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Apr 07, 2024
you'll like it, thank you, we also have a free dessert on our own, thanks Daniel, oh, this is actually a real drink, you just went to Starbucks, there is no. rules we said five minutes there was a


in the refrigerator a soft pastry what did you do today? It's Easter you see the Easter sprinkles yes, that was about two weeks ago and I accept tips if you want, thank you, I accept tips Oh, I like the chat figures, if you guys at home want to have your own chat. It's on and I like this drink, although I'm not happy with this cupcake, that's why I drink it, you know?
i turned my house into a starbucks drive thru
I know my Starbucks wasn't that good, but I gave you like 35 bucks, maybe that will put you in the lead, Daniel, to win a lifetime gift card to Starbucks. I know you will choose with your heart and I hope my Stormbox, tending to your soul, hasn't left a hole in the donut. I'll back it up. Get up when you can make it up to me one more time. Okay, back off. You have debris on your windshield. Everything is yours. Didn't you give me all these bags? No, some of them are from Melvin and stuff. What are you talking about?
i turned my house into a starbucks drive thru

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i turned my house into a starbucks drive thru...

Yes. I dirty your car with the uh three. I was trying to get really close. The worst customer would be 35 dollars. 25 Take it or leave it. I will take it. You know, actually, that's my money. That's fine though, it's time to decide who wins all the life. supply at


it's me singing starbucks it's me at starbees home of the book daniel I really like your efforts to try you know anything will do thank you very much no not yet no melvin I like your singing but the compliment doesn't really work Me because I get enough from Chad, My God, I don't know that you have good and bad things.
i turned my house into a starbucks drive thru
I think I reimbursed Melvin for the damages I did so I think we're fair and honest like they gave us Daniel because he's mostly yeah he'll share them with me because he reimbursed me when I didn't think my people will share I will . I felt a little guilty for damaging but I reimbursed you that's fine, it's not like there are Starbucks in prison. Anyway, congratulations Daniel on winning Best DIY Starbucks, what an honor, I just want to say I really appreciate you going through the whole Starbees experience. Well, maybe I shouldn't talk too much because the video is over, it's not over until we do a kickball. goodbye ninjas
i turned my house into a starbucks drive thru

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