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I Tried Saving the Galaxy

Jun 19, 2024
I don't know if you guys know this, but I'm a Jedi, you know what's super threatening, like falling behind and then you better sign up. This was my Christmas gift to my whole family, the lightsabers and they look so good on camera so it's not necessary. Say I'm a Star Wars fan, so this should be fun. I just want an excuse to play with a lightsaber in front of the camera. It's just coolum illum. It's so stormy and cold. Good thing I'm a polar bear. I'm wearing Jedi robes apparently oh hey what's up? Welcome young man to a fundamental right of passage.
i tried saving the galaxy
The Gathering here you will embark on a journey to secure your Kyal Crystal. Let us use the force to open our way to the heart of the Temple. It's that Yoda Kar. Could you go up there? I feel intimidated. Enter the large cave. Young. Harvest your crystal. You must oh wa. How did they do this in Minecraft? What the heck is the most sophisticated icada lock I've ever seen on a door? What melts? door to the caves let's go I must face the challenges of a Jedi in order to get my my my crystal the crystal is calling you Crystal oh the little shiny things I think that's where I'm supposed to go you can use the force to Jedi jump while it's still in the air whoa double jump what I feel like a Jedi right now push yes and bye oh oh oh no oh is that the crystal uh pull I want this Crystal this Crystal will be mine yes oh and oh this guy clearly knows what he is doing before you lies a variety of lightsaber parts, take these components to the crafting table with the kyber crystal Create your new lightsaber that's so Minecrafty w oh friend, okay, I'm definitely making double-bladed purple lightsabers, oh man, absolutely I'm making those that look so good, use your lightsaber to power it up, oh, use the lightsaber to attack, I got you, okay, I trained him fully.
i tried saving the galaxy

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i tried saving the galaxy...

The droid has collided with the essence types of the Crucible, take this power cell, head to the droid crafting room and build an astromech use it to help you prepare this ship use the tools to build your astrom okay, cool, right? where are the tools? where are the tools? okay wait I like this one oh wait oh painting tool okay purple oh you look sick wait I want one that looks a little like me, that's pretty good, that's narie, uh nfy Asic , if I've ever seen one, go little friend, save our ship, great job, it's time we jump into hyperspace and come back. for corot the journey is about to begin come on buddy oh my god hyperdrive.
i tried saving the galaxy
Years have passed since the Gathering of Il, now the Clone Wars in G Galaxy in Conflict during these difficult times, you have completed your journey as a padawan facing the Jedi. tests and gaining wisdom along the way you return to corant in your ETA 2 Interceptor ready to embrace the next chapter the Jedi night ceremony awaits you buddy, I trained so fast buddy this is so legit this is so intimidating there are so many people in I can sit the council oh my god oh my god there oh my god this is so cool and then Yoda just turns around and you know he cuts your head off this is so cool I named the Jedi Knight of the Republic it's so weird to see my face in this context I'm looking for you with Masters Wu Killer and Beck Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker too W friend the scenes are incredible friend the designs of all the characters look so good greetings my fellow Jedi I would like to invite you to the duel room with lightsabers to Hone your powers against some worthy opponents.
i tried saving the galaxy
I'm absolutely going to do that. I'm not going there yet. I want to go to a Jedi master. What is what? Okay, can I come down here? Gosh, oh maybe. It's making me go to the mourning room, oh boy, here we go, I have two lightsabers, dude, there's no way around this, oh, I'm so close to death, please, yeah, what a nice window, What mission do you have for me? a critical situation on Camino involving rebel droids. Can I count on your help? Of course you can. All droids don't stand a chance against me. I'm a purple lightsaber guy like you.
Oh, the water that's great. PES has defeated drugs. stay outside after a recent battle and many of them are Awakening we need your help to deactivate once again to ensure the safety of kamino oh my god and push them all hard, yes my little astroma is getting stuck Push hard, the I missed everyone wow look at me run oh my gosh the front flip that's so cool. I love that they like losing their limbs. It is so cool. It's such a cool detail. Wait, no, wait, oh, there we go, man, 83 droids defeated, oh my god, this is a long walk, oh.
Geez, we have intercepted a distress signal from several public ships in the hall of honor. We need an extra pair of hands to investigate. Do you want to join us? I'll look, wait Ahsoka, give me a second look at these guys, we have a distraction. We're talking about places to investigate and our window to help the ships is rapidly closing. This is the plan. Each of us will lead a squad of soldiers to a different beacon. Each beacon contains a piece of this puzzle and it's up to us to figure out what's going on. uh-oh oh that's not good, yeah, what do we do?
There's nothing we can do, that's a problem, oh, oh, oh dude, how's it going, thanks, cool, you had my lightsaber, okay, yeah, yeah, you use that awesome one, here we go, oh Oh, guys, you really saved the day now, let's get out of this prison, let's get back to the ship in the hangar, you lead the way, I've got your back, cool, awesome, let's do it, guys, guys, ready for this, this is for what you have trained all your life. Everyone's missing arms, that feels like a design thing, you know, I feel like everyone should have their arms right.
What do you believe? Do you think they should have their arms okay? Here we go guys, oh dear, oh there are many. okay, I'll deflect the bullets while you shoot them and eliminate them, oh, I have no more resistance, we are the best squad in the world, let's go where the hell is our ship, where did they put it? Somehow I still have my five Troopers oh oh oh wait I think we oh oh there's our ship okay cool oh buddy that's tough oh no oh no oh geez so on We're not actually trying to kill Grievous.
I'm just trying to keep them at bay until they can fix the ship, okay, I've got you, I've got you, so I'm just trying to stay alive, that's the point here, so we're not actually trying to defeat the general. , we're just trying. to move, come back, I'm just going to jump up and quickly attack these guys, how am I supposed to do this? I can just run and, uh, it's probably okay here to go, he's there, I can sit here okay. I'm going to stay here for the next 30 seconds oh oh just kidding oh oh well no okay buddy how are you going to get to the boat?
No, we did it guys, do an awesome job, Jed, you did better than I expected. We should have known because we are a trap. Thank you. I believe we received distress calls from Republic Beacon after the creatures breached their defenses. Could you lend us your help? Certainly Holograms. I love holograms. Oh thank you. Where should we go? A group of rogue fangs have trained a sandbeast for nefarious purposes, breaching our reconnaissance defenses. Will you help us track him down and pacify him to make sure he can't do any harm here to hell? Follow the footprints of the creatures, there are the footprints.
Hello how are you doing? I don't even have to go there. I'm just going to block all your shots. I like that thing that says locate the creature and pacify it on the top left because we all know we're just going. to destroy we're just going to kill it, it's just going to die I guess it's pacifying it, but it's not like we just have to handle the Beast, you know, we just have to eliminate it. Now that you stabbed me, you didn't stand a chance hey oh the creature oh scary creature oh I can like it oh I can push blocks to stun it yes I missed why it's so tall double block oh I got lost stunned use the force to calm the creature calm calm The creature calmed down that Master Yoda did not die, what is happening?
The dark side. I sent Young One. Come with me. The perspective of a young mind is always welcome. Come on. I will bring my dark side. I mean, normal perspective. I have seen this. Alright. Yoda teacher. What's happening?. Something is moving nearby. The force reveals. its mysteries to each of us in different ways look where it leads and Yoda is gone maybe Yoda was the friends we made along the way huh, I'm sure nothing terrible could happen here, where I'm supposed to go, I don't know. where am I oh oh dark side where are you? I will destroy everything you are temple ruins Yoda came here first you knew where this was take care Jed I follow your path impatience the clouds judgment takes you away from the forest like the wise Jedi Qui-Gon Jin trusted his instincts, he followed the living forest , explore the temple now discover more creepy, is this to take me there?
Oh, I'm trying to get there, probably one, two, three, amazing, okay, so these have similar symbols. on them, oh, and there are symbols up there, amazing, I got it. I love this Force grab mechanic, it's cool, okay, you belong there, this one goes here, you can go here. I want it to be centered, yes, there we all go. okay cool, can I have that one thank you? I'm going to take that thanks oh oh oh Darth mauls okay, okay, there's no health bar or anything, this is just trying to jump on him so you can hit him from behind, but oh, I'm getting this right, oh, that was okay, okay, it's actually so cool, oh geez, okay, okay, oh, I got it, yeah, beware of arrogance, young man tempted by power, some are like Dooku, drawn to the dark side of force.
The next temple beckons. continue, this is pretty simple, right, this is just putting them in the right holes there and then I guess I hit this, oh, this is a power thing, oh, okay, there it goes, boom, and then this goes on, oh Oh, we. You're fine, it's fine, it doesn't matter, it's fine, fight the second boss, here we go, who will it be? It's Dooku, yeah, what's up, boy, oh, oh, wo, lightning bolt, okay, oh geez, okay, okay, this is a lot harder, okay, I'm going to die, but yeah. If I die, I will come out with a valiant effort.
Oh, I'm getting used to it now. How many strokes does it take? Oh, the final temple awaits your journey to come to an end, so I guess this will be it. the master, which should be Palpatine, okay what are we doing here, okay more of this, oh wow, power through the blocks, but up to the wall, it worked oh oh, great battle time. I think this one is probably pretty outlandish, okay, let's see what happens. I knew it, okay, that's a lot of lightning, it's probably super easy, probably oh god, okay, I'm healthy now, what a H, okay, that takes up a lot of the strength.
Power stuff I have, okay, so maybe he's harder. I'm just kind of attacking. him from the sky oh dear oh I'm running out this is hard okay who knew I really need to punch and jump as fast as I can? This actually takes a lot of time and skill to do well. I just need to do that a lot, like jump over a hit like that, unless I can't hit it. I'm getting overconfident here, oh no, come on, yeah, oh my god, I have a welcome party. Hey guys, how are you doing? My gratitude. You have the Jedi Knight, you have advanced our cause of peace with your achievement, there are still great disturbances in the foresight.
The war continues. We must be ready. Well, we'll be ready. Spark Universe and that's the game. Look at all these people who worked on this. Great, it's great. I'm a big Star Wars fan, so I like it. It's good material. Quality content. If you liked it, subscribe, subscribe to the second channel. We're going to let these credits roll out for a while because all these people. They are very important for this project and I do not want any of them not to be included in the Lucas FM franchise. It was cool, it was really cool, like it was really well done.
It saddens me that we couldn't have any of them. the music really, but the sound and everything was really cool, a lot of you feel like you know how to speed this up a little bit, man, very special thanks from George Lucas, wow guys, it's almost like he made that Star Wars subscribed.

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