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I Secretly Hacked Against a Pro Player

May 20, 2024
chat today I'm going to


hack against the best Crystal pvpr ever because I can't kill him normally so I'm going to try to kill him with hex but I don't want to get caught right away so I'm just going to start with a little trick like this that the first trick I'm going to use will be quick. Crystal just watch, she can do it. Crystal pretty fast. I can also play subsidian very quickly. I hope he doesn't. Notice that or the first fight three two one let's go oh you're falling slowly I see I see yes oh no no I'm not going to explode oh okay what oh fire how can I not beat you with this brother, this is not good?
i secretly hacked against a pro player
How am I losing brother? No, no, no, no, no, okay brother, we have to add more tricks. Everyone in the chat says to adjust them automatically. I'm going to use the audit totem. What if you're a cat, bro? What if he catches me? Although you know, as this video goes on, I'm going to need to do more and more tricks until he figures it out at the end. I don't think he's cheating on me right now. I don't think he thinks I'm cheating on him, but since I think it's okay you're like you're right you're like let's fight okay let's fight okay okay let's say I'm acting weird I'm not acting weird I'm just excited to fight you tonight what I'm doing? my friend is crazy, what's crazy, I'm actually doing well against you, wow, wow, you really only have one totem left that won't work for you.
i secretly hacked against a pro player

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i secretly hacked against a pro player...

I don't know what I add now, brother. I'll just add more bro, he's already like that, no you guys think he sucks because you're hearing the fact that he sucks. I do not think it is like that. What I do? What other tricks do I do? I add Auto Gap, where is it? Where did that go? Oh, here's the tool okay, so it makes me use the right tools, oh GUI, move Nick so he can walk around my inventory smartly, no slow drops, okay bro, I'm excited, I'm ready to go . I'm really excited about doing this fight, bro, me, let's do this, we've been, we've been promoting each other, bro, I've been listening to some Hype music, let's see where the head is, how well you protect yourself.
i secretly hacked against a pro player
I think it was like I didn't know what just happened nothing nothing is good this is good this is good this is good I'm winning the fight so far I think maybe no one has shown up yet What do you mean you're winning? the fight oh my god oh my god oh no bro I'm eating gold now it's okay yeah bro yeah I was just trying to eat bro I was trying to eat I didn't mean oh my god bro yeah yes, I'm not warmed up. bro, let me mute, let me mute, I'm not warmed up yet, okay, okay, I was automatically eating golden apples, that's not good, bro, the Plaid Bowl effect, what do I do, what other tricks do I do?
i secretly hacked against a pro player
I add, okay, I'm turning on. reach well, so reach, do it so that it can reach further. I'll be able to hit him from very far away. okay, I'm setting the scope to Max. Oh, I can make it this far Oh, auntie, hungry, okay, yeah, we will. I do against hunger so that he is not hungry. I can eat golden apples and run fast. I think that's it, bro, if I do too many tricks, he'll notice, bro, he'll actually notice. Okay, you're ready, I'm ready, okay? I bet we go abroad. I need more, I need more tricks, what else do I add in the aerial place?
Should I try the aerial spot? So here's something that can place blocks in the middle of the air, so I'm not going to do backtracking, so every time I do it. Crystal yeah I don't even get knockback oh crit is crit so I crit with every hit that's a good idea I think that's it bro this may all be too obvious okay come on yeah , the brother server is lagging, so if you see it. something weird the server has to be lagging oh it should actually I'm going to disconnect these two no, no, no, no, we don't need it, we don't need to stop the lag, okay, it's not really necessary.
I like where are you? you're up here no, I'm here bro, what you're not getting any pushback, what yes, I am, it's lagging, bro, yeah, the server is lagging, no, you're cheating, you're cheating, what are you doing? You will see all this delay, yes, but you are also cheating. What are you talking about? What are you actually talking about? We both died. You're cheating if you think I'm shooting, so let's have one last fight. Wait. I'm activating every trick ESP trackers name tags anything else chat what's good flight is a good idea wait speed oh brother best trick ever speed without guilt Crystal Aura okay brother I'm ready for the last fight.
Also, uh, I was hacking that last fight, but I'm not going to hack this time, okay, you want to do it, a loser has to meow, sure, okay bro, yeah, I'm ready, come on, what is this? No, no, you're hacking. again you're hacking again i have a speed potion bro someone has speed 20 like what is this bro? Yes, you can build up speed by shooting on the server. What are you doing? I'm trying to shoot you, okay? I'm going to win this. I need you to meow, okay, buddy, no, wait, bro, what's up, oh my god, bro, there's no way I'm losing, there's no way I'm losing, no, you're just bad, you're so bad, right? why are you camping? you're hacking no that's cool oh oh what is this bro i don't even know what's going on oh my god you suck you suck.
I had five movies left, you suck, oh my god, Jen, you're still laughing at me, you have to meow. Too bad you have to do like five meows now since you're hacking What is it? Those hacks don't even help. Okay, I'll meow, okay, here we go.

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