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I Pretended to be a NOOB, Then Used a HELICOPTER in a DUSTY TRIP!

May 30, 2024
If you say so, oh, it doesn't even have gasoline, wait. Guys, I want to try it, we should order some gas, okay, let's order some gas, so yeah, yeah, yeah, guys, we have to try this fan. I think it's going to work. Imagine if we connected a fan to the


. even faster will be great, let me go ahead and order some gas, here we go and guys, wait, it's getting awfully dark again. I don't like this, this is really bad, yes, but I put some headlights on it. so we should be fine and we're going to put these headlights on the


i pretended to be a noob then used a helicopter in a dusty trip
Oh, that's actually a really good idea anyway, our gas should be arriving soon and oh, there's our gas, there's our gas, but um um guys, wait, hopefully, he doesn't mess with the. helicopter oh god guys I think it's hail wait what hail oh yeah there's like a bunch of little cubes falling from the sky that's a little weird but anyway it's time to grab this fin hold on let me go bring it here, okay, but you should be careful, we should get in as soon as possible, wait, why do you think the hail is going to hurt?
i pretended to be a noob then used a helicopter in a dusty trip

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i pretended to be a noob then used a helicopter in a dusty trip...

Yes, it's like ice but shaped like balls. It's okay, it's okay. I guess we can go in. I'm just going to relax. Here, ooh, there's a flashlight here so we can have lights. Well, I'm here and we should be safe from the hail. I think it's okay, wait, wait, we're so close to 5,000m. I can't wait to see what happens. There, how much longer do we have to wait in this hail storm? um, it's going to take a while, but why don't we do something fun? Okay, like what to play, tag, tag your Ruby, oh wait, there's a soccer ball here we can play. soccer, oh that's not a soccer ball, it's a tire, what if we play dodgeball? look, this is a bowling ball here Dodge this, I guess dodging bowling B is pretty dangerous, well what are we supposed to do while we wait for time to pass?
i pretended to be a noob then used a helicopter in a dusty trip
Oh, what if we call it fear? stories and scary stories, um, that could be fun, are you sure that's a good idea? Although it's very dark and scary right now, wait, isn't that the perfect time for scary stories? Once upon a time there was a boy who was in a hail storm and oh oh Cam is already leaving oh wait that sounds like us and he was in the hail storm for so long he turned into a piece of ha how does he become anyone in a piece of hail? Although it's not that scary. have something better, wait, you do it, okay, wait, wait Ruby, let me shine the flashlight at you, let's hear what your story is, why can I raise the flashlight?
i pretended to be a noob then used a helicopter in a dusty trip
I already have it, I'll write it down for you, there you go, you have the center of attention, okay? no, that's shining in the toilet I'm not a toilet no, it's shining at you no, it's not yes, once upon a time there was a person and his name was Dash who wait, that's my name, that's the same name as me oh this person is already in school and had a cool helicopter ooh oo wait wait for me and this guy actually has a lot of things in common wow yeah what a coincidence right yeah yeah it's a big coincidence that the helicopter was haunted and why that gave him he would give it to his best friends and wait wait what was the haunted helicopter wait why would he give it to his best friends


he wouldn't want his best friends to have to deal with a haunted helicopter if he did that and


his best friends friends would never be seen with the helicopter ever again what the hell is wrong oh god what do you think of my story? uh, that was pretty good, uh, um, that was a decent story, wait, are you sure that was a story that sounds very similar to?
What's going on here? What are you talking about? Everything there is a work of fiction. Oh, um, okay, wait a minute, guys, can I have a scary story too? Can someone shine the light on me? Yes, I have you, I have you. I've got you, I've got you, okay, wait, I'll stay here in the spotlight, here we go, let's go, let's go, so once upon a time there was a player who played Dusty Trip with his friends and his friends. They were really seasoned pros at the game, you could say, and, uh, they left him, abandoned him in the starting area without a car, watch out, what was that?
What the hell is that a plane crash? I think a plane just crashed into us. this is part of his scary story um yeah yeah yeah this is part of my scary story next um a plane crashed into his shack oh god wait guys I think Halo is finished. I think we should get back to the helicopter, yes, this is it. Dangerous, I think it's going to explode, oh God, okay, wait a minute, where's the fan? I want to bring the fan, oh it's over here, okay guys, we have some fuel, time to test the fan.
Okay, well, take the fuel that's there. here, come on, come on, come on, okay, wait, let me orient the fan correctly so the fuel doesn't leak out, here we go, but wait before we give it fuel, we should probably put it somewhere on the helicopter, ooh, we should. attach it to the back so we can push P the helicopter forward and go even faster oh yeah, good idea camera I don't think that's a good idea What if this breaks the helicopter? No, no, it will be fine. Steal the helicopter soon, what are they really planning to steal the helicopter after the scary stories?
That's wrong, but here guys, let's fill this fan with some fuel, are you filling it? Yes, filling it, let's see how. well, it works ooh, okay, let's put this to the test. It seems we have all the gas. Should I press the button now? Yes, try hard. Come on and wa. I pressed the button and um, it's fine so far. It's not really doing anything so far it's just draining the fuel guys I think we need to start the helicopter we need to try this oh my gosh we just need to break everything down we just need to let it do what it wants okay um.
Do you want C to press the fan button or something? I already pressed it Ruby, it's already on and it's fine, now let me fly the helicopter and it's fine, wait, is the fan on? Is the fan still on? Yeah, fans on, come on, okay, that means. now we should go faster wao I feel like it's already going faster that's so amazing and um wait guys wait we're getting close to 5,000 m is this the place you wanted to show me in wa wait it gets more dangerous from here on Here's a big river, yeah, yeah, now, uh, now you should let me drive, yeah, this part is really very dangerous, if you touch that river, you die and, well, okay, well, I trust you, I guess you can drive the helicopter to this part. you guys are more experienced in this game and wait let me jump in real quick.
I want to check if the fin looks good, yeah, oh wait, I forgot to close the gas tank, okay, I'm coming. I'm leaving and, oh, wait, are you ready to go? Should I turn the fan on or should I turn it off? Wait, we're moving this towards the bridge. Yes, wait what I have to wait for you. Who? who wait, wait, wait, looks like you got the wa, wait guys, wait for me, wait for me, I wasn't on the helicopter, some, finally, the helicopter is ours, oh wait, we'll come back for you later, Dash, come on, we have the. helicopter and wait wait wait what was that really just a big plant to steal my helicopter are you kidding me ooh wait what is this building this is so nice this is like a vacation come on we took it what the hell oh my god that was actually ruined Up, I need to steal my helicopter again, but wait, how am I supposed to cross this river?
And wait a minute. I think I know what this is. I'm pretty sure what I need to do is fill this generator here with some fuel. and then if I move this, I should bring this little rowboat that I have to the other side of the river. Wait, I need to go get some fuel. We asked that they leave us the fuel supply here for a few hundred million. I think I can go look for it. some fuel from that, I don't think we put it all inside the helicopter, come on, I'm almost there, I think I see some fuel tanks here, is this a fuel tank right here?
Oh no, there's a diesel tank, come on. We probably left some fuel tanks and went with fuel. Well, perfect, this one is full. Yes that's fine. I have to take this, but oh god, my hunger is still very low. I have to go back, hopefully. Cam and Ruby stopped a helicopter, like this. facing the river, otherwise there is no chance. I'm surviving. I'm almost there. I see the generator. My hunger is super low, although I have to hurry. Come on, come on, let me stop here and yeah, okay. I did it now, let me start filling this with gas, let's go and I'm pretty sure that as soon as I fill it up, I can turn it on and drive this little rig across the river, oh God, I wish this works, I wish this.
There's enough fuel to get across, but okay, there we go, that's all my fuel, 6.9L, let me go ahead and just close the tank and that's okay, time to go, oh God, we're leaving, we're leaving, oh no, the fuel is draining. quick okay well there's no turning back now it better work oh my god this is really scary the fuel is running out really fast and we're about 30% wide although I think we'll make it oh Yes, we still have it. a lot more gas, come on, I just have to keep going, okay, now I'm just hoping that Cam and Ruby park a helicopter at a nearby stop here, let me walk over and wait a minute, the helicopter is right there.
There it is, it looks like Cam and Ruby stopped there, this building over here, okay, I just have to run and get my helicopter before they do. Ah, now that we lost Dash, we can finally play the game normally, yeah, I just found some chocolate. bar and okay, perfect, it looks like Cam and Ruby are right inside the building. Little do they know I'm outside about to steal the helicopter and it has a lot of fuel and stuff. Oh yes, I'll be able to drive. this thing so far even has a lot of food these are chocolate bars oh yeah come on let me get back on my helicopter and okay I have to start the engine I hope this isn't too loud and warn you that I am stealing, come on, come on, engine warm up, come on, come on, wait, what's that sound?
Oh god wait I think another plane crashed or something no that sounds like our plane wait Dash that's you hey camera I stole the helicopter. then, what not, our helicopter, let's go. I can't believe I actually stole a bag. How did you manage to cross that river? Oh, um, don't worry, oh no, that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video, then. click the video on the screen right now

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