have that. crank, okay, no big deal, kept her out of the way, look as for the dance, go, oh, that's a crunchy, put little crunchies in there, let's check out Bush's boat, we're dealing with holy brother, where is the one in the background?
There's a big one, oh my gosh, look at that one over there, that big old Dent, oh yeah, that one wasn't there before, it's big, any other guy don't do this, so moving along, we got the Flat Water Florida, This little guy was already here, right? Oh yeah. I think so, I mean, other than that, that's not so bad, yeah, well, they survived, hey guys, we're all back in one piece, that's great, buddy, that's nothing, we're ready for the slide in general, guys, the first ride is complete. The boats are still running so the trip to Idaho is definitely not over, it's still far from over, but we'll finish it there, thanks for watching buddy, really, see you later.

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