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Apr 19, 2024
okay, let's do it, oh, look how fast it goes, shit. Drew is literally doing pirouettes in the pool right now with the jetpack, bro, ho, there's no way you were going 20 mph my face was like that under the water, so now let's see how this jetpack stacks up. with a normal swimmer. This is a bit unfair in my opinion. 3 2 1 they go, they go, they go, they go. Oh, and Drew moves on. Drew is in the lead. Shit, where is he? He didn't even do SP. There is a chance you have a jet. Again, okay, it's time for the next invention, nothing is going to be this, this is a robotic dog and this. he's a normal dog, I can't even tell the difference, oh oh what a good boy, so basically this Robo dog calls at your command.
i tested 100 dangerous inventions
Robo Dog turns around, wait, no way, oh my God, go up the stairs, that's crazy. Robo dog is a clumsy little Robo dog, show us your best trick, oh wait, what, oh, look at his shake. His butt buddy, that's sick, could you do that, damn little dog Charlie, no, here we go, Let's see if he goes upstairs, oh, oh, go on, Rob, come on, you got a brother, no, no, pause, oh my God, how is this? Talented dog, are you ready to run? Oh my God, he's chasing, oh my God, Robo B Chase Aston, this invention costs $5,000, imagine what the $500,000 invention will be.
i tested 100 dangerous inventions

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i tested 100 dangerous inventions...

A damn dinosaur robbery. I don't know, wait until the end of the video to find it. Moving on to the $50,000


, the next item has four wheels and glides on water, so this next invention is not a car, not a boat, it's a jet car. This thing can go up to 65 mph and costs around $62,000 to purchase, bro. literally a sports car for the water. I'm driving first, well no, I want to drive first, isn't it a shame you have a shotgun. W, this is crazy, this is the steering wheel, we have a lot of cool buttons right here, this one controls the lights and this one controls. the windshield wipers look at this that's so random why windshield wipers and then there's also a stereo here so you can listen to music while speeding at 65 mph mhm it basically has everything a car does in the water everything Brent please don't math.
i tested 100 dangerous inventions
We, I won't, I promise, come on, that made my heart beat, it was fast, it's faster than my car on the ground, it's okay guys, I feel like everyone is watching us and now that Drew is driving, I'm scared . my life without seat belts and brakes OMG OMG this is probably the most


thing I have ever done in my life. I dreamed about this when I was a kid driving a car on water and now we're doing it, this is my favorite so far, sure, okay too, so this next invention costs over $100,000 and there are only a few of them in all the world.
i tested 100 dangerous inventions
What is a sea breaker? It is an underwater boat shaped like a dolphin. What are you driving it? Driving it mate, I can barely drive a car, these are the sea breakers, it's like a fighter jet, but it's dressed up as a dolphin, yeah, it's a little snug in the back, but you're a little guy, we'll get you in there . bro this is good for diving underwater it just dives like a normal dolphin yeah look at that up here on the fin which is the air intake or the snorkel and then when we're ready to do barrel rolls we can fold that snorkel completely.
The way down this thing is going to be spinning, man, I'd be scared if I was terrified, so Drew can barely drive a car. I can't even imagine him driving a submarine, he actually looks like a dolphin out there, oh oh. I can't believe Drew actually learned to drive this thing. Drew just don't die. He's actually very good at this. There's no way you could have seen it. He did barrel rolls. I literally jumped. I made a back. Do you think the invention was worth $100,000 oh my god, if so I would give it $100,000 right now oh my god, developing this next invention costs over $250,000 and it looks like it's from a different planet, it's an Apterra car, are you sure What is not a spaceship? looks like it came from outer space uses a solar panel so technically you never have to charge it or put gas in it look at this at the top this is the solar panel right here it's constantly charging you never have to plug it in so it's like the most convenient thing I think that a car could do everything you have to do to open the door.
You just tap this thing twice. Are you kidding. What are butterfly doors? Are you kidding? Isn't that crazy, look how sick? The rear is seen first, so all you have to do to open the trunk is do the same thing, double tap. I'm like freaking out, oh my gosh, that's a full-blown bed, okay, good night, Drew, this thing is pretty. Say if you want to go a little further, all you gotta do is load it up right here, like hit it behind the license plate and that's fine and we're off, damn, oh my god, bro, what's okay, then the rearview mirror is actually? a camera, your cars side mirrors are also cameras so you can see exactly what's next to you and this screen is crazy, oh you just opened my door, oh my gosh dude it opens you should open the Trunk, open the trunk, okay.
So now we're going to go to the McDonald's drive-thru because I'm a little hungry. Can I order some fries? Thanks thanks. Everyone looks at us so funny they say: What are you driving? Hey guys, what's going on? Oh my gosh, literally everyone is looking at us in this car, but I think it's time for the next invention. I don't know what will top them and now finally the $500,000 invention, let's surprise Drew and Lexi. I searched all over the world. world to find the craziest invention for half a million dollars and I found it open your eyes in 3 2 one oh my god man this looks badass what is this?
It is a res bodywork. It is a fully armored car approved by the army. This thing has some features. that you've never seen before in a vehicle like this, hey, wait, what are the gas masks for dude? I have no idea about this by the time Brenards, what, oh, that makes sense, they actually say you can survive a zombie apocalypse if you had this car, well, they even give you a bulletproof vest. These are some of the safety features that come in this car. someone trying to get into our car we don't know him pepper spray pepper spray oh where did it come from oh my god I'm like soaked this is what pepper spray sprays I'm not messing with Lexi One more time, no, don't mess with it with this car, never again, no, it's mainly Lexi, let's see what other safety features this thing has, okay, the next feature is impact doors, there is no way, if you press this button, all the door handles on the car they basically turn into tasers and if anyone tries to grab the handle they'll shoot them so turn it on okay okay perfect try to open door three 2 2 1 oh my god bro what's okay so I'm a intruder?
I'm trying to get it, oh my god, bro, this car even comes with a public address system, look, Drew has a smelly ass proving why they're attacking me and this red bun is the siren, oh shit, this is crazy. , okay, so if electric candles or pepper. the spray wasn't enough, there are bulletproof glass windows in this car so literally nothing can get through what are magnetic locks, press it, it basically locks the car, so again no one will get in, let's lock it on Brent, okay, Brent, yeah, come out. no, no, wait, what wait, you can't just lock the car, brother, stay away from the car.
Drew, let me in. Sorry buddy, I'm not going to let you in. Actually, you know what I take back. Try to enter. You're just going to pepper spray me, no I'd really like to try and get in the car, ah my god dude you're lucky it wasn't the fucking CLE shock you pepper sprayed me too Drew, are you ready? To prove this now, let's wait, why are they all dressed like this? I mean, they're driving, yeah, sorry, Brent, I feel like one of the safest cars on the road right now, sure, Drew, how do you like it up there?
Dude I feel so powerful in this car okay now Drew has the gas mask on just in case it's really necessary right now Drew I think you farted so yeah this is one of the coolest features interesting. I think this car comes with a smokescreen. so if someone is following you, you can press this button right here and the car will release a bunch of smoke from behind, here we go, smoke screen, oh my god, this is cool, oh my god, apparently there's an invention of a million fools, but We have to fly there, so if this video gets $320,000 likes, then we will do the million dollar invention.
I want to know what it is, do you have any ideas? A plane, a damn car, a flying car, maybe this week's thanks goes to thick RIT and we'll see you next week.

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