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I Trapped EVERY Mob in a TIER LIST! (in Minecraft Hardcore)

Mar 11, 2024
we need to connect these two portals so that the bat can fly between them in its enclosure, okay, the bat tube has been installed and I have used glass as a roof so we can see how far away the bat is, okay, now we need to make sure let the bat go through the portal, yes, it went through us. We'll block that portal so now there's only one way left to go and we should be able to keep pushing it by putting blocks in the back oh my god I almost missed a piece of glass that could have been so bad yeah yeah.
i trapped every mob in a tier list in minecraft hardcore
I think it was because you joked. I left a hole in the compound, but despite this huge failure, I was determined to clear out all the mobs before my girlfriend went on vacation, so I had to keep going this time. I'm not making the same mistake. slowly but surely we are progressing yes the bat went through the portal come on the bat literally can't escape it was definitely the hardest mob so far but the next one might be even harder because we need to transport a Sher from the end of Dimension to our



, okay, I think the best way to do it is to have it go through one of these gateways, so let's build a track that goes from here to that Shuler, in fact, we should be able to join. up with this rail that we used in the Shuler episode, okay, now if we press this, yes, it should send the Shuler, please, yes, it happened well, now we need to take that floating shulker to this portal that is under the sun.
i trapped every mob in a tier list in minecraft hardcore

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i trapped every mob in a tier list in minecraft hardcore...

Build a track right above the portal so we can drop the Shuler directly into the portal. I hope it doesn't go through that hole. Okay, the TRU is ready now. If we break this block, it should fall on the truck. Yes, now alone. I need to push it if we could just stop floating please just go straight wait it went right through that hole oh okay here we go this time it should work yeah it went through oh and for now we have an oh My God. I've tried it literally three times and it doesn't work, so I think the only other thing we can try is to put some blocks under this and then we might have to break the mine cart.
i trapped every mob in a tier list in minecraft hardcore
Now let's try it for the first time. fourth time yeah okay I think that's where it should be now we just smashed the mine cart yeah that means it should be at the world spawn location and there it is and now all we had to do was transport the Shuler across the chasm like we did. We did well with the bat and that is the


Sher which means after all our hard work we only have the storm mobs and yes of course the warden is gone so while we wait for the storm let's prepare for the warden.
i trapped every mob in a tier list in minecraft hardcore
We're going to need a whole box of shulker totems here we go and we're also going to need a lot of wool to stand on and now that we're fully prepared for the warden it's time to wait out a storm and while I was waiting I was feeling the pressure because in 10 hours my girlfriend he's going on vacation and if we haven't gathered all the mobs by then all our work was in vain so I was really hoping that a storm would come soon yeah there's a superch charge vine and a mushroom and we'll catch him in a boat , yeah, so we'll give it a name tag so it doesn't disappear, okay, let's try that again, here we go, yeah, it didn't explode now we also have to do it with a horse wait what wait I think we need to find the skeleton horse no we can do it yeah this horse just got hit by lightning so if we walk towards it yeah the skeleton riders that's what we need now we need to name this guy and name the skeleton rider come on you can actually put him on a leash, okay, there's the skeleton rider, now we'll get the skeleton horse, this one should be a little easier and then the brown mushroom if you want to go in, yeah, no, on the wrong path. and now it's time for the supercharged creeper, we have to be very careful with this guy and if he explodes he'll probably kill a good 20 mobs, come on no, what if we send him back?
It's right next to the track, yes. yes he did, oh my god how did that work? And that's the


supercharge vine and so with the Flame we got when we were waiting for the storm and after finally pushing away the Elder Guardian we only had one mob left, the guardian, it's so deadly. which if we put it in the



it would probably kill all the mobs, so instead we have a special containment unit set up in the background, here we are and there is the PO portal to the ancient city, let's do this, collect the final mob and we're going to have to do it quick because we only have like two hours until my girlfriend has to leave, please don't let this be the end of my hard world, let's try to make it appear somewhere around here.
Here we go, okay, there it is, come on, warden, follow me, oh my god, this is one of the scariest things I've ever done in my life, where is the portal? I can't see well over here, why is there a Zombie Pigman, oh my god. No, I think it passed well, now we have to be very careful when we pass, oh my God, it's on the other side, there it is, follow me. The warden can't see anything, no, it's not a gas, that's not what we need right now, okay, he's in the corral, I need to get him out of there so I can build something there to keep him alive, okay, I should be enough time, now we start running, so this should make noise and keep him attacking because he hates noise, okay, here we go


one. quickly, we'll just tag it with his name, yeah, your name tag, I don't know if that makes a difference, but you should follow us here and then we'll run and block it, close it, you have no right, come on, block it. up lock it yeah come on that's the trapped guardian oh my god I think I used about 20 totems and if I had to put it in a tier I would definitely put it in the bottom tier so now we have a full tier list . of all the mobs in Minecraft and now it's finally time for my girlfriend's reaction.
I wonder which one will be the favorite. Okay, these are all the mobs in the game. Wow, that's a zombie. AHA. Trader, right, turned around. Sorry, we don't like it. that guy but this is the bottom row so we don't like any of oh I don't like you these are a little better M chck oh look he's not happy with one cow oh this second cows are so cool , a little slime. like slime dancing on all his dead friends now the coolest mobs my dog ​​Mark and his security dog ​​his name is security dog ​​yeah his security is one they are the best how did you put a goat on a sheep because it's the goat and so?
You circled him in tnty, yes that's a very good idea, I'm not that newbie anymore, so now that I had seen all the Minecraft mobs, which one was your favorite, Axel, but I like the pink ones better, so next time get me a pink one. one

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