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I UPGRADED The END in Minecraft Hardcore!

Jun 15, 2024
My final Minecraft dimension is pretty boring, I mean it's looked like this for over 1300 days and since Mojang is too lazy to release a final update I'm going to do it myself and that was a joke. 1.21 is also great, so "We are going to transform this entire island by building eight new custom final biomes, a fully decorated final hub, new farms and the most secure Minecraft prison and considering the size of this project, I will divide it into five phases different and phase one. eradication because first we have to respawn the Ender Dragon 18 more times which will require a total of 72 n crystals and unfortunately I only have one but each n Crystal requires a level of gas but I only have 35 of those. , so it looks like we need to eradicate some gas first, don't collect it, no, okay, we're ready to make the 72 crystals, it's time to send these damn Ender dragons to extinction, hey, first dragon fallen oh it's perched it's perched world record I surely ran our camas okay I just suck at this apparently whatever just kill it normally and that was a dick shot I can't lie I feel a little Too bad for that, now we have unlocked all 20 n ways to play which didn't take me an hour and a half and yes, at some point I also threw my Trident into the void.
i upgraded the end in minecraft hardcore
I just lose my Trident, it will surely come back for sure, so now that phase one is complete we can move on to phase two preparing the final island because this island is nowhere. The condition needs to transform right now, so to fix that we're just going to blow up a bunch of stuff because that makes a lot of sense, and I think the plan is to basically isolate this part of the Center as its own island and there's only One thing I'm going to do. to use for this and they are flying TNT machines, but I only have five slime blocks to my name and considering the nearest swamp biome is 5000 blocks away, I know the option other than building a slime farm. okay, that's a good amount of balls, let's give it a try, oh yeah dude, oh my god, that guy just got attacked.
i upgraded the end in minecraft hardcore

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i upgraded the end in minecraft hardcore...

The real test is whether this goes back. Did I build this correctly? Oh, okay, boom, we already have a flight. machine baby and now it's assembly time, oh there's so much destruction going on right now, call me up buddy destroyer of the end, but now that TNT has done all the dirty work, I gotta clean up all this mess 'cause that's what I'm doing. I'm here to make things look pretty good. I think the first thing I'm going to do is map out these two outer rings. Basically, these are like the outline of where the final island is going to be, so I have to shave like all these pieces that, oh god, this is going to take a long time man, okay, this looks super clean so far, although you can tell where I got a little lazy and, um, stop texturing the wall, but hey, that's it.
i upgraded the end in minecraft hardcore
Like 5 hours, man, cut me some slack, but now to finish this, we have to clean up this whole section, we have to clean up this big mess and finally, this whole section is okay, we finally separate the final island. I can not lie. It is very clean to look at. I can't stop flying around man and now before we build any construction we have to catch the Ender Dragon. Yeah, I'm doing it too and it turns out it's actually pretty easy to do, although this is totally it. It's not like the 4th time I've tried this, but basically you fought up to y200 and then you place 12 endstones at these 12 coordinates and now we can respawn the ender dragon like normal and now we have to destroy all the crystals except one and now we only have We have to wait for this guy to land, it's not a very good speedrun, but it looks like a hanger, so now we destroy that crystal and now, hopefully, it will freeze.
i upgraded the end in minecraft hardcore
We looked at it and now you can do whatever. Do you want to punch him in the balls or could I do what was the purpose of this and is to push the Ender Dragon into an End Portal, you know, it's just another normal day in


pushing Endstone up a dragon's butt to enter a portal . a normal Sunday companion, so now he has teleported very far away, so I think the game should now spawn a new dragon. There we go, now we have to kill this guy, so now the portal is open again, which means we can now bring. the other Dragon came back and should be there, oh my god what?
He now he will fly back to the main island so we can follow this guy. This is a scary thing. I'm flying towards nothing. Hey, look. us together, man, how healthy, now we gotta jump in the portal, no, no, if he really leaves me, what the hell, no, no, oh, brother, oh, man, this guy's hit box is in bad status, man, I can't get in, right? We're just going to have to fly to the portal, there we go, now we need to log back in and now we're going to go all the way back, okay, so this guy is stuck here now, I'm pretty sure, so we should be able to push him wherever we want, but this is the point where I started having a lot of problems because for this build I need to move this Dragon, but I get too close and he sends you into orbit, push to the side and fly back to the middle, push him up and flies into space.
I'm out so yeah I was running out of options but after many more tries I finally found the solution and it was literally as simple as pushing the Dragon one block at a time. time and leaving only one block below, so using this method I've been able to move the dragon like 20 blocks up and I swear to God if this guy flies away after I've built a bunch of stuff and destroys everything I'm going to do . I'm mad, but now we can move on to phase four, completing the central island and the plan is to have a giant shrine in the middle with the Ender Dragon trapped on top in a cage that will basically be chained to these obsidian pillars and then around that we can have a bunch of town houses and maybe also some walls to protect it, so first let's flatten everything out a little bit and the plan is for this to be like the center point, so I'm going to have like four stairs, I think going up to the center of this thing, wow, relax, man, and now in these corner parts we're going to have like little city buildings, I guess, so it'll be like three stories tall and it'll get smaller. each time and I'll just add more details, you can put like walls here, you put these signs in the corners, these are really useful for something and then I'll also add a bunch of cobwebs here.
So yeah, the style I'm going for is kind of like an abandoned city. Okay, it looks pretty good so far and now we also have a lot of room here to build a bunch of ranking systems, but uh. now we can make this place look a little better and generate proof of all that, that means our temple is finished now and the next plan I wanted to build a bunch of town houses around the temple, but soon after building them I realized that it looked pretty. bad and 3 hours of my life are gone, so instead we're still going to build the walls, but down here we're going to do like a glass fog effect, but of course, I'm basically out of sand, damn , let man. collect more sandman and now we have to wait for all these things to smell great, great, great, great, great, great, great, so all you have to do is dig 18 blocks and then place a glowstone mat above and your stained glass windows every two blocks. and voila, now we have this cool glass fog effect.
Well, that took a lot of hours, mainly because I had to build an entire Guardian Farm just to get sea lanterns because glowstone is very annoying to collect and yes, if you're going to try this use. a jump boost to Beacon makes life a lot easier, but now to finish this off we're just going to build a bunch of paths between all the entrances and stuff, honestly I'm not even going to lie, I'm getting tired. These damn Dragon Roll, man, just shut up, yeah, I'm not going to lie, I'm not cooking with this setting today, man, I don't know what it is, but this doesn't look very good, so I'm just going. move on to building the walls because it's going to be easy since I'm literally going to use the same design that I used in the lower one but with final blocks, how creative I know, but just like the town houses before after building the walls. walls I realized it didn't look very good, yeah like I said I wasn't cooking with this build at least not yet, but as for the walls I decided to go for a simpler approach, yeah I think it looks a lot better , but now Next is time to catch this guy right here, okay, so first let's push the dragon up a couple of blocks, oh my god, why is he so aggressive?
I think I'm going to put an obsidian cage around the entire hitbox. Wait, why can I? I don't put a block there because it's too close to the hit box. I can't put it there, oh my gosh, okay, we're going to have to extend each side by one, which is a little annoying because I've placed it. all the obsidian inside now, so I have to break all that. I'm definitely going to get hit here, right? Please do not do it. Oh my God, here now we just put a bunch of iron bars here for safety. measurements, you know, and now I hope we can put them on the roof too, okay, it looks like we can do it well, now I have to put chains under it too, but I have realized that I was wrong because I built the Now I built the box obsidian on the same level as that final stone, so now I have to take it all down with a big man.
I have to destroy all this obsidian again, oh, unless I make a shameless trade and change the End Stone with an iron bar, you know, like I saw Indiana Jones, where you changed the treasure like it was a bag of sand. I'm not even going to risk it, buddy. Okay, now we've built the most secure Minecraft prison that Ender Dragon can. Even to escape now we have to chain this Dragon to these obsidian pillars, I feel like this is going to be very worn because everything is going to be diagonal, but look what we can do, well chains are very difficult to make, especially in diagonal, but I think something like that looks good, I guess, so now we just need to make one to connect to each of these towers.
There we go, the dragon is now caged and chained, as well as being dragged to some weird things, but hey, I'm not. I'm not going to judge, oh yeah, I just realized we haven't actually named this Dragon, but the top comment can decide how I name this Dragon, but now the last thing I want to do is put beacons in all these Corners. Here so I think this should work fine please Energy yeah okay damn those beacons actually look pretty cool too but yeah I'd say the Middle Island is already finished which means that it's time to start working on the Outer Island and my The plan for this part is to build a bunch of biomes, but I'm not going to build the normal Overworld biomes like everyone and their grandmother hasn't.
Instead, I'm going to create eight new custom final biomes and my inspiration for this actually comes from. from a video I made a long time ago, I think more than 2 years ago, which is this one here. I survived 100 days of Hardcore in realistic Minecraft and in that video I was using the best ending mod that adds a bunch of new ending biomes and that's what I plan to recreate, but to build them I'm going to need a ton of colored concrete and I think the Best way to get all those blocks is to build a duper block and that seems to be working, yeah look at that, oh we've got concrete coming in like nobody's business so first I have to build the outer ring for this thing, this me It's going to give you damn arthritis, but for the content, something about circles, man, it's just them.
They're so nice to look at, I guess it's because we're not used to seeing them in Minecraft. Now that I look at this area, I feel like it's too small, yeah, you know what I'm going to expand. like this is too small oh my god guys guys guys just relax okay this ouab is now 207 blocks long. I feel like I made a little mistake with the size of this thing, but you know what it's like to go big or go home and I. I'm ready at home so let's also check how much concrete we have and oh my god this is an absolute disaster but we don't need this concrete yet because we have to shave it all off first. these external parts and I already know that this will probably take me the rest of the day, right?
Well this is going to be fun, five hours mining endstone later, now it's time to start working on our eight biomes and me. I'm going to start simple with the final PLS biome and this is where we're going to build all the town houses we planned, which was actually a suggestion for one of you, so shout out and shout out to this Legend. here and while I'm at it, shout out to the rest of you Legends who support the videos and now we can just add some roads, we can make the buildings look a little more abandoned by adding somecobwebs and just breaking some of them I guess. we can put some chorus fruits here we can put some trees here and now right here to finish this we will create a kind of shrine and we can have a beacon in the middle right there, but now I Let's say our end is complete so now we can work into transforming this area that will be our Lantern forest, so I think the plan is to build a bunch of tree stumps first and then we'll just spam them. of colored blocks on top and hopefully it doesn't look absolutely like a dog, yes it looks cute so the dog is barking, understand it because dogs bark and it's tree bark, sorry, that was terrible and yeah, we just need to build a bunch more trees. in this whole area it's fine, but why does this actually look so good and it looks even better with the shadows on too like oh god?
But now it's time to move on to the next area which I'm going to call mushroom land because we're basically just going to build a bunch of these mushroom looking things I don't really know how to describe them and now before you say anything about how They look, let me add a few more details, so first let's collect a bunch of coral and now we can go ahead and add them. the sea lanterns, unfortunately they die, but I think anyway it adds to this and obviously we're also going to work on the ground because we can't let it look like that, so you know, we'll just add a bunch of Concrete Powders here we have light blue and cyan and then here we can go ahead and put in a little pond, I guess, and now, next, we can also add a bunch of weeping vines and then we can replace some of these concrete blocks. with the blue Netherrack blocks and that means we can place these Wared roots here too, yeah it looks a lot more polished and once again with Shades it looks amazing dude oh look that looks cool man but now let's move on a In this section, which I'm going to call Final Groves, I've decided to be a little lazy with this one, so I feel like this build is in dire need of some green, so we'll use a lot of green grass. and lime concrete and then I'm going to add a bunch of these mangrove saplings and we're going to plant them absolutely everywhere and then I think what I'm going to do is just add some bodies of water in the middle and once again, all these Endermen just think it's acceptable to have a damn party right where I want to build, come on man, and yeah I think that completes our final growth, like I said I'm getting lazy with this one but now you might have noticed.
I've built a kind of beach on this end here and that's because this area here is going to be our final ocean, so for this we're going to need a ton of sand which fortunately I do have and now, of course, I'll wait for it. This all blends together nicely, so first what I'm going to do is build the bottom layer and now we're going to build all these blue tinted walls. This will take a while and now we just need to add all the water, we are finally safe from all the Enderman, they can't even reach me if they want to get out of here, but we are going to make this place look a little more interesting, so let's continue Let's go ahead and add. a lot of coral here and now let's build a massive version of each type of coral and I think to change it in this area we'll just build like a couple of rocks or something, but to make this place more lively, let's get a There are a lot of fish here too, damn fishman, and now the last thing I want to add is an Enderman farm here somewhere because I think since we have so much water, we could create an Enderman farm like here.
Because Enderman can't appear nearby and also because these Enderman have bothered me a lot during this project. Why do you have to walk right where I'm about to place a block? Stupid Enderman, you too, oh my God, man. Why is this Enderman following me? Stop harassing me, brother, are you serious? Get out of the way, so let's see if I build this like here. It's far enough away to get good spawn rates. Let's see, yeah, I'm not going to lie. this Enderman Farm is a little slow, yeah there are like three Enders on that platform, it's definitely not far enough so yeah we'll take the L on this one and move on to the next section of the biome which will be Wasteland and this biome too They're going to be kind of basic because I think the floor is going to be mostly endstone, but we're going to add some veins of sand and sandstone here, but next I'm going to add a huge dragon skeleton that I found online because we all know what happens when I try to design dragons myself, but this means I need to collect 1,428 bone blocks, let's kill some withered skeletons, man okay, that's definitely enough, so now let's start building.
This dragon skeleton is okay, it looks pretty good, but now we can add some obsidian pillars here and yeah, I think that completes our final Wasteland, which means we have two biomes left to create and this one here will be ours. chorus Forest Wait chorus Forest so we'll follow the same structure we've been using, first we'll build all the tree stumps and then we'll just add the absolute group of blocks and hopefully everything will work out. You wonder why this. The video is taking so long, blame these trees, man they take too long to build, also the fact that I couldn't film for about 2 weeks, but anyway, for the floor here, I think I'm going to go all in purple because we're feeling a little weird today mate and we'll add some magenta spots and then maybe some final rods because to be honest I don't really know what else we can put in here we can't really put any plants in this biome and then maybe a pair. of choir fruits here too.
I think the trees could use some light too, but as far as I know there are no purple light sources unless there are, but you guys can let me know and yes, I think that's the full chorus forest, meaning. We only have one biome left to complete, which I think I'm going to call Honey Land because we haven't used yellow yet and I want to build a bee farm in this section and these trees will look very different than the ones we've done so far and you know what to change them a little bit, let's do the floor first because I have some new things I want to build, like maybe some kind of cave system, why didn't I choose this?
The cave is in the place where there is actually an open area. I don't know because now I have to break this whole cornerstone. Listen, no, we don't do the smart things here, okay, there's our cheeky little cave. Done and yes, now let's fill in the rest of the terrain also out of the way please get out of the way and then let's build our honey farm which will be inside a giant bee so let's find a bee in the wild real quick. oh bee yeah now stay very still so I can scan you all now that we have the blueprint we can collect all the materials we need to build this thing so let's start building this.
Okay, there's our 3D pixel B that actually looks pretty cool, man, so now we should have enough space to build this bee farm here, although it's going to be a little small. Well, here we go, the bee farm is complete and yes, that means we can kill all the trees in this biome, but. Now I have a little problem because since this whole lot is concrete, I can't put plants in here, so I think I'm going to try this, maybe covering some of the water with a mat so we can place it. a wheat seed, huh, okay, apparently I can't put one in there, that's cool, wait, is this actually something you can't put wheat in at the end?
He waits a second apparently it's because of the light levels that you can place wheat, oh now. We can plant grass, okay, we can spam a bunch of this because at least this yellow color covers the land, but yeah, now that we're done with this biome, we've completed the eight custom biomes I wanted to build. but we're not done yet because the last thing I want to do is just change the border of this inner biome to be the same color as the biome it's closest to, so it looks like the outer biomes are leaking in.
This middle island and there we go, now we have completely


our final island turning it into a giant pizza, but of course there are some final details that I want to add to take this transformation to the next level, so first since the ocean biome is searching. type of plain, I decided to add a final ship and expand the large corals, then add to the final theme. I decided to change all the iron bars in the dragon cage to rods and then add a few more plants to each biome created on the ground. the colors sink deeper into the final island and finally add these improved versions of the small islands between our two main islands.
Okay, I think I'm finally done with this transformation. It only took me 350 days, but you know, oh yeah. Now I have also mined more than 100,000 end stones. Yeah, if you guys have any other suggestions for similar things that you'd like me to add to this build, feel free to let me know in the comments and yeah, make sure you subscribe to not do it. I won't miss the next episode because yes, something is going on behind that closed door anyway, I'll see you in the next one, peace.

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