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I Tried Cursed 1-Star Mods

May 04, 2024
unique experience, it's exactly as advertised, you know, I would feel much safer if I could throw this block of concrete very quickly. I'm just going to throw down this concrete block, okay, that's a nice house you guys have here, yeah, no, I'm for this even though I'm halfway on the ground it doesn't make sense very good Mansion this feels like the back rooms right now I'm in the back rooms of minecraft oh where did you come from? What was that? No way, why are you holding glass? Please go. I don't want your glass plane, please, no.
i tried cursed 1 star mods
I don't want your glass panels. Hey, remember that video.before this is it's even better TR trust well just one last thing to do and that's go to uh uh uh oh no hello well I've been to the library apparently oh no I look like sugar cane That's it cool, yeah, oh look hello, there's someone here. I don't think I like this anymore. I don't think I ever liked it. It's beautiful, honestly, for the end. Dimension. This is great. I think purple would work really well here. these flap door towers this is that's amazing how beautiful this is what wonderful Builders, IND Dimension gotta love the Fletching table trees and I love the use of fire here, very very well done, where is the door input?
i tried cursed 1 star mods

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i tried cursed 1 star mods...

Be honest, I have no idea about coming with me and you know I was going up the tower, but I think I've seen enough. I think I've seen enough. This is technically the best and worst mod ever created. It depends on your experience and That's what a five


experience is, yeah, um, I really don't know what this says, I think it says, subscribe, yeah, uh, I really don't know what's on my screen right now, oh, uh, this, I'm really struggling, man, I can. To get the hot dogs off my screen this is a mod called hot dog and I don't you shouldn't download it please don't do that okay I'll be honest I'm looking around I really don't know what it's supposed to I must be making everything center around this gazebo.
i tried cursed 1 star mods
I don't know this, you know. I think I may have finally found the damn Minecraft mod I have. I have TNT, flint, steel and a poppy which is for the people who have had to endure this everything points to this being some kind of ritual so let's get this over with I guess I'm supposed to blow up the TNT oh oh wait, that's what I did oh no oh that's not good oh no oh I shouldn't have done that, this is going to destroy my computer oh, most of the TNT at this point is just going to disappear.
i tried cursed 1 star mods
I don't know, oh, it's how much longer this could last. It's lagging uncontrollably, oh, okay, oh, that's not so bad. Yeah, that's not so bad. I think I think it's over. I think I survived. I'm not sure what this is like as a


as it arrives here. I honestly think I'm going to catch a virus, but is it really


if I haven't? Broken Minecraft, you know, and hey, it's still playable. There are people who play Minecraft like this on the worst computers. You know, it sure is awesome to play Minecraft the way Notch intended for me to play Minecraft.
I feel like Notch is going to enter my room. and hit me for this stop, well I can't respawn anymore. I think I officially destroyed my g, yes, yes, it crashed. It's nice finding something good to say about this mod has been an absolute challenge but I like a good challenge so here's your dirty. Five star rating, animal. I'm here at bubble bowl and this is a mod called Fish and Flounder. When I activate this Prismarine Pearl, I have to fight hordes of deadly fish. I guess it will make more sense if we go ahead and activate this thing 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 it's a fish wearing a hat oh no, did he just throw a potion?
Hey, stop that, it's not cool, man, it's not cool, there's a flying fish on my screen, it's a bunch of deadly flying fish. please stop why am I not good at this hello what's that what's that ew what's that all they've fed me is a bunch of puffer fish how cruel is that no, I'm going to die oh, I am In fact, I'm going to die, what kind of fish has arrows? Oh, that's it, it's a salmon on a boat right now, why am I freezing? Hey oh this is the worst mod I think I've ever played in my life.
What's going on? I'm going to kidnap myself oh ah it's a salmon and a submarine okay so that's a salmon with a giant fist that's amazing I love it oh my god and it's too powerful I love it cool what is it ? Are you kidding? It's a salmon with the salmon for a sniper what's happening right now and this is a salmon that kidnaps you using yes I'm being kidnapped by a salmon in a boat what's happening now I have an arrow in my eye and this is a cod with a hammer I love it please yes thank you yes yes please absolutely and that is a cod with a coffee I love it we have the cod with a car great fantastic this is a d this is going to be vehicular fish Massacre I don't know all this says: calm down, Cod, love, yeah bro, creepy, I love it, it's amazing and we have the clown.
Cod loves it. I think it's safe to say that I found probably the strangest mod, yes I found the strangest mod. Please stop, no, take me, take me, please take me. I'm gone, okay, so this is basically SpongeBob SquarePants Battle for Bikini Bottom, good game, five stars, this feels like a great place to end our little adventure, the poisonous potato update alone, uh- oh there's only one button yeah literally all I can do is quit this is a mod called quit the game and you know what accurate advertising is all you can do but you know what after the day I had it sounds fairly good.
I think I could do that. Maybe I'll just do it. exit the game, yes that's it, subscribe.

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