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I watched *EVERY* Overwatch 2 Cinematic & Trailer for the FIRST TIME!

Apr 08, 2024
of the fox is actually with you, when you use it, I made my own kiriko, something from the new summer. I run with waves all the


, oh, I change clothes, she's a healer, foreign brother, what an interesting character, dude, wait, there's an anime short, yeah, this is what I wanted to see, oh, hello, donuts . for dinner again these aren't just any donuts these are sprinkles Fox Festival Donuts Barrett I want to try one yes I'll have a box of two please thank you and your mother enjoy them she's here oh let me guess she brought her vacuum cleaner , but.
i watched every overwatch 2 cinematic trailer for the first time
Someone came to work with me today and she's so excited to see you, any caption turns this other bunny on, you're getting so good at it, oh, but of course, oh, I have something for you, oh, that's adorable, how do I do I see well? go see you later little fox Mr. Yoshida pray for me, he won't save you anymore mom looks great summer in this building was robbed at gunpoint you should have never moved in I brought you groceries mom you're exaggerating I'm not exaggerating please Tommy, not this one It's your dinner, uh, maybe look at me, okay, by the spirit of the fox, just like grandma was, grandma is gone and I won't lose you too, but mom, the spirit of the fox can block bullets and balance your blood sugar level, it is an all-purpose type. all-purpose in spirit like a flower that makes Donuts I know I have a sword, right, I'm fine, I'm so safe, you know, I stay up all night worrying about you, you stopped training with me falling apart and I don't know. how to protect yourself faith alone is not enough mom kiriko you may not believe in the spirit of the fox or what grandma taught me but believe in me I am stronger than you think are you who are you now who are these guys oh your song owes us? a lot of money I already told you I don't know where it is I think this is a game do you think the spirit is going to protect you kill your teeth no no don't take the child what's best for you kitty kiriko is gone I'm going to kick each of you in the face oh oh yeah,


to kick each other in the face.
i watched every overwatch 2 cinematic trailer for the first time

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i watched every overwatch 2 cinematic trailer for the first time...

I'm going to cough to this music brother. I don't know if this music will stay in the video, but come on, oh my god, this is great, no. No, no, the old man no, there's no way, oh, nothing, he's fine. I have prayed for this city, this neighborhood, these people for far too long. I have a message for you to take to your boss, he is under my protection, oh God. The girl has lost her voice. What is so good about this? Yeah, that was crazy. Are you OK? What a brave little fox, keep your eyes on this one.
i watched every overwatch 2 cinematic trailer for the first time
It's growing so fast. Mother will be very angry and she will feel proud. I think she now she realizes that her daughter Okay, my God, friend, the music, the piano, stop talking to that guy who will make me cry. Maybe she shouldn't stop training with you after all. Maybe I judged your Donuts too harshly. Maybe moving home for a while isn't. what a bad idea oh please don't cry if you cry I'm going to cry if you cry I'm going to cry stop, stop, stop with the music, please, Jesus Christ, she is, oh my God, her character is so great, this one has to be one. one of my favorite


s I've seen so far oh wow, that was amazing.
i watched every overwatch 2 cinematic trailer for the first time
I'm so glad I got to see it and now this is the launch


. Okay, this is the launch trailer. we actually have three different heroes, it's enough to introduce them to this one I joined in OverWatch, it was about uplifting the world, they can give people hope again. alien alien so this is what you get with the Watch Point Pack season one premium battle pass included kiriko so you get kiriko with the battle pass 12 legendary and epic skins so we should take a look at some of those 2000 OverWatch coins. I don't know what the coins are used for to instantly access the legendary edition of OverWatch.
Zuma Legendary Edition is the original OverWatch game. I don't know an alternative to three new characters, really good additions. I think my favorite character, Wise, from what I've seen is Kiriko, but I think my favorite fight is probably Junker Queen. I'm not sure I like her character too. I need to see a little more. What is this? I hope it's this. What is this? Winston. I hope we treat it as a kind of wish. Okay, it's not something we can let the universe decide. Thank you. It is up to us when we come together this is when hope is forged and when we do it becomes a force more powerful than any weapon it is faster than the speed of light it brings giants to their knees battles that are lost although sometimes they are can break reduced to pieces now more than ever this is very dramatic hope is in our hands unleash hope okay interesting trailer oh the animated short is there we just saw it it was also there the whole time I didn't even see it but that's all.
Well, we saw it, so we finished OverWatch 2, ladies and gentlemen, OverWatch too. Alright, boys and girls. Ah, that was great, wasn't it? It's been a while since we've done something like this and honestly, OverWatch 2 was the perfect candidate to do. Seeing those trailers reintroduce the characters and what this game is about has definitely rekindled my interest in the game. I really want to see some of these new characters and I also want to see what these hero missions are like. If you enjoyed this video and you know that you have been part of this channel and this adventure that I have been on discovering video game franchises for the


time and simply giving my general opinions and my own perspective.
I guess I should, so thank you very much for being here. I really appreciate it and of course if you enjoyed this video please leave a like and subscribe to the channel, the most important thing is that it will really help me because it was great, it was. It feels so surreal that it was almost three years ago, actually yes, it's been three years since we saw the trailer for OverWatch 2 for the


time and we also saw all the OverWatch footage for the first time, so it's interesting to return to this franchise to Even though there's been a lot of drama and conflict within Blizzard, uh, aside from all those things when it comes to creating this world, these characters, these images and this story, those are the things that I really appreciate and love about this , so, yeah, honestly, where are we going?
Go on from here, we'll also be watching OverWatch if you want to see that, like I said, comment below, leave a like on this video, the more support this video gets, I'll definitely make more OverWatch related content, but I hope. This is fun. I hope you can relive these trailers and these


s through me again and I hope you had a good time in the process because that's what it's all about anyway, that's going to be it for me. Thank you all so much for watching and as always, stay geeky, stay cool, be awesome and happy, and I'll see you guys in my next OverWatch video, see you guys.

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