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I Trapped Minecraft's Rarest Mobs

Apr 20, 2024
here to our bamboo jungle, which seems like a stupid plan because I realized that waiting that long would be a huge waste of time, so I decided to combine it. with another farm to get another other rare mob which is the jockey chicken it's the zombie villager jockey chicken which I'm sure we know jockey chickens are rare but the fact that it's a zombie villager is even rare so So I decided to make a mob farm and a panda hatchery next to each other, so I could kill two birds with one stone, since we have our big share of farms here and the jungle is right there, transport the pandas to They are not close to a mafia farm.
i trapped minecraft s rarest mobs
Actually, it's a shame that it's time to start building this little mob farm. I don't think this should conflict with these Mobs with the spawn rate, but I mean, hey, we just need to place this chest and Hoppers and now I just need to expand. this platform and then once again build around this line and then guess what even further expansion of platform H the water is supposed to reach this edge but obviously it can't so I made this farm as a block too wide, oh. God a second at this point, I'm getting really tired of placing all these stupid blocks and the thing is, this Farm isn't really going to benefit me much because I mean, we have a vine Farm there that's specifically good for gunpowder and we have our XP . they keep a farm there and literally all of this is just getting a jockey chicken, this doesn't really benefit us, all we get is like a rare item, which I mean, I think that's a big Flex in itself if this is it. working properly there should be


here uh yeah oh sweet so now this should be good but uh yeah so I'll have to think of a way to make a tunnel to get these guys out now after playing with some designs, I think I came up with. with a decent one just gotta try this and ok it works great now let's bring it into our world oh my god wait wait we finally got one of them.
i trapped minecraft s rarest mobs

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i trapped minecraft s rarest mobs...

Yes, we have the zombie villager. It's okay, it's okay. Just, oh no, no. No, no, oh, oh God, oh, what are we doing? Just get in the boat, oh, you two are in the boat, perfect, listen. I know there are much rarer


to get. I know we could get the enchanted diamond armor, any type of armor. they reproduce but I would be here for 23,000 years, we can't do that, it's not feasible, yes you see we have a lot of pandas there and there are still no brown pandas, oh god, life is taking a long time and I'm not. t, but I mean I won't be surprised if I'll be here shortly after because we have to find that spider jockey and now don't worry, I'm here will just transport me and our good old friend to his little pod oh. man this took so long, I'm getting really tired of having to get this boat up with these Pistons, oh wait I forgot we don't have enough rooms, but I really don't want to build any more rooms right now.
i trapped minecraft s rarest mobs
I was hoping you would just stay here while I go and resolve this brown panda situation. You know, it's pretty disappointing that we don't even have a brown panda yet, but I mean, I don't know, I guess so. Sadly, we're going to have to continue getting to know all of these guys once again. I don't think I'll see any brown pandas. Wait. Did I just see a brown panda here? Hello, yes we also have the brown panda. This is awesome, so there's a There are a couple of ways we can take out these pandas so we can easily get to our brown panda, but I don't think Peta would approve.
i trapped minecraft s rarest mobs
I don't think she should say it. I think she should show them what she was planning. by doing, you know what no, no, no, no, you guys annoy me a lot, yeah, uh, Peta didn't let me show you the rest and now that you're adults, get in here, get in the book, oh, okay, finally, OK come. Come on big man, now we just have to get you to your nice 2x3 room. Oh yes, you're going to love it. Okay, big man, now follow me to your pretty little pot. I forgot to build the capsules. Okay, we'll finally do it.
We'll keep you in this boat because we're going to be a little busy right now, but this right here is really what happened. Wait, are you recording? Hey, hey, turn that off, why would you? Since we have the pink sheep and the Spider Jockey, this leads to us having no more rooms and unfortunately we have to create more, but I remember a little tactic I used once and it is a sneeze method, okay, here goes H, okay, That's not where I wanted to be or what I wanted done, okay. let's try this again, oh okay, this is not what we wanted, okay, some, yeah, I forgot to record myself sneezing to fill in the rest of the building.
Now this brings us to two additional rare mobs to get and the next one will be quite fun and interesting. one to be honest is a Snow Golem but created by an Enderman, you know we all know that to make a snow golem we just need to add a car PK in two piles of snow, we also know that Enderman can also pick up blocks and they can also pick up card pumpkins, so in theory an Enderman can create a snow golem, which is a crazy idea that technically has a one in a billion chance based on all the blocks in the Minecraft world, but the cool thing is that can.
Bias the odds in our favor by going to the end and creating a snow platform to force this strange mob to appear. Oh my God, there are already two. Okay, how are we going to do this? Lock them here and try to protect them. real quick, uh, I mean, I don't have any buckets of water to get me down, so we're going to have to try to perfect this, okay, we've got one block down, okay, here we go, let's go. Go to the platform and it should be ready any second. Okay, I won't do it. Oh, okay, so I guess all I have to do is build right here.
You should try to be smart and try to pre-place these blocks. oh, look at that poor Enderman, we're going to catch this ship, make no mistake, don't go there, that's how you pick fights, you don't want to start, okay, so we'll have to be very careful and try not to fall. the edge and really, oh god, really go around these corners easily, okay, don't piss off the Enderman Snow Golem, we'll try to get them out of the way and leave them alone and that's it, and they're beating him up. Okay, so if I remember correctly, I can leave you guys for a bit, let's go home, oh Jesus, oh, it's like Fast in the Furious in this, just follow me here, dude, okay, see you around, dude, oh God, This is always so uncomfortable to just leave them. because the rest of the mobs know what awaits them, that's fine.
I, Loki, don't feel bad for you because you hurt some innocent villagers, but I also want to say that you only hurt them because I made them hurt you to cause this problem, huh, well. Which now brings us to our last rare mob that we are going to see in this video. I found this mob in Infamous JJ's rare mobs video and I had no idea he existed, but it also makes a lot of sense. Technically a Peaceful Reaver, how does that work? Ask if you can get a Reaver with a crossbow and have him keep attacking you until his durability runs out, which by the way, is more than 300 hits, he will run with nothing in his hand and we won't be able to attack them, so now we just have to find a position raider outpost and luckily for us we have a raider outpost very close to our base and yeah this should be pretty interesting.
Come on, why don't any of them show up? Hello, right? Well oh there we go, keep following me and I pray none of your friends show up and start attacking me. Oh, we have another one with a crossbow. crossbow, geez, why does everyone have crossbows and just attack each other like idiots? No, no, there goes one, now we just gotta get, oh, two are gone, sweet, there we go and now there's one, you know, the good thing is. I think by the time we get back to our base he'll run out of durability. I'm afraid my shield will run out before he does.
We are approaching our base. Keep attacking me, friend. I'm starting to Worry because we're running out of shield durability and I don't think it's going to be low, but I can't afford to lose it either, here's the H and we'll make it oh sweet come here how cute. Dodge him again, ouch, okay, just follow me here now, buddy, get in there if I just wait here and hope that eventually his crossbow breaks. I'm just a fool and I was supposed to do something else. I just did it. I don't realize oh my god oh wait no no no why are you running away get on the boat get on the boat okay you know what I'm not going to lie my finger is actually cramping from holding down the lock button wow and here there's a peaceful looter looks like he won't even attack me just chill in the corner sweet so you know it's awesome we have all our rare mobs collected wait I just forgot one last thing remember when I locked you in here well I thought that I could give you.
You've got some company here, now, that's all. You will get what you thought. I'd bring you your Minecraft girlfriend. Oh, keep dreaming, friend.

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