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Mar 30, 2024
Alright guys, welcome back to the Iron King Inc. YouTube channel behind me, the


production motor grader ever made by Caterpillar 24 hours. This is going to be a deal so I got this machine for one of my local clients. They already finished. So we're going to go ahead and completely dismantle it and rebuild all the components and have them ready to go for our other customers who are still using these machines. Well, the first thing that arrived was the large low bed that the elephant was on. the room I'm going to go to she doesn't have front tires they're right there we have the forklift warming up I think the goal is to untie the tires, tighten them with the forklift and center them here so we can go ahead and lift the front of the tractor up and out. from the trailer, so it'll be a deal, but we'll find out if it works and it works.
i saved the largest motorgrader in the world from the scrap yard
We'll have to check the inside of the cabin and see how many hours it is. in this probably a lot, look at the size of this big well, sir, okay, so let's find the battery compartment here, it's on this side of the machine. Skittle, up here, buddy, now you should be here, next door, right here, well, you. guys who leave disconnects on God, damn, God, people even disconnect the song, well, oh, you better check the oil, huh, yeah, hit it right there, no, that's Foreign Powertrain, it could be around here, no, it's right there next to it, oh, that's good, well, this one doesn't have a button well, the good thing about a 3412, at least the one on this grader, it won't start without oil pressure, so yeah, if it doesn't start, It's not good, let's go up to the cabin, it's like a two-story building.
i saved the largest motorgrader in the world from the scrap yard

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i saved the largest motorgrader in the world from the scrap yard...

The rooms are ready, she will leave, she left immediately, yes the foreigner did it, that was easy, she is quite aware, usually these teeth will wear down and that is how you can tell they are bad, they are thinking about pretty good shape. yeah, those are still very strange, yeah, look what I was telling you about the 16g, it's got two of those boxes that run them right there, okay, so sit down. The first step is ready, that's amazing, we have the forklift getting ready to go I think. our next step is to wait for Ken to trigger all of this we're going to lift this up I'm going to take the mole board I'm going to push this machine down and we're going to lift the front end up by doing that we're going to actively lower that right Kenny so you're going to get a solar chain as hard as we can, we can't take out the neck you're getting and then I'm going to lower it down to where we can upgrade the tires, okay, that sounds like a plan to me, well, we'll be right back.
i saved the largest motorgrader in the world from the scrap yard
I was trying to visualize how we're going to remove those tires and I was looking at the tires and the size of the tires. forks on our larger forklifts, yes, we better show you the forklift that is probably too big for us but too small for this job. A fairly large forklift and then put a little perspective on your tires. I hope we can pick them up on that forklift. I know I don't know. I don't think you'll get both. I think you'll have to throw one at a time. I think it's 50 50. 50 50. Let's take the elevator and do it, yeah.
i saved the largest motorgrader in the world from the scrap yard
I think we're good here okay with this, okay, we got a damn yeah, we can drop it and then take it off, yeah, that's what I'd do, yeah, Bam, Bam, bam, well that's not good, first problem , ratchet strap stuff, just listen to that. baby twin turbo thing that just sounds like America, okay you know how it sounds, a damn train sounds like a train island on the tracks, yeah actually you think it's probably similar. I hope they realize how cool this thing is. I understand it too. Furthermore, this thing was made by people who cared a lot.
It had yet to go through the assembly line in Peoria, Illinois, when they were putting this machine together. That's why it has 95,000 hours and still works. I want someone to show me a Komatsu or Hitachi. that's going to last a bad amount of hours and still come back to the belt problem. We have our ratchet trap removers. Here it is right here. There are a couple of pieces of the security lock. This lock here can't be unlocked, so let me go ahead and see if we can give ourselves some space, I got it, well, one at a time, yeah, just come in, oh, let's widen our forks, yeah, drive that one thing and we're going to cut below your level, your level, build it back up there. go, okay, come in, stop leaning forward, lean back, okay, you've got her good now.
We man yeah we try to lean back keep Anderson tight or your bushings are still good yeah these are so big they have a double cone seal tube wheel. The bearings and they have hub oil, okay, so the goal right now is to get the last tire off the trailer. Once we remove it, we will be good to lift the grader blade all the way up and disengage the collar. From the truck to work on this too, all the lights work, it's great, I hear an injector going in and out, okay, phase two, complete phase three, get that thing off the trailer, okay Casey, I'll get you up to the cabin, oh better. man, over here, hey, not yet, there's still one, we've got one more chain down here, okay, side scroll, yeah, side scroll, yeah, okay, pick up the right Blake, there you go, turn, hold that, Uh, could you go, the ladder is like hanging.
I could go and let's do a good job, take that, take that side up a little bit, okay, now you have to remove that more chain right there, buddy, yeah, wait, that's a big plate, huh? You can go all the way, okay again? It's good to push that tire down, I mean, I know it's roads, but hey, yeah, okay, push that blade down as hard as it can, I think it comes back up because you're leaning in that direction, maybe we'll push your mold. go ahead, that way, put some weight on that side of the tractor, see what I'm saying, get out, yeah, and that's okay, because if you get more weight here, you might feel better.
I don't know, okay, you go down there, okay, it's very easy, right? there you have it right there you and the hook right there he's off the ground too when I was when I'm in the trailer okay, but we'll chain it up so it can't move just metal on metal yeah, okay, honestly. I think it would be pretty difficult because you have the whole mole board, but it would be scary, so while Casey lowers the blade chain, we'll run to the store and get a three-quarter BB gun. and let's get ready to close those tires, not bad, what size are those guys?
Now it's an inch bigger, yeah, so what will I do? Everybody's going to get behind here and I'm going to rotate that axle, so when you bring the tire over here. I will be able to rotate it by hand and align it perfectly and then put the tire on while you drive the forklift. Yes, sir, okay, oh yes, chaining her. down, how's everything going like a glove?, oh, she's good, you're good, you're good, she ripped it off, turn that thing this way, you're okay, it's just sliding back there was a bug on my arm there was a mistake on my arm Sorry, yeah, you're okay, keep it there, okay, yeah, hey Phil, we're ready to go, okay, we're in phase three, okay, the next tires are on the ground.
Next thing we need to do, we're going to put those tires on that front. axle, hopefully get this off the trailer, okay, tires are ready to go. I wonder how strong this is, yeah, it's on three and I'm just holding it in my hand, she's going to work, guys, we're just doing this to get this out. the trailer and then we'll take it here to the store, okay, side scroll, okay, come in, wait, get in, yeah, you're okay, okay, you're going out, come on, so close, wow, so close, side scroll. back a little bit yeah, come in like a little bit more, yeah, right there you go, sand boy, okay, let's get some park, okay, now go down, but stop if it goes down, if it starts doing something weird, okay , you're fine there. we'll leave him alone there, he has to turn, this is the outside of this wheel, so he needs to come here with the sports and squeeze there and take him forward, girl's side, all the way to the right, okay , goes up.
Okay, don't move, go back, pick up, also, if there's anything else to the right, suck on your fork, yeah, move down a little bit, okay, there, okay, wait, it should be pretty safe, buddy, that's so impressive. I can't believe how strong he is. This is good, you can back out now that it's tight enough, I got it good, foreigner, okay, I'm going in, hey, he's good now, okay, get your board back out, this guy wanted to be in one of the videos, my old man. Right here we would have been at it for hours trying to figure out how to lift it and what did you say?
Oh, you said using the tip of the blade


us hours. Look at this, good job, perfect, so close, this is how you unload the




production grader right there, this is how it's done there, they have it, this is how you remove the


's largest production grader from the lowers the platform and at least takes it to the patio, okay guys, I hope you enjoyed this video. There's going to be a little bit more of this before we tear it down, let's say we're going to do some testing to see how strong it is, so check the hydraulic fluid tomorrow because the steel that likes that joint just runs out of any steam.
Oh, and the blade slippage. I thought that was everything that would no longer work. Well, there you have it. This is how the world's largest production motor grader is unloaded from a low platform. It was kind of a process, but we were. I'll be able to do it as usual if you enjoyed the video, leave a like if you have any questions about this or just what I do in general, throw it in the comments box and if you want to see more stuff like that, subscribe. to my channel because we have many more plans for that big bulldozer before they tear it down.
I'll see you next time

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