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I Survived 100 Days as a WARDEN SHAPESHIFTER in Minecraft!

Mar 10, 2024
Wither Guardian I jumped into the water as an eel and swam after them for


35 to 38. I followed Wither Guardian across the sea where they swam to an underwater kitchen where the next tracker egg was. I can't wait to have some. delicious scrambled eggs he's going to eat the egg I have to stop this I set my sights on the guardian and aimed my electricity at him, hitting him and immobilizing the guardian for a moment giving me time to snatch the tracker egg there is a married Shapeshifter get Him, an ancient withered guardian came swimming towards the kitchen ready to attack me, he was amused.
i survived 100 days as a warden shapeshifter in minecraft
I started to swim away, but the withered ancient giant guardian was too fast and he started to catch up with me. I have to lose them, but how I used my quick thinking and Guardian senses. and I found an old machine at the bottom of the ocean that gave me a great idea, take this, I shot the machine giving it power and causing the door to activate. The door was able to reach the top of the ocean. They couldn't follow me now giving me the opportunity to return to the shore where I returned to my base form this time I was now near a jungle So I went in to look for the fin egg what is that up there?
i survived 100 days as a warden shapeshifter in minecraft

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i survived 100 days as a warden shapeshifter in minecraft...

I noticed something in the trees, it was the final sniffer egg one more. To leave, I transformed into my leopard form on


39 to 42 and proceeded to climb the tree. Once I got to the top I went to grab the tracker egg only for a monkey to swing down and grab it before I, hey, come back here. I followed the monkey in pursuit of the last egg jumping from tree to tree high above the jungle floor thanks to my leopard form I was able to jump quickly allowing me to maintain the monkey's speed this is my egg the monkey then pulled me off the tree and I kept moving , which sent me plummeting towards the forest below.
i survived 100 days as a warden shapeshifter in minecraft
Now it was much harder to see where the monkey was going. You won't get away that easily. I let out a powerful Sonic Boom Roar that knocked the monkey out of the trees and left him level on the playing field. With me take the egg, I'll get out of here, then they dropped the egg and ran away, that'll teach you how to mess with a shapeshifting guardian. I picked up the egg and used my guardian senses to return to the temple once I returned I presented the three eggs to the ancient tracker my babies thank you very much here is your prize she allowed me to claim the totem for myself and with her power I transformed into a guardian tracker with five more hearts and a new guardian vigilante beam attack this one The new form is amazing, it is enhancing my Guardian senses, suddenly the eggs started to hatch and three baby tracker appeared in the world, however they instantly started running leaving the temple.
i survived 100 days as a warden shapeshifter in minecraft
Chas after them, please, yes, ma'am, I followed the baby trackers who were much faster than I expected, they took me to a desert where they started digging together in the same place, now stop, little ones, you have to go back to house with your mother. I looked up the hill they were digging and realized what the little crawlers were uncovering. a mysterious underground building, wait a second, were you giving me a clue to get to the next totem? Thanks, suddenly the skeletons withered from the ground and started attacking me. I had to protect the babies, so I defended myself.
Leave them alone. The skeletons invaded me with their bows but I attacked with my new homing rays the horde of skeletons overwhelmed my space one after another hitting me with their swords corrupting my vision for a few seconds they also affected me with their magic causing extreme damage I used my fire slowing down the herd and lighting them up in flames I was able to withstand their endless attacks with my new giant form after a long battle. I took out all the withered skeletons and luckily the baby trackers were safe. Hurry home before you are hurt, little ones I separated from.
The baby trackers and entered the building they had unearthed during days 47 to 50. I began to explore the Underground Temple. There were many different twists and turns around the structure and it was easy to get lost. Finally I reached a dead end that can't. Not true, I started using my nose to try and get the smell of Un Nuevo Camino, smelling everything inside after searching a bit, I located a strange wall, I used my Sonic Boom to break through it, revealing more of the ruined bingo, I entered to the new Passage and walked deeper into the temple, reaching a huge room, suddenly, a giant Wither skeleton emerged from the Shadows.
Now we have you, ship shifter, we will hand you over to Lord Wither. No, I do have something to say about it. Oh, they used a ground attack on me, which brought out a lot of my anger. I retaliated with my new Warden homing beam trying to immobilize them but it didn't seem to work, they attacked with a huge beam of darkness causing me. to get more rage I hit him with my flamethrower weakening him much moment to finish this chess game I knocked down the giant using my strongest moves but this did not end The Fray to my surprise more smaller skeletons arrived ready to attack me I need to keep moving I'm already long overdue before the skeletons could begin their attack.
I ran deeper into the temple to evade them as I ran for days 51 to 54. I found another room where the next totem was waiting for me. I knew he would do it. Being somewhere in this ruin the withered mutated skeletons were approaching me. I had to think fast before they caught up with me. I used my Sonic Boom on the entrance causing Rubble to fall covering it. Nobody could enter. Now is the time to get that totem. I approached the totem, but as I got closer, a mutant Enderman fell in front of me to stop me.
What do you think you're doing by claiming that totem? Step aside. I continued towards the totem to grab it, but the monster teleported in front of me. You're not going to draw that toast until you complete my old tests. You are in the mutant Enderman. He teleported us both out of the room to begin my test on days 55 to 58. I met up at a dig site with the mutant Enderman for your first test. You must locate all the dinosaur bones, good luck to you, Enderman disappeared and I left to start my search. I used my sniffer nose to figure out where the different dinosaur bones were buried.
Soon I began to dig them out one by one. I was making great progress when I accidentally dug into a hidden nest of large lizards our house what have you done you will pay for this they ran out of their nest to attack me they were small but cruel when they left me they bit me and did everything in their power to harm me as much as possible I did not hesitate and immediately fired my Sonic Boom at them, managing to knock down some of them in combination with my lightning, many began to be dominated by my strength, eventually I managed to disperse their numbers and chased them away in relief.
I watched as they scurried away revealing the last bone to be in their lair. Nice, this is the last one out of nowhere. The mutant Enderman from before appeared in front of me. It looks like you've managed to collect them all. The bones are well made, however, now it is time for your next challenge on days 54 to 62. I watched in amazement as the excavation site was transformed into a pedestal for this challenge, you must rebuild the bones into their dinosaur form. . Before sunset, your time begins now, see the Enderman disappeared as I began to frantically build the dinosaur skeleton using all the bones he had gathered while he assembled them, it began to rise higher and higher.
I started to worry, but then I realized that he could transform me into my bat form, luckily. It made navigation a lot easier and I was able to get to everything, I still needed to hurry and I managed to finish just as the sun was starting to set and that's where we finished just as I put the last of the bones in place the mutant Enderman reappeared. in front of me, good job, you completed the second task now, however, it's time for your final test. You must survive the disaster that no other dinosaur could. Oh, no, you don't mean.
I felt the ground begin to shake as the sky above me spun. red I looked up just in time to see meteors begin to rain around me crashing to the ground. I started running for my life trying to avoid being crushed on days 63 to 66. I was doing my best to stop the meteors from falling from the sky. I transformed into my leopard form due to its Speed ​​and Agility evading as best I could through all the chaos I heard someone asking for help please someone someone help I turned around and saw a herd of cows surrounded by lava oh no , I have done.
I have to help them before it's too late. I ran and started building a bridge for the cows to use to escape, one by one they made it across and just as the last cow passed the bridge the final meteor crashed into the ground and exploded. the area the cows had just escaped from wow that was close suddenly the mutant Enderman appeared in front of me again great job fantastic job you managed to pass all my tests the totem is yours they gave me the totem and I felt transformed into the guardian dinosaur I gained five more hearts and incredible new powers there are only two more totems left I was about to leave and begin the long journey to find the last totem when I turned to see the cows I had helped we want to thank you for your help please come with us we know where it is the next totem no place thanks I followed the cows as they led me towards my next objective on days 67 to 70 I was following the herd of cows towards the next totem when I started to get a strange feeling, guys, feel that, feel what It feels like we are being watched without warning, Wither Lord appeared in front of us blocking our path.
Hello, my changeling friend. I see you have obtained more totems, well done, that's right and then. I got the last two. I will defeat you once and for all, not if I capture you first, Wither Lord lunged at me, but I was able to change shape and dodge his attack. Nice try, but I'm much faster and stronger. Now awesome, let's see how you handle this. He turned his attention to the herd of cows and began attacking them all, turning the entire group into a group of Wither cows. No, the Wither cows started crawling towards me, approaching me like a horde of zombies.
Stop, please, get out of there, they got closer and closer. I didn't want to hurt them but they left me no choice just when I was about to start defending myself. I heard a voice, hey, follow me, we have to do it. Getting out of here without thinking twice I ran past the Wither cows to get to the wolf. I followed them closely as we retreated together on days 71 to 74. I was being chased by a herd of Wither cows while still following a mysterious wolf despite our speed, the Wither cows were managing to catch up with us.
I turned around and tried to use my Sonic Boom Roar to gain some space between us, but it was useless. They kept coming. I followed the wolf as we lunged towards some. We covered up we watched in silence as the Wither cows lost our trail and continued passing by us finally that was close who are you why did you help me? I'm Kip and I saved you because I need help. an evil Alpha Wither has taken over my pack and I can't stop them, take me there, the wolf and I headed back to his lair when we arrived, I surveyed the area and saw the fifth totem among Kip's pack.
Yes, it looks like I'll be able to help your pack, Kip, and get to At the next totem pole, I tried to sneak towards the totem pole in hopes of getting its power before the alpha wolf realized I was there, but the monster wolf He detected me immediately and dared to enter my lair on days 75 to 78. I found myself being confronted by the withered alpha hand. About the totem there is no chance only the alpha can have the totem only the alpha how can I become one by completing the full moon battle? The winner of the fight is Du, the rightful Alpha of the pack, and is awarded the totem as a trophy.
Oh yes, then. Count on me I challenge you to the battle of the full moon, then it's time for us to fight to the death. The alpha Wither charged forward, slashing me with his sharp claws. I prepared to take the hit but retaliated with my shapeshifting powers. I didn't have a chance and used my different ways to quickly overwhelm him. Hand over the totem quite easily. You didn't really think I'd let you win. Did the alpha Wither let loose with a deafening howl summoning his pack to his side ready to help him in the fight, oh come on, that's cheating on days 79 to 82.
I was fighting the entire wither wolf pack for the fifth totem. Taking on the withered alpha was easy enough, but fighting multiple enemies at once was proving to be so. It was a real challenge, there was no way I was going to be able to fight off an entire pack on my own just when things were getting desperate. I have A IDEA. I transformed into my dinosaur form and unleashed a powerful stomp attack that sent all the thugs away. Flying backwards, that's better, this is between you and me. I attacked the alpha wolf with my blue flame burning himin the cloud of fire.
The withered alpha began to seethe with rage and retaliated by slashing his claws at me. I hit him with a thunderous Sonic. Boom, what made him fall before my forces, say hello to the new Alpha. I picked up the fifth totem, transforming into a guardian wolf. I got five more hearts and new powerful claws. Now I only have one more totem left as I turned to leave. I saw something familiar pass by me and start attacking the pack. My corrupt father had found us somehow and was fighting the wolves in days 83 to 86. I stood in shock as I watched my corrupt father destroy the wolf Village.
Dad, don't do this, please. Stop, I know you're there, he turned towards me and launched a powerful attack. I managed to avoid him but I couldn't communicate with him. I tried using my various shapeshifting powers to get him out of there, but nothing. I was working I stared at him watching as he continued his assault Frozen in his place the Wolves didn't stand a chance against him this feels desperate how can I get him to listen to me? He's going to destroy everything and I can't stop him. Kip. He came running towards me snapping me out of this and bringing my attention back listen I'll evacuate the village and get everyone safe you have to go and find the guardian har it's the only way to get your father back to normal Kip threw a map at me before To run away to begin the evacuation, he was right.
I needed to hurry up and save my dad. I headed towards the location on the map on days 87 to 90. I was following the route on the map when I saw a giant tower surrounded. By a lake of lava in the distance I tried to get closer but as I got closer a night of death blocked my path stop I don't want to fight please just let me pass my dad is in danger I'm sorry buddy I can't do it I'm stuck with little weaklings like you, There is some really dangerous terrain coming up and I only let people pass who are strong enough to survive.
I'm a


, if anyone could survive out there, I can tell you a likely story. Do you have any idea how incredibly? Rare sheep shifters actually are, yes, I think so, the death knight fled in fear and I was free to continue my route to the heart of the guardian on days 91 to 93. I walked to the edge of the lava lake , luckily for me I felt the guardian heart at the top of the giant tower that was in the center of the Lake of Fire, okay, okay, here goes nothing. I transformed into a bat and flew towards the guardian heart when a phoenix came out of nowhere and knocked me down from the sky.
Stop, stay away, intruder. I fell into the lava, but quickly transformed into my lava eel form so I could swim easily. There's no way he


. I hid underneath. the surface until the Phoenix left after being sure they were gone. I swam back to shore and stuck my head out to check that the area looked clear. I guess I'll have to continue on foot. I transformed into my wolf form and began to sneak towards the guardian's heart I was climbing towards the top of the structure when I reached out and grabbed the guardian's heart, a powerful roar echoed through the air.
I guess it's time to try this when my father came to me. I handed it to the guard. My heart and vision turned white between days 94 and 96. I found myself inside a realm of dreams. Where am I and am I inside my father's mind? As he looked around, I saw my father locked inside a cage. Bronzo, how did you run? I felt a presence and slowly turned around to reveal a Wither sword was right behind me, fool, I will not let you escape here, you and your father will soon belong to Lord Wither, let him go now or you will face my wrath.
I really believe you can beat me. I defeated your dad and took control of him. You will be next. I'm not gonna lose. Nazi. The Wither sword lunged at me in rage and I prepared for his attacks on the 97th and 98th. I was in a fight against the Swar Withers in an attempt to free my dad from his control. The Withers Swar threw shadow balls at me that did a lot of damage. I retaliated with my Sonic Boom and Wolf Slash attacks, but he didn't seem to fight back. He was too powerful to defeat, but he had an idea: I'll come for you, dad.
I ran to the cage and opened it, releasing my dad. We both turned towards the Wither sword and unleashed a sonic blast attack with both of us combining our power we were able to pull out the Wither sword as it died. I found myself waking up back in the real world. I ran to my dad to see how he was doing. He was finally free. Thanks for saving me, son. I can finally give you this. my dad gave me the final totem transforming me into a Guardian Dragon. I got 10 hearts and a new power. It's finally time to end this once and for all.
On the 99th day I returned to the abyss in front of me was the fortress of Lord Wither. I Reed. myself and began to fly towards its walls when I entered the Fortress. The Wither forces tried to stop me ready to attack and defend Lord Wither. However, they didn't stand a chance and I fired a burst of lasers from my mouth as the Wither Dragon leveled the area and destroyed his forces despite all the destruction. I couldn't find Mr. Wither anywhere Show yourself Mr. Wither it's time to put an end to this just then Mr. Wither's top guard came out from behind the rubble to stop me, you never will.
Reach my king, your story and here die, the Wither monster came forward and surrounded his hands to hit me in the air while he hit, it gave me a Wither effect that began to sap my health. I put some distance between us and fired. Returning with my giant beam attack, spraying beams of fiery white lasers in his direction, he retaliated by firing withered skulls that exploded around me causing massive damage quickly. I transformed into my eel form and hid in the lava to hit him with lightning attacks. surprise and took the opportunity to have Unity transform into my Warden sniffer form and bombard him with sonic blasts, fire and lightning as he lunged forward for another desperate attack.
I took a step back and transformed once again into my dragon form, it was time for the final blow with one. last blast of laser beams, the Wither monster perished. I'm going to end this once and for all with a renewed burst of energy. I charged towards the remains of Lord Wither's throne room on day 100. I finally faced Lord Wither in his own palace he was waiting on his throne surrounded by all my corrupt and caged people well well it looks like you finally managed to unlock everything your power. Too bad, it's not enough. You are still too weak to stop me.
This is your last chance. free my people or face my wrath, once I harness the power of the


, nothing will stop me from dominating the world. I see well, so you leave me no choice. I gathered all the strength I had and lunged towards the Wither Lord ready to stop him, I fired sonic blasts at the Wither Lord as he lunged towards me, when he got closer he slammed his hands together and knocked me down without wasting a moment. I transformed into my T-rex form to gain the advantage while he charged. I jumped into the air ahead, hoping to deliver a powerful stomp, but he teleported behind me and shot me with a deadly laser.
I turned into my wool form and gained a speed advantage over my enemy. I ran slashing with my Razor Claws and biting with my powerful teeth as I maneuvered around the Wither Lord, he countered me by launching Wither Skull attacks trapping me in an explosion, the room exploded around me, it was an epic battle but I finally gathered everything I had. I kept remembering that all my people were counting on me. I transformed into my dragon form and unleashed one last powerful burst of laser attacks that destroyed the Wither Lord completely. It finally ended when the Wither Lord died.
I watched as everyone around me began to return to normal. He was done with the Wither Lord's rign, yes, bronze.

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