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I Spent 50 Hours Transforming a Viewer`s Team in EAFC 24

May 28, 2024
I have 50


to transform a random


account in AFC 24 by adding the best players to your


and acquiring the player of your dreams, so the first thing I had to do was find an account to play and want a better place to do it, They also have their own Discord server which you can join via the link in the description for a chance to appear in one of these videos in the future. Okay, so the message has been sent, time to wait for a response, but almost instantly our Discord started blowing up. I started with the notifications and there were so many people replying and sending photos of their


s and I have to say some of their teams are absolutely crazy, but I finally found the perfect candidate so we will play on Lucy Storm's account after contacting them.
i spent 50 hours transforming a viewer s team in eafc 24
I wanted to know who your dream player was because that would also be the player we worked for throughout this video and I'll go into the second question in a BT and while I was waiting for an answer I decided to take a look at your team, okay? The only player I see that stays throughout the entire video is Van Dijk, but there are a few players in the team that I can work with. After taking a look at their club, I saw that they had some highly rated players and this would be incredibly helpful. for this video because in addition to wanting to acquire his favorite player, he also wanted to improve 10 of the 11 positions on this team while taking a look at his club.
i spent 50 hours transforming a viewer s team in eafc 24

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i spent 50 hours transforming a viewer s team in eafc 24...

I received another notification on Discord, okay, so Antoan Griesmann is their favorite player and when I asked them if they qualified for the Champions final, they said that they had difficulty qualifying and almost always failed, so I immediately made my plan for this video It became clear because I now knew that I needed to qualify for the Champions final by playing in the ranked game mode, so I could play in the Champions final on his account and benefit from the crazy rewards you can potentially get in that game mode and we would need those crazy rewards because we only had 50


and we needed to acquire her favorite player, she ends too.
i spent 50 hours transforming a viewer s team in eafc 24
I made an insane request on the last day. Okay, so Griezmann's best card cost 1.8 million coins and while I would really like to get that card, we only have 50 hours and the second best card is only one less than that and was about 250,000 coins, so I decided that Griezmann's second most expensive card would be the one that would work to acquire because, while it wasn't as realistic to make that many coins in just 50 hours, it was much more realistic than earning a total of 1.8 million coins and now that our plan It was clear, I was able to start


Lucy's account and the first thing I did was complete an upgrade SPC.
i spent 50 hours transforming a viewer s team in eafc 24
I then took a look at all the other SBCs that were available and started checking off some of the ones I wanted to complete because remember, in addition to acquiring Griezman, we needed to improve 10 of the 11 positions on our team and after seeing that Leah had an SPC available and I could play the CDM position due to the fact that it was so affordable I felt like I had to fill her, okay we can afford to fill Leah but there is one problem and that is I'm not sure if Luc will agree with me using these players, so I immediately messaged him on Discord to find Well, while we wait for a response, there are some absolutely crazy cards on PS right now and I want to go ahead and open this one, come on, let's get an English goalie, okay , that will only be an 84 rated Player and I expected much more.
I then opened a 10 coin pack and a 30 coin pack that were available and I must say I can't remember the last time I wanted to pack something so crazy and I was really excited at the prospect of helping Lucy with her gear now after opening those packs, I started using some of the players she had to complete an 83+ team of the week player selection and after acquiring an 85 rated team of the week. The week our plan was to use it to complete an 84 Time 5 upgrade pack and team of the weeks was important because upgrade packs almost always require them, so we have a tradeable combo player pack and ARG will get some coins from the next one.
Going back also allowed me to get over 1000 coins, but it was time for this account to open its largest package. Come on, no, we're not getting a promotional card, but that will be donaruma. We are going to have two abandonments. Oh and we just got Smith and she is rated 88 while she was a player I normally use in BC because of the quality of the team we are working with. Something would actually end up being a huge improvement and would also start adding the best players back to other positions within the team, okay now that the team is looking a lot better I think it's time for us to play our first game and the good of the ranked game mode is that the more games you win, the better it will be tradable. rewards that you would get and therefore the more coins you can earn due to daily game objectives while playing ranked, we would also earn some more packs and as we have seen, packs are essential in allowing you to reach higher. qualified players we needed for this video because there were tons of spcs I wanted to complete.
Well, this is our first game and what is the team. On top of that, I need to adjust the camera angle, so after requesting to pause the game my opponent would score with Mbappé, which meant that after adjusting my settings I would have to come back to win my first game. Okay, Neymar a loan, finds Govu over Smith and what a beautiful goal, but shortly after scoring that goal, oh. No, not again, there was no way my opponent Mbappé would score a hatrick and it was immediately clear that with the quality of the team we had we would have problems in the playoffs, but thanks to the help of some of the players we had packed we were able to equalize the game, however, literally in the last minute of this game, oh no, no, we just lost, which means we only won one point.
This was bad because to qualify for the Champions final you needed to earn 20 points within the qualifying game mode, meaning that with the nine games we had left, since each win gives you four points, you needed to win at least four of them, so we need to improve the team a lot more before playing in the playoffs again and because Due to the fact that we are high in divisions and matchmaking, the friendly game mode is based on your division ranking. Rivals, the games we played at The Friendly should be a lot easier and this was huge because at the time of recording we had little else. a day to participate in the Birthday Cup and the rewards we could get from the cup would allow us to start getting some upgrades for this team, but that was only if we could beat the Division 9 players, all in Smith, now you can score from here. and we are very lucky to have attracted her.
Beckham is having a good run, surely he from here, yeah, we're up by two k, he didn't get another assist and at this point I started to feel like, oh, this is too easy and At this point, we'll proceed to score two more goals , which will allow us to win this game. We were also completing so many objectives while we were at it because of the crazy packs we were working on. I began to see the importance of making the decision to play. the friendliest game mode and I would go ahead and play two more games in it and in these games we absolutely dominated and experienced no resistance whatsoever and after winning both games we are able to claim so many good packs and we are about to get upgrades for this team, Come on, first pack a Swedish central defender, okay, it will be an 84, which is not a bad start.
Then I will continue to open the HP that we had with the help of either of us backing a good player who could directly get our team or featured players that we could use to complete SBCs, okay, we just get the first exit and in the next pack that opened we would get another out, however the pack after that would only give us an 84 rated player and we are Now, up to our final path, let's oh, actually we are going to receive a promo card and it will be an English R of return of Barça.
Oh, it's a gold card, which means there will be two exits. Oh, and a professional card it will be. Ras padri wait, he's five stars, five stars and he's also worked 100k and this was huge because with how good his card was he would serve to be a permanent improvement for our team and just when I thought things couldn't get better, okay, Lucy? He responded and then said that they didn't care about anyone on their team so now I didn't feel bad using the tall players and by doing so we just got one of the best CDMs in the game in terms of skill and that's another permanent improvement which I would later add as a paduri to our team, but I wouldn't add Leah yet because she had too high a rating to use in the birthday cup and as things were going, I felt like we had momentum and I wanted to earn more than the 19,000 coins we had and so that would use players we added in our club to fill out the women's U market matchups and doing so allowed me to get three tradeable packs, well the first pack is was just going to be an 81 rated card and therefore I would only win a few thousand coins here, the next pack would give me a player with a rating of 84 and at the time they were selling for 1,300 coins, so we might as well make a few thousand coins from this. pack oh now we're on our last and best pack okay the final pack won't be a promo card but it's a german striker and I think it's a recall yeah we just got a recall off the board so this one is my case.
In our final pack we were able to earn approximately 13,000 coins and after listing all our players I saw that they were up to 32,000 coins but I started to feel demoralized because I knew that to get Griezman we needed to earn 250,000 coins now if I wanted to do that I remember that I needed to get rewards from the Champions finals and to get decent rewards I knew I needed Talisman for our team so at this point I decided I was going to complete the now top rated Louis openda SBC. The team we were able to build was only 87, meaning we were going to need more resources, but since we still had seven games left in the cup and we could get some awesome packs by playing in that game mode, I decided to keep playing there.
Now in the first game I played I would naturally lose by one goal against my opponent before winning the next few games I played with Ras Paduri proving to be a massive improvement in attack and when I had one game left I desperately wanted to win it so I could get as many rewards as possible on this day. K with the ball, now I'm going to try to get to where their defense opens up and we score, but it seemed like our team wasn't doing so well. Well as I initially thought and I would end up giving in to this Division 9 player, but I desperately wanted to improve Lucy's team, so I would do my best to fall to the raspadori. there were no games left after playing seven more, we were able to claim so many objectives which allowed us to get some absolutely crazy packs, we have an 85 Plus player pick, come on we have a promo card but it's one of the worst ones now in my first pack once.
I would again get the exact same 84 rated player we had and since she was a duplicate, I would use him to complete an 83+ Team of the Week player selection. Okay, let's get another team of the week that we can use in upgrade packs. Oh we just got Dybala and can use him on our team and with the duplicate out of the way I could start opening objective packs, however the first two would only give us 84 rated cards at best and remember that opa's most expensive squadron was 88.r and because we were only able to build one 87L squadron at the time our last two packs needed to be massive, no promo card, again it's a German CDM.
Oh, I think it's an 87, okay, we just got a final player package rated 87. guarantees two exits German once again CDM from Bayern that's an 88 and that means our next players will be above 88 oh, they will also be 88 and with the featured players we backed we were not able to build a team of 88 but that was only before the B team of the week and because this team did not require a team of the week and the next team that has a rating almost so high did require a team of the week, I wanted to save Thea for that and I wouldn't send the team now, you just need to win one more game in the cup to get two absolutely crazy packs, but due to the fact that there was still time before that our games were over,I wanted to work to get more coins and so once again using players that Lucy had in her Club I would complete the entire Market match of this BC and this allowed us to get five exchangeable packages now the first three packages were average and in each of them we would only be able to make a couple thousand coins, but I was opening these packs from worst to best, second to last pack now Canadian Center back no, we won't get any good trading cards.
The final pack is the most valuable Korean, is that son, no, he will only be an 84 rated player. so from our final pack we were able to make a decent amount of coins and now we have 60 of the 250,000 coins we needed. The content has just been updated and there is a new promotion that featured some absolutely crazy players in two packs. There are also some new objectives and by literally just scoring goals which happens all the time we will be rewarded with some amazing packages, we also got a free 85 Plus package and obviously I only end up getting an 85 rated player of this, but the content is also refreshing.
Now we had 10 more games to play in the birthday cup and we only needed to win one to get absolutely crazy rewards so this is what our first game would be like Kavu can send raspadori oh this guy has been crazy and shortly after scoring this goal , raspadori scores another one again. A final goal from Smith in this game would allow us to win 3-0 and we could also claim those crazy people. packages to complete the entire birthday cup, okay guys, remember that we need outstanding players to be able to complete a panda before the Champions final.
The first package is an English CDM from Barça and our best play is just an 85 and once again we got another duplicate, okay? Using this duplicate, I'm going to complete the opinion of this cheaper team and now we can open our final package in CDM in Spanish from the city. Okay, just one outing left, but I'll take an 89 rating all day. Oh but there's a week team and Varon in the back too and although Varon was just a gold card backing him up he was huge because at the time of recording there was a crazy Evo available and if you play fc24 you know that's one one of the best center backs in the game and with the upgrades this Evo would give you, we could turn his gold card into just that.
I would then use Chimas to complete an 84 Time 5 upgrade package, but because I wanted it to be a permanent upgrade using Leadly King along with the other. With the maxes we packed, we were able to complete the most expensive lysis opa squad okay, so we need to convert the 65 R squad into an 87 in order to unlock Luis openda. We now had a swappable pack to complete the most expensive opa squad and after packing an 85 ranked. in this pack and then selling to the other players inside it, we were able to earn around 10,000 coins and then we opened our upgrade pack, no, there is no promotion of this pack, but it will be a midway Scotty Center, it is well that's an out ok that's just going to be one then I would start adding all our new players to the team and although we now had four players that were permanent I started to get worried because we had already used 15 of the 50 hours we had due To this, I knew that I needed to continue completing objectives so that we could get more endorsements that would allow us to get more upgrades for the team because the team was now much better than at the beginning.
I felt like it was time for us to start playing the ranked game mode and remember that we could get tradable rewards from this game mode and at this point we had 70 of the 250,000 coins we needed for Griezmann's, well, first game. in the playoffs and this guy's team is not that good so after watching the team I knew this was a must win game raspadori let's go through here yeah we get a penalty and if I score this penalty you guys have to help me. 100K Subs goo leaves it and shortly after taking the lead we would have another chance dybala with Finesse oh yes and understanding the importance of winning this game using the skills we had with raspadori I would be able to score two more goals within it. and winning this game felt so good because now I had proven to myself that I could do it in this game mode.
Then he would find a much tougher team and this was our first real test around Dybala, can he score from here with less? Players, we beat a crazy team and after scoring that goal we were able to score more, but with the players we had there wasn't much we could do against this opponent and thanks to players like Leah who helped us stay in the game in Al At the end of regulation, Scoreland was tied at 44, but in overtime I felt like winning this game would mean a lot to me. Kza threads the needle with the pass and Govu scores.
We are back in the lead and after taking the lead we would continue. fight hard against our opponent, but later in the game they would have one more chance oh no, we have to defend you. Yes, Vu does it very well, this would allow us to win this game and also get closer to Eving Baron, but after seeing how. Well, my opponent's Rashford was. He wanted to buy the gold card from him to do the same with Evo. However, his card was defunct at the time. After seeing this, he would continue playing in the playoffs and the games would still be incredibly difficult, but he would still win.
The third game we played scoring a free kick in the 91st minute meant we could win the next game. We would guarantee qualification for the Champions final. Kovo on the wing, now on to Dybala, this has to be the finish Rasori can achieve now. We reduce it, we do it, Dybala scores a second, what will be our opponent's post. He will lose, he does and we have just guaranteed qualification. We also completed the first stage of Varon Evolution and are able to claim as many packs by completing objectives. during those games and these packs would prove fruitful because we would be able to pack 2 87 rated dropouts in addition to an 88 and with these players we were still not able to complete the final team of a p, but now we were just one.
I didn't qualify and since it was pretty cheap I would complete Grimaldo's cheapest team because I wanted him to be our permanent left back even though we were qualified because we still had games left in ranked play and by winning more we could improve the tradable rewards. that we had received and then I decided to play the rest of the ranked games that we had and while I was playing these games I had a lot of fun because I knew that as I scored goals I was working to earn packs and also complete Veron's Evo and when we had one game left we just needed to have one more clean sheet so I could improve Veron again, but unfortunately in the last game I played I faced a difficult opponent and was absolutely destroyed. enough to get some decent tradable rank four rewards, well guys by getting golds we get a lot of good packs and let's start with the tradables first to make some coins and we're going to get a chilean keeper along the way.
Yes, we just got a 88 rated tradable player which means we can earn 15,000 coins here, but because this is also a shadow, we get like 20,000 coins from this pack, the next pack was not as good and I was just capable of making a few thousand coins, oh, now we are left with our last exchangeable package. Come on, in the German right clay, it will now be an at4, so we can't produce as many coins here. I wouldn't begin to open our non-tradeable packs, but unfortunately the first two weren't the best and I was expecting a lot more.
No way we haven't had a strike yet. Final package. Come on, we need something good to be able to get a penda before the champions final and I think that's it. an 88, okay it's just a way out but he is an 88 rated player and after our player sold we went up to 113,000 coins and if we could double our coin balance we would be very close to being able to buy Griezmann and then to use the highest one. ranked players I saw that we couldn't complete this final team, but since we had


half our time on this challenge, I was desperate to play in the Champions final and complete a Pender along the way by completing the objectives that were available, etc.
I decided to take the risk and play the first of the 20 games I had oh no we have lost the ball come on we have to intercept this yes good defense K now let's R work this on dybala on raspadori no they will block us and During the rest of the first half, my opponent now wouldn't be able to take the other one down, but shortly after the second half started, come on, yeah, we got a penalty. We need to write this down to get ahead. Yes, we did, but literally right away. from the kick-off oh no, he found his Ro, no way, no, but then he continues to try to break it, but it was evident to me that our team was a little lackluster in attack and after failing to score, no, it's over, No.
We conceded late and after losing hope my opponent would score a third goal and that meant we had just lost our first game in the Champions League final. In the end, this was bad because if we wanted to get Griezmann we needed to get the best rewards. that we could and to do it we needed to win as many of the 20 games we had in the Champions final, so I knew I needed to openda before continuing to play, unfortunately for us with the Gazo promotion, it was also a cup, but we could get some rewards decent by scoring 10 goals, eight of which were direct shots, so knowing that due to my ranking division, Rivals, it shouldn't be too difficult for me to do this, I decided to invest about half of it. hour in the Gazo cup and after dominating against these Division 9 players with our upgraded team, we got an 84*3 player and an 88 rated player from the galazo cup, an 80 x 10 package for completing one of the goals and then also a 50k. like a 100K pack for winning 50 games with first owned players, okay there's no way we won't complete op penda after these packs, but in the first pack I opened EA showed me there was a way we wouldn't we would complete it. and that was if the rest of our packages continue to be as bad as the first two 100K back were, now the dutch center forward no, that's not good, we are literally only getting 848 players and surely we improve with an 84*3 without promotion . card, but this time it's creation and that will be Modric, so it's just one out, but he has a rating of 87.
Do we have enough now? Oh, actually we do and that means that just like that we just got a massive upgrade to our attack. one far from completing Galo's card and because his final team required a team of the week using players we had in our club, he would complete a selection of over 83 team of the week players, but in this player selection, oh we actually have a player that can come into our team and since I wanted to use him in our team I still needed a Grimaldo SPC team and would complete another 83+ team of the week player selection please don't let me know say nothing crazy, it's okay, we can use it.
Unfortunately, an 87, even with this 87, we still didn't have enough to complete Grimaldo's final team, but we went too far and because we now had openda and we knew that we now had the best possible team to finish the Champions final with the amount of time we had left, so my plan was to play the Champions final and complete objectives along the way that would allow us to complete Grimaldo, so we are one goal away from a decent group, but I have been playing for so long. long and I'm going to finish it today, I just have to say that we now only have 10 hours left to complete our Challenge and as hard as it seems, it gets even harder when Lucy makes a crazy request on the last day, wait, of no way.
Lucy just said that she wants an icon and it doesn't matter who we get, but getting an icon will be as difficult as getting Griez Min and I'm not even sure if we can become big because of this. I rushed into my first Champions League final game and after finding a bad team, I felt great about the opportunity to get my first win, but unfortunately this opponent would end up folding while the game was tied. I didn't go into another game and Obviously the next team I found would be crazy and after conceding two quick goals I decided to go all in and my hopes of completing this challenge were starting to crumble now in the third game I played what was left of these hopes would crumble. further and would end up losing by one goal, but the key word in the sentence was narrow: after losing that game, somehow An's card improved and he hadhoping that the small improvement would be enough to get him over the line and actually start.
We won these close games and in the fourth game it seemed like that was the case because at several different points in this game we had the lead, however after we were taken to overtime we unfortunately ended up conceding two goals meaning that one once again we lost. In another game we were now completing objectives and this meant that we could get closer to completing Grimaldo's card and with how close I felt to being able to win I felt that this could be the difference and so motivated I decided to play a fifth game and there was no way I was going to lose this openda, the speed on the wing is so good that we found Govu, yes, score, but I have been in the lead before and this time I wanted to make sure I turned this advantage into a victory and to achieve that I couldn't take my foot off the gas between raspadori a beautiful dribble and a beautiful shot as well and thus we achieved our first victory in the Champions League final and with good spirits I began to achieve all the objectives. that we had completed and unfortunately all the packs we opened before the last one were horrible, however, we didn't need much else to be able to complete Galdo and therefore pack an 86 rated strike as well as a The Week In team. the final pack was huge and would allow us to complete Galdo and after acquiring another massive permanent upgrade for gear, I would use the week's gear we obtained to complete upgrade pack 83*10 which was the upgrade pack available. at the time, but unfortunately from this group the best player I would get was only an 85 rating.
Well, let's add Grimaldo to the team and honestly, the team is starting to improve and now we have improved seven of the 11 positions I want. which means the next thing we need to do is finish the Champions final and my goal will be to get rank six rewards and with four points per win that means we need to win nine of the remaining 15 games now as I continue. Playing against the teams we faced would only become more difficult, but due to the improvements we had made to our team and the fact that the quality of our team was generally much better in those close games, we would normally lose these new additions. . be the difference that allowed us to win these games and I must say I was having a lot of fun with Leah and couldn't get enough of her but after winning the first three games we played in a row because of the way the matchmaking worked meant that now we would find tougher opponents and once again we start losing games narrowly, the theme of losing by a small margin would continue and we would proceed to lose two games in a row, then I think we just completed the entire evolution of Veron and this is a decent time, too We completed the entirety of one of the objectives, which allowed us to get some amazing packs and this was also a decent time, but even though the first pack I opened would get a rating of 86.
I wasn't too excited because we needed a lot more to being able to complete the final SBC that I wanted, which was Ree James' right back card and that I was hoping for. more in the next package spanish goalie which is an 87 ok but it's two training sessions oh yeah our second training will be rated 8 to 8 and this was also a decent time oh no way we're going back to the C promotional card , that's crazy, we could use the help right now, what I couldn't do was the 83 rated card I got in my second to last pack and even though the 86 rating went up and the final pack was good, the duplicate 85 that was behind him was not right. so I'm replacing govu with AA which will be another permanent upgrade and now right back Val and Kar Kila are the last three positions I want to improve and like I said for right back I wanted to fill in Reese James but Due Since Lucy wanted an icon and Rod was the most affordable, that was actually good, I was contemplating completing it now, don't get it wrong, my priority was Reese James, but the important thing to keep in mind is that I didn't just want to get any. icon for Lucy because to me that would have no meaning and if I was going to get an icon, I wanted to be one that really improved the team and since we had a duplicate player rated 85, I would use it to make an 83. in addition to the player selection of the team of the week and in this player selection I was able to get a decent 87 rated correct package and since this was not enough to complete the most expensive Jam team once again, I would start completing another 83+ team the Player of the Week pick, but in the trade pack I got for completing the first squad, something absolutely crazy would happen.
Wait, Norwegian camera, did we just hang out? Oh, we just received two tradeable drops from this pack and it will be rated 2 87. Players out of nowhere we were able to earn another 20,000 coins after completing the Team of the Week player selection and then getting a Team of the Week. week 85 which I would use to complete an 83*10 upgrade pack. I saw it before Odo got even sold we were up to 150,000 coins meaning we only needed to earn 100,000 more to be able to buy Griezman and any coins he had after that could use it to get the Lucian icon.
Okay, we need players with high ratings. English center back no. Likewise, the highest rated player is only 85 and since there was no longer any way for us to get immediate upgrades, I knew I needed to finish playing in the Champions Final and my goal was still the ranking rewards which would require me to earn half of the games I had left and even if we managed to do it, but the quality of the rewards was still difficult trying to get the coins we needed for Griezmann in the first game I played, I would face a difficult opponent and as a result of this , I would end up losing and the second game I played after this the exact same thing would happen and before I knew it I had lost two games.
Now, by losing games, the opponents I played against would start to get easier. and this would allow me to finally win one, but that showed me that I needed to make more improvements to the team now and I decided to take a risk, so Lucy wants an icon and ab is 100k, so now there are a lot of us. Far from being able to get Grizzman, we have gotten him an icon and we have gotten an upgrade for now, my main goal was still to buy Griezmann and the reason why buying this icon was a risk was because when we sold him I lost Queens due to taxes , but I was desperate to start winning more games, so I would not only update vver with this icon, but I would also add the team of the week R back to our team, desperate for more updates, I would claim the objectives. which unfortunately for us had completed in the two packs we had, we would end up packing a total of three dropouts before getting a 5 five rated player from a selection of team of the week players, but the most important thing is to be able to complete the team more Jam expensive.
Good time to see if we can start winning and initially it seemed like we could score, yes we have the advantage and shortly after taking the lead, openda, we can score goals with this attack, but shortly after this, it is going to be difficult for Mbappé. and he is one goal behind and while we were able to score with the attack we had, we were able to defend with the no, we simply lost our lead and while there were signs of promise for us within this game, in the end we would end up losing it, but due to the fact Since I now had more confidence in our attack, I was determined to try even harder in these games, but after winning two games in a row, in doing so I would begin to find tougher players and proceed to lose two games in a row.
Now, what you may have noticed is that in many of the losses I was constantly losing instead of playing the full game and trying to come back to win, and although one of the reasons was the fact that we only had 2 hours left, the other reason It's something I didn't mention and it's the fact that throughout this whole challenge I've been playing with 1060 ping on literally every game and this is because at the time of recording the EA servers were bad and then after playing for so long time and having to deal with this delay, I started to feel frustrated and exhausted, but when we only had two games left, I saw that we had to win both if we wanted to achieve our goal of rank six rewards and While normally I would give up if I played for myself It counts because I was doing this for Lucy, I felt like giving up wasn't an option and I was motivated to win these last two games.
Oh no, he has so much space. to be on the upside no, I can't keep losing although raspadori now beautiful skill we can equalize well, we are back, we have a CER now in some space, Fin ainda and he scored, we are actually in the lead and after taking this lead we don't I would look back and score three more goals against my opponent, causing them to lose, meaning there was one game left. If we could win it, we would achieve our rank six reward goal. Now this guy is a crazy player in every way. unique position we have to close it there is no way we are not losing in the 35th minute my opponent would keep putting pressure on me I would be able to go to half time with a score of one0 but anything except a victory in this game would be a horrible result, we have a good chance here, yes, we tied it, but as I continued to play, it became clear to me that this was my toughest challenge yet and every time I attacked this opponent, they would always be able to keep me out and I started to develop a mental block, but As I continued to create more chances and it started to get late in this game, I knew I couldn't win under these circumstances, I think I would do well to close it out.
Final pinder, can we score? Yes, we almost scored and in the 89th minute that has to be the winner and thanks to scoring in the 89th minute we were able to win this game and by doing so, we admit that we achieved our goal of 60th place. rewards, but I will be honest with you, although I thought I could get Griezman. He doubted whether or not he could obtain an icon. Come on, first player chooses. Oh, we actually have an icon, but I'll be honest with you. While we might have to settle for her, she's not the best pick for second player, oh but that's the icon card of Back Call and it's one of the best LIF backs in the game and perfectly for us, Galo could play.
LIF's mid position allowed me to add a new permanent upgrade at left back position and he was also worth over 300,000 coins at the time of recording, so I was more than happy with him being the icon we got for Lucy and what this meant was that I could sell our 10 icon to M and get most of my coins back from her and then to B Star again opening. I would complete an 83 upgrade pack 10 times before opening an 85 Plus trade pack where I once again ended up getting an 85 rated player now I would include him to earn as many coins as I could and then I would open a 50k pack where unfortunately our best player was a 84 rated player.
Once again, he would sell everything because he needed to earn as many coins as possible. I could, but since I also needed to complete these Jameses, I would open the upgrade pack in hopes of getting some higher rated players. Well, we just got Gund Gun, but there will be two strikes and the second strike with a rating of 88, this could be enough and it works out. that with these players we really had enough meaning that one of the best R backs in the game now belongs to us or Lucy and with 10 of the 11 upgrades acquired there was one more empty position on our team and one more player that I wanted to acquire the final exchangeable package and with the items on our transfer list we need this package to get a difference with the coins.
We're getting a German camera that has to be a drill by no means, it's just going to be an 84, so out of this package. Unfortunately for us when we are looking for Griezman on the market, there is no way we can get Griezman for 200,000 coins and this was huge because it meant that when our players sold after taxes, we should still have enough to be able to buy Griezmann, as long as his price does not increase. Well, our players have sold and we have 216,000 coins. It is still enough to be able to buy Griezmann. Yes it looks like yes. let's get this one for 199, yeah, and that means just like that we not only upgraded Luc's entire team, but we also got him a favorite player and right before the 50 hours ran out, as soon as he did, I would send him a message. to inform that the challenge was over and after she said she would check on it soon, I ended up having to wait two more days, but she responded by thanking us and saying that she loves Griezman andI have to say this was one of the funniest videos I've ever seen.
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