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I Tried Working At a Home Safety Hotline ...But Everyone Who Called Me For Help Died

May 20, 2024
about rustic pipes and water poison and all kinds of terrible things that can happen through water, so can you send someone to find this F for us? Yes, wait, please, you know? I think the plumbing thing is a misdirection because then he also threw in there, uh, we only eat fresh,


grown produce. fruits and vegetables, so perhaps it is finally the false trick that gardeners fool by harvesting them by eating them, they will take root in the human stomach and feed on their nutrients throughout their lives. They can also cause digestive problems and possible back problems throughout a human's life. yes sir i think you and your family may have eaten a fake beat you're welcome it has nothing to do with your water




what is the wand hello i followed all your people's instructions , but I still have cracks in the wall, my daughter.
i tried working at a home safety hotline but everyone who called me for help died


Pest Control and they told me not to call you again for


. Sorry, goodbye, my bad wand, I was like out. I think someone is stalking me. I can see his shadow at night in my window, just looking towards the house when I closed. From the window I could still hear him breathing. I was sleeping on the couch every night last week just so he wouldn't see me. The police said they couldn't do anything so please send someone or do something about it. OMG I think it's that guy on the news ticker, they said he had a Bush around him, maybe it's a night gnome, oh probably loud breathing sounds during the yeah, he said he could hear him breathing, I think he has a night, no ma'am.
i tried working at a home safety hotline but everyone who called me for help died

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i tried working at a home safety hotline but everyone who called me for help died...

You're welcome, who am I talking about, Hello, yes, I think there may be some kind of problem with the ventilation in our house. Lately we have been hearing horrible noises coming from the ceiling and the air quality seems to have reduced drastically. My daughter doesn't I haven't been able to stop coughing, okay, please wait, attic defense system. Yes, I think you have an attic gnome. These are all real things. I promise not to make them up for fun. I only have a couple more inaccessible entries. Hello, I hope you don't die, please. Help me the police refused to do anything they told me to call them please say they can


i tried working at a home safety hotline but everyone who called me for help died
My little son Jeremy is missing he's 8 years old in such a sweet heart oh god the last time I saw him was when I was tucking him into bed last night and going through his messy closet for bees to calm him down oh it's silly I know, but my poor Jeremy is always very worried about the bees and he was and stuff. I miss him, I miss him so much, oh please, please tell me. can you help me find him he's all I have oh god wait please ma'am going through your messy closet for bees the bees have taken your son ma'am that's why I was worried about it no I thought I saw something about wasps, wasps, wasps, oh, maybe I was thinking, I have no idea what this is, so I'm just going to say that the bees took them, I'm sorry ma'am, uh, bees, that's why I was so afraid of them , they came and took them away.
i tried working at a home safety hotline but everyone who called me for help died
I don't know, I read everything it could be and I can't. I don't know my apologies I thought Wisp was a wasp Hello Home Safety Hotline Hello, I'm a little worried about the stability of my new home. I recently finalized the purchase and, naturally, later discovered that there are several large cracks in the basement walls that were previously undisclosed, as well as several half-eaten pieces of cheese scattered across the basement floor. I haven't been able to contact the previous owners about this and I'm wondering if they can offer any legal advice Le legal counsel this is the home



sir oh Che oh so it's a fracture plate, it's a fracture plate sir they love cheese keep putting cheese in there it will be fine oh god hello hey so my doctor told me I should call this number. doctor NOA why don't you tell me anything so recently I've been having the worst headaches and as soon as I woke up I felt like my eyes were starting to look a little pink I'm really scared I'm not sure what I have I can't find anything online can you help me?
I'll try to wait please, so this is the fa flu. Well, we're just going to have to go with the flu of faith and hope so because I can't read anything. about it but it's the only disease I really see here this is the worst place I've ever worked nothing works yeah oh no I piss um so I don't think it was the bees that were horrible oh , it's


again. The coloring of the disc is fine, perfect. It was the right one, I still don't know what it was about Jeremy, oh my God, it was probably the bush man thing, because of the bush with the flower, you have to tell me what's going on inside my house, okay, I'm going crazy here.
There are holes all over my damn house, man, damn holes, going around big wood chips, there's no telling how much damage there is. I have this big hole in my kitchen that I have no idea how deep it is to top it all off. The skittish little Greyhound Goblin is nowhere to be found, oh god, he probably left after seeing this mess. I need help please yes I feel like it was a fake rose bush because they have kids and probably attract bees because of my bad. Bad lady, okay, uh, holes, I don't know what this is, I say floor rooms.
They're firing me. Chances are I haven't saved a child, so I know getting fired wouldn't be the worst. I know the worst. Hello, okay, I'm going to need someone to explain to me what in the name of Christmas is happening to my living room. I've already returned from vacation and the house is already turning into a disaster, not even 24 hours later and my life. The room is completely covered in dirt and the plants look like a damn nursery in there, what's going on? Earth and plants now, this is outside, maybe a portal, I mean, maybe a portal, I don't know, I've given up, ma'am, I'm traumatized by this.
I work well, I want to get fired, I don't care, it probably wasn't like that, okay, hello, well, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that the information you sent was not helpful at all, so thanks for that good news. I found goblins, she crawled out of that hole with a big bump on her head or something, so I'm taking her to the vet now, but yeah, thanks for trying. I guess it's unicorn mushrooms, that's weird, what, hello, uh. oh hello again, yes I am having something of an emergency now thanks to the information you sent me not being effective in the slightest.
The living room floor situation has only gotten worse, yes, now the floorboards and walls are starting to groan under the weight. something hiding in the tall grass by the couch and I don't think it's friendly oh god oh god it's moving oh it's moving wow wow wow yeah I think the funny guy Unicorn was the dog I messed up with and no I know. what was the lady oh, is Carol going to call me and end my suffering? There's something There's something in my basement I don't know what it is All I know is when I open the basement door it smells like a damn sewer and I can hear it making all kinds of horrible noises It sounds like there might be a lot of water down there too.
Oh, I think I know what this is doing down there, but I have a feeling it's causing a lot of damage. Please send someone to help me with this. I can't deal with something like this I think I know what it is yes, this salesman or growth, you're welcome hello oh no, hello employee supervisor Carol, we've been watching you for some time and I must say we've been pretty disappointed. with your performance here, effective immediately, your employment here has been terminated, yes, yes. I saw this. I wish you the best in your future endeavors, probably all the best for the best.
I've let too many people die in this job. I'm unemployed. but at least no one is going to die on my watch, but I mean, if you want me to reapply and try to do this job again, make sure to leave a like, let me know in the comments, because I think I'm only halfway there, It's a long job.

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