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I Replayed the Career of Harry Kane…

Apr 13, 2024
This is Harry Kane's trophy cabinet and yes, it is empty for a player as good as Harry Kane to have never lifted a trophy. It's sad actually and I kind of blame the Spurs for it. It's Tottenham's story, but today we're going to change that. Because I'm going to repeat Harry Kane's


from the beginning, which means that we turned him into a 16-year-old and returned him to his Boyhood Club Spurs, but we also gave him his overall FIFA 11 and his potential, which by the way . it was horrendous EA didn't rate hurri Kane back then as 58r with only 57 shots to be fair he was only 16 but our goal today is that over the next 15 seasons we see Harry Kane have an incredible


and reach a 99 overall, okay guys, let's not get ahead of ourselves, we have a young Harry Kane, although he starts at Spurs, but yeah, let's be real.
i replayed the career of harry kane
Kane is nowhere near Premier League quality at the moment in real life. Kane went out on loan, I think four different times. before I become St R Spurs and I think that's what we're going to have to do, put him on the loan list oh wow we already have a loan offer for Harry Kane, PSV, eggar glass harberg, and it's never I have done. I have heard about that football club and my knowledge of the ball is horrendous. I have no idea where they are from. Okay guys, let's Google it. Okay, the Austrian Bundesliga. I mean, isn't that the same league in which Erling Holland rose to prominence?
i replayed the career of harry kane

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i replayed the career of harry kane...

Maybe us. Get that right for Harry Kane as not many clubs would be interested in a 58 rated striker. Harry Kane moves from England to Austria. What kind of club did Harry Kane join? He just looks at his jersey, bro, his jersey literally has nine or 10 sponsors on it. brother this club is like a full club anyway guys we have Kia just for business we need to get him to grow overall asap because yeah if we want to help Kane win trophies he will fill his cabinet he will have to play in a big club, but I'm already worried if he's going to start here in Harburg or Kane has competition, this isn't going to be easy for him, I think we're going to need Harry Kane for sure.
i replayed the career of harry kane
In a development plan, Poja seems the best to take it from a 58 overall to a 99, even in 15 seasons, it's going to be ridiculous, but hey, that's the challenge we have, but it's not the only challenge, we have five further. challenges to try to complete with Hurri Kanane only then I think we would have had a successful career with him of course he is a striker it is all about scoring goals so we will see if Kane can get 400 goals in his career and also golden boots in three different leagues. Oh yeah this Austrian league would count if they can have a P here that would be amazing too so three Balon to do it now that's going to be tough but the biggest challenge for Kane who has had an empty trophy case Throughout his career, he has to be winning trophies, so we have the challenge of Kane winning 20 trophies.
i replayed the career of harry kane
I don't care if they are small or big trophies, we are going to fill Kane's trophy cabinet and also the final challenge is to win an international trophy with England. But first he needs to be selected for the English national team, first let's see if Kan is impressed in his only stint. Okay, so the first season is over and Har Hurri Kanane has gone up six ratings, it's fair to say the one term has been a bit of a success. Oh, and in terms of goals, it's not bad at all. 14 goals, it's a golden machine even though it's only the Austrian league, but of course there's no trophy for Harry Kane yet.
Something that things never change. Hopefully we can change that in the future. Seasons, second season and I've got Harry Kane back at the Spurs, but not for long he still knows when you're good enough to compete with Richison or even this released guy, you know what? Instead of going out on loan, although I think let's do something different, it's time for Kane to get out of the Spurs trap, maybe later we can come back, but for now I want to transfer this Harry Kane and see what would happen if he leaves Spurs , maybe that will get me a few more trophies, but who's going to come? 17 year old Harry Kane that's the question kuraku maruk guys what is it?
It's like the name of a Pokémon. This surely can't be a real Club vavar SP karag Muk. What am I seeing? Ok guys, apparently this is a Turkish Super League club, oh but look at this, it's one of the worst clubs in the division, we can't send Kane there now, at least we'll wait for a club whose name I can at least read It looks like the Turkish League. He really wants Harry Kane, but we're not going there now. This is much more interesting. Ram United and an English club. I think this could be solid for Kane's development now.
I don't know if they are a good team or not, but stay. In England it could be the move, although it's already done guys, Kane left the Spurs and is behind Ram United. I really hope we made the right decision. Oh wow, Ro is playing in the championship so it's not that bad, it's a really solid level for Kan. playing he will get game time look at the number of Strikers here Kane will have to perform well, we have reached the end of the season and I like Harry Kan's total up to a 70, but what am I seeing Harry?
Kane has been closer to relegation than winning a trophy so far, to be fair, although he carried this shirt on his back 21 goals so far for the challenges, we have only progressed towards the goals with a total of 35 in his career and yes . solid progress towards 99 in general, but yeah, about the trophies and everything, the truth is that I don't think we can even think about them until we get Kan to have a decent general and a great Club, so I think that for a few seasons. just keep him here in Rotham and grow his overall as much as possible.
Okay, we're done with season 3 and I feel bad for Harry. Kane, the brother, is closer to relegation than winning a trophy, but at least this overall thing is completely shooting up. I don't know how because we had given him his overall FIFA 11 and his potential and that was only 74, he already surpassed it and I didn't expect this. I mean, yeah, look at those stats, they look a lot better. Kane is ready for the big move and I mean he has been carrying this team on his back 25 goals, let's finally rush Kane in a decent club, okay guys, before Kane comes down here in Rim, let's get him out, we'll put him on the list of transfers, he is 78 years old. qualified so I hope he makes a big move hopefully a club where he can start winning trophies because we need him oh we're starting with Leicester City and if I'm not mistaken Harry Kane has played for Leicester City in real life for a short period, but wait, this would just be a lateral transfer because Leester are in the Championship.
No, we will be patient to receive a better offer. Well, I don't think Burnley is the best offer I was hoping for. In the championship it is also good, we received a transfer offer from St Breo. Are they even in the French league? If they are in the French league, I think we should consider it, but I don't think they are. No, they are a second division club. And that doesn't make sense, we are already 20 days into this trans window, guys, time is running out, we need a good offer for Harry Kane, okay guys, patience has paid off because we have an offer from Ajax, this is literally perfect.
Ajax is a club. who has developed so many young strikers and I think Kane can start winning some trophies in a few years at Ajax too, bro, that would be huge for his career. This is easily the best decision I think we have made for Harry Kane's career if Kane can't win trophies in aax he isn't winning trophies anywhere. We are spending the season to see what rush Kane can make now at a big club and while we wait, I want to show you something: the 1 million gold game that Buton just arrived. Honestly guys this has been my dream and you made it happen so thank you so much we hit 1 million subscribers a while ago but YouTube takes a long time to ship this but look at it this is literally my Balon. door and it is thanks to you that we have made it possible, so thank you, but that's it guys, we won't stop here.
The goal is to get 2 million subscribers. It may take us a year, 2 years, who knows, but we will get there. If you guys keep subscribing to the channel, so yeah, subscribe. Harry Kane didn't really have the best seasons here, he only went up one overall and only 13 goals we finally put him in a big club and he kind of fumbled, bro. I can't, even at Ajax, rush, Kanane couldn't win a trophy. This is incredible, at least the police, no, they didn't even win. I really feel like Harry Kane is a curse, but you know, he's only 20 years old. let's give it time in aax.
I think the trophies are coming here by the way guys, here's a progress update on Kane's challenges. As for that, we're at 73. I think he's doing well, but man, we haven't done anything else, not even a Golden. Start in the lower leagues, hopefully that will change next season. Well, we've reached the end of season five and Kane has only moved up a couple of ratings. I think his potential is slowing down, but at least this season he scored 17 times, but is that enough to win him a trophy? Not by one point. That's so hard. I feel like Kane is just a cursed man.
Five Seasons, we haven't won a single trophy with him and we need 20. I don't know how we're doing. To do that wait a minute guys although Kane hasn't been doing much lately I think he was picked for the euros and yes it's 2028 which means the euros go to the W when England topped the group and France finished last , not in any way. The Euro Cup will be Kane's first trophy today and there is nothing wrong with Croatia knocking them out. However, Kane really scored and I think he was their starting striker. That's good news for the next World Cup.
Kane will be there. The real question now after the OS is do we keep Kane at Ajax because he's not really winning any trophies here and he's not growing as much as we expected? Do you know what I still believe in Ajax? This is where Kane can win his first trophy and we will surely give him another chance at Kane's third. season in aax he can win the league, come on, I can't believe this. I can not believe this. Kan is damned oh, he gets even worse. aax he lost the cup final. I have no words, man K is doing well individually 85 rating 18 va this season but he just can't win a trophy to save his life, okay wait a minute guys, aax has reached the final of the Europa League, no way this could be it, okay guys I'm going into this with expectations zedo, like there's no way Kane wins.
This, but let's wait and see what happens. Oh wow, they did it. Kane didn't score, but Ax won. Yo Kan takes over the TR trophy, his first professional trophy. It's taken six years, but we've done it suddenly. Kan joining AA now is paying off, it's still a shame we couldn't win the EC edition, but I think now that he won the Europa League here it's time to maybe make a transfer somewhere else because he has a rating of 85, I think it can start to come together. Bigger clubs are fine, season 7, Kan has been put on the transfer list and you know what I'm going to expect for a transfer which makes a lot of sense because I want Kane to join a club where he can stay for a couple of seasons .
Maybe for three seasons and I think we have that offer from Bayern Munich like in real life. I didn't expect them to come for him, but this makes a lot of sense. I know in real life Kane joined and they. We're probably not going to win the Bundesliga, but let's change that it just had to be Kane, boy, from B Munich, but boys, if Kane can't win trophies here, oh boy, we've got a big problem. Look at the team Hurricane plays for. the best teammates, he has had no excuses, he needs to score goals, take a look at the challenges, Kane has 109 goals, a trophy, all that must change now, let's see if Kane can finally win a league title and yes, he will does.
The Bundesliga is assured, that's trophy number two for Kane, oh, but there's still room for improvement. They lost the German Cup and the Champions League is now a tournament Kane can win, but they were eliminated in the quarterfinals. Look, Kane took home 30 golds this season. was so close to winning the Golden Boot remember we needed to win three golden boots in three different leagues ah this would have been one but it's okay we'll stay here in B for a while next season it might be the only one okay , wait it's 2030 that means it's time for the World Cup and Kane is now better than ever, he has 87 points and England topped their group, come on Kane, a World Cup would be crazy but Argentina knocked them out, ah, we're running out of a weak SP.
We will probably have another Euro Cup, another World Cup, but that's it. I don't know if we can get the international Kanan trophy. It's going to be difficult, look he scored four goals in four games in the World Cup, that's crazy, but. At least Kane has recovered this season, he has a total of 90, another solid season with 28 goals and that is enough to win him another title of theBundesliga, that's three trophies now for Kane and there's more, the German Super Cup, that's four, would you believe it? Kane is playing in his first Champions League final to see what Kane can do in his first Champions League final.
He gets the job done, he didn't score, but that's perfectly fine because he'll take the trophy home, that's Kane's fifth trophy. The question we have now is time to transition Kane and move somewhere else. We've been here at B for a while, but I'm looking at our challenges. 171 goals. We need a great season in terms of goals. Trophies. It looks good, but also. We need to win a Golden Boot in the Bundesliga if we want to complete that challenge so I think we should stay and we have Kane staying at B for a past season ok wait a minute the Balon just played what did Kane want ?
I think winning the Champions League with Bayern is enough to get Harry Kane. first bonus I'm glad we stayed at Bayern Munich to receive this good, wait a minute after winning the Bonus, why did this Bayern team just collapse fifth in the Bundesliga and L in the final of the Super Cup Germany? um, what's going on, but surprisingly I've reached the final of the Champions League. I do not understand this. I mean, we'll definitely take another Champions League for Hurri Kanane and there you have it, this time he scored, that's Kan's sixth career trophy. Oh, and also look at the statistics, hurry up.
Kane cooked up 48 goals, it's outrageous and yes that means he won the Golden Boot, but I can't believe someone else also scored 34. Kan's progress and challenges now look great, we have that Golden Boot in the Bundesliga. and I think now is the time for Kane to maybe return to the Premier League, okay, before we see where Kane is going, we have the OS, but this time things have not gone well for England, for which they did not even qualify. the Knockouts no way guys Kane blanked on the OS, he'll probably get one more chance at the next World Cup anyway guys, the OS has passed us by, it's time for Kane to potentially return to the Premier League, We're going to put him on the transfer list, but you know, I have an idea to win some trophies with Har Kane, look at that guys, we have the UEFA Super Cup, let's do the Kane transfer after the Super Cup, brother, this is Big Brain plays and me.
I hope it works, if not we'll look like idiots, come on Brother Kane. Kane is just H. Hopefully in his next club we can see Kane win many more trophies. Oh, first we got an offer from Baria Dortmund, but why would he? We move sideways, like I want to see a Premier League club, Chelsea, Man United, something like that and we have Man United. I ordered them and that's exactly what we have. I don't know if Man United will be any good at winning trophies, but you know what we're going to take and would you believe it, we'll send Kane back to the Premier League, but not to Spurs, to Manchester United.
I'm pretty sure this was rumored to be a transfer in real life but I never did, oh Kane is going to play in a really good team, Rasmus Highland alongside him in the Premier League, now Kan needs to work on his challenges , we have to start earning more trophies, golden boots and even Balon talks about the appearance of Balon's door. who won it isn't Kan, it's Liverpool's Ponch Kim, who, um, who is he? He doesn't look South Korean. I think he is hman from Sean's region. um, fair enough, I guess I should have known this was going to happen.
Manchester City is still, by far, the best. team in the league for K to win trophies at Man United, it's going to be difficult as there is no FA Cup or Cbal Cup either, and Kane's former club Bayern Munich made it to the Champions League final. I, Man United, wasn't even here. at least G had a decent season individually with a total of 94 goals in total, 29 goals, but hey, at least Kane won the Premier League Golden Boot, that will help with the challenges. Well, we're getting through next season. I hope Kane has adapted. now and he can do better, that's more like him guys, Kane is a Premier League winner, something Spurs couldn't help him do and that's his seventh trophy so far, it's eight because Kane won the Caral cup beating the Arsenal, I'm sure they would.
I loved that but there will be no Champions League again for Kane because his former club knocked him out, okay but Kane is getting into crazy territory with his 95 overall rating and another decent season scoring 26 times, too guys, It's 2034k, the last chance, I think. international trophy I can't they just got knocked out in the round of 16 winning a trophy with England it's just not for Kane oh he didn't even score in the tournament that's sad but it holds up even after having a terrible world. Cup, looks like we're in a hurry. Kan has a pretty good number overall and is picking up the second Batton from him, not the way you want to earn it, but we'll accept it, now we're at the end of season 12 and Kane.
He has again achieved a season of more than 30 goals, I will tell you one thing, he has been consistent in achieving similar numbers like this, it just shows how good he is, but what we need are the trophies and Kane has won the community shield, ah, but there is no Premier League this season for three points or even an FA Cup nor is there a carabel cup oh in my time, but Manchester United have reached the final of the Champions League. This could be huge for Kane. Can he really win her? Although yes, he didn't score.
Last time Kane hasn't scored a single big goal, it feels like this video, but hey, this season he has led G to 300 more goals, 10 trophies closer than ever to a 99 overall, but I think so We want to get the remaining trophies, it's time. We join a club that is known for winning trophies. Well guys, we are putting Kane on the transfer list and this could be the final transfer for him and I want to wait for maybe a club like Real Madrid or Barcelona to come for him. That's where I think he can earn the trophies to complete the challenge.
Well, first transfer offer and it's not from Madrid, it's from Monaco. That would be a fun life for Ken with the yachts and all, but we want Madrid or the Liverpool bar to have come in. with an offer I don't think this is the move oh we have an offer from Arsenal no we can't do that we can't betray Spurs even though Kane hasn't gone there in this video but now he just makes sense to do a transfer in case we receive an offer from Barcelona Madrid, otherwise I think we have to stay at Manchester United.
We are receiving offers from all Premier League clubs. I think in this case it might be better to stay at Manchester United. United because look, it's the transfer deadline there and I don't think any club is going to come for Harry Kane that late. I guess we'll stay at Man United for one more season, at least staying at Man United has its advantages and that's it. win another Balon goal for Kan. I'm pretty sure he's number three, so that's one challenge solved. Well, I think it worked out pretty well that we stayed at Man United because it's another top league and Kan's eleventh trophy is his twelfth because he's.
He won the UEFA Super Cup and also Man United are in another Champions League final. I think we were very foolish to try to leave Man United here, we are winning all the trophies unless Kan drowns out this final, which he didn't do. He scores, although he doesn't score in the big games, but still the trophy is in the bag. Oh and look he's a 97 overall, so close to having a 99 rating, plus he scored 33 times, things are working out well, let's not look for that. The transfer from Madrid or Barcelona will stay at Manchester United, but before that it is Euro 2036 K's last chance to win something for his country.
Yes, football is not coming home. England was eliminated again, don't tell me. Kane was left goalless again. Oh, days for three consecutive international tournaments. Kane hasn't scored goals, but at club level at least, Kane continues to win trophies, number 14 with the Super Cup, number 15 with the Community Shield, number 16 with another Premier League title and it could be 17 if Kane can win another Champions League, come on Kane. Let's get the number 17 and they did it on penalties. Kane scored the penalty from him. Did he score during the game? No, he didn't. Actually he literally failed to throw bottles in every final, but it's still trophies number 17.
Oh, and this season too. We have achieved it with a total of 98 and he scored 41 goals. Alright guys, now for the last season, we have decisions to make if we want to complete the Golden Boot challenge in different leagues, we are going to have to transfer this baton and move somewhere else, but then I am not sure if we will win three more trophies and we'll also move him somewhere else and if he doesn't get the 21 goals he needs, he could fail the goal challenge and it's also difficult, well guys, I've done it. We have a really smart plan: we will keep Harry Kane at Man United until we play the UEFA Super Cup and the Community Shield and see if he can win this and yes, there you have it, that's trophy number 18 and that's another trophy for win the Super. cup which puts Kane at 19 trophies now I am more confident in putting him on the transfer list but I know it is very difficult to get a transfer offer for a 98 grade player but we will see what happens oh wow we have an A offer The Spurs and I would love to send Kane to the Spurs, but guys who won't help us with the Golden Boot challenge of the different leagues, we are going to have to move to a different league, another one outside of Bayern Munich, but now we were there.
For a different club guys, once again we are on deadline day and I don't think Kane will be able to get another transfer. We will have to continue with Man United. Okay, guys. A decision was made. Kane stays at Man United. We are getting over last season and hopefully we can complete the remaining challenges and that's it guys, another Premier League title in Kane's last season, at least we have completed the trophy goal, we couldn't win the Champions League but it's good. We have Kane 20 trophies, we filled his C trophy and yes, in fact, we took him to a 99 overall, that is the challenge, he also completed 28 goals and yes, that is enough to get him over 400 goals in his career. the six challenges, we only failed. international trophy one but which I blame England for and also the Golden Boot in different leagues, we just didn't get offers from other clubs but I think overall we did a great job filling the Harry Kane trophy and this run was definitely better than the one he took in real life Now, if you enjoyed this video, why not watch me interpret the career of another Englishman, Jude Bellingham?
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