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I Spent 100 Days In Subnautica Below Zero... Here's What Happened!

Jun 23, 2024
make the Bay vehicle, so I searched all day until night came, but nothing with completely empty hands. It was the first one on day five w


I found the elusive Coral, it's a tiny thing in the trenches, so with that sorted I was finally able to create a chip, make the bay and place it at dawn, but to my bewilderment, t


are no plans on this What good is a vehicle? Bay with nothing to create, it seems I will have to do more. Exploring the nearby areas for vehicle blueprints, so in case I needed to repair something on my searching trip, I merged two silvers to make a wiring kit and with that I made a repair tool.
i spent 100 days in subnautica below zero here s what happened
This was made possible by the bit of sulfur that In case I found points of interest, I made a beacon and a first aid kit to cure the inevitable beating I'll take since I had the repair tool. Now I went to check the containment cage with the broken ones. cable, but no dice, nothing can be fixed here, so I continued exploring and scanned this attractive arctic lightning bolt which, to my surprise, is frozen. I was so sure I was going to be impaled after scanning the local flora some more. Some chased me. Predatory fish, so I did


I could to escape Jaws, which led me to an area that has fragments of a sea truck.
i spent 100 days in subnautica below zero here s what happened

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i spent 100 days in subnautica below zero here s what happened...

It looks like we'll be able to make a vehicle soon, very nice, so I scanned two parts and saw some vents. It seems like I'm quite far from home, this place is also much deeper. I finally completed the SE truck blueprint and with that new BPS, I was excited to create it. I went down home and saw that I had unlocked plastic steel ingots, synthetic fibers. Advanced wiring kits and the SE truck depth upgrade. As for the truck itself, I'm going to need an advanced wiring kit. Two pieces of glass and a power cell so we have our shopping list everyone needs to be careful as I got an alert saying dangerous weather is coming so let's stay low and get more Table Coral too and general supplies to finish the day by cleaning out the storage space by making titanium. ingots and glass, since each ship takes up a lot of space.
i spent 100 days in subnautica below zero here s what happened
On day six I went to look for some gold, since I'm going to need to make more computer chips, so the tunnels are for me, since that's where I found a piece. Last time, but remember my scanner was stolen right in front of me in broad daylight. Well, I returned the favor by sealing one of his descendants tit for tat. I managed to get a piece of gold that will help me in the future. moment, so back home I went to do the advanced wiring kit. Now all I'm missing for the truck is the power cell for which I need batteries for which I need tape plants that for some reason were impossible to find. longest time warning 30 seconds left oh oh oh it's still coming oh oh man and my sea glide is sold out.
i spent 100 days in subnautica below zero here s what happened
I finally discovered that they grow in small lots and little nooks between the rocks, so with that knowledge I started getting a lot of this. things now, that's a sizable hull they brought home and they let me first make a battery for the sea Glide since it ran out of power, which helped me get super fast vine seeds that turned into rubber and then I was able to getting my first power cell which, together with all the other components, allowed the creation of our first marine truck. Here we go, first vehicle of the trip. It looks like I can enlarge it, which would make sense since this is supposedly a truck. so I guess I just need to do extensions to it, but this is good, this is good, the question is how do I get into this thing, it's very tightly closed, not really, oh, nevermind, I found it, come on, oh, okay , Blizard.
Outside it's not a big surprise, but it's good, we have a shuttle, which means we should be able to get to the Delta station just fine. Now we have a vehicle that could hopefully get us to the Delta station in one piece to find out



to Sam. The expedition began in the early hours of the day and reached the ventilation area. No time, but man, the roars here tingle my spine the wrong way. What the hell is that, brother? Do you know which? My initial reaction might have been a bit over the top. It's probably a delightful moment to set foot on land after a whole week of swimming since we arrived at the station, the dock had some scannable items, but it's so cold out here, I had to take a dip in the water to warm up.
Keep in mind that getting into a vehicle also regulates its temperature much faster than if you were simply in the water. Now it's time to get to the huge radio tower at the top of the island, but this is when I received a radio transmission warning me not to go any further as I'm apparently trespassing. Listen, I arrived on this planet without going through Customs. My existence at this point is an intrusion, but look, acid pools, that's new. I'm not going to touch those things. The plants in the cave served as warming points. which helped me not become a lollipop thanks to the thermal releases, from now on we are going to find all kinds of new things like bush nuts.
I'll refrain from making a joke here, but we also found crystalline sulfur. I wonder what new things we can combine with these things. In this kind of open concept research post in this cave I found a PDA about Altera logs, but we don't have time to read, we need to get to the station, this is where we meet the one who warns us to get off his property . there Altera you are out of bounds I am not with Altera so your position is doubly precarious what do you mean if you tell the truth you are crazy if you are lying there will be hell to pay? wait, who are you?
Stay off my earth, wait a minute, wait a minute, the woman in the exo suit has been tracked as far as my technology allows, huh, and what's that, it seems I'm a lot less alone on this planet than I had anticipated, okay, that has to shut you up. I'm 100% sure he has to be the mercenary from the first game that came with the people we were supposed to save, he was a badass who managed to get fangs from the long fish as he used to call them it has to be the same person, it's same voice which does mean they didn't die in the first game because the last we heard about them their name was something with an M I forgot the details uh they were dragged deeper while they were like cave diving that's all I remember I'll find out your name, don't worry now that I got to the tower I found out it was for surveillance climbing up here I found another cake, Ada, as well as an open box that had a popup window for the test override module port.
I have no idea what the hell it could be and I have more important things to take care of. The sun is setting and I have no intention of freezing. here so after warming up in another thermos Lily enjoying the blood-colored sunset I managed to get to what I think is the Delta station where a box got me the plans for a scanner room in search of shelter I entered one of the two buildings and it was It snowed from a broken window, but this place was full of wonderful scannable pieces for me to build later, as well as tons of PDA that I'll be checking out at HQ.
I also made sure to scan the rooms to allow for more expansions. in my own builds, but yeah, crouched here in this little abandoned shelter waiting for the storm to die down when the eighth came around, I noticed a map of the area mounted on the wall and I think I'm on the yellow marker, I'm not entirely sure. Better scan this in case you need to do one later. One thing I learned is that Sam worked at TH Robotics, so I think that's probably one of the other markers of my time here. In short, I scanned everything.
I stole posters. I got a shaving kit. pdas and an image of a penguin. Abomination, how cute, I can't forget about the mod station, although if I do this I should be able to do upgrades and what I noticed is that there were two beds, one of Jeremiah's and the other of someone's. named Fred who concluded that we are like Sam's coworkers since in the second building they notify me that this place is a somewhat hot place probably belonging to the Superior of this place called Emanuel this was said by our protagonist with a tone not as friendly as I was scanning all the fancier things here, it was mentioned that Sam got under management's skin, an aquarium was scanned, which got me excited, along with an observatory room, we really need construction tools soon, we've already learned so much things to create an amazing base.
I ended up here, I walked back to the truck at the dock, I went in and saw a ditch right below me, but upon inspection, this place is rich in minerals but has thermal activity, so I have to be careful with that and the silver sea dragons what they call this. I got home later, I don't know what prompted me to jump out of the truck to scan this vent, but I did, and that's when one of the disgusting beasts bit me, I got a little scared, but I lived to my dismay. so I went straight back to my truck and went home where I made a mineral detector and this is fantastic, it has a little screen to show what you can look for and where to go, it works great now with the loads of PDAs we have.
N-day would be the day to catch up on all the juicy gossip in bullet points, sorry if I make mistakes but this is what I gathered. Emanuel, the person in charge here, was the person who originally sent the message that Sam passed away due to his own illness. negligence regarding the tons of messages between us and Sam, in a way it's because we don't want Sam to work for Altera since they are disgusting, but Sam was excited and came to this planet to work on some kind of mobile device, apparently he is a spy. They imitate the creatures for a moment Sam mentioned that he is seeing someone as if they were dating, not like visually observing someone, you know what I mean, but in the end it seems that it didn't work, we don't know who this person could have been in this moment, we find out that the protagonist is upset because the company they worked for was bought by Altera and we really hate Altera and yes it's a shame but the most important thing is that the robbery pengling found something big under the ice that Altera immediately covered.
Later, Sam thinks that we might have been right in not trusting the corporation as he believes that something terrible is happening since apparently what was found was a leviathan frozen in ice and is infected with a deadly bacteria known as Cara and not We don't stop there, it seems like the higher ups want to use this deadly IIA in weapons and experimental treatments, but weapons, yeah, that won't have any negative repercussions at all, since to get more information about this Emanuel person, he sent Sam to the outpost


and also congratulate. A person named Danielle Valente on the Omega Lab team apparently shut down robotics to redirect their funds to Cara bacteria research.
The team she is in charge of is called Frost pack, very creative and this guy I just don't know. a little weird it makes me feel uncomfortable, he congratulates his partner who is not here for some things and apologizes half-heartedly for not attending his daughter's presentation and goes on and on about how well their relationship works when they are not together and they like just a work-obsessed weirdo who is interested in his partner's achievements and that's it. Jeremiah from one of the beds seems to be in charge of Maintenance and doesn't always like his work. Fred from the other bed says that his truck keeps getting sabotaged in a pretty strange way, but Sam helped him so we know they know each other. also.
I don't know if I'm putting this together correctly, but apparently Fred was the one who originally found the Leviathan and other people on Delta. The station was called Parvin Zeta Danielle, the one who was praised before I guess, and someone named Vin, all these people knew Sam since in this year PDA we can see them chatting together, but yeah, it was a whole day of reading to bring it to life to things. on day 10 when testing How Deep The Sea the truck can go, but before I could test it I noticed that the location of the person on the robot we saw is incredibly far away.
I doubt the truck would make it that far, especially since these sharks kept pushing me around like a game of pingpong was a nightmare. I also had to take the time to repair this piece of junk and now we can test its limits and without upgrades it reaches a total depth of 150 m, 50 more than I can go. I'm not very good at it yet myself, but this allowed me to spot a platform with stuff. I wanted to check it out as soon as possible, but these damn sharks kept chasing me, which led me to get really lost in the sauce, but hey, I saw a little green alien structure right there, very interesting.
My escape maneuvers led me to this tube which I scanned and this is where I unlocked the much desired Builder tool along withtable that Coral gathered. I was able to make another computer chip and then I stumbled upon a new PDA that had to do with Altera's huge ship. named Aurora which had been out of context which is one of the ships in the first game. I also




on that one so you can check it later, my copper love was recovered and with that I was about to create something when it was interrupted apparently Allen detected an artifact 545M from our location that I think will help us learn how build your body.
Now let's get back to what he was doing. I made the vehicle upgrade console that was built in the moon pool and from here I can customize my marine truck, which was appropriately named Ford F250 and was painted purple with orange accents to keep it stylish. A bad storm was going on for quite a while so I settled in and did some light work like adding a chair to the desk, making a thermos that filled with coffee and replacing the windows that I had to remove a few


ago and lastly , a lamp post to hopefully improve the view from the rooms. 18 I flew out, got a ton of titanium, made some platforms and set up some grow beds.
Starting the farm by starting with the ribbon plant seeds I got a few days ago, but I don't have enough resources for everything I want to build, so I have to keep collecting, I have to go, that was risky. a quarter of my health left 30 seconds of oxygen perfect oh double perfect oh oxygen please I'm so close oh thank god I had my cheeks pressed there for a hot minute oh good boy then back to business he placed a tube of l did some enameled glass and Then I went looking for lead. I had used bits I had found here and there and forgot where to find these things, so in the meantime I scanned this pickle, Wing the Freezy fish, and a spitter fish, but had no luck with the lead.
The 19th was another day where I wanted to read about all the PDAs I had encountered, but this time there weren't many. All the new information is that Aurora had disappeared 18 months ago, which is the ship he couldn't verify. At the scheduled date, many people, like Altera investors, are a little suspicious of what


, since architects like Allan and our skull prefer per se, let's say, a host organism that for them is very efficient and I think that It's funny how technically they could make infinite copies of themselves without any repercussions, but to them that's considered rude and basically if one does that, they should just get upset when it comes to the ion cubes I borrowed, each one of them he has the power. equivalent to 5 kilotons of TNT and are probably a source of energy.
The only other thing on the PDA that I made note of is that making a cold suit is possible, so I hope to get warm when I make one. just place another t-pipe in the building to open a new wing for rooms and went back to look for the LED that leads the journey, no pun intended it is in this area with colorful geysers and they are pretty explosive, this biome had a ton of lithium, so I made sure to get as much as possible and fortunately I found myself in the neck of time. Oh, that's the most important thing and after all, I'm a long way from home and my Glide has almost run out of power.
I have a lead and that's all I need, so luckily I returned it in one piece and made one more enameled glass that allowed me to put in an observatory. This glass bubble, so to speak, during the night hours was busy refilling my food and water. bars I changed the glider battery and refilled my cup of coffee. The 20th is and I was just doing a little decorating inside the observatory as well as general stuff around the main room, I got some titanium and made a multi-purpose room that will house the bioreactor we still have to solve our power problems, so after a strange interaction with a sea monkey that I think he brought me, Copper got some seeds that turned into lubricant and that's all I need to set up the bioreactor, take organic material and turn on the base now we're on a counter 650 max power at night I was just combining resources to save storage space and fill crops with our uprooted ribbon plants.
It really saves space. You can just take the adults and put them in there and they don't die on the 21st and It's time to do the mod station and I'm out of lead once again, perfect, so it's time to get in the Ford F250 and look for something in the direction of the artifact that Island had detected and once I got to the general area I found a few more man-made structures. and among them was a PDA and a scannable Pathfinder tool that seems to be able to point you to confusing caves since I've been here.
I tried to get to the contraption but it was a little tight but we made it and got everything. the path to the amber chain with an alien machine Ellen says that it is more than an artifact to summarize, it will help follow the traces of her people left on this planet. We must continue searching in the hope that Allan regains connection to his network after that. Allan is curious to know how humans communicate without telepathy. He thinks talking is pretty primitive and he doesn't fully understand the concept of needing space to think. He feels like he's off the grid.
It's very quiet now that we are away from home again. It's time to focus on the lead again, but your child was distracted by the scan, since dear Lord, then there will be some big old whales right there, with appropriate names, luminous whales and some new creatures showed themselves like these prehistoric insects that look like insects. Also at some point my PDA said something about Mullen and icebergs. Hollow Chambers is what I think means that the Geer area was nearby and this must be the main hunting ground for large carnivores. How did it freeze? Wait, this is my time to scan it.
Wait, if it's frozen, this is a chance to add you to my Pokedex, my boy, oh, still very much alive, scan crypto zukus, okay, cool, I'm out now, thank you very much, peace, terrified, alone in the dark, I repaired my truck hoping I could survive and attack feeling so, so vulnerable, man strangely. On the 22nd, right next to me in the dark, there was a giant shipwreck and apparently a lot of thermal activity, but the most interesting thing I found around it was, for example, gel saxophones, a useful crafting resource from which I got six seeds in total to bring.
At home here I ran aite to have a nuclear power plant eventually and more lithium. This huge trench caught my attention, but I wouldn't delve too deeply into it in my current condition. That's when Allan notified me of the location of another artifact. I wonder how many of these things. I actually wanted to see the wreck, but I was running out of that sweet H2O, so I had no choice but to make my long trip back and drink at home, which was also when I planted the six gel sac seeds to get production up and running, a big upgrade I wanted for the base was a marine truck dock to park it once we had more trailers, so I did a general resource run, made sure to keep the bioreactor stocked, and wanted to end the day by placing But for the life of me I couldn't connect it to my existing structure, it took me the rest of the afternoon and evening just trying to find a sweet spot for it. 23 was incredibly difficult, the build was an absolute disaster trying to get it. this came online and once I did it everything started breaking so I repaired everything, replenished new supplies for the billionth time since I ran out and finally finished the dock expansion in a very impractical way but it will do for now .
Already at night, it was for the first time the next day, where with this ladder I was able to access the new section from the inside and, in the spirit of building, I was able to make a modification station that I wanted for so long and here are two more improvements from depth for marine trucks and one for a thermal knife I made as it can cook fish by cutting them, easy food on the go. Next, I made sure to make four batteries so I could have an easy cycle for the charging station and collected more seeds from the gel bags they had.
It is now fully grown, allowing me to expand the crops even further. Now this is my first time docking the truck at the dock thinking I could add more trailers to it but that doesn't seem to be the case, I may have to find a few more. scannable items to make them and delve is a likely way to find new pieces to scan, but the next depth module needs synthetic fibers which needs rubies and spiral plant clippings which I haven't found yet, so while I was thinking about what to make, I replenished Coral's food supply and table, much to the Sharks' excitement. 25 was really relaxing.
I just added a bedroom since it's been too long since Robin had a good night's sleep so I made it an all nighter with an aquarium a fancy bed jukebox speakers plants shelves a trash can benches counters and posters looks like which went by quickly but it actually took me a long time to get all the supplies in between placing the furniture so I hunkered down to sleep for a while and Waking up on the 26th, Allan told us that he is very confused about what the hell dreams are, since he's witnessed them, which Robin tries to explain, but I'm not sure he understands the concept that some fish were driven out of their natural habitat and Forced to live for all eternity in my room, they better start getting along there, little friends, the sacks were arriving, great, they should have a full patch very soon, so as usual I was getting resources, but this time I stumbled upon a nearby trench that I hadn't seen.
However, and this might be the deepest one yet, he also had some PDA in there. Unfortunately I was so focused on this find that I forgot how deep it was when I found it and to top it all off the battery on my Seag Glide died so in a panic I tried to change the battery on my tools to power them but in my frantic state I succumbed to oxygen deficiency but it's not that bad you just respawn in Bas and I don't think there will be any negative repercussions but this is where Allan said he found a new artifact location we still have two to find as who is updating us with information from the PDA.
Fred's problems with the trucks had been caused by sea monkeys which he aptly calls sea raccoons and as for the PDA and the trench we just received was also Fred's and from the sounds of things, hardly He managed to get out of that trench alive, he had some cargo with him that he had to get rid of so as not to be swallowed whole by some predator that was there, needless to say. His boss Emanuel will not be happy with the load lost to end the day. I added one more locker for storage and, for once, got a bag of harvest gel, which opened up more crafting recipes.
I'm curious to see if I missed anything at the crash site. I wanted to jump ashore on the 27th and immediately had to abandon it since the dangerous weather stopped and I think I may get hurt from the hail or something, so we'll head back for now to check out the new ditch with the truck. Finding out wasn't too difficult, so we went down to an area covered in roots that probably originate from coral tentacles. Stuff everywhere on the surface. A plus for this place is that there are easy diamonds here. I feel like so far the lead has been harder to get than these things below, I saw a new creature, a large squid that causes terrible roars, which is probably what Fred was talking about and which he had to escape from, since I'm in a new biome.
I started scanning everything and anything. I made sure not to get too close to the squid sharks and managed to scan a part of the marine truck, which is a manufacturer module, sounds like a trailer to add to it, this place is over 300M so I can't fully explore it yet. but I managed to complete the scan of this new module and, with danger lurking around every corner, I quickly climbed out of the depths and returned home to get the new module. I'm going to need silver steel, a chip and three perfect Aur lead. Of all things, I'm missing a clue to be specific, so close and so far this required another way out for the remaining one, which luckily I found, so on the 28th the module could be made to look like a box that I can move when I push it . and it clicks into the back of the truck seat in a very satisfying way.
Inside there is a small locker and a maker that will be very useful on my travels. Unfortunately I can't add more lockers, but hey, that's good now. It would be the perfect time to head ashore since there are no more dangerous storms, so I had my coffee and landed on the first beach we reached and after a short walk I arriveda lot, but in short, I think Emanuel is suspicious of Fred since Fred has been doing a lot of favors for his friends with the c go truck. Fred tried to dodge the accusation by saying the trips were work related, bringing something underwater for someone named Lil the. person who initially contacted us in the first PDA that Sam had passed away but Emanuel says that Lil is working on the land, which makes Fred's lie fall apart.
He's not in trouble but he should stop doing favors for his friends. I wonder if Fred and Sam are working together. stop this whole operation since it's becoming very clear that Sam is trying to stop the use of the bacteria and Fred was the first to discover it and they are friends so maybe they are working together. I took some big water bottles out of the filter and headed to the nearby deep chasm where we found Fred's PDA about a monster attacking him, maybe he was bringing things there after sneaking away from the squid. I arrived at Diamond Heaven absolutely thrilled.
I got so many things and not only that. I just finished scanning a storage module for Truck SE, which was the first module I thought I would buy for the vehicle in the first place, so this is perfect. I


the entire day here scouring the place looking for anything Fred might have left behind, but no dice as I am. Day 38 seemed like a good day as any to get to the next artifact location and, based on the coordinates , I assumed it was because of the artificial well we had found, but the sea truck has trouble fitting into the cracks like before, maybe because of the attachments, I don't know, so I swam a little and came to one, and it was when Allan said that his connection to the network is getting stronger, but that wasn't even the one that was checked.
I didn't even try to find this one, but hey, if it helps you then that's all that matters. The good thing is that by scanning this device I learned a new blueprint for a Quantum Locker that sounds really high-tech, especially since it is scanned from an artifact later that same day. My travels took me to a new wreck, that of the Mercury 2 inland. I completed the scans for the laser cutter, which is exactly what I needed to uncover more of the two shipwrecks we've found so far, but what is this kind of tree right outside? and upon closer inspection, this is like a new sunken biome and is incredibly deep, making the space the perfect environment for large creatures.
What the hell is it, for a moment I thought it was a base, but now I think it's just a huge jellyfish? oh that's one of the big ones okay oh that's two big ones actually it's some kind of jellyfish as up above there was a juvenile it turns out they're called Vent Gardens for some reason maybe they feed on nearby geysers and vents of that type. This is self-explanatory: it was for the first time, in the dead of night, that I found the door of the artificial well ajar, but even here the truck cannot fit no matter how hard I try, so I jumped out and grabbed a pickaxe without the Safety of my vehicle is a big downfall, so I tried to make it agile.
This place is definitely a Machinery based mine, but what I managed to scan down here were the plans for a thermal plant, but it's time to climb. I'm about to suffocate, it was only thanks to this oxygen plant here that I lived and I really need an ultra high capacity tank. The day had passed as I made another attempt to see what's down there. Very cautious with my oxygen since I used it. The one oxygen plant is already glad to be back though, as I got the first of four scans for the shrimp suit, basically a Mech.
The pdas down here will surely help me figure out what precisely they were doing down here, but it's obvious that this place. It's abandoned, but that's as far as my oxygen will take me, so I go back to the truck and separate the front part, hoping it will fit this way, but I'm stuck on a glitch. The lights come on fine, but I can. I didn't leave the truck and everything is in slow motion so I had to save and log in again which solved the problem. Hope that helps some of you if you run into that problem, this place is labeled Coopa Mining so my hunch was right but I didn't give up on sticking the whole truck into the fish like we did the first time so Fortunately, I found the cracks where we arrived the first time and in fact I managed to get the entire truck inside perfectly, so now I have everything I need. oxygen as I want to explore as long as I don't run out of energy this is great as I quickly got two more scans of the suit as well as one for the drill arm which should allow me to collect those big nodes we've been seeing also. a new fish, a three-eyed fish called triops, you will be added to my collection with a PDA from this sector.
It was time to move on and reach a divided path where I first decided to check the tunnel on the left where I completed the scans. For the drilling arm, the tunnel opened into a large cave and in the middle of which was an alien statue that probably resembled the appearance of the architects. This led Allan to say that he had located a body component, which is fantastic and a step in the right direction. For once, while he was busy getting spiky alien eggs and about to continue, Alan is essentially talking in a very polite but very confused manner about how inferior our body structure is, as if ball joints are quite primitive, but he approves. opposable thumbs, so he succeeded, although he mentions that being able to be reborn is of utmost importance and this was all to Robin's frustration.
The next ROUTE also had a large cave at the end, probably the most recent mining section here. where I completed the shrimp suit scan, so it's time to become a Mech, my dears, day 40 has arrived and it's time to exit this mine through the shaft, exit through the crack and return to the open sea, from Back at the base, the truck arrived. dock to power on and repair while making the laser cutter we recently learned completely. The Quantum Locker sounds impressive, it's basically a storage unit that shares its loot with all the other Quantum Lockers. This could help a lot with transportation, but for now I was focused on making the shrimp suit, so I looked for some lead and, upon my return, left my building with a bug.
Access to the building was denied, apparently not even Rel's check-in fixed it, so I jumped across the moon pool to continue my work, where after a bit of crafting he made the shrimp suit. This bad boy is going to give us so many resources, so to get it up and running, I attached it to the moon pool, painted it with my colors and named it Jarvis, not the most creative name, but I don't know what. The voice reminded me of Jarvis and I really like the name. Context, one of my favorite Pokémon is Metagross and I always call him Jarvis.
The next day, the drill arm was created and connected to Jarvis and let's also simply prepare the storage module. for him he carries a drill arm so adding this makes sense while we're at it, he just created a few more items and pesto depth module one for jarvis made this upgrade this bad boy's depth resistance to 700 M very Awesome, we're excited about the progress today so after a little more collecting we got the truck storage module clicking that sucker on the conga line and wow this is a lot more storage space combined With Jarvis, we can now make quite a few hallways. the antenna plants stepped back to do a little more and now it's time to take some z's.
What a productive day let's keep the momentum going on day 42 with this glass dome ceiling in the bedroom that makes it feel so much more spacious plus we added a desk. since they removed the old one to make room for the command room, more work was done to finish what I wanted to do a while ago, which was to make more reactor rods, which is the second one we inserted into the system and we will never run out of it . Turn this vending machine back on in the craft room it just fits so that's one more thing playing today and it's already night and I can tell just by looking up from my bed that it's incredibly beautiful with all that production done and dusted, time to get the alien body cache on day 43 looks like we'll find it in the green lily biome on some treacherous slopes and well a lot of them are pretty deep and it's pretty tight although what I found was an artifact by mere coincidence. at least it helps Allen connect to the network somehow via Wi-Fi Bluetooth, whatever the medium, the artifact I'm hunting is in the area, but it's still quite a ways down, so once I scanned this artifact and unlocked the recycling Tron, the time came. to go further down when before getting information to make Allen's new body this place had tons of uraninite so I made sure to stock up as it's pretty rare and once I got to the bottom it became clear that this is a new El The ecosystem is all red and strangely relaxed, so I added all the area information to the database and it has these flower spores that can be used to make benzene, as well as cotton and e-money needed in some crafting recipes.
I have some to replant. At home, unfortunately, there are these tentacles here that sure scare me every time, but I think I'll survive, but I'm not deep enough yet, so I was scanning the area and found new strange eggs. I already have enough. once I can hatch them it will be like playing bingo but hello day 44 made me find our first piece of magnetite so I'm glad I found this it seemed very strange to me I might want to make a base here for further extraction in the future. I found a path down that led me to an architect's portal through which I jumped and what greeted me was a Serene Garden.
The only thing ruining the mood is this lifeless corpse that was scanned for one of the architect's three components for the body in this location, Allan says. It was a place to reflect as the lives of his kind became uncertain due to the bacteria in the car. The body part we learned to make was the skeleton. Honestly, it shouldn't be too hard to do, but since I'm here, I'm going to grab it. as much magnetite as I could, which still wasn't that much, so I also grabbed any of the other new materials from here, since we have the storage space that was filled to the brim, since I really like the vibe here.
I made sure to leave a beacon here with the red base tag. I'll be back to claim this as my property with some fancy new fish in my pocket. I went home on the 45th. The trip was long but we arrived safely and unloaded the truck. Good timing, I planted the cotton and nemes first to free up some space and then added more storage units. I was finally able to transport everything from the truck to the new storage boxes, so now it's time to upgrade the base in the form of scanner room upgrades like this for range and speed, obviously I had to work on the medium to do it, but I also found time to make the hood chip and a camera with the SLO chip. team him to help him see what the room scans in the area and the drone.
I assume it is precisely what is labeled, as the next day I played around with a second upgrade to the size of the scanner and I think it makes the area larger. I'm not sure the Subnotica professionals probably know this. While flimsily brewing benzene, I started to notice how the visual overlay of the hood with the scanner works. Should be really useful. Later I mixed a glass of hydrochloric acid and then polyanine, this is necessary for the body for Allen. He was looking for lithium to make the other parts, so he was getting some of that, but I barely survived an attack from crypto zus man.
They are common but always scary. Once he had my fill, it was time to go back and do the same. The map feels smaller to anyone else compared to the first game or is it just me? I don't know, I remember the other one was much bigger, but wow yeah, lead galen stones are obviously not a problem to find with this. I feel like I've been blind this whole time with all the supplies done. I wanted to make the skeleton of the architect but I can't create it here. 47 was the day I would head to a new contraption to keep the ball rolling, this one brought me to the Volcano right below this big boy.
I want to call them shrimp, but their size doesn't match Justice's name. I hugged the ground and arrived where Alan described another place that sounds like it was on land to me. Alan continues his curiosity about humans. confused about how to deal with the loss of memories, especially because when humansputting me in a trance against my will. I arrived at the Crow's Nest the next morning. I worked in the big room here for a moment and turned my attention to the bed module for the truck that I recently learned, so I know the drill, some components and there they throw it in the water and put it on our line of conga modules.
The Jarvis man looks out of the tube. We might be pushing the limits here, as the truck becomes increasingly difficult to handle. I took a screenshot of the crow's nest and uploaded it to the sleeping module screen so I have something nice to look at while I sleep in this fold out bed, I even have some songs on my trip now, with this jukebox, the next installment of the red base would be Serving as a sit-in truck dock, since I want a PowerUp station, it would save me time coming home all the time, so after just a little bit of preparation, I had all the things I needed to make one there.
Day 60 showed up and was carrying some Lantern fruit for the red base and a ton of copper wires we made with our resource run, so a little Hocus Pocus and we're back at the red base safe and sound, where some extensions were added of tube on the side which allowed for the placement of the sea truck dock, the interior of the base needed some improvement so a red bed was placed in one corner quite appropriately and some growing beds for the lantern fruits , so I have easy fruits and more biological material for energy, lastly, all the copper wire was made into as many name plates as I could to line the walls, which took quite a while, at least I can sleep here comfortably in the new bed before he could press the record button on day 61.
Allan had gotten a new gadget. The location is just a small warning for you. He hadn't given up on finding the location of the shrimp suit pilot, but I kept getting distracted. The man got one of the two grab arms to scan Jarvis and then I found the bow end of the Mercury. 2 some of the parts are even raised out of the ground by the roots of the lily pads which is surprising to see that the inside of these roots provided some nice lighting and there was some decent loot like reactor rods, some batteries and a piece of synthetic fiber , except some spiral. cuts there and yes the laser cutter was useful for opening more boxes and looking around, I got some seed potatoes for our farms and of course more PDA to analyze.
The highlight of this dive was that I learned that the reinforced diving suit plans should be This thing was pretty sturdy, there was a contraption nearby so I dodged so many squids and faded from green to blue and went down this drop, I'm going very deep and came to a huge vent garden, so maybe some big shrimp are nearby, the contraption appears to be under the garden vent and I am notified that the temperatures below are quite high. Big potato. The garden was scanned and we became best friends as I now feel safe with him to reach our goal.
I had to leave the truck behind because it just doesn't work. If I fit carefully, I reach the cavern below and the coast is clear and full of high-value resources. Allan made progress with connecting him to the network, so that's not something that's not a body parts recipe, but something where I guess a brilliant idea entered my Cranium. day 62 that had me Gathering titanium under H the vent garden needs a name since we're friends now it looks like a jellyfish to me so we'll go with Jeremiah Jeremiah the jellyfish yes we have titanium under Jia and diamonds from the cracks down and how I got synthetic fibers in that last wreck I was able to make the reinforced diving suit right here in the truck, this will increase my defenses and thermal resistance.
Having finished here, I wanted to go look for the pilot again, but the scab was overgrown. The worms were blocking my path so I did the Old Reliable maneuver of hugging the ground, maybe too much because I ended up going down a hole with lava at the bottom and yes, I have to constantly repair the truck because I keep getting stuck. anything because it's so long at the bottom there was an abandoned work site with pdas from you guessed it spoiler warning here skipped like I don't know 5 seconds ahead of margarite from the first game the pilot we'll read about that Once we're safe, eventually I had to leave, so I sneaked out of the hiding place, but I couldn't avoid being bitten by a big ugly old man here, but we will live, we can definitely take one hit at a time at the last known moment. location I searched deeper and deeper until I decided it had to be on this light bar path, it just has to be, where else is it going to be?
There's a squid in this hole, but you know what Squidward, what are you going to do? Just me, I didn't believe it and guess what my hunch was. I didn't tell you to stay away. I knew you were down here. I do not even know who you are. Margaret ma is the name. You are in my territory. Brilliant. I come in and warm up what part of go, don't you understand Altera? I'm not with Altera, well, well, someone thought they were sneaky, it only took me like 60 days to find you, but here we are, one thing stood out immediately.
Scan which was the glass ceiling of the large room as the entrance to the base. No, I couldn't find one, so I might as well enter the moon pool on day 63 and man, that shrimp suit looks fantastic, but it's time to introduce ourselves. Holy, I had water in my mouth, stupid, I told you to stay away from my land. That's what you did next time. I'll let me take you to Ribbons Altera. I'm not with Altera. I'm Robin IOU. I'm looking for. information about my sister Sam I think they may have crossed paths. Shit, I suggest you take the time you need to come to your senses and then get out of my marine base if you're not Altera, why don't you disable that damn tracking? satellite tower instead of breaking into my marine base maybe once alter is off my back I'll remember something about your sister ah a favor for a bunch of favors on that table my help I couldn't make it work right oh sure I will You got it.
By the way, it's a really cool crib. I'm a decoration professional, that counts for something. I'll just use your stuff. So what do you have here? What else do we have snow stalker, hey, puy, snow fox fragment that looks like the hover bike, okay? I am willing to upgrade the sea truck perimeter defense. Lord knows I've been needing that test override module bit, okay that's what I needed for a bobber's satellite s, okay I guess that's okay, oh okay I got it. I'm out, the defense upgrade was placed on the truck and a quick look at what we need to make the override module shows that we need some weird ab bobber thing called parallel drive or something, just another thing we still have to figure out, But there's a lot more to unpack here, like the plans for the spy penguin Sam was working on, as well as a water filtration suit.
Next to Tom's base is this huge cave that I had to get to and there are tons of crystals in here, this has to be where you can get kenite plus a welcome scan was this torpedo arm here. I need the kite for many vehicle upgrades so I started scanning hoping for the best as tension filled the waters, proceed with caution a leviathan class creature is nearby oh thank you. For the heads up, I didn't think a Leviathan class would fit in here, but they've been proven wrong, which would explain the spooky noises. Oh, I saw something in the back.
Liquid intake is the least of my problems. I saw something there. right, I definitely saw something there, let me scan this, there's a little arm here that I want to grab, if you don't mind, fragment of the PR suit's propulsion arm, one of two, okay, oh, hold the phone, I know that I saw something back there. but that has to be a piece of comet right there, all the others are purple and by recipes and by knowledge this is blue okay okay okay oh that thing is huge okay Thethan has been located mhm It's not like I'm trying to hide too well, that should be enough for now, I thought to myself, I don't want to go near that Leviathan thing and, sitting there, there are three locks to get zenite shards, wow, I could have saved myself a pair of pants knowing this.
I was here, but jokes aside, it's time to return home after so many unlocked resources and new objectives. The trip home was long, but the defense unit was helpful. We eliminate all carnivores with these electric pules. We docked the truck around noon. and I want the new depth modules for the truck and the shrimp suit for myself, but first a growing bed for all my precious new potatoes and then with some pla. The prepared steel made both upgrades the best I could do on day 65. They were put on the truck and now go up to 1000m and the pro suit 100m more than that so they should be set up for a good while.
Also, I was fed up with how long the truck is, so I separated the aquarium and sleeping modules from it. It was conjured and with this silver converted into a wiring kit I had to upgrade the pron suit's thermal reactor so I could charge near the thermal vents and then with this chip I got a propulsion. All that on Jarvis makes them look really pretty. The cotton and &es were useful as I needed these things to get more acids to finish making the charging fins while swimming, my tool in hand charges wirelessly. Next up was the spy penguin and it is remote which gave us information that these animals lay eggs. small caves near the hot springs, so I think it's a clue to find the antibacterial material that Sam hid.
It looks a little weird, but I love it and I'm sure we'll put it to good use the next day. When I went to the next location of the artifact and I feel lighter now with fewer modules, I saw this long cable of architect origin and upon inspection it appears to be going in the direction of the artifact and after swimming through a horde of big, plump jellyfish. I saw a bridge that was disconnected. I parked in this corner here and then touched down having to run around in the cold looting some essentials here and there and having to warm up in these vents and the closer I got to the bridge, Allan notified.
He told me we crossed the bridge. There's something important on the other side for Altera, but even more important for him, so we have to fix this piece of garbage from the looks of it. I'm going to need hydraulic fluid, so I scanned a broken piece. bottle right there and I learned how to make it. It's pretty easy to make since we have everything at home with all of this. I almost died of hypothermia, so I return to the safety of warm water and I really need that cold suit ASAP. It turns out that jellies here are called jellies.
I think I see why, but it's time to go home, where thanks to our gel pack, Garden was able to produce two hydraulic fluids. I think I only need one, but I made a spare just in case on day 67 before I figure out what the new area is. I wanted to update myself with more information in case it is relevant to what we found there, Margarita. Her PDs explain how she didn't die in her encounter with a Reaper at 500M depth, she managed to stab one of her eyes with the piece of metal and the Reaper made them feel even deeper in pain. she.
She had about 4 minutes of air left. She was fighting him as she needed something in her ribcage and she managed to kill him, which is mind-blowing after having survived the attack, she surfaced in the middle of the ocean and finally. Fortunately it would not reach land a while later, the corpse of the reaper came to the surface, on which it climbed like a fleshy raft, it had three liters of water and it kept it warm by burning the creature's fat, which took about a week. to make with the spark a repair tool that is quite creative, this allows you to smoke the meat and that way have food.
Her outfit is definitely old due to Barnacle buildup and one of her arms has a jaw made of something called chelate or something like Mercury 2be logs. The pieces of the accident are largely summarized here, but one log mentions someone named Jasmine and Stefanos. The ship's crew wanted to make an emergency takeoff to leave the planet, and while they were taking off and in the air, they were shot with a green laser that split the ship. into pieces so you know the crew is flying off the ship into the open ocean in a very chaotic event when Stephano saves Jasmine by taking her to the reactor room with the bulkhead door stronger, however they are both seriously injured, the captain was someone by the name of Diana who from what I understand saved the rest of the crew by preventing the reactor from exploding in a nuclear explosion Elliott was a member of the crew with a team of six people to search for structures on the planet and also detected the same distress signalcopper that I could find, but the grip arm was a little hard to use at first, but trust me, I'm very good at using this thing tons.
Copper was recovered and I also made it to the mine's ion cube nodes to end the day. This copper collecting process was quite extensive and luckily I found the worm tunnels where there are tons of copper veins. However, keep in mind that worms can appear here and damage it. Once our inventories were full we simply crafted tons of wire in F250, deposited it all and came back for the second round, slowly, we grabbed the grappling arm to improve our speed, but yes, copper mining was done throughout the day, which was done straight through noon of '96 until we had our fill and with some incredible grappling maneuvers, if I do say so myself, I mean, just look at us, see the game Titanfall 2 is still inside me, I made it to the truck It's almost out of power, so we went back to the crow.
Nest to charge it, unload our Hall and make more cables and I also can't forget to charge Jarvis himself overnight so that on day 97 we can return to the worm area for a final round, the mining won't stop. I need everything. From the copper I could find, on top of that, I found a new peculiar egg out of the water with four legs and an eyeball, so of course you will come with me with our inventories filled again and we return to the nest. where I put the egg in the chamber and again made trucks full of wire to such an extent that at the end of the day all the cargo spaces of the truck were completely filled with wire.
Day 98 was when I was able to start finishing my side quest after my long trip to Red. base with our supplies and this involved placing signs that are made from the deck wire across the wall which took a lot of time. day until they were sold out. As for the signs, I started writing the names of all my assets. sponsors and members of the YouTube channel, although they were very compacted for everyone to fit and yes, this took a lot of time, but after placing names throughout the 99th day, I proudly present to you the entire wall of followers, thank you all for your monthly support to the channel to help us improve our content, it really helps a lot and I am incredibly grateful, the link to my pattern is in the description, my loves, the 100th day is finally here, we all reached the end of the adventure, everything What we need to do is I met up with Allan at the Phas gate, but first I made a stop at the Crow's Nest to get some water because it was pretty parched and I had to look around the entire base.
I'm actually a little proud of this one. I felt at home. It all fit together really well even though some of the sections were a little hard to pin down but it's a home away from home and yes the weird egg we got turned into this weird blue ball eye. Who would have thought that it was time to head to the location that is at station


where I had to walk through an incredibly powerful snowstorm to reach the warm road with thermals at the end of which was our destination, let's see what Allen has reserved.
I guess it's time this place is so important and useless without an architect, but I see he's beaten me to it. He's been busy look, that's very obvious, are you getting ready to leave Alan? Yes, there is a lot to do. Who can you stop teleporting like that? I know you're in a bit of a hurry, but I can't. teleporting I have little likes so, you know, take it easy, do you still want to go with me? aha Beyond this teleport there is no building behind, are you kidding me? I can't pass up the opportunity to see where architects come from.
Besides I really don't have another trip and you know what we'll find there, the others may be sick or angry, probably angry if they live or they could find peace, family. I hope you are right, please complete any business you still have on this planet. Join me on the other side when you're ready to leave, he's okay, oh man he's a goetter, he really needed his own body. I can't imagine how much I was holding back his excitement while he was inside my Noggin, wow, okay, I guess this is enough. I mean, I can't wait to get off this planet, I've had enough of the freezing temperatures and you know, beasts that want to eat my face, so here we go, nothing, there we go, boom, where are we now?
Wait, are we still at it? Planet, there is snow here, you lied to me unless your planet also has snow, then in that case you didn't. Hey Robin, you're right on time. The FAS door is opening. Well, I wouldn't miss it at all. You have been for nothing. At the door of the world here all this time alone during the last Millennium, the last Millennium will take us home, no wonder you hid from Altera, it was imperative to keep the home world safe in the hope that the others would survive, yes , because if the virus had done it. achieved thanks to Altera, that would have been the worst case scenario, so I understand that uh, that's not going to blow my face off, right?
Because I know a death machine when I see one, will you help me prepare the ship? The power? MKS needs to be put in place, okay, oh easy, now this is different, I just became four irems, we have the Omnitrix, okay, what do you need, buddy, what do you need, what do I do, what do I do? um, you know? I appreciate you assuming I'm smart enough to understand what you told me to do. The fact is, I have no idea what I should do, but I'm going to pretend like I understand, you know? false until you make it and uh we'll see what happens Do I need to do something with this alignment pillar let's go no we have easy telekinesis here we go mom okay let one down okay I gotta hang up a little isn't it so bad here we go up you go and he does it I wouldn't want to crash him into the mother I said easy he does it now there you go oh they lit up very well come back to me and I will begin the assembly of the shape You have it Captain, you are the captain because, dear Lord , I don't know how to operate this thing.
Bring back the arms, oh how they feel natural to me, brother. You have like six, why do I have to give back the energy that they are in their place? The course is ready, there's no time to waste, the masts are ready, so hold on, that means she sails fine, okay, let's make this guy big, hey, hey, hey, it hit me, Scotty, would you wow, holy honey, oh wa, what the hell are you doing? You just materialized. You're my boy off the pillars, hey, join me, Robin, join me, join the Dark Side, okay, there you go, oh, a little easy, hit me there, Scotty, I apologize, the levitator was Calibrated for heavier bodies.
He would have helped you to your feet, but as you can see, I have fully integrated with the ship, oh yes, you are not kidding, nothing is permanent, are you ready to go? Yes, I found the answers I was looking for. In fact, I'm ready to move on. I can't bring Sam back, but I know she died fighting and I have to finish her job. I will always carry the memory of her. I should have taken that picture, please get ready and we'll go, get ready, get up for the launch, okay, show me what you want.
I've got a big guy who dives in three 2 1 Yeah wow there's a lot more ground in this place than I thought so I figure we're going to play Legos here and join in ooh that looks weird who's a portal?, I thought. everything was a ship right, it's a gateway, duh, I'm a little slow, sorry, woo, what, what, easy, I can't control this thing, what will we find when we get there if I'm the last one? of my kind I will experience the pain of 10,000 souls he didn't do it right that's poetic in a sad way I guess it's another portal whoa what the hell oh oh you scared me oh that wasn't funny Are we there yet? oo it feels like We're there, oh look we're in New York and if they survived with you, I'm ready to face what awaits you.
That is the home planet of architects. Well there you have it my dears, we actually arrived at the home world of architects, but we absolutely have. I have no idea what will happen here for Allan and Robin, maybe we'll find out in a future game, who knows either way. Thank you very much for seeing my loves. I hope you had a wonderful time and I will see you very soon. take care now goodbye

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