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I Spent 100 Days in the SCARIEST MOD in Minecraft

Apr 16, 2024
Minecraft is a horror game or at least I turned it into one for my next 100


. Mysterious enemy creatures looking for toes and stalkers lurking among the trees waiting to appear at any moment. Yes, I am a man who is afraid of basic terror. movies like Ghostbusters and Casper the Friendly Ghost, but I face my fears by taking on my




, and yet I enjoy my screams on the first day, the first time I see how eerie the world looks, but let's get on with it. normal


. things while we can, I hit a tree, took out some cobblestone and made our basic starting equipment: axe, pickaxe, sword.
i spent 100 days in the scariest mod in minecraft
Now the shaders I'm using are really great during the day, but at night things change a lot for now. I was attracted by what it looked like. like a volcano rising made me realize that this is not a good place to be, there is magma and lava for Miles, this is not going to help me with priority number one, killing all the food in sight and hoping that the food has wool because I need a bed I found a couple of chickens but they're not sheep then there was some salmon in the water but even in the pictures it looks like water I don't want to be here I'm looking for sheep and sheep Just um no I don't trust that No I trust that at all there's a pumpkin with candles around it what kind of ritual is it I'm not touching it I'm glad I didn't because that would have scared The Living Daylights out of me.
i spent 100 days in the scariest mod in minecraft

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i spent 100 days in the scariest mod in minecraft...

At this stage of the game I wonder a little more. I was starving like I could starve. That's how many small animals I was finding, but I got a ruined portal with a FS inside so I could pre-cook my food. I was able to use on some nearby cows to increase my hunger until I made a serious mistake, are you possessed? Oh, you fight what I was now in a fight against a demonic cow. I had to back off and let the fire take it out because that thing was really scared. I have never seen a cow defend itself, but fortunately down the mountain there are a couple of cheap sheep that I can use as a bed to skip the night, part one.
i spent 100 days in the scariest mod in minecraft
However, as the sun set, I panicked, I don't know what's outside. I mind sticking to the wall to start my base. Luckily we only needed a small bunker to spend the night, but as an expert Minecraft player I wasn't afraid so I had to check it out. Oh, oh, oh, okay, maybe I'm a little scared. but I moved the base of the cave a little back and took refuge in some doors. I don't know what I was thinking at this point. I simply abandoned my Brave Gambit and slept the second day. I'm leaving after last night because the cave base is not for me, I'm leaving here I still need food and maybe a new life or name right now yeah I don't want to be here anymore.
i spent 100 days in the scariest mod in minecraft
I don't like scary things. The first simple sign I saw was some pigs are a decent food source and I need normal right now so I got burned oh oh oh my god oh oh oh it's not so fast it's so fast it's so fast oh my god oh my god it's well uh I'm not, I am I'm not going to kill pigs anymore. That moment really scared me. I mean, I wasn't prepared for the jump scares in this video, so the pig traumatized me and I wasn't going to kill them again. I found a village with a handy dandy blacksmith hey, but two diamonds, some iron and gold, as well as an iron pickaxe, that's a great find, speaking of finding, now we have a spawn point, oh I see it.
Herobrine is down there like a true craftsman who is fearless. I ignored it. I L about the fear part though, I killed the Iron Golem for some easy Iron and tried to leave the village while Herobrine followed me around. In fact, I took a screen with the man to commemorate our friendship for everyone on the channel to see. On the Community page, everyone had mixed reviews about the friend part. I continued looting, getting more books from the village and noticed a ruined portal, but my best friend was in the way, so I casually walked around it until I grew some balls, sir.
I need I need to walk around you he just looks at you he does something I just don't like it you know what I'm not afraid anymore oh I'm afraid I'm afraid I'm afraid I'm afraid I'm afraid I'm afraid I'm afraid I'm fortifying I'm fortifying bad idea bad idea I pissed off the Beast and you know What I don't like this game anymore I don't know what else this man could do to me but for now it seems like he's gone. I think I got rid of it, then looted the portal and ran for my life again.
On that Sprint I found a cave, an extremely deep cave that Geron modeled so that the goal was to grab quickly. some iron and coal, then evacuate from there when I heard a zombie, this is when my sense of how to survive in this video changed. This zombie had intelligence. I say this because he doesn't go into the light to attack me, which means he knows how to avoid harm. That's scarier than the hero coming out of the cave, we need more food because again I'm starving and running for my life so we went back to burning and killing cows, however one guy really wanted to chase me and chase me and he kept going Chasing me all.
The road to a new village is a shame, you can't get here the night I decided to make a bunker in the village and try to survive until I saw a killer clown zombie and a villager team up to kill me, no. Going to bed, we started the next day by capturing the possessed villager, because I can still trade with him, but instead of letting him eat the town, I killed him, starting a raid that my dubious amount of equipment failed to accomplish. trick me into staying, this village wasn't for me, instead we get back on the journey to find the perfect base and some loot, speaking of loot, I came across a drowned temple, which isn't normal, but inside I had a lot of things. of minerals blocks of food even a book of three sharpened for my problems, the problems are the lack of oxygen while I was drowning here after leaving the Savannah Biome.
I saw a perfect place to take shelter in the spruce biome, one that doesn't have huge trees which way I can look around and see things coming straight at me, but the land wasn't right and Herobrine ended up finding me, but I shouldn't attack as long as I don't look him in the eyes, so the best action plan was to go to the open sea so he couldn't hurt me. Hell, I doubt he could even keep up with me in the water, so I took the time to go. Surely the open sea is not scary, it doesn't matter, it's all a lie.
I'm screwed and he's hunting me I created Land Ho when my suspicions were more than confirmed I found a red stone torch and the message You feel like something is chasing you uh yeah game you think fortunately though the journey took me to a village where I was able to loot some chests and make a safe bunker to spend the night. I even reinforced the door so that no creatures of the night could enter, however, I was curious to know if something else was stalking me, if Herobrine was not the only threat, ooh, scary lightning, wait, there was no Thunder though. oh oh oh my god, what is this oh my god, oh my god, please sleep, sleep, sleep, no, no, can I sleep, can I sleep, please, please, oh my god, okay Somehow I survived the night and learned what really haunts us along with the fact that the doors just won?
The help that wouldn't be good now is to leave town and get too far away from the crime scene. While I was still looking for a base I ran down the mountain only to see a perfect hill that would allow me to see everything around me when I got to the top it was perfect apart from this giant hole let's light this up quick man you need to have a real life of Anyway, now that we're here, let's set up a base of operations by adding everything we need. crafting and cooking and of course our cramped bedrooms before nightfall, I cut down all the trees around me to have a solid lay of the land and illuminated the top of the hill as the sun set.
Also putting my bed outside was a bad idea, so I extended our living situation a bit and thought about sleeping, but no, I still want to face the night, so I sat in a tower awaiting my fate with my trusty bed on the that I can't go back to sleep for some reason. lightning struck and he gave birth. I instantly realized my mistake and sank into the darkness of my earthen hut to sleep the night away. I don't like it, oh, oh, I don't like it here anymore, why did I have to do scary things? Things are getting worse, but now that we have a base situated, all I have to do is build it, then no monster can come for me and I can exist in this world free of Fear Fat Chance of all that, however I make it. let's do.
Anyway, using what Spruce we had to outline the corners of the house along with outlining the bottom with paver reinforcement. Now this place won't be anything particularly special like some of my other bases where I accidentally made a mega base the first day, but for now it's a small house. it will work. I finish the placement of the windows where the doors go and generally not too much for the day with the main problem being sleeping again, apparently some nights I get too scared and can't sleep which allows the monster to breed so I have to do it.
Make sure that doesn't happen before you put an iron gate in its place, but on day six we got our first giant spruce and since the land is already 90% pod oil, these trees can be next to our base free and free from making it uglier so I grew some more pavers for the roof and while this melts I need to go get some sand for the windows. I journeyed into the unknown once again, stumbling upon a cool looking forest but realizing that I am nowhere near water. so I need to watch out for a hand of sand.
I eventually ended up stumbling upon a village. This will help me later, but not now. If I had a silk touch, I could steal their glass, but still not, eventually when I wander around the volcano. waste biome I realized that I am standing on black sand, surely that will work well, yes I


a lot of time looking for what I needed and it was right below me, unfortunately the Trek house was not easy as the sun had gone down set early and everything got very dark, but this time I was able to sleep with a big sigh of relief.
We had arrived home. On day seven we began with the preparations for the fence. The first thing was an iron door that I hope will keep the Night Demon away and we used the black sand as glass. For all the windows, the stone we were casting was for the roof. I wanted some stone brick trim, but while prepping the look of the ceiling I was surprised again. This guy will appear for no reason. I guess at least it doesn't attack. Destroy me or destroy my land Right after Herobrine we went back to work on the house, we just finished the cobblestone roof as the night approached us, but now that I'm protected I decided to work a little on the inside, you know, make a staircase towards the second floor arranging our kitchen area as small as it is and making a proper chest area unfortunately staying up was a bit arrogant oh man what was that?
What was that? What are you trying to do? Scare me, the sun is rising, what are you doing? I think it scares me, no, surely not, oh, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, what are you, oh my god, please go away, oh, okay, I'm sure I died, but that's not it It's my fault. He didn't know that this so-called fog man could leave. through glass and iron doors I guess I have one but I'm not done, we needed to make a new window. Plan of windows and doors. We are converting each window into less of a doorway slab, however the front looked horrible with the stairwell gap. so I fixed it so it didn't have a solid window solution but in the other areas it wasn't much better with even bigger gaps, however adding shutters to the sides made it really look good after changing all the windows , I fixed the interior floor of our house so it actually looked good and as far as the door goes, I have no idea what to do if we could get the Pistons everything would be fine but that's not happening, Happ on this one moment, so instead, let's go mining.
However, in this video you can I can't just go mining, we're actually going to strip mine to the bottom, probably the first time I think I've done this in years, but with the creatures around us, this is our best option. In the end, I extracted everything. I entered a small cave that had some ORS in it, but not enough to make me want to stay. I went back to the surface and inside I blocked my door, so even if it breaks, the monster can't catch me, so I put some. things to smell and I found a recipe for a metal door reinforced with iron, there is no way bro can break this, so as morning approached, I put in our final method to keep the fog man away.
I've curled up too long in my semi-safe. Haven, it's time for us to move on with this video and make some more progress, so let's go mining, but thisHowever, the combo took 30 levels, so I needed more levels, but I also wanted a bow like an idiot, but my thought processing process was if I go out on an adventure. I may feel safer using a bow on Herobrine's dog, but you know, maybe the terrible enchantment on the bow would make me believe that my luck was terrible and, by sticking with a bow, it wasn't, the next day I decided to make a little more.
Acquiring a level by cutting down more trees and trading with more villagers took quite a while and required a lot of trees, which is always a good thing because we believe in station D4 here because I'm a certified lumberjack which you can Google. The fact that I was safe all day didn't make the dog happy because I found him outside my door trying to get in here. I took another photo with one of the


mobs possible, but it's okay because I posted to the community tab and to everyone. I thought I was making really good friends in this video, but the real problem is, once again, not making the right decision with the sword and the bow, because I made two really good bows, but now I need 23 levels for that and 30 for the others so 50 53 levels I need 5503 oh man I'm going to need more Fletchers but I'm glad to say I didn't go that route.
You know, the trees were cool and they've been all over the video, but they're not. working for me so I went to the back because we are going to do some easy quartz mining however quartz mining is as boring as staring at me not mining a tree because mining a tree is the best you understand. from the fact that I only like mining trees so everything else is boring okay well yeah so I was just mining there's a piece of quartz on your screen and then there's another one and yeah they're still there no I know. where to take this um but at the end of the day I comboed my power and got a power hit five with the flame Unbreaking 3 and why do I have Unbreaking 3 written twice?
I don't know, maybe it was Unbreaking six but it fixed it too. It was a pretty good bow, however, after looking at the red and white for so long, I wanted to get back to my trees, so I went back, pulled out a few more of those bad boys, traded those sticks for a few levels, and went up to level 22 on Day 69 is fine, but I still need 30 for the sword. I really thought it would be FAS faster than that. But I looked up some new things like this death totem and apparently it's another way to escape death.
I think not really. I know I don't want to try it, I'd actually rather not die again, um, for the third time, I think it was three, I hope it was only two, but if it was three, it would be bad, but yeah, we did it. a death totem and I guess we'll keep it in our inventory. I mean, maybe I have to wear it like a toad, I don't know, but it's a skull, so it looks cool. However, on day 70, yes, we will finish the W saga. Okay, trees don't work, I admit, they don't give me the best levels, so I'm sure we're back in the abyss mining more quartz and For some reason, when I got home this time I was in a cave, so I had to move the portal to a new space in the abyss for it to work.
I don't know why he did that, but you know, we're way up here now. Then I combined my swords, but still. it's not complete because I needed another level five for the repair combo um that was easy with the wood so you know the trees actually came in clutch and we have the pickaxe, axe and bow from Ultimate Sword. I don't know why I said y twice there, but it's because I forgot about the bow. I can't believe we did that. On the 71st to 72nd we are on adventures, okay, I can't be afraid of this world anymore, even if I die, we still have to look for something interesting.
I dug right and the first thing I found was a giant pit in the Earth. I have no idea what's under this well, but I guess we'll find out. This place was incredibly dark, so dark that I found the darkness deep, uh. Yes, this place literally took me to the worst place imaginable. I found a weird glowing blue block that gave me some goo and then Herobrine showed up, which is fair, plus I found a chest that literally has nothing good on it, um and then the M axis. It ended well, this sucked. as I continue with my adventure.
I saw new biomes, you know, that aren't the desert anymore, thank goodness for that, but I also found a cool looking tower in the distance, however, I think the weather warned me about this because lightning struck. I simply attacked in front of me once inside, finding some food barrels as well as loot from a basic raider outpost, but the basement had a caged Los Angeles down here for some. I don't know why, uh, I did it to you. Be free because I'm a good guy and then I blocked the entrance with a rug to protect me from the fog man, yes Herobrine's dog.
I can't get through the rug that was my thought process however I don't want to wait here too long, so while hunting I found piranhas in the water. I didn't know they existed, and if I had, I never would have done them. I swam in the ocean earlier in this video, other things I found at night were pretty scary, but you know I still need to farm them to get materials I need in the future, like dark metal soldiers, at one point I saw a vine that duplicated in two uh no, I don't want that, but the worst part was that in this adventure I found a strange tall, skinny inhabitant and it turns out that this guy just falls behind the world.
The power of him is to delay the world because every time. I come into contact with him. I'm starting to get late, I don't know why, but he's a strange man. Now I'm not out to have fun. Okay, I'm looking for a swamp because we need slime balls, like I said. Very early in this video I want to make a double safety bunker. Well, we have the bunker now it is quite secure, but we have it blocked with iron bars from each entrance. I really don't want that anymore. I want a security bunker. in the bunker which requires a 3X3 door you will have to use some slime pistons I haven't seen any slime so we went hunting, I finally got to one but I didn't see any slime.
I found a spider cave, although it's a bad idea to go in and then I saw a house in a swamp and yes of course we're going to go see it, inside there was a skull waiting there, um, and then when I went in the basement I found a dungeon with a dead man, as well as some ghost men with knives. I guess they are like beings of corruption and they have taken over this house and killed everyone inside, but they weren't too terrible. I was able to break their generator and got some gunpowder and golden apples, as well as finding some villagers in cages, glad to see they are in the right place.
Then upstairs, I also found some men in creepy robes, but the chest they were guarding was not good at all, so, yeah, I went to mine the tombs in the backyard anyway, which caused the dog to appear to remind me that he is still around and that I have to obey his orders. I fought him in the water this time thinking he would have a clear advantage except for the fact that he did and I basically had to accept my fate because you know I'm in the water and he's faster than me but surprisingly I think I made him a lot of damage and he had to go, so I don't actually think I can kill this guy when I take him down very, very low.
I don't think he can kill him. I think he just leaves, so I'm going to assume the fog man is. just him, okay and leave him alone, but while I was in the swamp still looking for slimes, the nightmare claw guy appeared again, you know, the eyes that follow me until now. I don't like this guy but he was actually pretty easy to kill now that I think about it his whole joke is that he's invisible and until I hit him but I hit him pretty early and got a claw which is cool then I saw my first slime, even if it was one, we still have slime balls now. which is good I just need a lot more but the whole night I was in the swamp I found two slimes to kill yeah my RAID isn't very good during the day while I'm here I basically didn't do anything because we're in a swamp and I need slimes but you have to wait until night so there's no point in me doing anything now because I just have to wait until night so yeah there's a tree which is cool I guess.
But I can't, I can't do anything. One thing I was able to play with was, Herobrine, I try to get up and get as close as possible because, you know, we have some photos of the day to take, however, he did it. I really don't want to do that with me, but then night fell and we focused on that, even though he was wandering around, he wasn't giving us any luck. I ran around this swamp forever trying to find any amount of slimes and it never happened. It worked, I even tried other biomes that still looked like swamps, but you know, they weren't the real swamp biome we're all used to and it didn't help at all.
One thing I did get were some darker metal pieces, there were a lot. of monsters all trying to attack me at once, it's cool that this is happening because you know I can farm them all, but guys can we go one at a time here please? But I realized that this amount of monsters in one place is probably not the best. The best thing is that I ran away trying to make them disappear so the slimes could come out and in another big fight I finally got a big slime, hopefully enough for the entrance, we killed the man, we killed all his little babies and this has to be enough. slime balls, I don't want to stay here anymore day 77, we're basically running back to base because it took us a long time to find a swamp, um on the way, although I found another creepy spider cave, but again, that's like Mi archenemy didn't really want to do that.
I also found a village in the jungle that I stole wheat from because you know I'm proud of that and I finally managed to return home with the Slime we collected and everything else. I had to organize my inventory a bit, we have a lot of stuff, a lot of mob items drop a lot of dark metal pieces, some additional Fang stuff I'll have to do a little research on, but we actually have enough to do. the Slime door now so I went ahead and looked for a tutorial because I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to Redstone especially Redstone in this case I can make a 2X door but that's it so yeah I looked upwards. a tutorial and I started making the door.
Yeah, I'm in and out a lot, so it won't be the best edit. Sorry I had to go in and out to watch the video and pause it. to play the video to make the video I mean, it was a it's a long process, honestly, I'm not a big fan of Redstone, it really hurts my brain. I was putting a piston here and then like a torch there and then. there's like, you know, a piece of something there and then it worked, look at that boom, we have a door, um, you saw that very quickly, let me tell you, uh, I have challenges when it comes to creating things from tutorials, so This took me. too long, but we finally have that safe space.
I've been looking for it throughout the video. The moment I walk through this door, I can move a lever and we're ready to go. We are safe in this room, however, it is not very cozy. this room, so we have to let you know that I want to have everything that is in our actual base stuffed into this room because let's say we need storage or I need an enchantment and then the fog man is in our house. The first thing I started with was our essentials, what do I need in this room?, like crafting tables, some ovens, the whetstone, a stone cutter, basically anything I could think of would be on the wall and then I object that I have to expand the whole room, so I started by extracting everything, it has to be the same height at all times and this is like the Ed of the mountain, so I have to go out and border everything and yes, it looks okay, but I kind of liked it when it was just the tunnel.
I turned the entire room back into stone and made the enchanting table set up in this room. I'm lurking in this thing full of everything I need to survive and I'm lagging and then I added. In some chests in the room we put a nether portal because you know why not. I put in a carrot farm just in case I was really desperate when I came in here and while I was trying to farm my oh farms, Herobrine's letter appeared, but it was gone. I didn't do it this time, so that's good. I was able to get rid of it after that.
I worked on the spruce farm and then researched what I could make with dark metal, which helped me learn about a scythe I can make for cheap. It turns out that guy who has two pixels before you start fighting him drops something sick and I can make a scythe with it, but we have to do a level 30 enchantment like always, so I farmed more Spruce trade with the villagers and I reached level 30. and then we did our first enchantment to make it take on a three-fire sharp aspect. Now I didn't think it was a very good enchantment for our new Scythe, however, it reallyI should have because I wasn't happy with him and decided to re-enchant just to bring him down. two, that's not good after such a mistake.
I'm going to have to make up for it and you know how I make up for things. I'm going to mine the spruces because I'm going to be level collecting for a while until I redo. the Scythe with good enchantments I equipped with 10 stacks of wood, then I changed up to 30 levels and then I moved on and Enchanted again getting Sharp Three and Unbreaking 3, but that's still not what I want, I can't believe I missed Fire Man. So I made two more Fletchers to quench my XP craving starting on day 83. I got another enchantment and it was Unbreaking three and knockback two.
I hate myself. I can't believe I rejected the fire aspect a little later. I tried another level 30 and got. kb2 again my luck is so bad ah it's horrible so I decided to rerun my enchantment table this time basically what that means is that instead of waiting for level 30 and then using it I would just wait until level 30 would show that he had triggered nine levels. down, I thought that, you know, I could get some villagers to stand up to help me with the XP and after a while I only got Fire 2, but I combined it with Unbreaking three, repair and sharpening 5, so now I have a Max Scythe. even though I could have done it like 4 days ago, well, researching more equipment, maybe I could make a heroic moon appear just by giving me the Flatout hero of the village all night, so I took advantage of that by cutting down more trees and before When night fell I got many. of wood that I could use now in the next few days I realized that I have been working on all of our equipment, we have Max sword, pickaxe, axe, bow and now a scythe, but one thing that I haven't really maxed out technically is our armor.
I've been swinging all the diamond and I'm still taking decent damage from the mist man, so if it's time to go for some Netherite, the next few days we head into The Nether, find a good place to mine and go around all the places trying to Pick It up is not a fun process, but you guys already know what it looks like, so boom, ancient debris, boom, more ancient debris, boom, more ancient debris, but we weren't picking it up very fast because that's just me cutting it so you don't do it. I don't have to look and suffer like I did, but in total I walked away with 20 pieces of ancient debris.
I don't think I need more than that because we're really just trying to improve our team, speaking of improved team, I can. Hey, I need an update template for this stuff and once again we're going to have to go back into the abyss looking for it. Now the only place I know that has it is the bastions and the only place I know I decided not to. For looting in the past it was a Bastion so I went there to check it out and this first one didn't have it, I mean I could have easily done so.
I think I looted like a chest because I don't know how this place works. but then we traveled through some lower mountains to see if there were any more strongholds, fortunately there were, but again this was a trophy stronghold and no, I don't know how to loot these places, I don't know their layout, so uh. Technically I didn't have one either, maybe I did, but we're going to say no and in the last craze we did I was able to get a Netherite upgrade template, which is perfect, that's all I need. coming out of the abyss I don't want to be here any more than I have to, however when it comes to places I don't want to be, the M axis hasn't been used in a long time and I need diamonds for the upgrade templates to be doubled.
I really don't have that many, so let's go down and check out the giant cave again for fun. I guess now the top of this cave has been lit pretty well and I've searched everything for diamonds, so we decided to go to the giant lava pit below to look for some. Luckily, it turned out there was a decent amount down here, but I wasn't completely satisfied, you know? I haven't done it yet, it's been a long time, so I decided to leave the main cave and start strip mining, probably a bad idea. Imagine the cave dweller appears in the real cave and then just follows me here, that would be horrible. but after being down here and collecting 22 diamonds, I think that was a pretty good amount to start making some upgraded Netherite stuff, so I went back to the base and at the blacksmithing table I upgraded all my diamond gear to full Netherite.
We looked sick. this and the scythe, I can't even use the scythe, it's amazing, it goes perfectly with this and at dusk I saw something appear outside our base, the O, the man has officially written hero, good job and to end day 89, I did a potion from Rampage, which is another thing I saw and could possibly do. Yeah I like to scroll around and see what the mods offer and then I saw this Rampage thing which I don't know what it does but I guess it's like a you blow it up once and you become all powerful so I'm really hoping I can use this against one of cave dwellers or fog man so look day 90 is not my proudest day okay that's a bit unfortunate now this mod technically allows you to fight Herob Bri yeah I thought which was strong enough to do that, but look, I made this totem in the front and I got a message saying that I needed to activate the experimental settings now that I didn't.
I don't even know what that is, um, but when I looked it up, the things I saw about it was like you have to do it before you start the world, which I didn't realize, so I couldn't really fight it. Herob Brien in this video I really want to do it, so if this mod continues to develop and there are still experimentsconfiguration and I make another video. I promise I'll keep them on and fight Herobrine. I'll do it naked with a stick if you guys want me to, but instead I built up to the lower roof to get some glowstone so I can maintain some strength, two potions because the next time I see that denizen of the caves or that man in the mist, I will challenge him to a duel, speaking of cave dwellers, it's been a while since I saw him. and I've been in the caves quite a while so I decided to challenge him, you know, come down and see if he really spawns, this guy took his time to spawn, I mean I was here for quite a while and he just really didn't.
I really thought he would do it. So I decided to challenge the Knight because if one of the Dwellers doesn't come out, the other will and when the fog man showed up, I did a lot of damage to him. Him, how can I hit you? Unfortunately, again, the hitboxes just wouldn't let me kill this guy, but I'm 99% sure he's just retreating after I did too much damage, from day 91 to 92. I noticed it a moment ago on my Woodland Mansion. In raids I got a Vex armor fit, something I hadn't even used yet, but now I really want Vex gear, however I was again lacking the diamonds to multiply it, so we went to mine some more, our only focus is the diamonds and was very grateful for this.
The time I found diamond after diamond, I feel like I haven't seen a thermite diamond in quite a while, but that's when I heard the cave dwellers appear, however, I've been ready for this fight, oh, tear yourself apart, Noob, That's how it went. Much easier than I thought it would be to be honest, come on, we actually killed one of the inhabitants. I can't believe it, I mean, that guy was weak, since everyone understands how I died to him. I mean, he sure had like an iron. sword, but man, he was weak when everyone came out, but after we killed him we went up with the diamonds and made a full set of Vex armor and that makes us look like some kind of wizard.
I really don't know how I feel. About this it looks great, though especially with the scythe equipped. I think there's one more thing we can add to this to make it even better. Day 93 I realized my situation. Well, we tried to fight Herobrine and it failed. We try to fight. the fog man and he failed we only killed the cave dweller which is cool but I couldn't beat all the horror aspects in this video but there is still one thing I can beat pretty easily and that is the dragon, but I forgot that we originally exchanged pearls, so I went back to the abyss, found more piglins, put them in a hole and exchanged all my gold for some pearls.
Once I had enough, I made all the eyes I needed. In fact, I didn't have to do any of that, so a93 was a very wasted day, but on day 94 we began our foray into the fortress, we took our time following these eyes to the Dragon's layer, unfortunately, the only thing. I found another Swamp House on this road and since I've already been here it's not great you know, but we'll continue following these eyes. However, I think I based myself very, very, very far away. I probably shouldn't have run so far. far away, but hey, the hill I'm based on is perfect so I guess it's a sacrifice because it took us another 2 days before we finally reached the fortress, however the fortress was not a normal fortress, it was a best MC fortress, so it's going to take a little while to find the Portal, but you start where anyone else starts: you search on a path and don't find it and then you block that path and continue it throughout the entire fortress.
I really don't like this place at all. however finally on day 97 I discovered the portal, oh my goodness this was a journey to get here but we jumped in ready to face the dragon like a boss. Nothing in this video could prepare me for the dragon because my whole life I've been fighting this so it was basically very easy, the fogman cave dweller Herobrine was much more powerful. This thing, all I had to do was break some glass and hit it. He didn't even do it. he even doesn't hit back like he doesn't understand why it's a final boss fight, it doesn't do any damage, we need a better boss in


, but after we beat the dragon of course we will go to a final city to find an elytra. so i entered my portal and of course we spawned right next to a n city.
I can't believe my luck, although the luck in this video has been very shaky so I was surprised to see it but I didn't have a ship so I just went in and grabbed some loot and left but these shaders make the ending look amazing if it weren't for the fact that these shaders are also meant to help you scare yourself. They look, it looks great here, though, after running. For a moment I found a city with elytra, so we got on the ship, put it on our back and now we can fly freely, so we returned home and placed our dragon egg as a lamp in our safety bunker.
It's honestly this is the room I'm most proud of in small spaces I really like to put as much as possible and I think I achieved it and you know how sure there is no decoration in other videos I have had giant bases with incredible decoration but This room is simple and I like it and now we have a dragon egg lamp. Another thing we have is some Sher boxes, so I made them and filled them with as many fireworks as I could and realized we're on day 98. I'm never going to get any more Chaos Seeds, which means I can't duplicate the template we have that upgrades Netherite to dark metal, so I can also use dark metal and upgrade a piece of our Netherite equipment, but what piece?
I wonder what piece might decide to go up, of course we are upgrading the hull, look at that, it looks amazing. I put it on and it really is the sickest thing in the world. I'm like a wizard with a scythe and I have this. cool head I feel like I think I stole this head, that's kind of a tradition. I was a wizard and then I got a scythe and then I fought something and stole its head and now I use it to look cool, which I do. You look sick while flying this is amazing.
I really got the best gear in this video. I mean, sure I could have had a full dark metal set, but who needs that? I have the helmet though, we got to day 99 and the world was looking bleak for sure. I defeated the dragon and the cave dweller and conquered most of my fears. Sometimes I still scream like a little girl, but we can get over that. However, there was one thing I remembered seeing at the beginning of the video, a pumpkin boss, and I was really hoping that could be our final farewell, so I started scanning the Earth from the heavens looking for a pumpkin in its condition. ritual.
No, not these pumpkins, although they look sick, it's something like that, but we are looking for a unique pumpkin. I did it. I'll eventually find a grave with a Uary. I don't know what this does, but it looks really cool. I also flew around the ocean and found a fleet of village ships. Yes, this is the coolest thing we've ever seen. I still have, I don't even know what mod it is, but I actually want to play with this now. It's incredible, but after flying for so long, we are on the night of day 99 and I thought I couldn't do it. to complete the challenge before day 100 when youI saw a lone pumpkin surrounded by candles the moment I got down to business and the moment I right click on this we will begin our last boss fight, oh we made it 100 days later and I have survived.
I defeated a pumpkin boss. I beat Dweller C. Of course, I beat the Ender Dragon because he sucks. Herobrine scared the hell out of me and the man and the mist killed me. This was a scary video for me. Don't do horror I don't like horror movies I don't like any horror, especially this, but if you liked it, be sure to hit the like button below and subscribe to the channel if you really want me to do this again and even in a scariest mod pack I will do it, but I won't do it for a small goal of 50,000 likes and I will do it again because really one thing I don't want to do is play horror again, so by some miracle you will reach it.
That's the goal, I guess I'll have to do a live audio version of me being scared for 100 days. Thank you all for watching. I hope you enjoyed it and now go check out the solo leveling, it comes out today. Peace.

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