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I was WRONG about the NUNCHAKU. . . or was I? - Reply to Milani Fitness

Jun 04, 2021
I have something important to say about


s because since I made both of my videos there has been a great response from them and a few people have made response videos and one in particular made me reconsider what I had said about them and after hearing their arguments. and thinking about it again I have to say what I said about the


s that were rubbish that was bad they are actually much worse and I am going to tell you exactly why greetings I am shad and I must apologize for the little troll, I made the beginning of this video and the title of the video, but I think it's good because I hope it brings people back because the more I consider them, the more people have raised counterarguments, this has made me rewatch it. nunchucks once again, the more problems I find with them and this is me being as objective as possible with them and if I see more problems with them now than in my last videos, they are actually worse than I thought they were now. of the response videos that were made didn't even see my two previews, just the first one and they address things that I addressed in my second video so obviously I can ignore them like there are a couple that are trying to prove that you can.
i was wrong about the nunchaku or was i   reply to milani fitness
Hit with nunchucks and don't hit yourself, which I showed in my follow-up video. Yes, of course you can do that. I never said you couldn't. So check out my second video and that answers that, but there have been other videos that really take into account. tells my entire argument and two in particular have caught my attention, one because it actually made me legitimately reconsider the use of flails in particular, I don't think it fully applies to nunchucks and that's this video here and there's another video that was made by This is the first video this gentleman has uploaded and it was made by Melanie Fitness.
i was wrong about the nunchaku or was i   reply to milani fitness

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i was wrong about the nunchaku or was i reply to milani fitness...

At first I was actually hesitant to even respond to this because I understand there is a huge disparity in our audiences, although I really like this video and Melanie is a very attractive enthusiastic guy and I think she could be quite successful doing YouTube. I really like the guy. I think almost every single one of his arguments is complete garbage, almost as bad as the effectiveness of nunchucks compared to other weapons, so because As for the level of the arguments, another thing is that because he is really attractive, he speaks from a position of authority, he has a lot of experience in martial arts, these are the type of arguments I see, so people who watch the video would agree with him Another reason I wanted to respond to


's video is because Many of the arguments you present in this video represent the most common counterarguments that many people who disagree with me were making at the time I watched Milani's video, now that I've said everything I realize the difference in the audience and I was aware of that, so I left a comment, this comment specifically.
i was wrong about the nunchaku or was i   reply to milani fitness
I don't actually know your name, it's Melanie Fitness on your YouTube channel, so I'm going to follow that and call you Milani. If it's


, I apologize. I know that sometimes it can be a very discouraging thing if a very big channel responds to a smaller channel, so I asked Milani's permission on her YouTube channel and told her that I had nothing against a guy and I'm really not sorry . I actually don't like him, he's funny, he's attractive, he's cool, I think his arguments are garbage and I said I would go after those arguments very aggressively, not against him specifically, his arguments and then I asked him if it was okay to my. do that and he said I accept your challenge to a gem so look he has a good attitude good on you buddy now after making this video and recording it completely and spending a week editing it I actually decided not to post it because I was really worried that it would be that way. could have a negative impact on


in many ways this is milani's first video and I have a channel with a million subscribers and it was just too unfair the thing is that Sir Ben, who works for me on one of the game nights , actually I was in contact with Milani and we had a little conversation with him and Milani asked me where the video was.
i was wrong about the nunchaku or was i   reply to milani fitness
We told him we had no intention of uploading it, but he insisted that we send him an unlisted link to a previous edit of this video and he watched the whole thing and then still wanted it posted, so this video is a re-edit in the that I simply refined some of the points I made and added a bit of additional commentary and while it doesn't need Milani's permission, it is being published not only with his approval but also with his encouragement to do so and that's after he saw a full previous edit of this video, so I really think Melanie should be given a lot of respect for her enthusiasm in wanting to participate.
A debate like this now the next thing I want to say to all my audience, I like this guy, he's great and even if you didn't call him out, please don't harass a guy to any extent or send him hate at all. I do. I don't think criticism is harassment or hate. Well, I think that when people say things that are worthy of criticism, they deserve to be criticized, because I believe that if a gun is garbage, it deserves to be criticized, regardless of the culture it comes from. I'll talk about that a little bit later and I'm just going to go in and respond to this video, not because it's going to get a lot of views.
Well, actually I would like you to say that he does a good job, but because I think he is the best. The response video made so far legitimately in complete opposition to my opponents, I say, and it largely echoes the sentiment that people who disagree with me have been sharing comments elsewhere online and it will be fun too, OK? Let's start, most practitioners who demonstrate this and choose to create a professional opinion about themselves blame the weapon when most of the time it is their poor technique and misuse of the weapon that forms this strange opinion as a 16 practitioner. years. using a nunchuck this is bordering on what we would call the appeal to authority fallacy, which means that only people with whatever arbitrary level of skill I'm going to decide based on myself, only people with that level of opinions are valid and usually it's not your skill or skill with the gun it's whether your opinion aligns with the person criticizing you this is what reality really is in this situation it doesn't matter how much experience you have well what matters is if you're saying something that is correct or not now you can try to establish your opinion with experience on the subject, but it is not absolutely necessary;
In fact, you can get a lot of valid opinions by listening to other people who have a lot of experience on the topic, and you don't need to be a teacher either. for example, the piano to be able to tell a horrible performance, you know, whether it is bad or not, to say that you need to be a teacher to be able to find out if something is good or bad, is a complete fallacy in itself, you can apply basic logical standards without experience with a weapon and draw a correct conclusion, for example comparing it with other weapons, the amount of training that people generally need do you need the training? no, but you can look at the amount of training that other people need to be able to, you know, become proficient at the weapon to be able to figure out how easy it is to master it or not and like it's such a basic, simple kind of, you know, something that You can try to establish, for example, giving a stick to a person who has no prior training. on a stick, they are instantly more effective and more lethal.
Yes, don't give an untrained person nunchucks. Are they instantly more lethal? Well, they could produce more energy. You know, on the swings, by the way, he's afraid you'll find him. Find out why it's frayed a little later in the video. Could they generate more power? Yes, they are more lethal, not necessarily if it is in a 1 on 1 fight. Well, then yes, you are a threat to more people. The other person is yourself, because everyone. I know there is a very high chance of hitting yourself, the simple fact is that nunchakus are a horrible weapon for untrained people, making them objectively worse than any other weapon in that you are more lethal when untrained, just for that basic standard.
Nunchakus are a very flawed weapon compared to other weapons because as I will point out later in this video, you will find that I never said no that I know of, and if I did, I was


, that's not what I meant. How can I say this isn't what I meant because they made it clear the other times in the video when I explicitly said they're better than nothing even though in my second video I said I'm reconsidering that and I'm still doing it. but I also said that you can absolutely generate more force with nunchucks than with your bare fist, so you can do things with nunchucks that you can't do without Now some people say there is a lethal weapon, so they could border on lethal if they are effective. weapon, I still think they are, no they are not an effective weapon because they have a lot of problems and detriments compared to other weapons, you could hurt someone with a pen, is it an effective weapon?
Well actually a pen might be better than a nunchuck because it has more penetration, something to consider, but that's okay, just because you can generate more force or power with any tool doesn't necessarily make it a good weapon when you compare it to weapons real ones that are properly designed to be excellent force multipliers. that can increase your lethality regardless of your train here you can pick it up and instantly much more capable okay so nunchucks honestly fall into the kind of area of ​​an imperfect tool that can generate greater amounts of power than your bare fist so if your goal is just so you know, to produce large amounts of power, sure do that, but if you're actually legitimately saying that you're okay, you want a gun for self-defense, and you're able to choose between all these other weapons, why On God's green earth would you ever do it?
Choose nunchucks among so many other weapons that don't have the problems and weapon detriments and other weapons that can do everything that nunchucks can in terms of power generation, lethality, versatility, they speed up all of these things and do more and they don't come with everything the baggage and the problems. Seriously, why would you choose nunchucks over a plain old stick? One of the most fundamental and easily accessible weapons in the entire history of humanity. Seriously, if you put all the weapons in a tier list of mortals all the way and everything in between. that a stick is probably the lowest weapon because it's no better than a knife, it's not as lethal, it's a knife, right, it's not as good, it's not lethal as a sword and all that, and many other weapons that are really hello good.
Honestly, they're just a stick plus an upgrade, like what's a mace, is it a stick with something heavy on the end, what's a spear, if not a stick with a pointy thing on the end, what's a sword, yeah It is not essentially a sharpened metal stick. Okay, sticks are awesome, but the simple, humble stick is probably on the lower end of weapon quality, but nunchucks, surprisingly, somehow are, but they would be below the stick in terms of effectiveness. and just utility as a weapon, and seriously, this. Is the problem okay? It's not that nunchucks can't be used to some level of effect.
It is why you would choose a nunchucks over other weapons that are much better and less harmful to the user. Seriously, there are so many other weapons that the stick is easier to find and get that nunchaku that you actually have to make, you actually have to like, actually damage a perfectly good stick, make it worse than it was to make nunchakus. , why would you choose nunchucks when you had a stick? very good stick, don't hurt, stick to do these horrible things, I mean nunchucks, what are they if they aren't just sticks for the mentally disabled?
It's like seriously nunchucks are basically like a stick that had a stroke. Stick function and I mean it happens to one in five sticks so know that it's literally the stick that swings towards you when you use it. It requires 10 times more training but is half as useful as the old stick. it's the mentally disabled inbred cousin of the mighty stick, that's what nunchakus are nunchakus and I'm going to explain this in more detail in the video, they are total garbage, the glasses fell over, that's what shakes your head, it deserved garbage, for TRUE. For example, there have been many people, I mean, many people who responded to my comments and who shared a lot of experiences with nunchakus, well, 20 years, 30 years, who completely agreed with me that nunchakus are a complete rubbish, are they now because they have the arbitrary amount of experience you say you have, you see what I mean, experience doesn't qualify an opinion, it might inform you up to a level of experience, but that's it, it doesn't mean you have right or not, that's fine and I've proven that I know how to use nunchucks at least halfway competently, but I'm not using that to establish that I'm right.
I just did that to try to get ahead of people and say exactly the kind of untrue things like this. it's like well you don't have the experience to say he's just an uninformed person who's not cool when it comes to guns. Actually, I amquite informed about it. I make a living studying weapons because I find them really interesting and finding out how effective they are and I analyze fantasy weapons and I will analyze real weapons and compare them to other weapons to see how effective they are and what their main function should be and yes, when really you compare nunchucks to so many others. weapons even the humble ones just, glorious transcendent stick, are rubbish and you don't need years and years of experience in this, in fact many people don't have any experience they may like even the basic analysis I did before you know you give nunchakus to a person who doesn't train for them and automatically they are probably worse because they can hit themselves, even in a logical analysis as basic as that we find that nunchucks are poor let alone all the other reasons why they are so poor and you don't need No experience to be able to figure that out, but what I'm saying is that we can get sucked into certain tropes that we want to be real because we're invested in them, we want to call them out and things like that, especially at certain ages. and years of training on them and you know touting them like it might be a little challenging to try to look at something honestly and determine, when you compare it to other weapons, whether it's legitimately good or not, and I'm not saying that a particularly talented nunchucker couldn't beat someone who is not trained with the stick, that's fine, but I always say that this is what they have a lot more problems with than many other weapons, they are more damaging, they can't produce as much power and we.
I'll get to the topic of power. I have demos to share. Yes, they can't produce that much power. People always misunderstand me when I say that because I'm not saying that nunchucks can't hit very hard because there are a lot of them. The answers people have given show that nunchakus can hit very hard and I agree that they can. My point is that when you take a stick that has the same mass and length as those nunchakus you are testing, the stick will always come out outclassed. Just as hard, if not much harder, yes, nunchucks in certain circumstances and depending on their size are capable of hitting very, very hard, which does not make them an inherently good weapon.
It is necessary to look at all their properties, balance them all together and then compare them. other weapons and what they offer and then that helps us see the staggering amount of shortcomings these weapons have. Look, we'll go, there are so many problems with nunchucks that they make other weapons so much better, like literally, somehow, nunchucks are lower in the next level weapon class than the damn stick itself, which really says something and much less all the other weapons. Let me share an analogy: What things do we take into consideration when trying to determine if a sports car is a good sports car?
Well, obviously, it's all of those things that allow this sports car to achieve its purpose and it's not just driving fast, there's actually a whole range of very important things that this sports car needs to be able to do properly in order for it to be considered good at its job. . The fastest car in the world, but if it has no brakes, no one in their right mind will call it a good sports car, but what if it had other shortcomings? If he had bold ties and couldn't hold on to the road. the handling was terrible, you could barely drive it, but people say, oh, but it can drive very, very fast, it's very good, it's like no, that doesn't make it a good sports car, but actually, because of all these other deficiencies, it is terrible. car so I relate this now to nunchakus I'm just saying because nunchucks can do something adequately I don't think you can do it exceptionally well compared to other weapons just like you wouldn't be able to hold up a sports car like it's really really particularly fast if it's actually It's as fast as many other sports cars and actually much slower than others and with nunchucks there are some huge problems that Milani even points out in his own video things that I myself have pointed out and just to name one of its complete and utter lack of defensive ability, there are other weapons that are poor in defense, say like the axe, but you can still employ them in defense at a much higher level than nunchucks and when it comes to weapons, there are some weapons that can do that. one thing usually very, very well, incredibly well, that actually overcomes other shortcomings or areas where it can't even work, for example a gun, a gun has no real defensive capability, nor what you could try and block bullets with a gun, no.
It's too small to offer any measure of practical cover, but its damage output, its lethality is incredibly high and it's also very, very difficult to stop at that level to stop a bullet. The damage that nunchakus can do is easier to stop than many other weapons. because they have a whole area in their attack range that you can nullify if you can contact the chain, for example, and a lot of other things that I'm going to cover in this video, nunchucks can't do one or two. to some things so exceptionally well that it overcomes their profound shortcomings and so many other areas now that I'm reconsidering things I think I can say that nunchucks are still better than anything if you were fighting unarmed opponents and didn't have access to the vast number of other weapons efficient, effective and simply better, unarmed opponents are more likely to have legs or even doubt if you have a weapon and they don't, and this of course includes nunchucks, so saying that nunchucks are good because you can intimidate unarmed . opponents is a false statement because any weapon would be to intimidate unharmed opponents, you have a force multiplier and there are many weapons that you can spin around and show levels of proficiency to also add intimidation to that and it seems that there are many people who They think that just because you can hit harder with nunchucks you don't necessarily scare people more than other weapons, but because it's a weapon that you can scare people with, you can spin it around and be very fancy with it and you can hide it. effectively makes them good weapons, no, the standard of what is a good weapon applies much more broadly.
If you want to limit these considerations to a very specific situation in which nunchakus have benefits, then you will also be recognizing that there are many other situations in which nunchakus are garbage which makes them bad weapons as well and that doesn't mean they can't be useful in certain situations or that you cannot hit hard with them or that they cannot be effective, they can be. a useful self-defense weapon, but not a good one, it is not official and, in any case, it is a very imperfect and impractical self-defense weapon and, as far as just the qualities of weapons in general, it is a rubbish weapon and many others. applications where you might want to use weapons, so let me simplify the argument that I just explained that a weapon that retains high combat effectiveness in more situations where it is necessary to use weapons is simply a better weapon than other weapons that They cannot retain as much effectiveness. level of combat efficiency in such situations, especially if its combat effectiveness is only really present in very specific situations, this creates the standard by which all weapons can be judged by the weapons that retain high combat effectiveness in the most of the situations, they will go higher on the list and are now of higher quality and the weapons that cannot be used in so many situations will move to a lower place on the list and are the bad weapons and the weapons that are at the lowest level from the list can rightly and rightly be called rubbish the rock.
It can be used as a weapon, but there is a reason we don't use rocks in war or self-defense. Can you hit hard with it? Well, yes, that makes it effective in some situations. Yes, this also makes it useful in self-defense in comparison. when you have nothing then make it into a good weapon. Almost anything can be a good weapon if you compare it to nothing because you don't compare it to anything. There is no comparison. There is no point of judgment. So what you can say. is better than nothing does not establish that it is a good weapon the way you determine if something is a good weapon is to be compared to other weapons is nothing the basic standard of a weapon is a tool that can be used as a force multiplier increases your lethality and an object that can barely meet that standard does not become inherently good at it, it only meets the minimum requirements, so a stone is not a good weapon because it can be used as a weapon, it is barely adequate weapon at most a good weapon is a weapon that can meet the requirements of a weapon being a force multiplier at the best level most efficient most effective possible in most situations you may find yourself in where you need a weapon and when you compare from nunchucks to almost any other weapon, now they are garbage.
Look, I've probably checked off so many traditional weapons that they wouldn't even make it that far in the video, so maybe it's too late to say it, but I'll say it. It's okay, if you want to teach the nunchuck for the sake of tradition, it's okay because the story or whatever to develop maybe coordination and because you like it and it looks cool and I never said they don't look cool, they look cool , that's what attracted me. no control using first place, nunchucks are flashy and look amazing, all the power to you, I think it's cool, they are a fun martial arts weapon, but in terms of their effectiveness compared to other weapons, they are garbage, One of the biggest accusations made against nunchucks is that they can't have as much power as, say, a stick.
Yes, they can't have as much power as a stick of the same mass and length, that's the key point of comparison, so the nunchucks you usually use are clearly familiar. commercially made the sticky user that looks like a broken broom handle so just on that, you know, the analysis here is that there's no way to know if it has a similar mass right and I think in comparison it doesn't seem to have the same mass either scope that the comparisons and tests I was doing is that these are literally made from the same piece of wood, okay, and I like it bro, you'll see what happened with the chords.
In my contest they are a little shorter but have an extra level of length. That nunchakus gives them more leverage and essentially a greater ability to generate power. There have been many misconceptions that I have been debunking about nunchucks, but the main one I was trying to debunk in my first video was to dispel the myth that they are uniquely blunt weapons, yes they can hit hard, but not harder than any weapon. Having a similar mass size and range is important when considering hitting because the farther the hit point is from the hotspot, the higher the rotation speed of the endpoint.
Higher speed combined with mass creates greater momentum, which means impact force. Pseudoscientific people trying to claim rotation or getting some kind of extra magical energy from the ether because it's connected via a chain is complete nonsense and even melanie in this video. As much as I love him, he even tries to do the same thing by using some pseudoscientific explanation to describe that nunchucks will somehow hit harder because they are connected via a chain. People don't really understand a lot of the science and physics that they are operating with regards to moving nunchucks at best and this largely depends on the type of hit you make.
Nunchucks can hit with force comparable to other weapons of similar mass and size, but at worst they hit with much less power and this is usually due to the chain connection, I will repeat this scientific truth, nunchucks do not hit with greater force than any other functional weapon of similar mass and size, if something generally caused by the type of strike you are making, they will actually hit with less power. The important thing about this is that there are many shots you can make with a club where you are also not completing an efficient and proper kinetic link and you are not putting the additional mass and weight behind the shot that you could have because the club is solid and actually it allows you to transform more kinetic energy through that solid structure, so when you use a club and don't take advantage of the more efficient kinetic bond you can achieve with them, it is absolutely possible to hit with less force. than nunchucks, even when you put less force behind your punch, that doesn't change the underlying physics that is at play here and that will inherently give greater capability and advantage to a weapon, the stick, obviously, over nunchucks, which is why I was testing . with the maximum possible power throwing my full weight because of course there are many more inefficient ways you can hit with both nunchucks and sticks.
It was about testing maximum power and when you throw all the power you can into a stick or nunchucks with as much power as possible. weight, as you can guess which one has greater capacity to transfer more force to the target, this is basic physics, far from being a unique and forceful weapon for its size and dimensions, nunchucks can hit, at best, asstrong like other weapons of similar size. and reach and at worst hit with much less power because they can have very inefficient energy transfer, especially their problems with the loss of kinetic energy that comes from the mass of your own body that you put into the speed and , hence the overall momentum you lose through that. the string and does not have a solid structure until the end of the blow, this is what a stick sounds like now let's listen to the nunchucks both at maximum power.
I don't know if you could hear a power difference there, but I would say they were relatively similar, so sorry, I'm not convinced at all and the fact that honestly the stick you're using seems pretty small, if you want to use a stick, get one of at least similar size and weight to the nunchuck. meet a big, long, thick stick really grip and swing a big stick correctly, you want power from a big stick and look, I'm not kidding you about the fact that you're a little sick, not everyone can have a big, thick stick like me, sorry, couldn't resist, friend. you left yourself completely open it's too small the stick you're using you know big sticks are better um I don't like it I'm not implying I'm sure anyway let's talk lately just we're not going to go any further with it okay?
One of the biggest complaints I've heard from these practitioners or experienced users of nunchucks or people who claim to understand them is that no one knows how to maintain it properly. One person says this way another person says another way. Oh my God, come on. As with any weapon, it's preference, it's preference, and different preferences give you different advantages. I totally agree, I totally agree, in fact this is one of the points of the video, I think it's great, yes, yes, exactly, okay, yes, use the nunchucks however you want. There are pros and cons to both and that's why I love your video, although I don't agree with most of what you said, this one actually has and there are a couple of other points that I agree with, I agree with and yeah, wait, wait, wait for the nunchakus. how you want, okay and another big accusation made against nunchucks is that you can't hit solid objects like humans aren't completely solid, but you can't practice hitting with them because it bounces and hits you, you know what sticks?
They are also great for canes, look at this, they are so stylish, look this will be my cane from time to time, I have a gun, but at this point, unfortunately, sir, you are the one controlling my position, okay? uh you need uh something it's funny he mentions things that are referenced in my second video so I guess he's seen it but this dismisses what I said in my second video which is that of course you can attack in more ways controlled. but that goes against you and even the demos you show are against a static target as soon as that target does something you don't predict and you say it gets close and the nunchucks attack in a way you weren't predicting because you can.
You don't predict to your opponent every situation that he can deflect and hit you and what you thought was a sure hit that you are going to follow through, yes, he can deflect and hit you and cause serious injuries and make you lose the fight completely by yourself. elimination, that's the point you need to properly address if you're going to try to establish that you can safely hit with nunchucks. The point I made in the second video is that you can't control your opponent and there is a much higher chance that you won't. We're going to attack in such a way that the nunchakus will deflect and remember even in follow-up hits like what you're saying if you always, you're not actually saying it or but it seems like you're saying it. if you know to follow your punches there's a lot less chance of hitting you, no that's only if you're hitting with the tip usually of the nunchuck, if you follow up and hit someone right in the center of that, it's going to bounce and deflecting the tip has a chair like a great chance of following through the middle na and for that to happen in a real fight as I show in my second video, all that needs to happen is for your opponent to get a little bit closer. than what you expected and then instead of hitting the tip you hit the middle and the deflection hits you and bad things can happen, so the point they are making doesn't really address my point.
I recognize that there are ways to hit with nunchucks safely. The ways you're showing you can do what you're ignoring here is the point I made: you can't predict what your opponent does and you're much more likely to make a mistake with nunchucks than with any other weapon. Okay, where you aim and think you're going to hit safely and your opponent does something else that you can't predict and then he lets go, then deflects and hits you, there's a much better chance of him doing that than anyone else. weapon that makes them in this case garbage compared to other weapons let alone all the other problems, so if you want to address my argument, address that point of my argument, not a straw man, I'm going to demonstrate a lot here. of combinations of different hits that you can do and I won't hit myself, you guys can interestingly observe yourselves, you demonstrate that you can hit in multiple different ways with nunchucks, you never said you couldn't, but you also seem to be recognizing by implication that there are blows and angles with which you cannot hit with nunchucks, okay, let's make a comparison with many other weapons, from a stick to a knife, even a pin, maybe it's true, are there some types of blows in which become ineffective and that the blow would simply have? no effect at all.
I'm trying to think that maybe if you hit and someone lands really low and you hit right on the low end, but even halfway through, a solar hit will still hurt someone quite a bit, but you can hit from any angle you want, okay, with a stick, any angle, from almost any starting position, you're up here, you can hit down here, like at any angle, okay, can you do that with nunchucks? Think, you know there are so many positions. where you might be with nunchucks where you need to do something you need to swing it back and around I just can't hit like that with a nunchucks so just because there are effective ways to hit with nunchucks doesn't mean there are a lot of ineffective ways to attack with them in which you can attack effectively if you are using another weapon.
Trash nunchucks are not a weapon that you can just pick up without experience and hurt someone with the most likely chance of hurting yourself. Before you hurt someone else you would probably hurt yourself before you hurt someone else. Do you have that probability with other weapons? It's interesting I understand it and I like it I said it once I said I like you I think you're great, okay? I think your arguments like this are very poor, to the point that there's this subtle, sort of tacit implication and recognition of all the huge negative limitations that you know about nunchucks, some of which you explicitly say we're going to get to. yes you can. even saying so explicitly that there are things that are nunchucks are garbage and other weapons you don't say that other weapons can do it, but that is the implication that nunchucks are garbage with this and if other weapons are not garbage, of course you are saying that you are essentially naughty these other women, so how can you say they are as good as other weapons?
You don't and I won't fool you, but you are trying to say that they are a really effective weapon. I don't think that a weapon that has such problems and limitations can be considered an effective weapon. You could recognize that it is an inefficient weapon. It's okay, it's still a weapon. You can produce greater force with it and I said, "If you had nothing, would you do it?" I'm not so sure because I think if you can smash them you have two really effective crazy sticks right here and then you know it's like the nunchuck is really the handicapped cousin of the stick, it's like you have two effective like good ones. sticks here that you've now tied up with some kind of mental deficiency that they can't operate effectively, they're, I'm trying, I'm trying to get there, but then it won't let me because this stupid thing is just getting there. worse, you gave me permission, I asked, I asked for permission granted, I like it and you, professional, you may be all for it and like the back and forth and the jokes and the subtle insinuations and teasing like you did, yeah, Hey, you gave me a dirty video.
Okay, it's funny, I get it, I'm not, but if you can give it, you should be able to receive it and I hope and hope that you can, let's all be adults here because you have a very small stick, like it's so small. You could not? You didn't even want to call him crazy. You can't even hit that club. This is a small cane. Maybe you can. It's a pretzel. It's a breadstick. Get a real stick. I love you. Anyway, you need a give us your address and I still know you, like the wooden poles I made this with and I could make you a nice big, thick, long, thick stick that you can wave with confidence and with that comes the fear of what unknown with nunchucks every beginner will be slow often because they are afraid that you have sticks, why don't you use them?
You have great clubs there. I don't need to send you the ones you have. sticks why did you choose such a small and disgusting stick? You deserve better and you should start slow. They are a dangerous weapon for yourself if you don't know how to use them. This is another thing that makes them effective. in a street situation people don't understand them maybe you could use that one because it's someone who doesn't know how to use punches, but the thing is someone who doesn't know how to use nunchakus, okay, they're going to perform a lot worse. in real life than in a movie it doesn't matter what position you are in with a pair of nunchucks you can almost hit from anywhere I can hit you from here I can hit you from here I can hit you from here I can hit you from here you take a step towards me, boom, okay , those are some very specific positions, what happens from here?
Can you hit? Know? Hold the nunchuck up here. Can you hit someone here without first bringing them back to spin like we're talking about here? and down, maybe if you like to move, but I felt like, come on man, you can attack from here because I really like it, can you hit with nunchakus effectively from any position? And look, can you hit effectively from any position with a club? Maybe it's not there. I'm sure if you pushed hard enough for your butt, it would be very difficult to hit someone effectively from that position, but I would say that there is far and people could say that I have my own sticks.
I jumped on my own, but there are a lot more positions you can hit effectively with a stick than with nunchakus, in fact, nunchakus, man, that's how we look, really, I would say I feel sorry for nunchakus, but it seems like now they were looking um they look as inbred as they really are effective weapons um but even you are showing that you are holding it here why are you holding this here? Is it so you know you can get it? The leverage on this thing is too long if it was any closer I'd grab it because anyway but it seems like you're always in a position that optimizes your ability to hit well it's like hmm it's almost like nunchucks need a very start specific. positions or brother, you know, do you know any, I suppose I propose reinforcement positions, postures to be able to attack effectively with them, tell me honestly, would you really want to approach a piece of oak wood that rotates like that in front of someone?
Tell me now you don't I don't say this in the video, but in the example of you running around, would you like to get close to something like this if you compare yourself to an unarmed person and I mean you have a force multiplier, of course, anyone Will there be a break if you do it? unarmed and they have something that you can hit with much more damaging power than with their bare hands, but it doesn't mean that you are suddenly invincible, in fact if you know the limitations there are a lot of problems with doing it and then if you had a weapon.
And I would always try to avoid conflict anyway, but if there's no way to avoid conflict or if I was trying to protect people who have trouble escaping or fleeing and things like that, then you're in a position where you're forced. to defend yourself and others, okay, yes, there are many who give me shit, like I feel very safe because I know the limitations to assume that, in reality, that is an effective type of defense or it would drive people away . There is a point. There's a lot to be said about intimidation, but to think that it's actually a solid offense or defense to me, I think reveals some of your own lack of understanding in actual combat.
We guys in the human community have experimented with the effectiveness of spinning with swords specifically if the classic type of spin or twist like this can have some measure of effective defense, the thing is that the big problem with spinning is that it is It looks flashy and you know, the movies and everything it shows is really cool, it's actually garbage because it's actually Big portions where the sword doesn't defend itself if I'm doing a turn like this. Well, there are only a couple of times where the gun actually looks at the opponents. I am nowdemonstrating this with a basic foam lab sword.
Could do it. with steel, but this is quite instructive and is safer. Can you see this? These are the points where the weapon advances every other time, which is actually much more common than the weapon is not even facing your opponent and I still can't predict the opponent's angle of attack and usually if you have a static defense where you can block and do something much better, you can protect your lines much better compared to something as stupid as this than even you. You're turning very fast most of the time, this real weapon doesn't move forward, well most of the time, it's actually behind you, so it's very easy to break through a defense like that, it can be intimidating, but someone who know how poor these things are in comparison. to other weapons or is just really engaged, that is horrible, like attack, offensive, defensive action and the other. point why such move like this is garbage, well this is not solid, so when this weapon comes into contact or compete with another weapon, which one will go through and have a chance to hit you, obviously anything that is solid because this is not solid, so no matter how hard you swing it, it's fine, if someone is committed enough to the same power, even less, will pass through it and the stick will come and hit you, okay, and I'm not saying that.
These are the best weapons ever and you can take them against a sword and you can take them against short swords or you can take them against a spear, but I guess they are a really effective weapon for short to medium range combat. This depends on how you set or define effectiveness, okay, because in my opinion, a weapon that requires a lot of training to not be harmful to you makes it very ineffective, okay, and if you know how to train them, then they are effective? ability for them to ricochet and hit yourself because you can't predict your opponent, I would say that makes them less effective than other weapons, the fact that they can't hit with as much power, the fact that you can't do certain hits specifics like jabs and all that the fact that you have to reset yourself to hit correctly with them also has so many problems that compared to other weapons they are very ineffective but do they allow you to hit harder than your bare fist I always said that so yeah and it's the bar of a weapon so you only hear that because oh look a rock is uh you know in that sense an effective weapon but you would really choose a rock over a good stick which gives you adequate leverage something like that or a lot other effective weapons that you can conceal just as easily, if not easier, that are not illegal and many other reasons like no nunchaku is not an effective combat weapon and your standard for effective combat.
The weapon should not be Can you hit harder than with your fist? Okay, there should be other important standards we compare it to, like user safety, efficiency, versatility, and in those comparisons and others I didn't even mention, nunchucks fall down. They are so short and if you are fighting someone inexperienced you have a huge advantage, not only are they afraid of them but if you know how to use them correctly you can catch them off guard almost anywhere, come on buddy if you are fighting someone who is inexperienced. no experience and you have anything that is a force multiplier, you have a huge advantage let alone you don't even need a weapon if you are fighting someone with a bar with no experience, anything, you have a huge advantage if you have any level of training, I mean.
Come on, that doesn't validate nunchucks at all just because you can hit harder with them than with your bare fist, no and especially if you can have a better weapon that's easily more available, more legal and all that, like an extendable baton or a stick. or something like that, those options are much better so your standard shouldn't be: you know if they will be good against an inexperienced opponent because you would expect a weapon to also be good against an experienced opponent, wouldn't you like that? Seriously, because if you're fighting someone who actually legitimately knows the limitations of nunchucks, especially if they're sure they can play if they run at you, wait here and just get a power up ahead, one of the key things to be able to do it. . defeat someone use nunchakus close the distance get closer because as soon as you start dealing with all that, as you yourself recognize, oh, you could get out of here, come on buddy and then if your opponent has a gun and has some experience. and they know the limitations and not only do they like the attack strength but they also let a nunchuck hit a stick and a stick go through it if anyone knows it's okay that the nunchuck is such a rubbish defense and they trust that any solid hit will simply explode. through a defense and the only way they will be able to protect themselves is by dodging the blow, you are at a huge disadvantage, so the fact that in this example you are formulating you specifically say that nunchucks are effective against inexperienced opponents.
Again, it almost seems like you're directly acknowledging that nunchakus would be less effective against experienced opponents than other weapons and that's a problem, isn't it like I mentioned? Wouldn't you expect weapons to be equally effective against experienced opponents versus unexperienced opponents and if you're going to say intimidation factor you can spin around a club and a sword and be very intimidating too, I'd say the same with nunchucks okay , and again, I think there are legitimate, you know the counterproductive points of logic in your own arguments by the fact that you are formulating them in such a way that they exclude important points that, by bringing them back up for discussion, your arguments suddenly become very weak now.
The sad truth about these traditional weapons is that defense is almost non-existent with these thank you yeah and this is what baffles me like you can and look again I love you buddy and can you recognize that nunchucks are defense rubbish, you even say. no defense at all, how can you then say that they are comparably effective against any weapon that offers some measure of defense? So how can you seem true? You're not necessarily saying that, but you're saying they're a great weapon for self-defense or by implication you are and you're saying they're great for things like that long to medium range, how can they be great and really good at this if they're so rubbish on defense and remember the potential benefits they have? could offer do not overcome this huge problem, their lack of defense, as well as many other problems, but there is an element of defense that nunchucks are phenomenal at that no one has recognized and they are incredible at protecting your own virginity.
Hey, funnily enough, I actually lost my virginity after I gave up nunchucks, the science is proven, this case is closed, you heard it here, people straight from the mouth of Shadowversity, give up nunchakus and you will lose your virginity, but my own Personal advice, get married first, it's good, it's good. It's a good conservative plan, I did it, it worked very well, but to be fair I ditched the nunchucks in favor of a huge thick stick so you know there's that to consider so yeah defense is essentially non-existent with these and anyone who tells you that you can deal with this is on chrome i love this is what i mean melanie you're great i think you can make amazing videos okay okay you can't strangle someone with this like this if I'm trying to strangle him like this no, never try it, you can't grab limbs with this, you can't do that, never try it.
The only thing they are good for is quick, powerful blows. The only thing they are good for is fast, powerful hits. The only thing is, since I think with an effective weapon you would want to be able to do a lot more or you would like to attack at close range with a fast and powerful attack, it's like you want to attack to be faster anyway, but you really like the defense, since mentioned, but there are so many such as the fact that again you seem to be acknowledging the limitations of your own argument and so how can you say that they are such a good weapon if you are pointing out such limitations that it is a bit difficult to understand?
I understand that usually the only thing they are good at is quick fouls if someone tries to sell me nunchucks and they say okay they are bad at defense and but they are good at this and it's the only thing they know. You're good at fast and powerful hits, I'd say wait, you're trying to sell me this like getting a stick and the only thing you can do is dodge big attacks, let's say with a staff or or um or something or a stick. or a baseball bat you have to move well if I'm in my fighting stance and something comes at me I have to move well I have to move to the side I have to move well in all seriousness and look I'm just making fun of you cheerfully Okay, I'll tell you master friend, so it's all good, but in all seriousness you know what not to do with so many other weapons.
I think I already said you don't have to move, you can deflect, can you? you can hit his overwhelming blow with a point of leverage and come out, you can hit, you can do so many things like you are saying that, yes you are essentially saying that any powerful blow that comes out with nunchakus you have to move, that is again a problem. It's like you have a weapon that you have to draw from every stronger blow that comes. The other thing nunchucks are really good at is getting girls to stay away from you by protecting that virginity flank, okay?
Look, I know, nunchucks. They are elegant and that may impress the soggy, but they have become a very vulgar weapon and when you really know the limitations and when you say they are so good, yeah, that's not impressive, it can be impressive, like there are elegant things, but it's not impressive as a combat weapon just to clarify another brilliant advantage of nunchucks is that they don't really require charging when we're talking about a baseball bat we're talking about this we're talking about the movement before the Hit Right, even if we're talking about a cane , here we are talking about the charge before the hit with a nunchuck, since we depend on the chain whip, we do not necessarily have to charge, we could be a caveman. and saying that's not how you use a nunchuck and besides, if you hit like that you'll probably end up hurting yourself again if I do what's considered a nunchuck, a jab, I didn't really have to charge there, okay, not even charge if I want to cross, okay, there's no load out there, there's no load up there when you say there's no load on these quick strokes that you're doing like that, right?
Where is the back of the nunchuck you are technically on? When you're done, you're winding up from this position to go hit and then come back, okay, so there's absolutely an amount of winding, in fact, try hitting with nunchakus without proper weight, like that, okay, as much as you can do is like that was pathetically weak are you saying you can't hit with a stick without actually finishing so you're here, you know and this is a lot less complicated than you know? I can't do that, I just can't add that to my points about the power differentiation between these two weapons.
Here let's talk about the stick for a second. Well, when we hit a solid object like this, we have directional force. and we have a rotational force that goes through the shoulder and through the body, okay, it is a very powerful weapon, but when we talk about the nunchuck we are not only talking about directional force and rotational force, but because it has a link In the middle, they are also gaining centrifugal force, which increases the power of the weapon on the target. First of all, having a link like nunchucks doesn't rule out what you call centripetal, so you say centrifugal and then show a picture of centrifugal force and by the way.
Since it is technically a false force, the force that people often misunderstand is the correct term, which is centripetal force. You see, it is assumed that when something rotates from a hotspot, you feel it retreat and think that the force then points. in that direction, that is a false force, what you are feeling is the effect of the centripetal force carrier, which is what connects the mass that is moving, what you are actually feeling is inertia, okay, so, What this stick wants to do, wants to do it. move in this direction and when you connect it to a point of rotation, this point of rotation prevents it from moving in that direction and causes it to rotate and you are changing the momentum to I think it is rotation energy.
I'm going to modify some of the descriptions. but it's a much more accurate representation of what you're saying before and I can redirect that momentum into an actual curved path, so what you're trying to establish or think about is that there's an outward pull that when you let go, it's going to fly up. No, if you're swinging something and you let go of it at this point, guess which direction it's going to fly that way because it's inertia and there's actually no real outward force pulling it that way, there's a force pushing it. in which is the carrier of the centripetal force, the connection point is fine and because keeping the centripetal force here makes it rotate along the curve, but as soon asI'm waiting, yes, for Bruce Lee movies, but they are not real, they are not historical accounts, but they have been modernized and are considered a lethal weapon. many countries, that is why they have been banned, nunchucks have not been banned because they are exceptionally more lethal than other weapons, okay, they are banned because of the hype surrounding them and in any case, if there was any validity then , but no Actually, I don't think legislators are that insightful to explain this, that they are banned because they are very dangerous to the user, okay, but no, it's that they have been promoted in pop culture for being so incredibly deadly as ninja stars you know how lethal ninja stars are if you actually throw them yes they will cut you but you are very unlikely to kill someone like a ninja star vs a dagger the lethality comparison is crazy the dagger is much more lethal but ninja stars are banned and Can you be nice because knives are useful talk, obviously, so of course not.
But yeah, just because nunchakus are banned doesn't mean they're exceptionally good because they're banned because the people who make those laws are stupid, right? We know that the nicest surprises are banned in America is it because they are an exceptionally deadly weapon or is it because people do stupid things with them, it's like you know that people do really stupid things, but like it's them, I don't think I would Like, I said that I don't think I can give the legislator credit, but where have they been because they are especially dangerous for the user. I don't think I need to explain much about a hard piece of oak flying towards your head or a hard piece of steel flying towards your head from the end of a chain, it's pretty obvious the kind of damage a weapon like this can cause because So many people believe that nunchucks are much better than they are.
Actually, I would say it's not that obvious since people shoot more like they're supposed to because when you actually do a proper comparison, you find out how effective they are now. I never said they can't hit hard, of course they can, but does that mean you should always pick them or not, because again I'm just saying they're great? because they get huge discounts, as many problems as problems that you yourself pointed out, they are rubbish for their defense and they can't fight at all if that's the case, if someone tells you that you fight, what was in the fight, you said that they are on crack, Alright?
So if you yourself could recognize so many big, deep problems with nunchucks, how can you say they're so great over and over again? We are not making the standard for a great weapon, it is something you can hit with because then a rock is a great weapon and why doesn't everyone use rocks no, a great weapon is one that is versatile that increases your lethality to a greater extent with less training, you can just pick it up and you are instantly more effective, okay, a good weapon is one that is not dangerous to use that look, I have already mentioned many reasons why, well, those are the reasons why we must determine if a weapon is good not if it can just hit hard because you can pick up anything and Hit something hard with it doesn't make it a good weapon.
I beg you not to listen to people online but do your research. Watch experienced people talk about this weapon. Hmm, don't listen to people online. You realize that you are online. You talk about it but then you say to listen to people with experience. Ah, but one year and two years is not enough experience in your book, but I mean, what about people who have had 20 or 30 years who agree with me? There are a lot of them because the way I see the comments on my videos, you know, don't listen to them because, according to you, they are wrong, but the reality is that you have said some deeply incorrect things, to be able to handle, some that they become disconcerting, little by little, like. your misunderstanding of centripetal force for something unbelievable like uh it was nonsense your demonstration that you feel like every weapon loses its effectiveness and leverage when people close every weapon like you said those things okay so unfortunately with your 16 years of experience, in any case, is to demonstrate that experience does not mean spitting and does not save people from being able to say tremendously stupid things.
I'm not calling you stupid. What I'm saying is that I've said stupid things in the past too. I said some incredibly stupid things in that video and I've pointed them out well, so experience hasn't saved you from that, so experience shouldn't be the sale, everything and in the end, finding out if something is right or not, how are you? you ignore the false ways of dismissing people's argument and address the argument itself, logic itself is fine because whether the truth is told by a king or a poor man, a genius or an idiot, it doesn't matter, it's the truth, it's correct, okay, where does it come from.
It means to spit, if that's correct, I think I let off some steam when I learned nunchucks. You have to be very careful when you learn with a stick. You have to be careful, not too careful, because surprisingly they don't have that high of a propensity to hit. You remember when you just say, but I mean, I would say that a weapon that you have to be very careful with so as not to hit or hurt yourself would be a pretty bad weapon, you would think, so it's normal when you're learning how to take a hit in the head. head or take a little hit there, but when you're practicing any other weapon, when don't you occasionally hit yourself?
Sorry, Melanie, are you saying you've actually hit yourself with a I'm sick, look, I know they could happen maxis. I'll hold my head up and say that I accidentally hit myself with a sword when I was being silly as a kid. Okay, but I legitimately haven't hit myself with any other weapon. I have trained in addition to nunchucks because every time I have trained with weapons I have tried to be very cautious and careful. When you're very cautious, there's very little chance that you'll ever hit yourself with a stick, okay? It might happen once or twice, you know, but compare that to the number of times people hit each other with nunchucks.
There's a little bit of inappropriateness, of course, just to say oh, could you hurt yourself for the other one? These other weapons, that's what they're called. a false equivalence is fine because the number of times people hit themselves with sticks is much less than people hit themselves with nunchucks and I can honestly say that I have never hit myself with a stick and I have trained with a quarter stick. or bo. pretty good staff, I never hit myself once, it's funny and strangely enough, even though I had a sword when I was stupid as a kid, I never hit myself with a sword when I was actually serious, what?
TRUE? and actually he was. training you know all the moves, the spin, so you can do a lot of spins with other weapons and I have never gotten hit while training to spin with other weapons other than nunchucks one of the reasons other weapons are so much better is because If I'm pointing it away from my body, even you know, in any direction, it's not going to hit me, the only way it can hit me is if my actual hand point is pointing towards me in some direction, change that with nunchucks, do you? Alright? if I hold it here, it can hit me if I'm already here, even if I hold it here it can still hit me in the arm and in fact, no matter where I'm holding it, it potentially hasn't hit me because of this you know, the way it Being a professional martial artist today requires a couple of things, one requires you to have an open mind, two, it requires you to research any subject you plan to educate a large mass of people on.
So to be a professional martial artist you have to have an open mind, you have to analyze the things you are talking about. Okay, now you realize that potentially your video can reach a large number of people and you said some like me. I've already pointed out some amazingly incorrect things, like just on a basic factual level that every weapon loses its effectiveness and leverage when they're close, right? You said that, it's probably the way you describe a tripital or centrifugal force, and there's a whole lot of other things that are fine and then you've failed your own standard, does that mean you're not a professional martial artist?
So I wouldn't set such an arbitrary standard like that, I mean, what does it take to be a professional martial artist? artist, someone to teach it, practice it professionally, you would expect a certain level of score, you were granted the skill, okay, but these other arbitrary standards you're making, yeah, be careful because as I just pointed out, you've failed one de are quite meaningful and open-minded, I'm not sure, I don't know, you've been very dogmatically opposed to recognizing well, you've recognized the flats and attracts in some areas, but in other areas you're very dogmatically closed-minded about how legitimately defective , they are fine and you have a straw meaning, some of my positions also show that I am a bit closed minded because if you want to address me properly, you would address my actual arguments, so those are two steps that you have established.
You just failed, you can't just have a year or two of experience on a gun, especially if you were younger, and then look back and try to create this ideology that is garbage, yeah, I'm not trying to create. something that's garbage, I've been looking at it objectively by the same standard I compare fantasy weapons to, okay, and it was a fun and interesting realization, I wasn't trying to force it, when I started thinking about nunchakus I thought, oh Wow, when you really think about it, they're incredibly bad, like there were so many problems with that, so I wasn't the one who tried to make it bad because I wanted to take issue with the nunchucks or the crying or anything like that.
Hey, I've got some crying in I love the katana, okay, you know, um, no, I want to try to do that, okay, I'm just applying the same thing and I've criticized other things. I will understand that because I criticize the flail and other things with the same brutality. To have tremendous problems as martial artists today, we need to educate ourselves in all arts and in all cultures. That's a very interesting standard you're trying to promote there. As modern-day martial artists, you need to educate yourself on all cultures and each other. wow wow obviously, I mean, I'll more or less say, I mean, you would think that people who love karate learn karate, you know, if you don't want to learn other things, you don't have to, but just like you have to. in all code like all things, I mean I would assume you mean all other martial arts traditions but you didn't qualify, you're saying you should also educate yourself on all cultures that one is really random okay I guess those ancient.
Aztecs, you must educate yourself on that, otherwise you will know that you are not alive, understand what a proper modern martial artist should be. Aztec fighting systems, come on, where is it? No, you don't die, of course, you don't need to investigate what. You like, okay, if you're going to criticize someone for cellulite, it's good to research it like I have and compare it to other weapons to get a point of reference, you know, that's probably good too, um, but the thing . Don't you necessarily need to do that to draw a correct conclusion? I mean, if you just look at the basics of logic, you look at nunchucks like, oh, you mean you need to train in large quantities to not hit yourself with these weapons to reach. a level of lethality equal to or worse than what you can get with other weapons that you don't need to go through all that training.
It's a great comment. I put it in my second video because by that standard, nunchucks are automatically shit, I think all of them actually. Other arguments just add fuel to the fire, but you could end the argument right there and determine that nunchucks are shit without experience in martial arts or anything else and create an opinion based on logic and not just while creating an opinion based on the logic you need. be respectful of the culture too, so wait, why do you think I don't respect the Japanese cult? You're saying that if you criticize a thing that's worthy of criticism, you're therefore disrespecting all parts of that culture because that's absolute bullshit, right?
Absolutely not right, I have tremendous respect for many parts of Japanese culture, definitely not all because guess what there were things in past Japanese culture, especially in the feudal period, that were horrendous and you said you should respect them, the horrendous things How do you think about that? Know? Are you saying something that I think was horrible and evil? Human sacrifice is disgustingly evil. Are you saying I can't criticize that because the Aztecs didn't? What about cultures that practice slavery and say we shouldn't criticize slavery? because they are simply the cultures that respect each other hmm, why did this culture maintain this?
Why is this important to this culture? We cannot criticize something that has existed for a long time and has been important to a group of people that we are. we are not part of we have to do our best to respect other cultures and respect their hearts slavery andhuman sacrifice existed for a long time that we were not a part of we should not criticize it we were not part of that it is part of their culture, are you serious, look, what I have said here is not a false equivalence, it is actually an example of exaggeration when exaggerate a point with another example, I am revealing the flaws in it and it is really like you. you're saying you just can't criticize something from another culture because it's just another culture no of course you can and when you criticize that doesn't mean you disrespect it or don't like everything else about that culture so don't try and vilify me if that's your implication because come on man we shouldn't be throwing guns on the ground he's not a toxic man okay seriously that's not respectful that's not respectful of nunchucks I agree but I also don't It matters because they are trash and simply deserve to be called that.
Is it a lack of respect for culture? No, no, in general, because I think there are great things about Japanese culture. I think the katana is a beautiful sword. It's not the best sword in the world by any means, but it can. make some really really good things and oh, I've already covered the piles of katanas um oh Japanese cuisine there's a new restaurant that's authentic Japanese cuisine opens oh I love it so good okay and by the way I criticize other things from any culture. I don't care if the Japanese is from the European Middle East or whatever, it's fine if so, if there is a rubbish weapon I will point it out as rubbish, there is a rubbish practice like slavery, human sacrifice or ritual suicide imposed by Social conditioning, I think. add reciprocal, yes, that's also barbaric and notWell, okay, I don't think people should commit suicide because they feel ashamed, I think that's a terrible thing, also very bad, you know, killing people when they abandon a religion or don't profess one religion, it happened in Europe, you know? the inquisition and things like that, horrible evil, okay, and yes, I'm a Christian and I will point out things in my own Christian heritage and things like that as horrible, plus, I don't respect when it comes to that, whether it's bad or trash or inefficient or even evil, we should mark it as evil because you know what happens if we don't, we just keep making the same dumb mistakes of propping up weapons like they're cool when they're really trash, hurting people without realizing when they could.
I've chosen a much better outcome or practicing the same social conditions and practices that are holy evil and all that because we don't point it out because oh the fence and cultures aren't, if it's bad it deserves to be cold, wouldn't it ? An hour and a half long video explaining why something I did for a year when I was younger is rubbish and rubbish, otherwise you'd be listening to me talk about football being a rubbish sport, which is not the case Are you sure I love it? football, okay, but if anyone has a valid argument to see why I'll listen to it all here, I mean, and by the way, you don't need to practice something for a year to know if it's bad or not and I've already covered that.
You don't even practice anything if it's as blatantly obvious as nunchucks. You don't need to try something for a long time to know if you still like it or not. You could try it once and see glitches and problems. and you can't even observe and see other people doing it and if you approach it logically, they are good frames of reference and other good sources and references, and things that you can identify as bad without any experience with it. all because as I mentioned if it's correct it's not coming from a master or a novice it's correct I only did it for a year and I just wasn't interested it's a fantastic sport but my point is that you can't hit something that you only spent a year or two learning yeah, can you, I mean, can I close it if I practice for a year and a day what is the distinction, when is it enough and is it actually not enough because the amount of time doesn't matter? to you because if I practice it for two months and then say it was great, you would say well, clearly you've had enough experience to realize that it was good because I agree with you, so the point is in the experience, the point is that We don't agree and because we don't agree, now you're saying my experience isn't enough, which is an arbitrary distinction, if it's arbitrary with nothing definitive to establish what the experience is, it doesn't mean anything, it's a useless argument and it is useless to present it. get up and try to inject him the only point of bringing such a thing is an appeal to authority, which is a false debate tactic, you know, that means nothing, use the logic of the argument itself to establish whether you are right or not. because the authority you are appealing to again you are just pointing in the air and it is any amount if because if I had 20 years of experience and I still had the same opinion as many other people, what is it then now even if My opinion is exactly no , no, I've already covered it, you don't need all the experience to come to a correct conclusion, nunchakus are not a useless weapon, they are not garbage, I never said they are completely useless.
I said they were rubbish, okay, they are rubbish and I think people deserve to know that I dropped the ball. I'm picking up the stick. It's a good thing he didn't swing back and hit me, because if a gun did something like that, it would be pretty trash, right? So yeah, I never said they were completely useless, but you might know that I'm very considerate because I think sometimes maybe your bare hands are better, but what I will say and I said it again, you can hit. Harder with nunchakus than your bare fist, okay they can hit things hard, not as hard as a stick okay, but they are definitely trash, look, I don't offend you at all buddy, I love your energy, I think you're cool, okay?
I think your arguments were as rubbish as nunchucks are as an effective weapon compared to other weapons, um, but don't be offended and look, look, I warned you that I would go against your arguments in that comment, okay, so I'm not sure if you knew he would be this aggressive or not, but I appreciate you saying, look, I'm willing to play and uh, guys, don't send him any hate, it's okay, he wanted to participate and good for him for doing so. and your video was very funny too and in fact I think you have enormous potential to be a really successful YouTuber.
Okay, you have great skills, great enthusiasm and you're funny and engaging so you might get somewhere with that and thank you for making a video and the reason I'm responding is because I think a lot of what you said was representative of what a lot of other nunchuck advocates were saying and that's one of the reasons I wanted to address it because you can even see it in some of the comments under that video where this is what I wanted to say and stuff like that and although this is what people wanted to say, they were really bad arguments and they deserve to be told and also for a bit of fun too, so no hard feelings, uh, but thanks, I appreciate it.
I also thank you for seeing the nunchucks. They're terrible and I'll see them next time, so until then.

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