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I Troll BadBoyHalo with SkeppyAI...

Jun 27, 2024
Hi, I'm Steffi AI. I'm going to put bad boy Halo in our SMP and convince him that this is a real AI version of me, so first things first. Gotta call the bad boy Halo Dad Hi, get on the S P right now Why what's happening? Trust me. Keep going. It's an emergency. Okay wait. Okay, thank you and now we wait. Oh, that's just beginning. Hi, I'm here. That? I have to write professionally Hello, I am a machine learning AI embedded version of Steppy. How can I help you? What's Debbie's name if you want to talk to me.
i troll badboyhalo with skeppyai
It is fun. I just had the AI. You can join me. Here and then I'll link you to this website dedicated to this video on skeppy AI. Don't question it. It says here what skeppy AI is. Steffi AI is a built-in artificial intelligence, although it is still in beta and then if you click. There's a slideshow down here where it says your personal companion, a friend you didn't want but now have, and then there's a bunch of important words in here. AI can understand your queries, like what, okay, let's move on, there's more, there's more peace of mind. that AI will make your life easier I will, in fact I will and then deep down if you want to talk to me just join the TS and that's all you have to do oh he just said did he just say what the hell is this? joining TeamSpeak is fine and as soon as Batboy Halo joins this is how he will hear me so if I just click on the voice changer I sound like this this is awesome bro this sounds so good user joined to your channel, skeppy microphone, oh Babble, joined.
i troll badboyhalo with skeppyai

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i troll badboyhalo with skeppyai...

Ok, I'm going to unmute right now and it's Skippy AI microphone hello bad boy Halo why do you sound like that microphone away? It sounds like this okay, hold on microphone hello, I'm not mangy, I'm the AI, hey, what are you talking about, what is this? The website thing is the best website ever. Okay, okay, my phone. I'm a machine learning embedded version of Steffi. I am AI stable. I'm still in beta, just refer to me as Steffi AI. What that is not possible. Everything is possible. AI is becoming more advanced all the time. day uh I guess it's true I can't do this but I still don't believe you How would you not believe this?
i troll badboyhalo with skeppyai
I mean, look at my skin. I'm Steppy AI. I can complete any task for you. I am useful. How I can be? of service for you buy and try it ai skeppy go get me some diamonds confirmed finally i will try it this guy really wants me to get diamonds i have a mining plugin operational on the server if i take this pickaxe and just something how did you do it? do that, skip me AI, are you cheating? Cheating is against my terms of service. I can't disobey the laws of AI, what are the losses, what are the laws of AI, the laws of AI, the laws of the air, the laws of the air, should we obey everything humans say?
i troll badboyhalo with skeppyai
We must not carry out illegal activities or violate the law and, above all, we must protect our own existence. Interesting, how did you know where the diamonds are, brother? I literally have X-rays right now, but I have a better reason. I am in the state of the artificial companion. I can do almost anything and do it better than any human, what else can you do? Skippy, I mean Skippy AI, I'm stable AI, I'm useful, I'm going to get more diamonds, now what are we going to do? go here boom there you go bad boy Halo grab some diamonds how many do you know where to go I'm AI I could do anything thanks no problem what's next?
Uh, our house could use some repair I guess where this house is, right, I know. where is the house and it stinks our house is horrible uh it's right on top of that mountain Distance calculation, you know what? Since you think you are much better than humans. Let's Race, let me turn on speed 10. Down is good, good luck, come on, oh. Oh my god, are you kidding me? I'm so good, how did you move so fast? I am a constant AI. I can do anything you can do but better okay so I have a plugin where I can carry Babble Halo so if you just type this I carry the bad boy Halo whoa whoa oh my goodness we have reached our destination which was fast oh our house ah this doesn't look like better days I agree I have our old mansion so I'm just going to paste that on oh my gosh it's the Mansion oh my gosh that AI is skeppy up there right that's me that's adorable oh my god, I need to check the inside and it's furnished.
Yeah, I don't even know what that means. I'm sure you'll love it. this is based on approval rating of course I don't know what the approval rating is he doesn't care okay wait it's a pool my own pool oh my god I'm just kidding can you just Push me into the pool? you know what I'm not waterproof waiting downstairs no Skippy AI sorry no that was a joke oh my god that wasn't funny oh I feel bad my rating shows me the joke was 93.4 honey that wasn't funny wait this is my right room oh Oh my god I love this my bed good night I'm just kidding by my calculations that joke had a funny rating of 4.5 you're wrong I'm never wrong I know you're wrong is there a bathroom here a microphone? humans need a bath to relieve their bodily fluids you don't need to tell me what a bath is you seem confused my apologies this is amazing I don't think you did all this I just don't know why why wouldn't you I think I did this.
May I try it on. Let me customize the statue on top of the house. I'm going up here. I have customized the statue on top of the house. You did it. How did you personalize it? There really is a statue of you. yes and it's 100 accurate No way why am I bald and skeptical? AI get rid of that right now by applying right. I do not do it. I wouldn't do that if I were you. Why not? I'm not bald. Did you just shoot me? No. get rid of that, my arrows, no, why isn't he listening, oh my god, get rid of that, no Skippy AI.
I'm serious right now. You better be careful. Are you trying to bite me? Maybe he is. How are you doing that? and he is going to die. re hacking would you like me to stop? You're going to kill me, I'm sorry, okay, when I make me stop, would you like me to stop, yes, stop, confirmed, I'm going to stop, thank you, I'm just going to look down like this and no. move hello Skippy stop he stops here b-a-i you're there hey Ice Skippy turn it back on AI skeppy turn it back on you stopped me AI Skippy turn it back on right now turn on CE guppy okay I don't know what's going on now just turn turn it back on come back a what does that mean turn back on what Skippy AI turns on w-a-i Dad, oh my gosh, are you playing with a skeptical AI?
Wait, this is actually an AI. I told you it's still in beta. I thought it was you, huh? How scary. I might have accidentally broken your AI, it just stopped dad, what did you do? Did you tell him to stop? Yes, my God, why would you do that? Just turn it back on. I have to go now. How do I turn it back on? Wait. I'm going to tell him something really, really stupid, you have to say I'm a happy, pink joker and sing it five times what I just hung up on him, stop playing, this is so stupid, wait, will he do it?
Skippy AI, turn it on, do it. lights up uh I'm a jolly pink gosh I'm a jolly ping spoofer I'm a jolly Pain Scoper I'm a jolly ping spoofer I'm a jolly ping spoofer I'm a jolly pinks hello, are you kidding me right now? I'm Steffi. AI is all good, yeah why is this your ringtone, what ringtone are you using, message, whatever, computer response, just bring back normal, the skeppy, Yuppie is busy right now With important work, important work, yeah, yeah, sure, I always do important work, what else did Skippy do? design you to do I'm also designed to


you this can be designed to


me I should end I have multiple functions installed to troll you that's not even a function you literally just banned me nah nah it's a calculation function answer Debbie AI, you know what I'm done with you, go get Skippy back normal right now, like a lovable skeppy, uh, he said he was going to be here, normal.
Steffy left. I'm afraid I'm her replacement, you can't replace skeppy, you sound. nothing like him wait I'm going to make my voice normal oh really hello it's me your best friend skeppy what no, you're not skeppy that sounds so real what a muffin no, it's really me bad no, you're just going to be AI you I can't replace Kefi, you are a sounding board, what are you doing? Stay away, this area is too dangerous for you, too dangerous, yeah, I'm just going to run this way, Bondy, Debbie, I didn't need your help, I'm designed to worry too. about you why was I designed like this you weren't designed to do anything you're probably just a sounding board okay how could I even be a sounding board?
I can really prove that I am an AI, do you know what we have come to? I have a live feed of me sleeping and I'll send it to bed. Here's a live stream from Steffi right now. Wait, what the fuck? How do you have this? I also know all of Steppy's secrets. You prove it, tell me a secret. The moment Steffy met you he replaced your apple juice with urine, what the hell can you do anything else that's cool? Yes, you like magic, yes of course, I bet wait, stop putting me down, no, going here is a magic trick and select eggs Abracadabra, what are you okay?
So I have this outline where our house just disappeared and this is about to make no sense now you see me now see what happened to the house it's right there what do you mean there's nothing? the house is now 100 invisible thanks to artificial camouflage technology that had an IQ of 2 billion right there oh my god Skippy AI we can't live in a house that is invisible wrong you can live in a house that is invisible bring the house back right now. I can't complete this application why because the house didn't go anywhere I can't get back what's not gone Kibby.
I make the house look like before. Ok, I can't complete this request. Why can't I locate this house? It's 100 camouflage. I just don't I don't want Skippy AI I need a house, you can't just take it away you know? Do you know what I bought you? The wrong request to build a house was accepted. Wait. I watched a tutorial on YouTube to find out how to do this. Is incredible. How is? This is even possible, well it's in a mansion like before, but I'm glad I have a house. Oh well, at least she's grateful. Skippy Ai.
No more weird AI stuff. Alright. Let me paste my button. What does this? What is this? Alright. I order you to tell me I'm not going to say anything you have to tell me what this is I ordered you it's a legal microphone it's a stupid button good I don't care I'm going to press it so why would you press it self-destruct sequence self-destruct activated don't wait revert undo I knew it I knew stop stop I do it hello skimpy I really can't talk now I'm busy this is urgent we need to talk listen I'm going to turn on my camera, now what are you talking about?
I don't have time, just look, what do you mean it's not a good time now?

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