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Jun 02, 2021
that once you get on you can lower it haha ​​no, can you help me? No, never, okay, what class are we going to in the computer lab? Boring, okay, where should I go? Yes, I need to get off my skateboard so I can walk normally. I see you, stop, stop, help me stop right here, I found you finally, I found you yeah, oh you're stopped, the perfect place for you, yeah, don't come out, I'm closing the door, I'm closing it, that's all, you're locked up, yeah. you're going to escape this is what yes you'll stay there for the rest of the week yes I like it oh my god oh my god coffee coffee oh my god what are you doing coffee oh my god oh my god oh my god oh Oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God are you okay?
i run away from my teacher
Do you need a nurse? No, I feel better than ever oh my God, I feel like having a coffee. I love it oh no, stop it. sit and breathe, it's okay, everything will be fine, it will pass, breathing is boring, behave, or else, what, else, or what, yes, it's a secret, better not to know, goodbye, no, come back here, where did you go Oh, you're so bad. student window I know you can't you're such a bad student you're not here where are you where am I yes oh my God go back to school are you going to punish her miss no I'm not yes no I'm not okay wait I don't have more coffee, oh I can go to the club and now you're not going to the club, yeah, for the kids, oh my god, yeah, that's a cop, okay, hello, can I get drinks?, okay, please, no. .
i run away from my teacher

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i run away from my teacher...

I can't drink, can I get ten bottles of alcohol? No, you can't, okay, what time should I? No, you can't get anything, the waiter doesn't serve this kid, okay, this is the student, she's in first grade. I'm in high school and I'm 16 years old. Here you wish you weren't 16. Uh, yeah, I'm 16. Oh, you give me a headache, this is ridiculous. I'm back at school if it makes you feel better. I'm back at school. What class are you in? I'm just standing at the front door, okay, relax, it's time to go to class. Do you know where I am?
i run away from my teacher
Yes, thanks. Ah, I'm sweating here. I was running all day after you. What are you doing? You have to go to class. Alright? You have to go to class, okay, come later, okay, come, I'll show you this class you're going to, okay and no, you have to go, you can't start this here, no, yes, now foreigner, okay, let's see, what? do you like art? eh bye bye now yes okay let's go to Art and it's the cafeteria yes okay food food okay I'm in the cafeteria what happened what happened oh no wait okay I think he discovered me okay oh oh I found you you fooled me how did you fool me? this this is bad oh, I'll tell your mommy, yeah, I'll take it, tell her everything, okay, this isn't a deal, your pants look funny, okay, this isn't you, you're somewhere else, okay, okay, Where are you?
i run away from my teacher
Okay, you're not, I'm going to cheat. I'm at the gym, are you sure? Yes, I'm sure. Okay, I don't even know where the gym is at my own school. Wow, okay, okay, maybe here, yeah, that's the gym you're not here. in the hallway window no, what are you doing that's not you over there who is your this person here that's not you how could you not rescue me oh oh I got it ah someone hit me on the head okay, you must be outside why? Where are you? Why would I be? Yeah, I don't know why when I could be in the cafeteria.
Well, I don't think you're okay. I think so. I think I know what I am. You may be detained. He went to. you should be no I'm in the cafeteria eating having the time of my life yes are you sure yes I'm in the cafeteria why would I lie to you? I have no idea, but somehow it's very possible coffee shop, let's see, that's not you, yeah. oh you're outside, how did it go on this side? I see you, you're over there, okay, okay, you're fooling me for minutes or whatever, I don't know why you're using some kind of potion Magic potion No, no, okay, you're a really bad student, okay, you're not even going to one class a day, that's ridiculous.
I'm in the principal's office. Someone brought me to the principal's office because they thought I was super bad. You can help? How good you are. there, but I'm in the principal's office, can you help me, please, but I think you're not a mom, no, no child will put me here and I need me?, oh, ah, can you help me, please?, you're here Yes, come back here. go to detention that's all go to the girls' bathroom hiding here here don't get out of here it's not okay I'm going to call your man I'm going to get you out of there what's that I have them fishing okay okay, let's go to the tension, this is it everything, oh wow, where are you now miss?, oh yeah, back to the refrigerator, oh cookies, chocolate cake, no, what are you doing, don't eat that stuff, I just want lunch today, I'll eat it all. his lunch oh my god you're just a crazy student school ends in 10 minutes 20 minutes actually 20 minutes oh wow you haven't been to a single class today are you in the staff room?
No, miss, I'll tell your mom, okay? Okay, you better run home to your mom because if I get you ready it's 4 p.m. m., it ended well, ah, that's just ridiculous, oh yeah, I'm inside my apartment and I'm going to go to sleep because today I had a crazy day and this The


was crazy and it's okay to find out that the day is over, the crazy student left.

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