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I Tried Swedish Death Cleaning My Entire House *it took 6 months*

May 13, 2024
Well, since I was young my family has always considered me a pack rat, basically I hoard things, whether they have any value or not, it could be clothes I don't wear. Decoration that I don't use and even thought was valuable. to store toenail clippings, so when looking for this idea of ​​a drastic decluttering, I stumbled upon this book The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning and honestly, I never thought about what will happen to all my things when die, now I realize. That is an alarming thought and I don't foresee my


coming anytime soon. Obviously, I crossed my fingers, but I still felt that the Swedish


cleanse was an interesting idea and option for me, it just seemed like a drastic approach to reducing my belongings by using new, perhaps harder things. terms about whether it's worth it to keep running each piece through my brain with the filter of if I had to die tomorrow, would I want my loved ones to have to handle this or would someone want it now if they've been naturally blessed with being able to separate me from things, then good for you, but I'm sure I speak for the pack rats, that this might be just what we need, so there are seven steps to the Swedish death cleanse, first, let your friends know. loved ones, start with less. personal items, gift possessions, gradually keep the memories for yourself and then donate and sell the rest, while wondering if anyone will be happier if I keep this, so in my


there are too many nooks and crannies for a pack rat like I can fill things in.
i tried swedish death cleaning my entire house it took 6 months
Under stairs, linen closets, these drawers, I like to put things that I don't feel like handling right now, and on the one hand, I've thought about buying organizers to help me organize the clutter, but that philosophy doesn't always suit me. aid. It makes sense to me to buy more things to organize my too much stuff. Makes sense? Do not misunderstand. There are a lot of organizational tools that I think are very valuable, but for the sake of this video I wasn't going to buy anything new. I don't want to bring anything else into the


, so I've been doing this giant house


for the last six


i tried swedish death cleaning my entire house it took 6 months

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i tried swedish death cleaning my entire house it took 6 months...

If you're curious why my hair is long in some of these clips, that's why I guess I made it. Not only do I clean my house, I also clean my head, my job makes the house a little unique because there are certain rooms that are like filming and storage and things like that which made tackling those rooms a little less satisfying because, although not Now you are much cleaner, not many of the items went out the door because it is stock for filming videos. What are you doing? You do not understand. This is a basic human right.
i tried swedish death cleaning my entire house it took 6 months
The foreign place to clean and organize was definitely the kitchen, although I wanted to keep them all. vase and utensil I really kept the Swedish clean death in mind and only kept the things I use every week or for special occasions, as I'm not going to get rid of the things we use at Thanksgiving, something I found really valuable This and I would suggest which, if you're a little nervous about


, that's when there's a piece of Peace that you're suspicious of and that you think maybe you're not using and that you don't need, but it's a little difficult. to part with just leave it out of sight, out of mind, maybe in a closet or your garage where you wouldn't normally see it and if a week or two goes by and you haven't wondered where it is or like you said you needed to use it then it's probably an indicator that you don't need it and you can get rid of it oh god I don't even want to show this oh you know I don't want to play the blame game but I would honestly say half of this is Stewart's fault.
i tried swedish death cleaning my entire house it took 6 months
I think the most satisfying part was the junk drawer task. One thing I really found with this drawer is that once I opened it I realized that half of the things in here were just junk like me. I've been keeping my receipts here for some reason and you can use old utensil organizers or shoe boxes to organize drawers like this. It's pretty nice to have it compartmentalized and also another Swedish avenue of death that makes it a little cleaner. The hardest thing is if you live with someone, be it family, friends or a random person, so during my Swedish death cleanse I had to involve Stuart and Stuart has a boxing addiction.
He's literally that audio on Instagram that's like a really nice box for box. of chocolates every time we buy anything that comes in a nice box, where does it go directly to the store? what is it for? That's how I know the scooter was here, by the way, okay, an empty box, so I had to slowly but surely wean myself off. him out of the little boxes and also out of the board games Stuart, you are the reason why I can't live my amazing clean life, why that's not me. I'm pretty sure there's something we can get rid of.
Here you have two exactly the same. game and one still has impact, yeah, and all these books like why don't you even read, yeah, it's kind of a pipe dream, let's start two DnD diet things, some games, we're reviewing your books, although that's a threat. I have a promise and I always keep my promises, how are you supposed to get your life together when your partner won't let you get rid of the code names, code name, image or code name Disney, can anyone relate to this century, another century, they are both very different, don't marry a nerd, this is the best one if you want a clean life, don't marry a nerd, I warned you, oh, poker chips, that's actually a essential element par excellence in this house, I would honestly say that it is a wild and crazy success of all that.
Stuart is willing to part with two, which is literally two more than I thought he was going to do, so he commits to a marriage. Saving cards is simply a necessity par excellence for me. Yes, I like to keep the cards. to jail now I have an empty box what a nice empty box I found a very nice box. I think there's a lot of value in having little boxes to throw things in and have it look clean, but it really just builds up in one box, but eventually it pushes the seam of that box out and you have to address it, the bottom of our coffee table was a perfect example of that, I think because it's out of sight, I kept pushing things under it and when I stood at the similar entrance to the room I couldn't see it, but then when I actually got down I would look there and think, oh my gosh, the chip probably thinks we live like garbage because he can see all my hemorrhoids at eye level if only we were better. painters then we would stay with these.
Stuart and I did that thing where we passed him back and forth every five minutes. This is what we got. I just want to go on the record that I don't want to clean my absolute favorite stacking area for multiple reasons, but I'll be fine, this is obvious, we had a good run, we had a really good run in Swedish crochet, the no standing exercise , 100 slaughtered, that's a combination of the word do, which means death, and stand, which means clean. Deep cleaning isn't about dusting or mopping, it's about a permanent form of organization that keeps your daily life running smoothly.
Also, yes, that's how I look. Today I have a mullet, so I would basically do it with each area. I would start by taking everything out and just throwing it on the ground and then I would dig around and find the muskets. Now there are different ways I found out it is if I used it a lot or if I was in contact with someone in my family. who they were yeah if you died I would definitely keep that which was a weird decision but people liked it honestly Tate was like I definitely want that I want I want I want this is what came out of the cabinet that doesn't stay I'm tempted to keep these baskets, but I won't because I'm not hoarding when you have everything spread out it feels like you have the I don't need it at all, I need it at all and then there's this middle ground where it's like I really don't need this , but I don't want to get rid of it either and honestly, maybe that pile will be when the Swedish Death cleans up the question of if I die, would anyone want this?
That's when maybe that stack gets cut off because really when you call people on those maybes and they say, "I don't really want that and I'm rude. Well, one thing I also have to say that has always helped me with donating of articles is to imagine where things are going. Sit at home, collect, never get used to it or you can donate them and depending on where you are donating, many times the money goes to great causes or the items are put directly into the hands of people who will love and appreciate them. them and give them new life and for me that is a great motivator when donation is simply the idea of ​​something being used and loved by someone else instead of being ignored by me.
Thank you. My biggest surprise during this was realizing my menstrual product. The drawers are crazy, it's also where I realize I have a false sense of security. If I keep the empty tampon container, it makes me think it's full and I'll never get my period and I won't have a tampon because I have this empty box. and once I cleaned all that out, a weight was lifted every time I opened this drawer. I felt better. You have so many tampons. These are just empty boxes. It's a fun little thing I've been doing recording all these cardboard dots.
I'm right, this is the one I've been dreading because if I'm honest, I don't want to get rid of anything. I like everything. I can't separate myself from that. You're asking too much. too much worth all this is going bye pretty well for me because your girl doesn't like to get rid of perfumes like I don't wear this one I feel like this one I don't wear either because instead of just sitting here someone might like to actually enjoy it oh this one is hard , although I bought it literally 12 years ago, although it has an expiration date.
I don't even know. I don't see any expiration. Can you tell this is my favorite? I smell like cotton candy, I feel like it's so big of me to get rid of this big part of me, isn't it so unreasonable that while I'm going through all this I'm thinking what if there was a zombie apocalypse and I can't buy lotion, so I wish I had kept this lotion. The two places in the house I feared the most were the boiler room and also the downstairs storage room, I mean, they're dark, they're dirty, it's scary. There are things there, I'm not 100% sure if I'm going to run into a mouse or a giant spider.
I can honestly say I've had that box like this for six


because I keep telling myself to unpack it once. All the renovations are done, but the renovations will never be done and I know I should probably take care of that box. I was looking for these. I put them away and I think they ended up under everything. I honestly felt really good after addressing them because there is a lot of power in knowing what's in your house and knowing where it is. I can honestly say that after six months of decluttering this house, if you ask me to find something, I can find it throughout this


I found so many things I had. I thought I had lost and they were just hiding somewhere in the house, which was really fun and don't get me wrong, my house is still very full. I am a maximalist by nature. I enjoy collecting things and having things, so I will never have that clean slate minimalist house that I personally don't aspire to have, I just want to be organized on my terms, so after six full months of decluttering my house, I can honestly say what it feels like. as if a weight had been lifted from me.
They have taken me off their shoulders for multiple reasons. A. Much of the clutter disappeared. Two. I know where everything is in the house. I think it is something very beautiful. I think the Swedish death cleanse was necessary for me. It was added as another realistic perspective and maybe I would say a little harsh on cleaning, but for someone who is a bit of a hoarder, I think it was the extra. question I needed and having said all that, if any part of your house bothers you, is messy, causes you stress. I encourage you to approach it slowly over time, knowing you don't have to put your sword through it. and then that's all for that day.
I honestly feel like you'll get over it slowly and you'll feel better once you've done it because honestly you can do this, you can handle it, you can get rid of it, you can separate from it, you can. keep it up, you can do this, you got this, so that was my


clean to death. I think it was very interesting. I had a good time, it was a lot of work but it was fun so I don't usually do organization videos on this channel but if you liked this make sure to let me know below because I have a different concept I've been thinking about that is similar to this one and I would love to do it, so this is like the test video. make sure to click the Subscribe button if you enjoyed it as always, thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one, bye.

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