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I spent 100 hours in Qatar, the world Richest Country & this happened!

Jun 20, 2024
lows no problem oh slowly slowly slowly you see he wants to get a FAL yeah, I'm just checking my account well for me. I'm going to go with just a Falcon, you know? But now in my


we don't have a hospital for Falcon, so how will I treat him when he gets sick? So I have to fly all the way to Qatar Onan Air exactly standard business class yes no joke




before 80 Falcons on board a commercial airliner flying from an unknown origin to Saudi Arabia driving through Doha, the cityscapes look like we're in the future, look at


and this seriously, what is this place?
i spent 100 hours in qatar the world richest country this happened
This is a national museum. It looks like a building fallen from space. At least I thought the same. Prar Award-winning architect Jon Noel designed and built it to look like this guy's Desert Rose crystal. It has a bright future if you ask me, it took more than 8 years and $434 million to build this museum in my


the museums are not that beautiful, they are old buildings and that is why the museum in it a tour of the museum takes the visitors through a host of galleries that address three main interrelated themes: the culture, heritage and future of Qatar and its people.
i spent 100 hours in qatar the world richest country this happened

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i spent 100 hours in qatar the world richest country this happened...

The experience you would get from touring this museum seemed like you were in the past. I need to meet this architect. I want you to build my house. in the town he killed, this is the only creature in the


that never drank water, never, ever, and if he drinks a drop of water, he will die, this building was built for 4 $34 million, but the valuables in it They have infinite value, which is why museums are really expensive. It bores me, but I like how they educate you visually with audios about the history of Qatar. Maybe if the teachers at school had used these illustrations on me, I would have graduated at the top of my class, who knows, one thing I admire about this country is how they are.
i spent 100 hours in qatar the world richest country this happened
We have been able to maintain its traditional architecture without looking too modernized and I think African countries should take some inspiration from Qatar, so to answer the question of how rich Qatar is, Qatar has only a few hundred thousand citizens but brings hundreds of billions of dollars every year being a katari comes with a lot of benefits, as someone here, like, what are you entitled to from the government? We have free education, we have free healthcare, we have free houses, housing once you turn 35 or once you get married. you have the right to apply for your documents to get your land for free and then they give you a loan from the government to help you build your house again because we are a very small nation and then the government is very rich or the country is very rich, so this It's their way of giving back to people.
i spent 100 hours in qatar the world richest country this happened
The people of Qatar are really lucky, first of all, oh, right now, that's the word, we are lucky and then we are privileged to be lucky and privileged to have a government like that. Who cares? about us as a people more than about themselves and their chairs, let's say that in reality the lowest income of the locals here is 4,000 US dollars a month and apart from this education, medicines, electricity and free water, everyone who lives In Qatar, a tax-free Qatar, is a country in the


and is considered one of the


countries in the world.
The income that comes from the countries is oil and natural gas. I want you to make a video about it, please make a video there and come see me. You see, those villas are for the locals, yes, the locals here, the Qataris, will not have a house, minimum one house and a maximum of three four houses, the first one is given by the government, the rest are the ones who buy them. your own property, the local house and your personal home, your personal home, you will never have a car, you will have a minimum of four cars.
Now Qatar does not depend too much on the ter, but this is one of the plans that is projected on the wall. We will be less dependent on oil in the coming decades; In fact, in a few decades it is estimated that we will go from needing about 90 million barrels of oil per day to only 24 million, which means that if Qatar wants to remain rich, it has to do so. diversify its economy solely so that it is not so dependent on oil, that is why the country is organizing sporting events and inviting tourists to visit, building the tourism industry and also investors to come and invest.
This is a sign for you to visit Qatar. and when you finally decide, please fly, run through the air, the dream of Africa, subscribe to the channel and goodbye.

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