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Apr 01, 2024
Hello, welcome to the IBM IELTS Academy, this is the


section of the IELTS exam. The interview will last about 15 minutes and I will ask you some questions in three parts. Okay, the examiner is Sarah Parker and the examiner number is 792021. The candidate is Zainab Nasser and the candidate number is. 256-7892 welcome, thank you, can you tell me your full name? Please, my full name is xenopnase. Where are you from? I am from Oman Musket. Can I see your ID card here? Thank you, yes, thank you, see, do you work or study? I actually work and can you tell me what your job is?
ibm ielts speaking test band 5 5
I work at a law institute and we work for startups and I give them some advice. Legal advice. In fact, how important is the Internet to you? I use the Internet for my work, for my studies and. of my life my habit in my uh if I want to do research if I want to study my lessons I really need it okay? Do you use the Internet a lot for work or in your free time most of the time? at work and I use the Internet a lot for work, so when I got home I tried to use less Internet for myself in the past.
ibm ielts speaking test band 5 5

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ibm ielts speaking test band 5 5...

I tried it, I used the internet to read online and after a while I think it's some kind of internet addiction so I try it. use paper books instead of online books Do you think you use the Internet too much? In some ways we can say that yes, I use the Internet a lot, but that is for my work. I use the Internet for my work. Do you think the Internet will change lives in the future? Yes, if we want to consider the Internet as a life change, we can say that we are already at step one of this change.
ibm ielts speaking test band 5 5
Our lives have been changed by the Internet. They go shopping, their babies study their baby. Everything can change thanks to the Internet. Now, are there some negative things about the Internet? Maybe we can say that the good thing about the Internet is that you can access a large amount of data and the bad thing is that you cannot understand which data is reliable and which data is reliable. unreliable, so if what I mean is that we can find the difference between good data, reliable data, and unreliable data, okay, now I'll give you a cue card, okay, and a piece of paper.
ibm ielts speaking test band 5 5
You have a minute to think about it and make a note and then you can talk for two minutes, that's clear, I should talk for about two minutes, okay, okay, now you can talk, okay, if I want to talk about my favorite website , I can recommend a reference application that I use on my uh mobile, that name is cashbox castbox is a podcast application that has very different channels and this application contains many different topics and topics, such as historical novels, different things and the good thing about this app is that you can use it in all the ways you want.
I always try to listen to some interviews and find channels in different fields, maybe my work field or the field I want to study and be an expert in or maybe life experience channels. You can find many of them and most of them have interviews with specialists or There are expert people who have experience in different topics and another thing is that you can find some channels that contain book summaries. The good thing is that these book channels are very, very, very varied. Types of book channels, you can find novels or historical ones. books or very specific topics, okay, thank you very much, can I return it?
Yes, there you have it, thanks, so how do you think the Internet will change people's marketing behavior in the future? As I said, the Internet changed our marketing behavior even now in the past, we went shopping, we went out and sometimes we window shopped, but now we search online, we find our products online and we can compare the ratings or their number, how much they cost or different things, other people's opinion about it. product and that things change our marketing behavior because now if I want to go shopping before that, I search online, find people's opinion or read comments and then decide which product I want and do you think it's a point positive or negative what do I find?
It's positive, what are the pros and cons of online shopping? It depends on the product you want, in some type of product, you can find many advantages in online shopping, like books or I don't know digital things, objects, but in some. products like clothes or cosmetic products, it is difficult to find a good product because sometimes you need to smell a perfume or sometimes you need to touch a clothes and find the fabric and then you decide to buy it or not, okay, is the Internet important for education? a lot, yes, the internet actually removes some barriers from education and you can find an article as soon as it is published and you can access it.
What about older people? Do older people use the Internet more frequently? It depends on how open they are to new experiences, some of them yes, I know people who can use mobile and online shopping and things like that that came about through the Internet, but some of them have really trouble being in online and having online experiences, can you explain more? I know that nowadays legal things, most legal things are going to be online and for many people, for some of them, it is very difficult to do their job and take care of their things online, so they have to get help from younger people or from people whose job is to help others do things online for government issues and for those people the online lifestyle is difficult, okay, thank you very much and that's the end of your oral


, thank you .
Very well thank you. I'll give you some advice. They may help you improve your


in terms of fluency and coherence. I must admit that your way of speaking is not flexible enough. You know you have some self-corrections and you have some doubts when you say. I want to know, find the right way to speak, so you should work on it, you know, and try to speak loud and clear, with an energetic voice. It would be very helpful to have a positive impact on the examiner in terms of lexical resources, unfortunately. I should add that you don't use a variety of or, but there is a wide range of vocabulary in a flexible way, you repeat the same vocabularies over and over again and it is not a good idea to try to learn idioms and vocabulary related to the topic, it really is .
Really helpful because of the way your confidence is good and you have good ideas so if you pay attention to these tips maybe you can get a good point but in this case you got around 5.5. Okay, thanks, you're welcome. Hello. I have some. Additional tips for you, first of all, try to speak loud and clear. In this case, it can have a good impact on the examiner. Candidates who have a


score of 5 cannot use complex structures, so if you want to score higher, you should use them. Alright. use simple structures correctly, but it is not enough, pay attention to your pronunciation errors.
Candidates who receive 5 or 5.5 may not pay enough attention to their pronunciation and have many errors. Another important point is the vocabulary related to the topic. It's okay to have good ideas but it's not enough, you need to show your extensive lexical knowledge so use them and you can learn them from a lot of books that are on the internet or in bookstores so buy them and learn idioms and vocabularies related to The topic is really useful. I wish you the best thank you

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